Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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regardless of what they may or may not show is the simple fact that Trump is NOT required by any law to release his returns.
There doesn't have to be a reason, although there actrually IS a reason. Congress has the right to obtain anyone's tax returns they so desire.
In Trump's case, however, its now strongly believed that his and Kushner business activities through Deutsche Bank may include money laundering and a host of other irregularities. Congress needs to confirm that ... what if Trump owed the Russians "billions" of dollars. Do you not think that would persuade Trump to do something illegal for the Russians? Plus the fact that Deutsche Bank is the only bank willing to do business with Trump. Surely you don't trust Trump that much! Hell, he'd ******* one of his ******* to cancel a billion dollar debt.
Of course you already KNOW THIS but refuse to admit it.

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He said he was going to show them multiple times once his audit is over.
Still waiting.
There really IS no audit. Trump simply wishes to delay all these inquires until he has received his 2nd term in office. Audits do NOT stop one from allowing others to review their tax returns. Trump's a fraud, liar, and has absolutely no integrity whatsoever. What's disappointing is the Democrat's slow response to all the Trump BS ... they need to show some grit to their subpoenas by arresting those who refuse to respond to the Congress's requests.
There really IS no audit. Trump simply wishes to delay all these inquires until he has received his 2nd term in office. Audits do NOT stop one from allowing others to review their tax returns. Trump's a fraud, liar, and has absolutely no integrity whatsoever. What's disappointing is the Democrat's slow response to all the Trump BS ... they need to show some grit to their subpoenas by arresting those who refuse to respond to the Congress's requests.

I agree with you MacNFries,, that what is so hilarious about it. It stalling and now refusing. A business man's tax returns is a basically his performance sheet of his success or lack of success plus it shows who is works with.

This guy constantly states he has nothing to hide but his actions are totally different.

Love your work MacNFries.
He said he was going to show them multiple times once his audit is over.
Still waiting.

I didn't say he didn't lie about it - but still no law that requires the president to hand them over. They can be requested, as Mac points out, but like anything else, there has to be cause to ******* them over. It's called Right to privacy. What little we have left.

View attachment 2612752
There doesn't have to be a reason, although there actrually IS a reason. Congress has the right to obtain anyone's tax returns they so desire.
In Trump's case, however, its now strongly believed that his and Kushner business activities through Deutsche Bank may include money laundering and a host of other irregularities. Congress needs to confirm that ... what if Trump owed the Russians "billions" of dollars. Do you not think that would persuade Trump to do something illegal for the Russians? Plus the fact that Deutsche Bank is the only bank willing to do business with Trump. Surely you don't trust Trump that much! Hell, he'd ******* one of his ******* to cancel a billion dollar debt.
Of course you already KNOW THIS but refuse to admit it.

Mac, There are other legalities to all that, but of course left wing Fact check leaves all that out - but I think you know that. If it were so easy, then why do they still not have them? Think Mac. They can't just grab your tax return and show them to the world, sorry but our laws don't work that way.

I'm not saying he's not hiding anything, There is no justifiable reason to ******* over his tax returns. Other than But-hurt feelings. You are asking congress to break our own laws simply becasue you don't like the guy. Think of it this way, Would it be OK for the local police to raid your home simply because your neighbors don't like you?
I didn't say he didn't lie about it - but still no law that requires the president to hand them over. They can be requested, as Mac points out, but like anything else, there has to be cause to ******* them over. It's called Right to privacy. What little we have left.

Judge a man by his actions and not by his words. He said he was going to do something. Now he is reluctant to do it.
I thought he was someone who tell it like it is and is a "straight shooter".
Failing already.

I am not a left or right wing anything. I am a "thinking person".
If I say I am going to do something I do it, that is what real people do.
Like I said before - I'm sure SOMEONE in the IRS has already looked them over. If there was anything there to nail him, it would have been leaked all over the place. There is nothing concrete - that is why the government keeps this charade going. Keeps the useless idiots stirred up.
Judge a man by his actions and not by his words. He said he was going to do something. Now he is reluctant to do it.
I thought he was someone who tell it like it is and is a "straight shooter".
Failing already.

I am not a left or right wing anything. I am a "thinking person".
If I say I am going to do something I do it, that is what real people do.

I can agree with that - I don't like the guy, didn't vote for him. But I still believe in innocent until proven guilty. This has been dragging for going on 3 years now - I just don't believe they still have nothing concrete on him except hear-say and rumors. If the fucker is guilty then nail his ass to the wall and stop playing these games and wasting tax payers money. That's all I'm asking.

Side note: Congress gets paid extra for being on all these committees - just say'n
Think Mac. They can't just grab your tax return and show them to the world, sorry but our laws don't work that way.
I believe the one not thinking here is you, TwoBi. I gave you the two attachments that explain exactly what you are denying. I can post my information sources but I can't ******* you to read them.
I know, for one, if another country had something major on any sitting president, I'd definitely want to know it. Trump still denies that the Russians and MrPutin played any part in the elections, even after everyone else has agreed that they did.
I can easily see someone, like Trump, with his low values making a deal to stead off a major Russian debt collection. PLUS, the Deutsche Bank has been involved and paid many high penalties for being involved in money laundering. It all adds up BUT the only way to be 100% sure is to open up the files and see where the money is going. Trump refuses to do that even though he has nothing to hide (so he says) ... an enforced subpoena seems to be the only way to go at this point. Congress has every right to find out, as do the American people.
My only question, however, is that IF it turns out that Trump IS involved as thought, how many of these Trump drones will continue denying and follow this loser of a President?
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The thing about his Tax returns - regardless of what they may or may not show is the simple fact that Trump is NOT required by any law to release his returns. So what right does the left have to ******* him to do so? Unable to accept reality. Can't find collusion so lets go back to his Tax returns. The left needs to either produce something conclusive - or get back to work (as if any of them do their job in the first place).

