Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Well, TwoBi, its quite obvious you really don't understand or appreciate the spreading of "risk". And I really have no time, now, to dive into trying to educate you on it. I'll try to explain my side this weekend when I have more time.

As far as Obama, again, part of the PPACA was to allow lower paid employee participate in the expanded states Medicaid plans. The Democrat run states did it and are quite happy with it; over half of the "then" Republican states have since joined the expanded Medicaid and they, to, are quite happy with the expansion of Medicaid as well. It was federally subsidized initially, but many Republican states missed out "thinking" that they could make Obamacare fail without providing a better option. Employees earning incomes in mid-$20s up got some form/amount of subsidy until AGAIN Republicans took that away to drive UP the cost to the insureds to get them to NOT enroll. The Obamacare plan had several strategies to make health insurance affordable and keep costs down; the Republicans purpose was NOT to provide a better/affordable healthcare plan, it was to make Obamacare fail at all costs ... strictly a political move to make one party look better than another AT THE EXPENSE of millions of uninsurable people. Republicans are still fucking with Obamacare without offering an alternative. So, I have absolutely no pity on the Republicans or the voters who support their one and only strategy ... to eliminate taxation. Believe what you wish, but your frustrations are mainly your party's own fault.
Well, TwoBi, its quite obvious you really don't understand or appreciate the spreading of "risk". And I really have no time, now, to dive into trying to educate you on it. I'll try to explain my side this weekend when I have more time.

As far as Obama, again, part of the PPACA was to allow lower paid employee participate in the expanded states Medicaid plans. The Democrat run states did it and are quite happy with it; over half of the "then" Republican states have since joined the expanded Medicaid and they, to, are quite happy with the expansion of Medicaid as well. It was federally subsidized initially, but many Republican states missed out "thinking" that they could make Obamacare fail without providing a better option. Employees earning incomes in mid-$20s up got some form/amount of subsidy until AGAIN Republicans took that away to drive UP the cost to the insureds to get them to NOT enroll. The Obamacare plan had several strategies to make health insurance affordable and keep costs down; the Republicans purpose was NOT to provide a better/affordable healthcare plan, it was to make Obamacare fail at all costs ... strictly a political move to make one party look better than another AT THE EXPENSE of millions of uninsurable people. Republicans are still fucking with Obamacare without offering an alternative. So, I have absolutely no pity on the Republicans or the voters who support their one and only strategy ... to eliminate taxation. Believe what you wish, but your frustrations are mainly your party's own fault.
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like talking to a pet rock
I think this would fall under that strange but true category but couldn't find it...….

funny when king was running for re-election trump supported him......and then asked about him trump knew nothing...kind of like Sgt> Shultz on Hogan's heros…..and now that trump is running for re-election ….really trying to distance himself from king.....Mmmm they both have the same view points on racism...and both republicans.....

Trump administration bars Steve King from Air ******* One ...
New York Post
19 hours ago · Iowa Republican Rep. Steve King, who was stripped of his committee assignments for his pro-white nationalist statements earlier this year, was reportedly barred from Air ******* One.
Never said I don't support the right, in fact, I have said several times I support more conservative views when it comes to Economics. I have also repeated I don't like/support Trump but like and support some of his some of his policies. But that is too hard for some simple minded people to distinguish the difference. Some might argue that health care is a social issue, but it's not. Health Care is a BILLION dollar a year INDUSTRY called "Insurance". I would much rather give my dollar directly to the doctor instead of some vulture capitalist/opportunist who lobbied the government to require health care insurance be purchased. (you know, did all those things the left is supposedly against and thinks is evil)

Just wanted to clear that up ONCE MORE.

pretty hard for you to clear up anything with you standing in that republican ******* up to your nose...…..suppose that is why most decent things smell bad to you.....and you just can't seem to clear anything up

So he promises to cure cancer IF elected - how about you cure it even if your not elected????? Nope he would rather hold it over peoples heads.

Translation: "I am going to raise taxes and dump more tax money into research making big pharma even bigger and medical centers millionaires."

