Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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The main issue, which is terrifying the British public and actually pushing people away from living in an independent Britain, is the fear of a trade deal with the USA. The reason for this is the fear that Trump sees our National Health Service as a juicy fruit that could be picked by US medical insurance companies. We love our NHS - it is literally one of the greatest things about Britain.
And why a great country like the USA can't see the attractiveness of a health service that is free at the point of delivery is beyond me.
I can walk into an emergency room with a broken arm and walk out a few hours later, having been x-rayed and put in a cast. If necessary, the hospitals will give me a bed for however long I need one. They will feed me, give me access to whatever help and advice I need if I have issues that need sorting outside hospital. The cost, zero. The staff are committed and caring, the experience 100% positive.
And yet, NO, you guys refuse to pay, in case your money goes to help someone else. I don't get it, are you not one country? All in it together?
What is the problem with paying taxes that will benefit the WHOLE of society?

the answer to that is very simple...it is called greed...the right wants to take what they can from the needy so the rich have that much more...........in this country it has turned into a "what can you do for me".....fuck everyone else.....and it is leading to our own destruction....but people really think we are to big to fall apart.....the right can just keep on taking until there is nothing left...and this is America it is the way things are done....health care and education are at least 2 things that should be everyone's right....but they rob money from education all the way down to school *******.....and then they have to have another country send in people to do the high tech jobs because our ******* are not educated..........India just asked to double the amount of workers sent in here to work.....and from a country that had NO education system until we went over and created one..built schools sent teachers all of that.....all the while state and local governments cut spending on education here so the rich won't have to pay more in taxes

and as for health care....our ******* companies charge outlandish prices here...yet the same ******* can be bought in Canada or mexico for a third of the price.....typical good example of corruption.....Bush passed into law stating that the Gov can not negotiate prices on ******* used for the military and etc..must pay what ******* companies want..........Hospitals now are all run like a corp and the share holders demand big bucks in return...unlike years ago when a hospital was just happy to break even..insurance companies making a killing off the public with no controls what so ever....all just greed!
How 800,000 H-1B Workers Came to the U.S.

Here’s where it starts: Employers say there’s a lack of tech professionals who have the skills they need to compete in today’s increasingly technology-driven global markets. They can’t find computer systems analysts, programmers and software applications engineers, especially with advanced degrees. Without these skills, they contend, they’re at a disadvantage. But by hiring professionals from other countries, who are more than willing to bring their talents to the United States, they can solve the problem.

But American tech workers don’t buy it. The motivations behind the corporate push are all about suppressing wages, they charge. Plenty of experienced native-born professionals are available to do the work, right now, especially if Corporate America would spend the money to train them. Guest workers do the same work for less money, they argue. And, they contend, the claim that visa holders provide the only solution gives companies an easy justification for easing out higher-paid tech veterans.

While each side has valid arguments to make, too often the debate isn’t so much a discussion as a screaming match. So let’s look at the realities, without the emotion.

India asks US for more work visas - The Economic Times
Dec 15, 2008 · India asks US for more work visas The Indian government has asked the US to increase the number of work visas (H1-B and L1) and ensure that there be no legislation to prevent companies from applying for such visas.

the wealthy can afford to educate their *******....while everyone else I guess is just expected to go without and be a garbage person...or have a college bill hanging over their head for the rest of their life
I paid every cent of my college education myself by working three jobs - paid off all the high interest loans I had to take out as well. Nobody seems to want to work for what they want today.

You lefties are moving soooooo far left - everything for free - college - health care - money even if ya don’t wanna work - trying to buy elections with other peoples money - soooooo Obvious and looking more and more like the commies you really ARE!!!!!
I paid every cent of my college education myself by working three jobs - paid off all the high interest loans I had to take out as well. Nobody seems to want to work for what they want today.

You lefties are moving soooooo far left - everything for free - college - health care - money even if ya don’t wanna work - trying to buy elections with other peoples money - soooooo Obvious and looking more and more like the commies you really ARE!!!!!

you mean you are educated and still can't think for yourself or form any kind of sentence to defend your man...other than "you lefties"

yeah...and just what was the cost of that education 30 years ago when you got it....my ******* just graduated and I have been paying a healthy chunk while he went....he owes right now for 5 years of college....$58,000.00....I am going to take that over...so he can at least get married and buy a house....that's more than some gave for their house!
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How much college tuition has increased from 1988 to 2018
Nov 29, 2017 · Thirty years later, that average has risen to $9,970 for the 2017-2018 school year. That's a 213 percent increase. The difference is stark at private schools as well.

