Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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How about she give up her new plush condo,
logo_TheDAILYWire.jpg..... not the least surprised. Nothing like a unbiased news source, is there?
Here's what the revue says about the Daily Wire ....
The Daily Wire is an American conservative news and opinion website founded in 2015 by political commentator Ben Shapiro. He currently serves as editor-in-chief , [3] [4] Michael Knowles is managing editor, and Jeremy Boreing is Chief Operating Officer.​

Yet posting news from the NY Times, or Washington Post, or NewsWeek is "fake news"?
There's a really nice conservative write-up on Trump; I'm surprised you didn't just post that one as well.
I'm following the Democratic candidates fairly close, trying to learn more about them. I hadn't heard that on casio-Cortez. I figured it had to be some rightwing news source writing about it.
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View attachment 2634958..... not the least surprised. Nothing like a unbiased news source, is there?
Here's what the revue says about the Daily Wire ....
The Daily Wire is an American conservative news and opinion website founded in 2015 by political commentator Ben Shapiro. He currently serves as editor-in-chief , [3] [4] Michael Knowles is managing editor, and Jeremy Boreing is Chief Operating Officer.​

Yet posting news from the NY Times, or Washington Post, or NewsWeek is "fake news"?
There's a really nice conservative write-up on Trump; I'm surprised you didn't just post that one as well.
I'm following the Democratic candidates fairly close, trying to learn more about them. I hadn't heard that on casio-Cortez. I figured it had to be some rightwing news source writing about it.

So if the left wing news media doesn't report it, it;s not true - got it.
So if the left wing news media doesn't report it, it;s not true - got it.
No, again you ignore my POINT ... the news source YOU USED specifically promotes itself as a right-wing news source. What do you expect to come out of that news source but news which is negative (and even created). If that news on Cortez was TRUE, more than a couple right-wing news sources would have picked it up. There would be video clips of her saying just that, etc. That was MY POINT!
In our next election in 2020, ALL OF US are going to have to dig deeper for the TRUTH as many news medias of both sides WILL BE creating fake news on purpose. Regardless of which side each of us are on, we need to get the TRUTH and the FACTS in the news we accept.
No, again you ignore my POINT ... the news source YOU USED specifically promotes itself as a right-wing news source. What do you expect to come out of that news source but news which is negative (and even created). If that news on Cortez was TRUE, more than a couple right-wing news sources would have picked it up. There would be video clips of her saying just that, etc. That was MY POINT!
In our next election in 2020, ALL OF US are going to have to dig deeper for the TRUTH as many news medias of both sides WILL BE creating fake news on purpose. Regardless of which side each of us are on, we need to get the TRUTH and the FACTS in the news we accept.

If she said it (and frankly, sounds like something she would say) I'm sure it will come up again on a broader scale.
No, again you ignore my POINT ... the news source YOU USED specifically promotes itself as a right-wing news source. What do you expect to come out of that news source but news which is negative (and even created). If that news on Cortez was TRUE, more than a couple right-wing news sources would have picked it up. There would be video clips of her saying just that, etc. That was MY POINT!
In our next election in 2020, ALL OF US are going to have to dig deeper for the TRUTH as many news medias of both sides WILL BE creating fake news on purpose. Regardless of which side each of us are on, we need to get the TRUTH and the FACTS in the news we accept.

it would be nice to have the laws France has on political truthfulness......of course trump would have been in jail before he was ever the nominee.....fox news wouldn't...matter of fact it doesn't exist there....but here money talks and bullshit and lies is the game of the day...lifetime here

look at what trumps people did of a vid of Pelosi....trying to make her look *******
Yeah from your perspective I can see there should only be new sources totally dedicated to the left wing agenda - o - wait a minute - there IS - only Fox reports in a less than TOTALLY biased manner - let’s remove them lest the masses get a different view than that what is constantly streaming from the MSM -
which is the Democrat party narrative and talking points - how dare Fox not agree with all that drivel - REALLY.
Yeah from your perspective I can see there should only be new sources totally dedicated to the left wing agenda - o - wait a minute - there IS - only Fox reports in a less than TOTALLY biased manner - let’s remove them lest the masses get a different view than that what is constantly streaming from the MSM -
which is the Democrat party narrative and talking points - how dare Fox not agree with all that drivel - REALLY.
Fox is about as biased as you can get....some of what they put out is flat lies...no other "news agency" does that...but I can understand your support for them..being a chump lover

you keep bringing up msm….I don't think they are that popular...haven't checked their ratings compared to others but I have never watched them...get most of my stuff from CBS and I don't think they are biased...and Yahoo!
I watch a lot of CNN and MSNBC - for over 2 years they pushed the false narrative of Trump having colluded with Russia - NONSTOP. Trotted out every expert - had massive panels and for over 2 years pushed pushed pushed that Trump was guilty of EVERYTHING. The other MSM pretty much pushed the same lefty talking points and narrative. Fox News was essentially the ONLY station reporting facts that did not flow with the left’s talking points and showed another side. Why you lefties can’t stand them - you really wanna end free speech and only have your side represented which it IS - by almost every other new service. No wonder you think the way you do - lemmings following the pack falling off the cliff appears to me.
It is odd. Fox News, mostly opinion shows, with a bit of hard news, and V L A D I M I R P U T I N have proven more accurate nthan teh New York Times and CNN.