If you want to cure cancer you have to de-fund it. as long as research is a money making business - there will never be a cure.
Just another dangling carrot to sway votes. If he has the power to cure it then he should have done it while VP!
Health Care is a BILLION dollar a year INDUSTRY called "Insurance".
Just as you don't understand ANYTHING about pricing and risk management regarding insurance, you don't even understand the difference between healthcare and insurance. I imagine if you have the same level of knowledge about everything else as you do those two topics, its no wonder why you have such a piss poor attitude and miserable disposition.
I've said this many times, insurance companies have no influence on the pricing of services by hospitals and doctors. Please record those words and then "loop" play them at your bedside as you go to sleep.
Since you have so much time on this website, it might pay dividends to you to attend some seminars on those topics. You'll find that the two are not associated with each other in the least. Or at least google the terms and ask google to explain what the difference in the two ARE. I'm not meaning to be a smartass here, but its like discussing CUCKOLD when the people discussing it all have a different understanding of what one IS.
Make sense? I imagine IF we were able to make both those industries "non-profit", you'd get more benefit from that results rather than faulting the insurance companies. Also, IF we had TRUE capitalism, we'd benefit by the encouragement of competition, unfortunately, it appears WE are returning to the days of huge monopolies ... consumers don't win when that happens.
I've said this many times, insurance companies have no influence on the pricing of services by hospitals and doctors.
Please point out were I said it did?? Reading comprehension again Mac - you are making assumptions. No where did I say insurance influences pricing of doctors or hospitals. You are simply trying to nit pick arguments to make yourself look smart. Instead you look like a fool that can't comprehend what you read. I simply pointed out the two are both making money hand over fist. Next You are going to try to tell me Insurance companies aren't making money ? Go ahead and tell yourself you don't work for a vulture capitalist. Try to keep up OK?

Also, IF we had TRUE capitalism, we'd benefit by the encouragement of competition, unfortunately, it appears WE are returning to the days of huge monopolies ... consumers don't win when that happens.

You do realize the left supports monopolies. The left feels the government should control and regulate everything, there is no competition when that happens. I suggest you study what a socialistic society does to corporations. That is why small businesses can't survive, the left makes sure they get chocked out by over regulations. But to be fair, they take payouts by the larger corporations to do so. Ever wonder why all the small local businesses close up after WalMart moves in?

So he promises to cure cancer IF elected - how about you cure it even if your not elected????? Nope he would rather hold it over peoples heads.

Translation: "I am going to raise taxes and dump more tax money into research making big pharma even bigger and medical centers millionaires."

If you want to cure cancer you have to de-fund it. as long as research is a money making business - there will never be a cure.
Just another dangling carrot to sway votes. If he has the power to cure it then he should have done it while VP!

always looking at the glass as half empty
Redirecting the conv again I see - It's not a comparison. If Biden can cure cancer he should do it now, why do it only if he is elected? Doesn't sound like he has the people in his best interest now does it?

you ever think maybe he was referring to putting more money in research.....instead of trying to imply he is some phony magician
TwoBi, here's EXACTLY what you said ......

Health Care is a BILLION dollar a year INDUSTRY called "Insurance".
Health Care is an industry in and of itself. The fact that you capitalize the first letters of the words tells everyone what you mean.
Both the Healthcare and the Insurance industries have board of directors who push for the profits through CEO bonuses. No doubt, just like the financial industry, etc they all charge more for their services than they should, and its at the expense of those who use their services. My health care insurance is no less than anyone else's simply because I work in that field, but it is most definitely Republicans who have created the current dysfunctions and high costs associated with ACA and other health care benefits. I'm not going to argue that with you; believe what you wish. I refuse to go through the many obstructions/roadblocks that the Republicans tossed out to intentionally make ACA a failure.

If you're simply wanting catastrophic health benefits contact the companies like Aflac, Allstate Worksite, SunLife, Unum, ect ... that is the stuff those company's peddle.

