Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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As you know I received this response to my post yesterday from someone whom I was not even replying to in the first place. His words were so outrageous I decided to share the post in an email to a friend. Below is the return email.

StanleyCush1 said:
They keep saying that Biden is doing wonderful​

who says that?

StanleyCush1 said:
What messes is Biden cleaning up ?
you don't remember a million americans dying of covid?

you don't remember trump's deal with the taliban where he gave them back 5000 prisoners and we agreed to withdraw?

you don't remember trump failing to do jack ******* on the border besides talk about his amazing walls?

StanleyCush1 said:
Oh! Don't forget Democrats are smarter then the rest of us Americans. I have watched so many conservatives destroy progressives in one on one debates, where are all these leftist scholars.
leftists write things down instead of going on virtue signaling show "debates"

except for Zizek he really enjoys that ******* for some reason

StanleyCush1 said:
I know that a great deal of the educated idiots are teachers and professors in America's schools and colleges indoctrinating children and young adults.
yeah it's a shame I would hate for children to learn about climate change or evolution or the history of genocide slavery and oppression in our country

Good Morning , I find great amusement in the musings of your reference to ------- . Covid deaths were higher under Dim Wit than Trump, Trump got us the Vaccine.

Remember the dim wit's deal with the Taliban, and the disaster of Afghanistan, and dim wit left the Taliban the third best equipped army in the Middle East, and despite their word to dim with many were still killed.

Remember Trumps remain in Mexico, and the lowest border intrusions ever .and dim wits breaking every record of illegal crossings.

Remember when teachers taught the basics and not the indoctrination into socialism and phony science of what defines a man and a woman.

I do enjoy debating those with little to no intellect or facts , I have actually made a fortune, off people like Dim Wit and his Socialist party . Most of the followers of failure are easy marks for scams and taking advantage of in Business . I know as I have taken many Democrats to task.
Where do you get your news from ?

you think the shooter was a conservative?

TDS is exposing your ignorance, you are a clueless moron. Even your overlords propaganda machines admit it.
Again do you just make ******* up in your head to fit what you want to be reality

lol he's a black nationalist

that's a very conservative ideology. just because he wants you to be the underclass instead of black people doesn't make it any less conservative

nice try using red state dot com and the ny post opinion pieces to try and make this guy into a leftist though
Anyone else LUV the open HYPOCRISY of YouTube letting that miscreant Frank James have his hate filled racists rants stay up for years while they banned President Trump ????!!

there's a lot of right-wing crazies on youtube still

they banned archconservative ******* stefan molyneaux, but louder with crowder is still on there
Hope Elon buys YouTube next 👍👍

he's not going to buy TWTR

he's going to dump his stake after some post about how "content moderation is hard" and "the conditions aren't quite right"

if you think he's going to buy it, you should obviously be buying all the TWTR you can on margin, since the current share price is $45 and his offer is at $54.20
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