Based on things that have actually happened, as opposed to their opinion panels, who are still hard at work not reporting news, but spewing opinion attempting the sway the American people.

Fox hard news reporters, Brit Hume et al, are actually pretty negative towards Trump. Their opinion shows are clearly labeled as opinion. CNN, to compare and contrast, reports hard news, mixed in with opinion, and then has panels to further add opinion. And does not differentiate, or clearly state the difference.
Never said I don't support the right, in fact, I have said several times I support more conservative views when it comes to Economics. I have also repeated I don't like/support Trump but like and support some of his some of his policies. But that is too hard for some simple minded people to distinguish the difference. Some might argue that health care is a social issue, but it's not. Health Care is a BILLION dollar a year INDUSTRY called "Insurance". I would much rather give my dollar directly to the doctor instead of some vulture capitalist/opportunist who lobbied the government to require health care insurance be purchased. (you know, did all those things the left is supposedly against and thinks is evil)

Just wanted to clear that up ONCE MORE.
wellllll....it seems Adolph only has a 21% approval rating in the UK....wonder why.....

and it seems that some of the republicans are finally going to get some balls.....they want to limit the pres tariff ability...like mexico…….Australia has already said when he tariffs them it will break relations with the US!
but then what does Adolph care p u t I n wants him to destroy our relationship with our allies...and he is doing it a little at a time
Senators Hope To ******* Vote On Saudi Arms Deal

Well, it seems the Donald doesn't even need Congress in foreign policy making, or his Republican congressional buddies to help pull off an arms deal with Saudi Arabia, as he's still denying Saudis had anything to do with Jamal Khashjoggi's ******* or that gross human rights violations are going on. Nawwwww, Trump learned about the Emergency Declaration from Fox News and just pulls that from his pocket whenever he desires something new these days. So far, Republicans mostly sit on the sidelines and watch this violation going on and say NOTHING. The DO NOTHING Republicans continue to confirm their title.

Senators Hope To ******* Vote On Saudi Arms Deal

Well, it seems the Donald doesn't even need Congress in foreign policy making, or his Republican congressional buddies to help pull off an arms deal with Saudi Arabia, as he's still denying Saudis had anything to do with Jamal Khashjoggi's ******* or that gross human rights violations are going on. Nawwwww, Trump learned about the Emergency Declaration from Fox News and just pulls that from his pocket whenever he desires something new these days. So far, Republicans mostly sit on the sidelines and watch this violation going on and say NOTHING. The DO NOTHING Republicans continue to confirm their title.

It would seem we have a new iran Countra brewing here....but the right will just let that slide like everything else
Nah......nothing wrong there...…...sop (standard operating procedure) for this administration...under any other president something would be said.....but under trump....doesn't even catch anyone's eye

Chao created special path for McConnell’s favored projects ...
Jun 10, 2019 · The Transportation Department under Secretary Elaine Chao designated a special liaison to help with grant applications and other priorities from her husband Mitch McConnell’s state of Kentucky, paving the way for grants totaling at least $78 million for favored projects as McConnell prepared to campaign for reelection. Chao’s aide Todd Inman, who stated in an…

Chao Created Special Path for McConnell Projects
Jun 10, 2019 · “The Transportation Department under Secretary Elaine Chao designated a special liaison to help with grant applications and other priorities from her husband Mitch McConnell’s state of Kentucky, paving the way for grants totaling at least $78 million for favored projects as McConnell

McConnell’s Wife Gave Him a Special Reelection Present ...
Vanity Fair
7 hours ago · Beginning in April 2017, Inman and Chao met annually with a delegation from Owensboro, Ky., a river port with long connections to McConnell, including a plaza named in …
Nah......nothing wrong there...…...sop (standard operating procedure) for this administration...under any other president something would be said.....but under trump....doesn't even catch anyone's eye

Chao created special path for McConnell’s favored projects ...
Jun 10, 2019 · The Transportation Department under Secretary Elaine Chao designated a special liaison to help with grant applications and other priorities from her husband Mitch McConnell’s state of Kentucky, paving the way for grants totaling at least $78 million for favored projects as McConnell prepared to campaign for reelection. Chao’s aide Todd Inman, who stated in an…

