Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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oh yeah....this trade war is good for the country....

Farmers have received $8.4 billion in China trade war aid ...
Apr 25, 2019 · The U.S. Department of Agriculture has paid farmers $8.39 billion of the estimated $9.56 billion it promised in December to offset China trade war losses, the agency said.

U.S. Plans More Aid for Farmers amid China Trade Spat ...
15 hours ago · Perdue said last month when the United States and China looked to be making progress toward a trade deal the Trump administration did not have plans to provide farmers with more aid. In the past week, however, the draft trade deal fell apart after sources said China

look at all the food stamps and social programs that they will have to cut to pay for that
Trying for all their worth the media pounds away at the president - wonder why his approval rating grows - could it be that the people have gotten wise to the media and their biased reporting - well thankfully most people - all except the lefties with terminal TDS like those in here ;}
Trying for all their worth the media pounds away at the president - wonder why his approval rating grows - could it be that the people have gotten wise to the media and their biased reporting - well thankfully most people - all except the lefties with terminal TDS like those in here ;}

his approval rating has no where to go but up...he has been on the bottom since the Russians put him in there
how can they get her and not sanders...or even the P u t I n s dog

Watchdog Group Files Ethics Complaint Against Kellyanne Conway
Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW), a nonprofit watchdog group, on Tuesday filed an ethics complaint against White House counselor Kellyanne Conway. According to a letter ...

Former ethics director: Kellyanne Conway violated Hatch ...
Nov 22, 2017 · A former director of the US Office of Government Ethics says he filed an official complaint against White House counselor Kellyanne Conway for what he argues was a violation of the Hatch Act after ...

Law professors file misconduct complaint against Kellyanne ...
A group of law professors from around the country has filed a professional misconduct complaint against White House counselor Kellyanne Conway, a graduate of George Washington University Law ...
Yeah cause you lefties were so GOOD at predicting the 2016 election results - on CNN on election night the polls they were quoting gave Hillary a 97% chance at winning - funniest thing I ever saw was all the long faces on the MSM when he won against all polls and all odds - I know your just gonna say RUSSIA - RUSSIA - RUSSIA but that is just in your stubborn liberal head - everyone else knows he won fair and square - and - will again :}
Yeah cause you lefties were so GOOD at predicting the 2016 election results - on CNN on election night the polls they were quoting gave Hillary a 97% chance at winning - funniest thing I ever saw was all the long faces on the MSM when he won against all polls and all odds - I know your just gonna say RUSSIA - RUSSIA - RUSSIA but that is just in your stubborn liberal head - everyone else knows he won fair and square - and - will again :}

the only thing he won was p u t I n s heart....and is asking for the help again
I see the feds have already caught or saw how Russia got into some voting places in fla...changing dem to republicunt
Commentary: Trump China Tariffs—There's a Better Way to ...
Mar 22, 2018 · Commentary: Tariffs Are the Wrong Way to Punish China for Stealing Our Technology. In principle, that’s none of Uncle Sam’s business—Americans should determine for themselves which pieces of their property wind up on the bargaining table when seeking to do business abroad. For U.S. firms doing business in China,...

Trump wants to punish China on trade, but his latest ...
President Trump has repeatedly singled out China for the kind of unfair trade he aimed to curb Thursday when smacking tariffs on steel and aluminum imports. But in the fallout, China is the one ...

Tariffs won't change China, but the WTO might
Nov 28, 2018 · Instead of self-defeating and quixotic tariffs, the United States should use the World Trade Organization to discipline China. U.S. tariffs on imports from China

  1. Tariffs Are the Wrong Way to Punish China for Stealing Our ...
    President Trump is considering a “big fine” or tariffs to punish China for unsavory business practices, like stealing the intellectual property of U.S. businesses. But history shows that tariffs are futile, and pursuing fines requires more leverage than American businesses or the president has.

  2. Trump’s tariffs against China are hurting U.S. tech ...
    Oct 15, 2018 · The latest tariffs enacted by the Trump administration against China are not expected to help solve the problem of intellectual-property theft from American companies, and instead
education....for dummies...

Is Russia better off with Trump than they would have been ...
Jun 03, 2017 · Related Questions More Answers Below. But Putin is in a much better position with Trump given his business ties to Russia, and the fact that Russia probably has leverage over him through politically damaging information. Also, the Russians acted to thwart a Clinton win, so it seems clear they preferred Trump.

The possible ties between Trump and Russia, explained ...
Jun 14, 2017 · Claim 6: Trump has extensive financial ties to Russia. For example, Trump agreed to host the Miss Universe pageant in Moscow in 2013, a $20 million deal facilitated by Russian real estate mogul and billionaire Aras Agalarov. He also made millions selling a 17-bedroom Florida mansion to a Russian

All of Donald Trump’s Ties to Russia and Putin, in 7 ...
All of Trump’s Russia Ties, in 7 Charts. The answer is still unclear, and Democrats in Congress want to get to the bottom of it with an investigation. But there’s no doubt that a spider web of connections—some public, some private, some clear, some murky—exists between Trump, his associates and Russian President Vladimir Putin.
Trump is reminding me of the roadrunner that keeps foiling the coyote. No matter what the dems truly to do, he keeps outwitting them and winning.

more like the mob boss "Teflon Don"...and we know where he is

John Gotti — FBI
He was slippery, yes, but even the “Teflon Don” couldn’t escape justice forever. Despite the future nickname, John Gotti—a violent, ruthless mobster who’d grown up on the streets of New ...
trump to fucking stupid to understand...the majority of the country does not like him!

