Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Ravings of a bonafide Dem loon ☝️
Good morning and welcome to "RepTards in the News!". Well today our "Asswipe Finder" puts a spotlight "Randy Russia" who believes that Russia has the right to do anything to any other country. When asked if this was taken out of context, he replied "Oh no, Pusstin is my hero ... well, after my Trumpster that is! All my love and my kisses to these sexy gentlemen." Dope. :devilish:


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Disney closed yesterday at 115.77 it set another 52 week low at 115.64 - looks set to fall at the opening. O I see it’s set to open at 115.52 another 52 week low if’n it does 😁

Watching Dems defend Disney and react to Elon Musk buying up Twitter is just PRECIOUS !!!! Thanks Dems
with tickets a little over a hundred bucks apiece and avg visitors in the thousands daily......think they really care you dimwit!

Pretty bad when your co-workers and constituents protest your corruption​

Progressives to “block business as usual” to protest Manchin and Sinema’s “corrupt obstruction”​

Joe Manchin; Kyrsten Sinema
© Provided by SalonJoe Manchin; Kyrsten Sinema
Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema Photo illustration by Salon/Getty Images

Progressive organizers in Arizona and West Virginia on Tuesday announced a joint protest targeting Sens. Kyrsten Sinema, D-Ariz., and Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., to demand they back ending the filibuster.

The activists announced a "Sit-In to Save America" rally, march and nonviolent civil disobedience on May 23 in Tucson, Ariz., and Charleston, W.Va., to demand the two senators "stop their corrupt obstruction and end the filibuster so the majority can finally pass legislation to deal with the urgent crises that plague our nation."

Organizers in a statement accused Sinema and Manchin of "protecting an abused, outdated Senate rule" and the "profits of their corporate donors over our people, our democracy and our planet."

The organizers said the protest will "block business as usual" in "the great tradition of Dr. King, John Lewis, Cesar Chavez, Dolores Huerta, the suffragettes, the sit down strikers and other freedom struggles" in order "to dramatize this emergency and make it impossible to ignore."

Activists in the two states joined forces in response to the "continuing disgusting role of Sens. Sinema and Manchin and the filibuster rule that maintains racism, oppression and the exploitation of labor," Steven Valencia, the chair of Arizona Jobs for Justice and coordinating committee member of the Arizona Coalition to End the Filibuster, said in a statement to Salon. "Democracy is at stake and the moment is critical to change course for the benefit of working people and the planet. I will join friends in peaceful action and risk arrest to give voice to our demand of ending the filibuster."

Sharon Helan, president of the Eastern Panhandle Green Coalition and coordinating committee member of the West Virginia Poor People's Campaign, said that Martin Luther King Jr. "taught us the value of nonviolent disobedience to affect positive change."

If republicans weren't such good sheep they would not get sheared​

Congressman Cawthorn Implicated In 'Let's Go Brandon' Meme Coin Pump-And-Dump​

Rep. Madison Cawthorn appears to be at the center of another controversy — this time alleging that he was involved in hyping up the meme coin Let's Go Brandon (LGB).

What Happened: According to a report from the Washington Examiner, Cawthorn stands accused of violating insider trading laws involving LGB tokens.

LGB is a token built on the Ethereum (CRYPTO: ETH) blockchain by creators who sought to make fun of U.S. President Joe Biden.

After soaring in value in November and December, the coin lost 99.5% of its value and is currently trading around $0.000000001102.

This is McCarthy's hometown paper!​

Letters to the Editor: Kevin McCarthy denying what he was recorded saying is so Republican​

To the editor: Here we go again. "These are not the droids you're looking for" — or better, these are not the facts you're looking for. ("What the GOP's muted response on the McCarthy tapes means for the Republican Party," April 22)

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Bakersfield) denied he made comments about asking then-President Trump to resign after the Jan. 6, 2021, insurrection, then the tapes are produced. So he lied about it, and now we hear it's no big deal.

This is the GOP handbook: Lie and deny, and if you get caught with audio or video, it's no big deal.

In private, they say they know the 2020 election wasn't stolen. But they refuse to say it in public. Simply put, GOP leaders remain shackled to Donald Trump. “It is a desire expressed as fervently in private as it is assiduously and dexterously avoided in public,” said Baker, who served as the conservative newspaper’s editor-in-chief until 2018.​

When anyone depends on anything from the Huffington Post, common sense tells those on the right " This is bias way left trash" so let me prove my thoughts.

