Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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It isn't just YOUR tax dollars; I AM a taxpayer, and I paid student loans for myself, and two *******. A lot of people took loans because they didn't have family or anybody backing them up, and the interest on those damn things doesn't wait until you get a 'real' job....too many are drowning slowly.

If ya borrow the money - ya go in with your eyes open - I couldn’t even get student loans - I had to borrow money from Shawmut Bank at 10% interest rates back in the 70s - took me forever to pay it back - and - I did.
Also put two boys thru college without any government assistance of ANY kind. We are NOT helping the youth of this country teaching them it is OK to duck financial responsibility - or - to depend on the government for everything !!!!!
First I am sick of Mac and more so Sub posting all of the propaganda directed against Donald Trump.
well dingbat.....this from someone who keeps telling us he is an independent..........what a fucking crock of *******.....goes back to the duck thing

second sick of the trump *******?.....tell someone that cares.......he is in the news everyday....and news is news......and according to your party he is the party leader.....so......


then we get into your bias over the press and or mainstream media......nothing wrong with them UNTIL they started reporting on things trump didn't want you to know.......there is a word for that......but you will never get it

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go back to church and donate some more money to the republican party..........several are on the verge of going to jail

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When anyone depends on anything from the Huffington Post, common sense tells those on the right " This is bias way left trash" so let me prove my thoughts.

First I am sick of Mac and more so Sub posting all of the propaganda directed against Donald Trump. I personally don't care if Trump legally has to pay if he actually broke the law. That is between Trump and his lawyers against the Judicial System, not you hateful leftists vultures waiting to pick his bones.

Wall Street Journal Editor Has Had It With Republicans Who Back Donald Trump's Big Lie​

“Will someone speak that truth at least?” Gerard Baker asked in a scathing column calling out GOPers who privately just want Trump to "go quietly away." What is the truth ? Who says about Trump "go quietly away" ?

Lee Moran
Apr. 26, 2022, 04:09 AM EDT | Updated Apr. 26, 2022

Gerard Baker, the editor-at-large of The Wall Street Journal, urged Republicans to publicly denounce Donald Trump and the former president’s baseless claims Bias and unproven that the 2020 election was stolen from him.
In an opinion piece An opinion piece published Monday, Baker wrote that many prominent Republicans and major donors don’t actually believe Trump’s election lies and would love for him to “go quietly away.”

“It is a desire expressed as fervently in private as it is assiduously and dexterously avoided in public,” said Baker, who served as the conservative newspaper’s editor-in-chief until 2018.
Republicans worry that Trump leading the presidential ticket in 2024 will be a “lose-lose” situation, Baker said, adding that the GOP is “is too important a political institution to continue to be a vehicle for this grand deception.”

Republicans worry that Trump leading the presidential ticket in 2024 will be a “lose-lose” situation, Which Republicans? The RINO's ! Baker said, adding that the GOP is “is too important a political institution to continue to be a vehicle for this grand deception.”

“Will someone speak that truth at least?” Baker concluded.
we went 4 years without the truth.....when it comes to anything trump we never expect the truth.....just more rat poison for the retards
If ya borrow the money - ya go in with your eyes open - I couldn’t even get student loans - I had to borrow money from Shawmut Bank at 10% interest rates back in the 70s - took me forever to pay it back - and - I did.
Also put two boys thru college without any government assistance of ANY kind. We are NOT helping the youth of this country teaching them it is OK to duck financial responsibility - or - to depend on the government for everything !!!!!
I swear dimwit....as the days go on you get dimmer and dimmer

Tuition at public national universities has risen steadily over the past 20 years at a total of about 212%. Furthermore, college tuition and fees in the United States have increased by 1200% since 1980. We have also witnessed tuition increase in institutions such as Harvard, whose tuition increased by 4.03% in the 2020-2021 academic year.
"Propaganda"? Are you sure you even know what that means?
  • Propaganda is communication that is primarily used to influence or persuade an audience to further an agenda
  • Information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view
Stanley, if you despise propaganda, why are you not complaining about Trump & Republicans? That's all they've been doing for YEARS, and even admitting to the tactic. Trump's the easiest target to come along in politics in YEARS as he ADMITS to what he's doing. He wears his plans on the sleeve of his silky white shirts and dares anyone to stop him.
What specifically did I post that was propaganda to you? Trump's a low-life creep and the people backing him are exactly the same thing.