How The Cost Of College Went From Affordable To Sky-High
Mar 18, 2014 · How The Cost Of College Went From Affordable To Sky-High. In Arizona, for example, parents have seen a 77 percent increase in costs. In Georgia, it's 75 percent, and in Washington state, 70 percent. Even in Oklahoma, where tuition increases have been among the lowest in the nation, parents are dismayed.
The cost of education sky-rocketed when the government got involved. Government involvement didn't make collage more affordable, it simply made the Deans and collages richer.
The Real Reasons Why College Tuition is So High and What ...


  • Baby boomers were once able to pay for college with money they made from summer jobs. And for many middle-class families that had students starting college more than 30 years ago, parents were able to step in and help their ******* pay for college.Over the next few decades, public funding for higher education was massacred. These ever-increasing cuts ****** colleges and universities to raise tuition more each, which in turn ****** millennials to take on crushing educational loans, and we all kno...
See more on thescholarshipsystem.com

and who keeps cutting those funds?....to pay for? tax cuts for the rich!

education suffers in most states because of cuts...here they had "X" amount of dollars for education....they passed a gambling law and lotto tickets to help with education.....but when that money went in they quit putting in what they originally did and used the money for?????
you mean you are educated and still can't think for yourself or form any kind of sentence to defend your man...other than "you lefties"

yeah...and just what was the cost of that education 30 years ago when you got it....my ******* just graduated and I have been paying a healthy chunk while he went....he owes right now for 5 years of college....$58,000.00....I am going to take that over...so he can at least get married and buy a house....that's more than some gave for their house!

Costs are all relative - when I went it cost a fortune to me - I had a 1963 Jaguar XKE I bought as a recovered theft which I restored and loved - would have it today if not for my college tuition - had to sell it for my senior year - but back then people knew how to make sacrifices and not whine so other people would have to pay their freight!!!!!
Costs are all relative - when I went it cost a fortune to me - I had a 1963 Jaguar XKE I bought as a recovered theft which I restored and loved - would have it today if not for my college tuition - had to sell it for my senior year - but back then people knew how to make sacrifices and not whine so other people would have to pay their freight!!!!!

if you are looking for sympathy it is some where between ******* and syphilis in the dictionary

there must be some kind of gov program you can get into that covers college grad who have lost their ability to think and reason
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Never thought I’d see the day so-called Americans would turn so commie - thank Christ the left has gone crazy - cause most Americans sure as ******* don’t think like you and 2020 is going to prove that - wonder what your next excuse will be then.
Never thought I’d see the day so-called Americans would turn so commie - thank Christ the left has gone crazy - cause most Americans sure as ******* don’t think like you and 2020 is going to prove that - wonder what your next excuse will be then.
neither did I....and here you are supporting one

Donald Trump's Many, Many, Many, Many Ties to Russia
Several had direct ties to Russian financial interests in ways that have raised eyebrows. What’s more, several of Trump’s senior advisors have business ties to Russia or its satellite politicians.
Candi CdeBaca: I don’t believe that our current economic system actually works. Capitalism by design is extractive and in order to generate profit in a capitalist system something has to be exploited. That’s land, labor or resources. And I think that we’re in late phase capitalism and we know it doesn’t work and we’ve got to move into something new. And I believe in community ownership of land, labor and resources and distribution of those resources. And so whatever that morphs into I think will serve community the best. And I’m excited to usher it in BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY.

When former Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper — a Democrat — said "socialism is not the answer" at the California Democrats' state convention, he was booed, KDVR reported.


