Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Not something to campaign on!

Has Trump Improved Wages in America? Hourly Earnings Head ...
Aug 28, 2018 · President Donald Trump heads into a midterm referendum on his presidency showing no real progress on a core promise: to raise the wages of America’s “forgotten man and woman.”

Under President Trump, Workers Continue to Struggle ...
Sep 11, 2018 · This issue brief reviews data in order to evaluate the U.S. economy under President Trump from the perspective of workers. Key findings include: Real wages

Trump trumpets revival of manufacturing, but factory wages ...
Apr 11, 2019 · Wages for manufacturing have not kept up with other parts of the economy, a fact Trump avoids when he boasts across the nation's heartland that …

Under Trump, CEO pay soars while employee wages decrease ...
Aug 16, 2018 · Under Trump, CEO Pay Soars While Employee Wages Decrease—And Tax Cuts Could Make Gap Even Bigger. ... Under the Republicans’ tax plan, ... Despite living

Hell Maxine Watters could beat trump with those numbers and facts
:ROFLMAO: the source's for these so called "Facts" love this thread makes me laugh
everything you don't agree with is fake news.....another complete idiot!
look them up...but I know you won't you are a trumpie and trumpies don't rely on facts just what they are told

people always laugh to hide their insecurities.....
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trying to measure the height of stupidity....but I don't know which one of you is taller

the main problem with trump....what to do with his followers......there are only so many mental institutions around....and they really don't have a lick of sense....can't shoot them....the country is fucked even after ******* for brains is gone....Jim Jones is dead....who will they follow?
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trying to measure the height of stupidity....but I don't know which one of you is taller

the main problem with trump....what to do with his followers......there are only so many mental institutions around....and they really don't have a lick of sense....can't shoot them....the country is fucked even after ******* for brains is gone....Jim Jones is dead....who will they follow?

No doubt your head is gonna EXPLODE - when he wins in 2020 : }
Hitler wanna be has finally figured out a way to stop impeachment and guarantee he stays in office...….start a war and ******* a bunch of people....nothing to him one way or the other and he gets to stay in office

I'm betting even these trumpies will still support him
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Yeah - always good for some great belly laughs in here !!!! : }
I curious, does your ass ever get jealous of the crap that spews out your MOUTH?
You don't post anything but sarcasm ... absolutely NOTHING but sarcasm.
Why not post something of substance ... maybe some elusive "facts" of your own, or STFU!
Trump's lawyer, Rudi Giuliani already overseas recruiting in Ukraine to find dirt on Biden; even admits it on TV. And you have nothing but sarcasm and smart ass remarks to post? Find yourself a sandbox and go play with your toys; you're not mature enough to even be on this site.

And this from Mr. Sweet and Cordial - which in and of itself is the height of sarcasm - thanks - I needed that!!!! :LOL:
I curious, does your ass ever get jealous of the crap that spews out your MOUTH?
You don't post anything but sarcasm ... absolutely NOTHING but sarcasm.
Why not post something of substance ... maybe some elusive "facts" of your own, or STFU!
Trump's lawyer, Rudi Giuliani already overseas recruiting in Ukraine to find dirt on Biden; even admits it on TV. And you have nothing but sarcasm and smart ass remarks to post? Find yourself a sandbox and go play with your toys; you're not mature enough to even be on this site.

View attachment 2592528

you know Mac they say the mind is a terrible thing to waste.....but for some on here apparently it just didn't ever exist...
Can't wait for Nadler to issue the subpoena for Obummer to come testify under oath as to what did he know and when did he know it regarding the millions of dollars in illegal foreign contributions to his campaign.

Why I'm shocked! shocked! we hadn't heard more about this earlier on the main stream media :rolleyes:


you mean like the Russian money to trump....McConnell...graham...Cruz...Rubio and who knows how many others

and probably didn't exist is why it wasn't covered in the mainstream media...….but that Russian news fed into fox and a few others to be distributed by those that WANT to believe it works

kind of like some of those other facts and statistics you get hand delivered from peter pan
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Why I'm shocked! shocked! we hadn't heard more about this earlier on the main stream media
Then I imagine you & I can agree on total transparency of all donations so all contributions can be accounted? Might as well do away with Citizens United as well, as we ALL know that corporations are NOT people, too, don't we?
One thing is for certain, if there was any real meat to the story it would have gotten a lot more publicity than it has. And, if Obama was asked to appear before a biased Republican committee, as Hillary did 9 times, I'm sure HE WOULD APPEAR with no hesitation. Unlike the alt-President.
Surely you can't be proud of this loser "still"! After 10 straight years of losing a total of over $1 billion dollars ... the GREAT NEGOTIATOR?
They now say Trump is the #1 loser in individual losses of all time. Pretty neat ... hasn't paid a cent of taxes in 8 of those 10 years ... and THAT isn't even for the last 6 years. The man is a con, h-h... how long before you drones admit it? The Feds might not get him because he'll conveniently resign when the hammer is ready to come down, but I don't think he's going to get out of New York without spending some jail time.
I certainly hope he does ... no one deserves going to jail like Trump. And hopefully, when he leaves the Presidency, he'll get ZERO in a pension benefit for time served.
And you talk about the poor are such a drain on society with welfare ... Trump's a leach of the worst kind. Passes his loses on to the public to pay. No wonder the banks won't extend him credit in the US. The man's a loser!
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Then I imagine you & I can agree on total transparency of all donations so all contributions can be accounted? Might as well do away with Citizens United as well, as we ALL know that corporations are NOT people, too, don't we?
One thing is for certain, if there was any real meat to the story it would have gotten a lot more publicity than it has. And, if Obama was asked to appear before a biased Republican committee, as Hillary did 9 times, I'm sure HE WOULD APPEAR with no hesitation. Unlike the alt-President.
Surely you can't be proud of this loser "still"! After 10 straight years of losing $1 billion dollars ... the GREAT NEGOTIATOR?
They now say Trump is the #1 loser in individual losses of all time. Pretty neat ... hasn't paid a cent of taxes in 8 of those 10 years ... and THAT isn't even for the last 6 years. The man is a con, h-h... how long before you drones admit it? The Feds might not get him because he'll conveniently resign when the hammer is ready to come down, but I don't think he's going to get out of New York without spending some jail time.
I certainly hope he does ... no one deserves going to jail like Trump. And hopefully, when he leaves the Presidency, he'll get ZERO in a pension benefit for time served.
And you talk about the poor are such a drain on society with welfare ... Trump's a leach of the worst kind. Passes his loses on to the public to pay. No wonder the banks won't extend him credit in the US. The man's a loser!

It's just flat terrible the way the poor are such a drain on society and on the government....we really need to work on stopping all that

but when someone like trump or a corp like AT&T get by with not paying taxes so the gov has to get by without...that's ok...and fair game because they are just following the laws provided

well who made those laws?

it sure wasn't those needy people struggling to get by....while others pay big money to lawyers to not have to kick in
Mmmmmm who would you think would be a bigger burden on society and the gov...someone doing without and drawing $150 dollars a week to get by or drawing a few bucks in food stamps or someone paying big bucks to a lawyer to get out of paying millions to the gov

tough question for some I guess

and we could get into so many other things .....like trump buying land...inflating the value to sell or borrow on....and yet deflating the value when it comes time to pay taxes on.....( there are laws against that) some of these people have it down to a science......and pay less than a working man trying to get by
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