now he wants to move the 4th of july celebration to the steps of the Lincoln memorial...and then have a campaign rally afterwards....people are not going to take their ******* to listen to that....and I'm sure he thinks by making speeches there it will make him something special.....NO....he is still just the crook in the white house to most people......sure there are those retards that will kiss his ass no matter what...but fucking up the 4th of july for a bunch of ******* is not going to do him any good...

that's like blocking all those subpoenas…...showing his fools that he is not going to be pushed around...and those fools like him for that...….and it shows the right he will not bend to the dems.….and they like him for that...…...but for the dems.AND a lot of independants…..they want to know just what he is hiding

his day will come...and will come soon!
Then I imagine you & I can agree on total transparency of all donations so all contributions can be accounted?
It's clear you "imagine" lots of things many of which have no basis in reality.
Might as well do away with Citizens United as well, as we ALL know that corporations are NOT people, too, don't we?
Corporations are NOT people....but they have some of the same rights as people, which is long established legal precedent going back into the 1800's....but again....reality. Should have known you'd imagine otherwise.
And you talk about the poor are such a drain on society with welfare
Find one place where I have ever referred to the poor as a drain on society...just one. Or admit you're just making up more of your usual bullshit.
things were fine when he first became pres......but now that they know he is a crook......not so good

Trump Tower Is Now One of NYC’s Least-Desirable Luxury ...
May 14, 2019 · Trump Tower, once the crown jewel in Donald Trump’s property empire, now ranks as one of the least desirable luxury properties in Manhattan. The 36 …

Trump’s Hotels Are Losing Money As Room Rates Plummet
Nov 20, 2017 · Trump’s Hotels Are Losing Money As Room Rates Plummet. Twelve of Trump’s 13 titular hotels experienced a decline in room rates when comparing prices from January 2017 to January 2018, according to the Telegraph, which cited travel currency service FairFX. Prior to his inauguration, a two-night stay at Trump Las Vegas cost $844, but now goes...

Business at Trump's Doral club is declining - The ...
The Washington Post
13 hours ago · In a statement, the Trump Organization said 2018 “was a remarkable year for [Doral] and 2019 is off to an unbelievable start,” but it did not provide figures for revenue, occupancy or room ...

face it...….the guy is a loser.... and you guys want him handling our money....he can't even be honest on immigration...

At Trump’s Florida Resort Empire, a Quiet Effort to ...
Apr 09, 2019 · The Trump Florida properties requested 148 of these immigrant workers for the 2018-19 season, an increase over most past years. This is one area of immigration that the Trump

more of the great biz man....

Trump’s Hotels Are Losing Money As Room Rates Plummet
Nov 20, 2017 · Trump’s Hotels Are Losing Money As Room Rates Plummet. Prior to his inauguration, a two-night stay at Trump Las Vegas cost $844, but now goes for $314, the biggest fall for one of the president’s properties. Trump Turnberry, a United Kingdom property that includes a signature golf course, experienced the next-highest drop of 57 percent,...

now you know how he keeps in money...and doesn't want anyone looking into it

Trump Sold a $40 Million Estate to a Russian Oligarch for ...
Feb 10, 2018 · A Democratic senator wants the Treasury Department to hand over records relating to President Donald Trump’s sale of a Palm Beach estate that …
How in the hell did this dumb fucker ever get elected let alone re-elected......

Ted Cruz: We need Trump's 'space *******' in case of space ...
May 15, 2019 · During a Tuesday hearing of the Senate's subcommittee on Aviation and Space discussing space policy, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) cited the threat of space pirates as a reason to back Trump's unpopular "space *******" idea. Cruz is the chair of the committee.. Discussing threats to commercial and governmental space assets, Cruz then veered off course into the realm of the fantastic.

oh …..wait......he is just another typical republican supporting our "crook n thief"
this Ala abortion law should have at least one exception.....in the event you end up having sex with an ala legislator...you should be able to abort that as you know it is already brain dead
thank you Donald Chump

Carbon dioxide levels highest in human history | News | DW ...
2 days ago · Carbon dioxide levels highest in human history Atmospheric levels of planet-warming carbon dioxide have hit a record high of more than 415 parts per million. The accelerated rise of …

Video: Earth's carbon dioxide levels at their highest in ...
A disturbing new headline involving climate change tonight scientists in Hawaii say carbon dioxide levels in the Earth's atmosphere. Have hit their highest level in human history.

CO2 levels on Earth the highest they've ever been since ...
CO2 levels on Earth the highest they've ever been since humanity began. This is fine. Skip to content. Do you have adblock enabled? Try Ads-Free Fark. Report. Real news. Real funny.
why should Turkey give a rats ass about the US.....trump almost ruined their economy....tried anyway...

World: Turkey Snubs U.S. Request to Delay Russian Missile ...
9 hours ago · Turkey Weighs New U . S . Call to Delay Buying Russian Missiles Turkey is considering a U . S . request to delay the purchase of a Russian missile -defense system into 2020, a move that could ease tensions between the NATO allies, according to two people familiar with the proposal.

Donald Trump's threat to hurt Turkey's economy has ...
Jan 15, 2019 · White House scrambles to repair rift with Turkey after Trump's threat to 'devastate' ally's economy. Trump's Twitter threat comes as the U.S. and Turkey are …
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I know...….you republicunts don't care....that is just one less to get into the country....but some do....

Toddler dies in U.S. custody after being detained at border
NBC News
4 hours ago · Toddler dies in U.S. custody after being detained at border. ... Texas, said Wednesday that the boy had entered the United States with his parent at …

Migrant baby dies in US custody; 4th since December | Fox ...
Fox News
5 hours ago · A Guatemalan official says a 2½-year-old migrant baby has died after crossing the border, becoming the fourth minor known to have died after being detained by the Border Patrol since December.
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