Chao Created Special Path for McConnell Projects
Jun 10, 2019 · “The Transportation Department under Secretary Elaine Chao designated a special liaison to help with grant applications and other priorities from her husband Mitch McConnell’s state of Kentucky, paving the way for grants totaling at least $78 million for favored projects as McConnell

McConnell’s Wife Gave Him a Special Reelection Present ...
Vanity Fair
7 hours ago · Beginning in April 2017, Inman and Chao met annually with a delegation from Owensboro, Ky., a river port with long connections to McConnell, including a plaza named in …
and with this background you would think with the high republican standards she would know better

From 1996 until her appointment as Secretary of Labor, Chao was a Distinguished Fellow with The Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank in Washington, D.C.

Mmmm isn't that 2bi's version of a political party?
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God I hope this takes off in a BIG way. Mac isn't going to like it because it circumvents his job, but THAT'S THE POINT!
See, what you're not getting here, TwoBi, is that the RISK of injury & sickness is still there. Its like squeezing a balloon (insurance), you squeeze the balloon and the air in the balloon just relocates inside the balloon. All it does is shift the market; I deal with the insurance, not the injury or sickness. So, you obviously have no idea exactly what I do. My primary job is to recruit and help the agents find and provide for the RISK.
Also, keep in mind, there's only so many services a primary care doctor can provide ... either he'll have to medically qualify to make more extensive services to his patients, OR send the patient to someone with those particular services he doesn't provide. It makes no difference, the costs associated with all the various medical services will still require people to obtain insurance to cover excess risks.
There's nothing NEW here other than THIS confuses the buyers/patients even more than they are confused NOW. My job responsibilities might change a bit, but the ultimate responsibilities won't ... recruiting agents/producers and training them to approach that new market.
I'm not a producer (salesman), I'm a marketing manager. It'll just result in my training my producers to go to TwoBiFour's little, teensy wincy business and provide a new form of insurance which you'll still eend up paying for. Heck, maybe this new SHIFT will result in my getting a BIG RAISE.
Regardless, all said, I'm sure the likes of YOU and other piss & moaning right-tards, conservative drones will WISH ME the very best, RIGHT?
See, what you're not getting here, TwoBi, is that the RISK of injury & sickness is still there. Its like squeezing a balloon (insurance), you squeeze the balloon and the air in the balloon just relocates inside the balloon. All it does is shift the market; I deal with the insurance, not the injury or sickness. So, you obviously have no idea exactly what I do. My primary job is to recruit and help the agents find and provide for the RISK.
Also, keep in mind, there's only so many services a primary care doctor can provide ... either he'll have to medically qualify to make more extensive services to his patients, OR send the patient to someone with those particular services he doesn't provide. It makes no difference, the costs associated with all the various medical services will still require people to obtain insurance to cover excess risks.
There's nothing NEW here other than THIS confuses the buyers/patients even more than they are confused NOW. My job responsibilities might change a bit, but the ultimate responsibilities won't ... recruiting agents/producers and training them to approach that new market.
I'm not a producer (salesman), I'm a marketing manager. It'll just result in my training my producers to go to TwoBiFour's little, teensy wincy business and provide a new form of insurance which you'll still eend up paying for. Heck, maybe this new SHIFT will result in my getting a BIG RAISE.
Regardless, all said, I'm sure the likes of YOU and other piss & moaning right-tards, conservative drones will WISH ME the very best, RIGHT?

Exactly my point Mac. All I'll need to cover is catastrophic care. I won't be ****** to pay for things I don't use or need. And by the way - the RISK of injury & sickness WILL ALWAYS be there. What kind of BS play on words is that? You can't insure that people won't get hurt or sick. The Fact that I pay for insurance isn't the problem Mac - it's the Mandate and the fact that I am ****** to pay for medical I do no and will not ever use - that is the problem. It serves no purpose but to inflate the cost of insurance. If I can pick and choose what I pay for I can control my own cost to a degree. I don't need a doctor every time I get a little sniffle.

Like I said before. If you want to cover more people, all Obama had to do was increase the medicare tax a small amount and extend coverage to people less that 35K a year and tell doctors they can't refuse patients simply because they are not insured. - problem solved and I wouldn't have had an issue with that. Instead he took a buy out from insurance lobbyist to require the purchase of insurance thus increasing sales and profits of said insurance companies. Not to mention making insurance way more complicated and expensive than it has to be. People shouldn't need a Care provider professional to explain it all, it should be as easy as ordering a pizza. I guess Obama was just a typical sell out politician.
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