Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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talk about Russian "bots".....apparently you have been a trump lover long before he was fucking America....when the majority of the country thought he was a joke....turns out the joke is on america

MAGA....my ass got arrested
Wages on the Rise first Time in 10 Years... Unemployment all time low... Fixing problems that neither Bush or Osama had the guts to tackle... You must live in DC or Obama's ass (same thing)... or Jessie smolette's maga country Chicago...lol
Wages on the Rise first Time in 10 Years... Unemployment all time low... Fixing problems that neither Bush or Osama had the guts to tackle... You must live in DC or Obama's ass (same thing)... or Jessie smolette's maga country Chicago...lol
wages on the rise......can you read....or do you read anything except what comes out of trumps ass?
wages are NOT keeping up with inflation....try reading or checking the facts before you just start shoveling more of trumps *******....the rest of us know better!

unemployement has been going down for almost 10 years now.....people have to work two jobs just to survive....and if you take the time to look and get your head out of YOUR ass...you would see a lot of the middle class right now is living off their credit card....sooner or later under trumps changes to that law...we are going to have to bail out the banks again when people can't pay that credit card bill

can you name one problem he has fixed?...I doubt it...because again you have no idea what you are talking about just buying more of trumps *******.... you are so full of *******!

Chart of the Day: Blue-Collar Wages Are Down Under Trump ...
Over the past 40 years, under both Democrats and Republicans, blue-collar earnings have gone up just a bit more than half a percent per year while the incomes of the rich have skyrocketed.

Trump's claims about American workers debunked, in 4 ...
Sep 24, 2018 · Adjusted for inflation however, real wages have actually gone up more slowly during Trump than they did under Obama. The idea that the state of America's workers has improved under Trump is not true.

Minimum Wage Would Be $21.72 If It Kept Pace With ...
Even if the minimum wage kept up with inflation since it peaked in real value in the late 1960s, low-wage workers should be earning a minimum of $10.52 an hour, according to the study. Between the end of World War II and the late 1960s, productivity and wages grew steadily.

The average debt per American household is on the rise
Oct 30, 2017 · If we consider this response to be representative of all American adults, that means nearly 196 million Americans have a credit card. Divide the total American household credit card debt ($784 billion) by the number of cardholders (196 million), and we find that the average debt per cardholder stands at roughly $4,000.
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subhub 174014 changed My Mind.. I support abortion Now..

you are a good example of why some animals eat their young....they know they will never be able to fend for themselves!...and once old enough to be on their own won't survive!
people like you need a crutch....and are to stupid to realize trump is selling you a bunch of *******...but then you are hungry....
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Damn...AG Barr sure doing a lot of back peddling here in the last couple of days now....hasn't thrown trump under the bus yet...but using very carefully chosen words now

and did say that the FBI did not commit treason...only he didn't elaborate on that either
Are you kidding me????

Ocasio-Cortez: Guaranteed Housing Comes Before A Person’s ‘Privilege To Earn A Profit’

Socialist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) demanded at a town hall event in the Bronx on Thursday that everybody be given "access" to guaranteed homes before anyone is allowed the "privilege to earn a profit."

I didn't know earning a profit was a privilege.
Are you kidding me????

Ocasio-Cortez: Guaranteed Housing Comes Before A Person’s ‘Privilege To Earn A Profit’

Socialist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) demanded at a town hall event in the Bronx on Thursday that everybody be given "access" to guaranteed homes before anyone is allowed the "privilege to earn a profit."

I didn't know earning a profit was a privilege.

Is there a point in all your hysteria?

but I can feel your pain......I didn't like the idea of her teaming up with cruz to end former congressmen from becoming lobbyist….totally unfair....former gov officials have to make a living also
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China threatens corporate hit list on eve of new tariffs on US imports
Beijing’s “unreliable entities list” would apply to those who violate market rules and the spirit of contracts, block supplies to Chinese companies for non-commercial reasons", the ministry said.

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Beijing: China threatened on Friday to unveil an unprecedented hit list of “unreliable” foreign firms, groups and individuals that harm the interests of Chinese companies, as a slate of retaliatory tariffs on imported US goods was set to kick in at midnight.

The commerce ministry did not single out any country or company, but the threat could further heighten tensions after Washington this month put Huawei on a blacklist that effectively blocks US firms from doing business with the Chin ..

