Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Ahhhhhh, yes, creator of JOBS, JOBS, JOBS ....

Now, the FIRST QUESTION that goes through my mind regarding Trump's "China Clothing Line" is will the Trump TARIFFS on China apply to these goods?
Any of you Trump Drones wish to pick this one up and RUN with it?

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the end is near...……..pick your news source....they all have it

Michigan's Justin Amash becomes first Republican to back ...
May 18, 2019 · The Michigan congressman Justin Amash has called for Donald Trump to be impeached, adding a first Republican voice to a growing chorus of Democrats demanding Congress move against the president ...

GOP lawmaker says Trump’s conduct meets ‘threshold for ...
Rep. Justin Amash (R-Mich.), a critic of President Trump who has entertained a run against him in 2020, became the first Republican congressman to say the president “engaged in impeachable ...

Breaking With Party, G.O.P. Lawmaker Says Trump’s Conduct ...
May 18, 2019 · WASHINGTON — Representative Justin Amash, an iconoclastic Republican of Michigan who has considered a run against President Trump in 2020, became the first member of his party serving in ...

Republican Congressman Justin Amash Calls for Trump’s …

GOP Rep. Justin Amash: 'Trump has engaged in impeachable ...

13 hours ago · Republican Rep. Justin Amash called for President Donald Trump's impeachment on Saturday and accused Attorney General William Barr of misrepresenting the …
He has extensive business ties with China which means he is getting hit hard with the tariffs. No wonder he wants Trump gone. He’s putting business over country. He’s always been known as a rino.
He's also talked about running for president in 2020 on a third party. Hardly a serious Republican. His own stated interpretation of impeachable offense is: "While “high Crimes and Misdemeanors” is not defined, the context implies conduct that violates the public trust." By that standard, every politician should be impeached.

Much ado about nothing, but since demoraps have fallen in line behind Pelosi to not pursue impeachment....gotta find some new fodder for keeping the useful idiots stirred up...Hey, it worked!

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I don’t think the Democrats have fallen in line with Pelosi. The rabid wing of the party is the one that will set the tone for the primaries. All they will talk about is impeachment.
How Much Money Does Donald Trump Owe China? - RedState
Aug 20, 2016 · According to the Times, a building on the Avenue of the Americas in New York City’s Manhattan borough that is partially owned by Trump has a loan of $950 million that was paid for by a few different entities, including the Bank of China and Goldman Sachs. Maybe that’s where all...

Trump's conflict of interest with China - Business Insider
Feb 17, 2017 · "China's decision to award President Trump with a new trademark allowing him to profit from the use of his name is a clear conflict of interest and deeply troubling," said Sen. Dianne Feinstein ...

Ivanka Trump's China business ties are more secret than ever
Sep 26, 2017 · Ivanka Trump's China business ties are more secret than ever ... means it's unclear who Ivanka Trump's company is doing business within China. ...

Trump's Hotels In China Could Be A Conflict For The ...
Nov 24, 2016 · Trump's Hotels In China Could Be A Conflict For The President-Elect Donald Trump has business interests around the globe. There's talk about whether foreign powers will distinguish between ...

Trump's conflict of interest with China - Business Insider
Feb 17, 2017 · "China's decision to award President Trump with a new trademark allowing him to profit from the use of his name is a clear conflict of interest and deeply troubling," said Sen. Dianne Feinstein

How Donald Trump Ditched U.S. Steel Workers in Favor of China
But, with the exception of one business that collapsed into multiple bankruptcies, Trump does not operate a public company; he has no fiduciary obligation to shareholders to obtain the highest ...

trumps interest in China is not only the amount of money the country owes them......it is also the amount of money HE owes
has the right put all their eggs in a rotten basket and to fucking stupid to see it?

when republican owned newspapers in Iowa and Texas and a few other states come out openly against trump...telling voters the truth for a change....and even some on Fox news questioning their man now......and yet the senate hangs in there …….maybe the voters might have to look at that?.....I know some on here are totally devoted to kissing his ass......but they are not mainstream
she should after what she has to deal with in the white house....and takes no ******* from an asshole...….

Nancy Pelosi named recipient of Profile in Courage Award
Apr 07, 2019 · House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was named the recipient of this year's Profile in Courage Award by the John F. Kennedy Library Foundation. The award

Pelosi Being Honored With JFK Profile in Courage Award ...
May 19, 2019 · Pelosi Being Honored With JFK Profile in Courage Award House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is being honored with the 2019 John F. Kennedy Profile in Courage Award.
and you think he is NOT on the Russian payroll...the whole family!

Deutsche Bank employees reportedly flagged suspicious ...
NBC News
14 hours ago · Tammy McFadden, a former Deutsche Bank employee, said she reviewed transactions that involved Kushner's company and Russians in the summer of 2016. President Donald Trump speaks with Jared Kushner ...

Deutsche Bank dismissed employees' concerns about Trump ...
10 hours ago · Deutsche Bank AG DB, -1.04% executives rejected alerts from internal anti-money-laundering specialists who raised concerns about transactions involving entities controlled by …

Deutsche Bank Staff Saw Suspicious Activity in Trump and ...
May 19, 2019 · Deutsche Bank’s decision not to report the transactions is the latest twist in Mr. Trump’s long, complicated relationship with the German bank — the only mainstream financial institution ...

Deutsche Bank employees flagged transactions involving ...
Employees of Deutsche Bank's internal anti-money laundering team reccommended in 2016 and 2017 that multiple transactions involving President Donald Trump and his *******-in-law Jared Kushner be ...
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