Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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gif_YellowBall-laughing6.gif Space ******* .... wouldn't it be a hoot if Trump selected a man with the last name of Marvel to head it up? LOL
I think if they want to conquer space, Trump & Cruiz ought to address that vast space between their ears. Probably a lot more denseness there than anywhere.

"I'm Captain Marvel!"
View attachment 2602506 Space ******* .... wouldn't it be a hoot if Trump selected a man with the last name of Marvel to head it up? LOL
I think if they want to conquer space, Trump & Cruiz ought to address that vast space between their ears. Probably a lot more denseness there than anywhere.

"I'm Captain Marvel!"
View attachment 2602529
We already have a head of the Space *******...

I saw where Biden has a double digit lead over trump in some polls.....even Bernie has a single digit lead in some.....and trump ties with warren and harris

the chump better be sucking up a lot harder to p u t I n to get that tower...also the ones he has here are losing money
Since everyone is posting cartoons

I think if Congress had the balls to just put one in jail for a week or so......they have done it in the past....think it was Iran contra...someone wouldn't talk or something...gave him 30 days to refresh his memory...anyway just one in the slammer...things might change

refusal is just not right no one is above the law......what is he hiding?....we already know he is fucking broke and owes more than a lot of countries do....and is getting his funds from selling real estate to Russia...…...but he has a pretty lavish lifestyle.....is he getting more? is he beholding?

the only bright spot in all this...he may be getting away with it so far.....but if he doesn't get re-elected.... there is a jail cell in NYC just waiting for him
Mmmmmmm no obstruction?.....people involved say otherwise!

Flynn Gave Info on Attempts to Obstruct Mueller Probe ...
May 16, 2019 · Former U.S. national security adviser Michael Flynn gave Special Counsel Robert Mueller information about multiple attempts by people to obstruct the Russia investigation, according to court documents made public on Thursday.The attempts to obstruct Mueller's probe were...

Flynn told Mueller that people tied to Trump and Congress ...
NBC News
10 hours ago · Michael Flynn told investigators that people linked to the Trump administration and Congress reached out to him to influence his cooperation, prosecutors say. ... Mueller wrapped up the probe

and congress?...let me take a wild guess and say McConnell and Graham!

Flynn detailed attempts to obstruct Russia probe: U.S ...
May 17, 2019 · (Reuters) - Former U.S. national security adviser Michael Flynn gave Special Counsel Robert Mueller information about attempts by people tied to the Trump administration and Congress to obstruct the Russia investigation, court documents released on Thursday showed. The documents revealed for the ...
Sub, Mac. Quick line. Been really ill, awaiting op in 4 weeks once the antibiotics have finished. Will be back to add to the roasting of the zombie nation that is trumptards supporters and of course faux news etc. :)
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