This doesn’t mean he’s a spy, but neither is it a flip accusation. Russia attacked our country in 2016. It is attacking us today. Its attacks will intensify in 2020. Yet each time we try to raise our defenses to repel the attack, McConnell, the Senate majority leader, blocks us from defending ourselves.
Let’s call this what it is: unpatriotic. The Kentucky Republican is, arguably more than any other American, doing Russian President Vladimir Putin’s bidding.
Robert Mueller sat before Congress this week warning that the Russia threat “deserves the attention of every American.” He said “the Russian government’s efforts to interfere in our election is among the most serious” challenges to American democracy he has ever seen. “They are doing it as we sit here, and they expect to do it during the next campaign,” he warned, adding that “much more needs to be done in order to protect against these intrusions, not just by the Russians but others as well.”
Not three hours after Mueller finished testifying, Mark Warner (D-Va.), vice chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, went to the Senate floor to request unanimous consent to pass legislation requiring presidential campaigns to report to the FBI any offers of assistance from agents of foreign governments.
Sen. Cindy Hyde-Smith (R-Miss.) was there to represent her leader’s interests. “I object,” she said.
Former special counsel Robert S. Mueller III said authorities “need to move quickly to address” Russian interference in U.S. elections. (The Washington Post)
Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) attempted to move a bill that would require campaigns to report to the FBI contributions by foreign nationals.
“I object,” said Hyde-Smith.
Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) tried to ******* action on bipartisan legislation, written with Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) and supported by Sens. Mike Rounds (R-S.D.) and Bill Cassidy (R-La.), protecting lawmakers from foreign cyberattacks. “The majority leader, our colleague from Kentucky, must stop blocking this common-sense legislation and allow this body to better defend itself against foreign hackers,” he said.
“I object,” repeated Hyde-Smith.
The next day, Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.), the minority leader, asked for the Senate to pass the Securing America’s Federal Elections Act, already passed by the House, that would direct $600 million in election assistance to states and require backup paper ballots.
McConnell himself responded this time, reading from a statement, his chin melting into his chest, his trademark thin smile on his lips. “It’s just a highly partisan bill from the same folks who spent two years hyping up a conspiracy theory about President Trump and Russia,” he said. “Therefore, I object.” McConnell also objected to another attempt by Blumenthal to pass his bill.
Pleaded Schumer: “I would suggest to my friend the majority leader: If he doesn’t like this bill, let’s put another bill on the floor and debate it.”
But McConnell has blocked all such attempts, including:
A bipartisan bill requiring Facebook, Google and other Internet companies to disclose purchasers of political ads, to identify foreign influence.
A bipartisan bill to ease cooperation between state election officials and federal intelligence agencies.
A bipartisan bill imposing sanctions on any entity that attacks a U.S. election.
A bipartisan bill with severe new sanctions on Russia for its cybercrimes.
McConnell has prevented them all from being considered — over and over again. This is the same McConnell who, in the summer of 2016, when briefed by the CIA along with other congressional leaders on Russia’s electoral attacks, questioned the validity of the intelligence and ****** a watering down of a warning letter to state officials about the threat, omitting any mention of Russia.
No amount of alarms sounded by U.S. authorities — even Republicans, even Trump appointees — moves McConnell.
On Tuesday, FBI Director Christopher Wray — Trump’s FBI director — told the Senate Judiciary Committee that the Russians “haven’t been deterred enough” and are “absolutely intent on trying to interfere with our elections.”
This year, National Intelligence Director Daniel Coats — Trump’s intelligence director — told the Senate Intelligence Committee that “foreign actors will view the 2020 U.S. elections as an opportunity to advance their interests. We expect them to refine their capabilities and add new tactics.”
And on Thursday, the Senate Intelligence Committee released a bipartisan report finding that “Russian activities demand renewed attention to vulnerabilities in U.S. voting infrastructure.”
The committee concluded that “urgent steps” are needed “to replace outdated and vulnerable voting systems.” (The $380 million offered since 2016 is a pittance compared with the need.) “Despite the expense, cybersecurity needs to become a higher priority for election-related infrastructure,” the report concluded.
But one man blocks it all — while offering no alternative of his own.
Presumably he thinks whatever influence Russia exerts over U.S. elections will benefit him (he’s up for reelection in 2020) and his party.
“Shame on him,” Schumer said on the Senate floor this week.
But McConnell has no shame. He is aiding and abetting Putin’s dismantling of Americans’ self-governance. A leader who won’t protect our country from attack is no patriot.

Ok it’s time for America to take action and buy American make Shoes and Jeans. American made cell phones. And yes American made Cars and Trucks not just those with American Names

Levi and Nike maybe American Companies with their Head Quarters in the Us however the Production is else where

How many Americans can look down at their feet and see Red Wing, Aldens. White or any other American Made Foot Wear. Yes the stuff is expensive however it provides American Workers with good paying jobs and they can be resolves which provides even more good paying jobs.

I can as I have five pairs of Red Wing boots and shoes and two pairs of Alden’s which have all been re soled a few times

Do this companies have high paid sports stars selling there goods. No
Never thought I’d see the day so-called Americans would turn so commie - thank Christ the left has gone crazy - cause most Americans sure as ******* don’t think like you and 2020 is going to prove that - wonder what your next excuse will be then.
Most of the movements in the United States are Communist. And who do you think funds them? All the way back to the civil rights movement.
First of the communist idea did not happen until the early 1900s. However I can see your point. Those darn Christian’s and their crazy idea of helping your neighbours, be kind to strangers stuff, all men being equal.
Most of the movements in the United States are Communist. And who do you think funds them? All the way back to the civil rights movement.

Those christians and their liberal ideas
Like WE THE PEOPLE just does not sound right.
Freedom of association
Freedom of apeach
Freedom of religion
The right to a trial by judge and jury

Just a slipper slope to everyone being equeal
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