First I am sick of Mac and more so Sub posting all of the propaganda directed against Donald Trump. I personally don't care if Trump legally has to pay if he actually broke the law. That is between Trump and his lawyers against the Judicial System, not you hateful leftists vultures waiting to pick his bones.

Wall Street Journal Editor Has Had It With Republicans Who Back Donald Trump's Big Lie​

“Will someone speak that truth at least?” Gerard Baker asked in a scathing column calling out GOPers who privately just want Trump to "go quietly away." What is the truth ? Who says about Trump "go quietly away" ?

Lee Moran
Apr. 26, 2022, 04:09 AM EDT | Updated Apr. 26, 2022

Gerard Baker, the editor-at-large of The Wall Street Journal, urged Republicans to publicly denounce Donald Trump and the former president’s baseless claims Bias and unproven that the 2020 election was stolen from him.
In an opinion piece An opinion piece published Monday, Baker wrote that many prominent Republicans and major donors don’t actually believe Trump’s election lies and would love for him to “go quietly away.”

“It is a desire expressed as fervently in private as it is assiduously and dexterously avoided in public,” said Baker, who served as the conservative newspaper’s editor-in-chief until 2018.
Republicans worry that Trump leading the presidential ticket in 2024 will be a “lose-lose” situation, Baker said, adding that the GOP is “is too important a political institution to continue to be a vehicle for this grand deception.”

Republicans worry that Trump leading the presidential ticket in 2024 will be a “lose-lose” situation, Which Republicans? The RINO's ! Baker said, adding that the GOP is “is too important a political institution to continue to be a vehicle for this grand deception.”

“Will someone speak that truth at least?” Baker concluded.
First I am sick of Mac and more so Sub posting all of the propaganda directed against Donald Trump. I personally don't care if Trump legally has to pay if he actually broke the law. That is between Trump and his lawyers against the Judicial System, not you hateful leftists vultures waiting to pick his bones.
"Propaganda"? Are you sure you even know what that means?
  • Propaganda is communication that is primarily used to influence or persuade an audience to further an agenda
  • Information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view
Stanley, if you despise propaganda, why are you not complaining about Trump & Republicans? That's all they've been doing for YEARS, and even admitting to the tactic. Trump's the easiest target to come along in politics in YEARS as he ADMITS to what he's doing. He wears his plans on the sleeve of his silky white shirts and dares anyone to stop him.
What specifically did I post that was propaganda to you? Trump's a low-life creep and the people backing him are exactly the same thing.

Wall Street Journal Editor Has Had It With Republicans Who Back Donald Trump's Big Lie
“Will someone speak that truth at least?” Gerard Baker asked in a scathing column calling out GOPers who privately just want Trump to "go quietly away."
Are you complaining about the Wall Street Journal ... a well known conservative newspaper? You do KNOW that was the WSJ and not Huff.Reports
Are you complaining about the Republicans who are too chicken to say to Donald Trump's face what they are saying amongst themselves?
Are you complaining because I don't post the entirety of the articles? I post the link to the articles, I post excerpts from the article, its up to you ReThuglicans to READ the articles, which 98% of the time you don't because you don't care what the article says. You simply prefer to take the quick way out by saying the articles or opinions are "false" or as "bad propaganda".
The upcoming elections in '22 & '24 are about a lot MORE than which party wins the elections. Its about our government & democracy; Republicans have shown their support to PARTY, "Country & Democracy Be Damned!"
The next four years is a FIGHT for the Constitution Of The United States, period!
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Biden says U.S. will send $1.3 billion in additional military and economic support to Ukraine...War is a racket...U.S. debt 30 trillion and counting...Inflation at 41 yr. high...Stock Market record highs;)👏👏👏

Hey the old Debacler wants to forgive $1.6 Trillion of student debt with OUR tax dollars - WTF - wonder if the ole bastard will pay me back for working 3 jobs to pay every penny of my tuition meself.
It isn't just YOUR tax dollars; I AM a taxpayer, and I paid student loans for myself, and two *******. A lot of people took loans because they didn't have family or anybody backing them up, and the interest on those damn things doesn't wait until you get a 'real' job....too many are drowning slowly.
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