Beijing’s “unreliable entities list” would apply to those who violate market rules and the spirit of contracts, block supplies to Chinese companies for non-commercial reasons, “seriously damage the legitimate rights and interests” of Chinese companies and harm China’s national security, the ministry said.

A deluge of sharply worded commentaries, criticism and warnings from China in the last two weeks has intensified a battle of words with the United States that could complicate the run- ..
Earlier this month, Washington slapped additional tariffs of up to 25% on $200 billion of Chinese goods, accusing Beijing of reneging on its previous promises to make structural changes to its economic practices. That prompted Beijing to hit back with additional levies on the majority of US imports on a $60 billion target list — due to take effect on Saturday.

US President Donald Trump has said he plans to meet his counterpart, Xi Jinping, during the G20 summit, set for June28-29 in Osa ..

Xi and Trump are likely to find it “difficult” to make major progress towards ending the trade war, a former top Chinese official said.

The US approach to trade talks had been “bullying and America First”, whereas the principles of China’s approach to negotiations were equality and cooperation, said Dai Xianglong, who headed the People’s Bank of China from 1995-2002 and remains an influential figure in China.

“I expect that at next month’s meeting of the leaders in Japan it wil ..

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cover-up......obstruction.....Nah.....just another day in Trump world

Transcript of John Dowd's voicemail to Michael Flynn ...
Jun 01, 2019 · Dowd resigned as Trump’s lead counsel for the Mueller investigation in March 2018. The 448-page Mueller report, released last month with redactions, hints at the voicemail as part of a possible effort by Trump’s team to influence Flynn, who assisted Trump’s 2016 campaign and briefly served as national security adviser in 2017.
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Absolutely nuts.
but continually gets away with it.....republicans just let it go....and his followers don't believe anything said because he told them not to...only what he tells them.....blind obedience!

although I think as the election gets closer and closer you will see more republicans trying to distance themselves from him....seeing a little of that now

the one I see and like seeing on the hot seat in Lindsay graham......he has gone out of his way to cover for trump and do his bidding…...he has a challenger in his home state that is pointing all that out....hope the people in that state listen to the challenger
anyone see where we are going to spend 125billion over the next 5 years to "counter-act" Chinese influence in the Tiawan straights.....does that mean we are going to build an "island" there like China did?

Russia just openly takes what it wants around the world and trump letting them...….but China has been quietly using it's military to influence countries in it's region...what's funny is Viet Nam doing the most crying foul and asking for our help......yet they have a wall over there similar to out Viet Nam wall naming all the people slaughtered by americans! They openly hate us and want us gone......but like all the US biz we have there Levi's for one....and yet also want our military to protect them...I can see helping Tiawan we buy a lot of their cheap ******* for wal mart....and heaven only knows how we need to help wal mart...like they don't get enough....but there are other countries in the region also
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what people don't think about....just how much trump is fucking the country with his tariffs.....naturally they will raise the prices to compensate for the higher tariffs......but then good old American greed will kick in......after the tariffs do you really believe that they will lower the price?
NO...add that to inflation!
Your "source"?

"We have to make sure that housing is being legislated as a human right," Ocasio-Cortez arrogantly stated. "What does that mean? What it means is that our access and our ability and our guarantee to having a home comes before someone else’s privilege to earn a profit."

Making a profit is not a privilege, It's the results of doing work. Just more word play from the government. I don't mind that she wants to provide housing for low income, no problem with that at all - but don't call making a profit a "privilege". Also, it's not a right to be giving a home, THAT would be a privilege.

How about she give up her new plush condo, you know the one with a scary garbage disposal. I'm sure she could fit a couple families in there.
that's fake news!

Making a profit is not a privilege

why wouldn't it be?....a lot of people work and never get anywhere...so getting more than usual is "special?' and could be called a privilege…..

It's the results of doing work
and how many families have both people working and some working 2 jobs and just getting by....working their ass off just to get by is what the right wants isn't it?

I don't mind that she wants to provide housing for low income, no problem with that at all
well I would hope so...aren't we still supplying wall street with money that they just use for corp raise!

but don't call making a profit a "privilege

again I would have to say it is because with all the people working and how many making a profit or seeing returns on all that hard work...just bills paid and back to work....where as most of the right just expects a profit...that's a privilage

your hate for the left and love for trump is slipping through again....better go take a tds pill
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