What really is interesting, however, is how emboldened the Republicans have come in announcing their devious obstruction plans ... now the alt-president isn't shy at all about verbally announcing just yesterday that he'd consider "colluding" with a foreign government to get trash on his 2020 opponent. Trump simply feels he's above the law and he can not be stopped now.
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Health Care is an industry in and of itself. The fact that you capitalize the first letters of the words tells everyone what you mean.

No, you made it mean what you wanted it to mean simply to nit pick - you got nothing else. "Health Care" is a broad general term. Again, no where did I specify that Insurance has influence on hospital and doctor pricing. It would help you a lot if you ask clarification instead of just assumptions and putting words into peoples keyboard.

Trump simply feels he's above the law and he can not be stopped now.
I've no doubt of that - but so does every other politician. Again, who is the last to be held accountable since Nixon? Just a bunch of committees that amount to nada. Our government is broken and its not "just the Republicans" fault. It's a shame that more people cant see that.
the man who would be king....hasn't won a second term yet...although seems pretty confident Russia will put him back in

Trump Wonders If Supporters Would 'Demand' He 'Stay Longer ...
13 hours ago · Trump Wonders If Supporters Would 'Demand' He 'Stay Longer' Than 2 Terms. ... President Donald Trump has again mused about the prospect of staying in office beyond two terms ― the limit imposed by the Constitution. ... Trump then claimed that shortly after a second term for him would end ― which would be on Jan. 20, 2025 ― both outlets ...

Donald Trump supporters might demand three terms, says ...
Jun 16, 2019 · Could Donald Trump’s supporters demand three terms for the president? Mr. Trump himself seems to think so. In one of his morning tweets, the president seems to suggest that his supporters might demand a third term for him at the end of his–yet to happen–second term. We all know that Trump has some very loyal […]
this from a guy who thinks people will want him for 3 terms?

Trump Fires Pollsters After Internal Polls Show Him Losing ...
Crooks and Liars
17 hours ago · So he fired them. Donald Trump’s re-election campaign is cutting ties with some of its own pollsters after leaked internal polling showed the president trailing former Vice President Joe Biden in critical 2020 battleground states, according to a person close to the campaign.

Trump Campaign Fires Pollsters Over 'Fake Numbers'
President Trump's re-election campaign is saying sayonara to some of its own pollsters after their bad-news data leaked in recent days, NBC News reports. Trump denied this week that such polls ...

Trump Campaign to Purge Pollsters After Leak of Dismal ...
Jun 16, 2019 · WASHINGTON — President Trump’s campaign has decided to purge some of its pollsters after a leak of dismal internal polls for the president that he denied existed. Just two days before the ...
Mmmmm does trump work in Russia......well of course he follows the lead of his brother

Ivan Golunov case: Moscow protest sees hundreds held ...
Jun 12, 2019 · Media playback is unsupported on your device Media captionPolice in riot gear clashed with protestersHundreds of people have been detained at a Moscow rally demanding punishment for police who detained an anti-corruption journalist.Officers in riot gear clashed with protesters during the unauthorised march in support of Ivan Golunov. Among those detained at the rally were…
The main issue, which is terrifying the British public and actually pushing people away from living in an independent Britain, is the fear of a trade deal with the USA. The reason for this is the fear that Trump sees our National Health Service as a juicy fruit that could be picked by US medical insurance companies. We love our NHS - it is literally one of the greatest things about Britain.
And why a great country like the USA can't see the attractiveness of a health service that is free at the point of delivery is beyond me.
I can walk into an emergency room with a broken arm and walk out a few hours later, having been x-rayed and put in a cast. If necessary, the hospitals will give me a bed for however long I need one. They will feed me, give me access to whatever help and advice I need if I have issues that need sorting outside hospital. The cost, zero. The staff are committed and caring, the experience 100% positive.
And yet, NO, you guys refuse to pay, in case your money goes to help someone else. I don't get it, are you not one country? All in it together?
What is the problem with paying taxes that will benefit the WHOLE of society?
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