Are you complaining about the Wall Street Journal ... a well known conservative newspaper? You do KNOW that was the WSJ and not Huff.Reports
Are you complaining about the Republicans who are too chicken to say to Donald Trump's face what they are saying amongst themselves?
Are you complaining because I don't post the entirety of the articles? I post the link to the articles, I post excerpts from the article, its up to you ReThuglicans to READ the articles, which 98% of the time you don't because you don't care what the article says. You simply prefer to take the quick way out by saying the articles or opinions are "false" or as "bad propaganda".
The upcoming elections in '22 & '24 are about a lot MORE than which party wins the elections. Its about our government & democracy; Republicans have shown their support to PARTY, "Country & Democracy Be Damned!"
The next four years is a FIGHT for the Constitution Of The United States, period!

that is because he is a racist republican and cares nothing for the country......he preaches his religion and yet follows a party that has no use for religion.....except their votes
If ya borrow the money - ya go in with your eyes open - I couldn’t even get student loans - I had to borrow money from Shawmut Bank at 10% interest rates back in the 70s - took me forever to pay it back - and - I did.
Also put two boys thru college without any government assistance of ANY kind. We are NOT helping the youth of this country teaching them it is OK to duck financial responsibility - or - to depend on the government for everything !!!!!
You couldn't get student loans in the 70s? 5 years after I left, the financial aid officer and some of his 'associates' were indicted and convicted...they handed out loans to EVERYBODY (me too) as part of the application process (school went from private to state institution). Just bundled up every couple of hundred and DOE and the state sold them off and they got a check too. Because I was on active duty, I was down to my last payment when ******* hit the fan-I got the nastygrams too and the sumbitches didn't say 'oops' or 'sorry' when I brought last payment and cancelled checks showing I wasn't a part of a conspiracy to defraud.
When anyone depends on anything from the Huffington Post, common sense tells those on the right " This is bias way left trash" so let me prove my thoughts.

First I am sick of Mac and more so Sub posting all of the propaganda directed against Donald Trump. I personally don't care if Trump legally has to pay if he actually broke the law. That is between Trump and his lawyers against the Judicial System, not you hateful leftists vultures waiting to pick his bones.
I asked a question YEARS ago that not one of you answered; a number of you profess to be Christians. How can you follow and approve of Donald Trump?
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I couldn’t even get student loans - I had to borrow money from Shawmut Bank at 10% interest rates back in the 70s - took me forever to pay it back
Should have joined the military, butthead. Back then, under the GI bill, you got a year of in-state college ed for every year in the military.
Guess you were hiding under your bed.

Republican Group Displays 'Stop Lying' Billboards Over McCarthy's District​

ARepublican campaign group has targeted Kevin McCarthy with billboard ads that call on the GOP House Minority Leader to "stop lying" about January 6.

The Republican Accountability Project (RAP), a conservative anti-Donald Trump group, shared a photo of one of the billboards in a Tuesday Twitter post that criticized the Republican leader.

"We've heard the tapes, Kevin. Stop lying about January 6th," the billboard read. According to RAP, several billboards targeting McCarthy went up around California's 23rd congressional district, which is represented by the GOP leader.

Since being shared on Tuesday, the post has attracted some 26,000 likes and more than 5,870 retweets.

The billboard refers to a recording of a January 10, 2021 meeting where McCarthy appears to consider calling on then-President Donald Trump to resign from office.
You Dems got piles of HORSESHITE for everyfuckinthing - if ya sign the dotted line and borrow money - ya should pay it back - PERIOD. Doubt the ole Debacler will get his way with this 1.6 Trillion of OUR money - Americans have HAD it with you guys spending OUR money - sides we DON’T have anymore - there are a coupla Dems with some sense - so doubt the commies will get their way.
End Title 42 - triple the illegals bumrushing our southern border

Take 1.6 Trillion of taxpayer money to pay off people’s student loans that committed to pay back those loans

The GREAT DEBACLER strikes again

All whilst the Dem faithful in here cheer him on

You guys would be funny if ya just weren’t so damn SAD !!!!!! 🤨
You Dems got piles of HORSESHITE for everyfuckinthing - if ya sign the dotted line and borrow money - ya should pay it back - PERIOD. Doubt the ole Debacler will get his way with this 1.6 Trillion of OUR money - Americans have HAD it with you guys spending OUR money - sides we DON’T have anymore - there are a coupla Dems with some sense - so doubt the commies will get their way.

You guys would be funny if ya just weren’t so damn SAD !!!!!!
And the trash talker keeps moving his lips and nothing but gif_CRAP.gif coming out. .... gif_Crap-fullOfIt.gif
For just ONCE we'd love seeing you on a political topic and standing behind it. Just ONCE!
Your asshole just HAS to be jealous of all the ******* your mouth produces. Damn!

Twitter should have died long ago — let Elon Musk take it ...

1 day ago · Twitter should have died long ago — let Elon Musk take it out back and shoot it Twitter's reality-distortion field is damaging journalism, mental health and truth. ...

Progressive Twitter accounts lose followers, …

17 hours ago · The exodus extended beyond political accounts. "It's strange to see a loss of some 35,000 followers overnight," the Auschwitz Memorial account posted Tuesday. The profile, which
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