If in fact he is drawing Russian money and is bought and paid for...….according to the Dutch banks....even the employess rang the bell on money laundering and the bank told them to shut up.....if he is on Russian payroll it is a big deal....if he isn't why so much to hide it?

no other president has been so corrupt and tried to hide so much....true he doesn't have to...but if it weren't for all his Russian ties and favors he gives...to include other countries.....maybe it wouldn't be a big deal
The thing about his Tax returns - regardless of what they may or may not show is the simple fact that Trump is NOT required by any law to release his returns. So what right does the left have to ******* him to do so? Unable to accept reality. Can't find collusion so lets go back to his Tax returns. The left needs to either produce something conclusive - or get back to work (as if any of them do their job in the first place).

BTW...did you read the judges ruling on his tax returns?....goes something like...congress has every right to impeach and enforce......the president has no right to try and block that process......kind of the jist of it

his actual wording...…….
Judge sides with Congress over Trump in demands for records
May 20, 2019 · WASHINGTON (AP) — A federal judge ruled against President Donald Trump on Monday in a financial records dispute with Congress and said lawmakers should get the documents they have subpoenaed. Trump called it a “crazy” decision that his lawyers would appeal. The ruling by U.S. District Judge ...

“It is simply not fathomable,” the judge wrote, “that a Constitution that grants Congress the power to remove a President for reasons including criminal behavior would deny Congress the power to investigate him for unlawful conduct — past or present — even without formally opening an impeachment inquiry.”
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But I still believe in innocent until proven guilty

how can that be determined......he has fired anyone that didn't side with him....even the AG is protecting him now....and he refuses to cooperate with any investigation

Mueller said he couldn't PROVE collusion....but ther was plenty on obstruction...but the only law on a president on obstruction must come from congress...…..even Flynn had recordings of people from congress trying to get him to shut up...he had emails and etc on obstruction....but the right just turns a blind eye

party over country...….and greed/corruption at the highest level......after all how many republicans got campaign money from Russians?
for trump it is kind of like robbing a bank....shooting all the witnesses....bribing the others......and calling anyone who questions him a liar...spends the stolen money in the saloon....and if anyone questions it he has the sheriff run them out of town
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Again - if it was all just that simple, then why don't they have them???????????? Still can't answer that can you???????? Could it be because it's another nothingburger? If congress "has every legal right" then how is Trump stopping it? ???? hummm. Something stinks and it;s not just "collusion" on Trumps behalf. Think about what the left stands to gain by keeping this going.

Keep following that carrot boys. ;)
Like I said before - I'm sure SOMEONE in the IRS has already looked them over. If there was anything there to nail him, it would have been leaked all over the place. There is nothing concrete - that is why the government keeps this charade going. Keeps the useless idiots stirred up.
is that anything like barr giving us his version of the report?
Again - if it was all just that simple, then why don't they have them???????????? Still can't answer that can you???????? Could it be because it's another nothingburger? If congress "has every legal right" then how is Trump stopping it? ???? hummm. Something stinks and it;s not just "collusion" on Trumps behalf. Think about what the left stands to gain by keeping this going.

Keep following that carrot boys. ;)
keep your head buried in the sand and remove it when you think it might be safe

you don't suppose it is because trump has blocked anything and everything to do with him...his finances...and Russia!
no one else has the power to tell the police they can't come in and look around...even with a court order
bet old Atilla the chump is not happy with this

Rex Tillerson Meets With Members of House Foreign Affairs ...
1 hour ago · Former Secretary of State Rex Tillerson met with lawmakers for seven hours behind closed doors on Tuesday to discuss his time in the Trump White House, a s ... House Foreign Affairs

and now food for thought....seems old Genghis Conn might have another problem....

Trump’s subpoena appeal headed to Merrick Garland’s court
New York Post
8 hours ago · Spurned Supreme Court nominee Merrick Garland — whose chance at a spot on the high court was derailed by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell — may have a key say on whether President Trump
If congress "has every legal right" then how is Trump stopping it? ???? hummm. Something stinks and it;s not just "collusion" on Trumps behalf. Think about what the left stands to gain by keeping this going.
This very question was asked on a TV discussion a week or so ago. Thing is our country and Congress have never been in this exact situation before. Never had a President who totally ignores the laws and protocols like this before. Barr actually went up to Nancy Pelosi this past week and said "did you bring your handcuffs?" Actually taunting her as he feels safe with the President on his side. We'll just see about that.
This very question was asked on a TV discussion a week or so ago. Thing is our country and Congress have never been in this exact situation before. Never had a President who totally ignores the laws and protocols like this before. Barr actually went up to Nancy Pelosi this past week and said "did you bring your handcuffs?" Actually taunting her as he feels safe with the President on his side. We'll just see about that.

Barr kind of changing his tune a little now......offering up more of the report in exchange for dropping the charges against him
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