Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Dems Dems

Come out and PLAY - A

Let’s try ta dance without Trump’n it up

It’s YOUR guy in charge and screwing things up - OWN IT !!!!!
opinions.....hard to discuss opinions.....without some sort of facts to back it up.....we have all those facts when it comes to trump.......as for you.....it is all assumptions......

I expand on the topic plenty - 210 days to the midterms. Biden’s ridiculous policies affecting the good ole USA in such an adverse manner will be your party’s undoing
You honestly CAN'T discuss these topics you list, can you? All you seem to do is read headline news jabs by your radical right-wing Biden haters. Your discussion abilities are about as deep as a first grader discussing Santa Claus.
What the hell do you do with yourself the remaining 3o minutes of the day you're not on here repetitively tossing out your "one-lines" at Biden and liberals?
Thing is many Trumptards are exactly like you, just "one-liner" followers of Trump.

PM says "Ukrainians are welcome in Portugal...​

Of course they are...So you can keep getting paid by your masters the E.U. and ECB...
while your fellow countrymen and women work on the lowest wages in Europe...
What fucking jobs...

Side note: wink wink....Most Ukrainians in Portugal work in low-skill and low wages jobs, particularly on cleaning services, construction, manufacturing industries, transport services, hotels and restaurants. However, according to a recent survey, it was found that some Ukrainian workers have achieved jobs that are more compatible with their academic and professional qualifications...;)🥳

Our Government is Corrupt Democrats need to grasp that Fact. The Biden Administration is the worst ever. We are feeling to results right now but if the majority of the People don't wake up soon everything is going to get devastatingly worse. All this Nitpicking crap displayed on here every day and night has accomplished nothing. I am going to continue to voice my thoughts about life as I truly know that our freedom is almost to the point of being lost.

Are some on this thread so ignorant that they don't realize that I refuse to respond to many on the left anymore, I scroll right down through the worthless false Propaganda and completely stupid memes along with ignoring their childish insults.
Yawwwn, yep - and its probably time to focus on QAnon conspiracies and growing the GQP (Grand QAnon Party) of knuckleheads. And we all agree that "Just Say Nay" RepTards are mounting an impressive "Quantity not Quality" push for the White House in 2040!

The New GQP - RepTard Circle-jerk of Presidential Candidates

Groveling Governors:
* DeSantis - complete selfish idiot killing 1,000’s in Fla and self-proclaimed "Gender Know-it-All".
* Rubio - seemingly was an upstart candidate to loser in 1.5 years.
* Youngkin – still supporting the “big lie”, and its already catching up with him.
* Haley – country, duty and honor first … nah … RepTards first.

Servicing Senators:
* Cruz – just an empty 10-gallon hat, but a sombrero works for him.
* Graham – just trying to save his job and wimp ass from everyone.
* McConnell - duh, black people vote just like Americans.
* Johnson – dumbest RepTard politician and Wisconsin people have him the crosshairs.
* Scott – may not be terrible … and planning to run with Trump in 2040 (after prison).
* Hawley – named dumbest Senator of all time, Trump amplifier, Pusstin supporter.
* Mehmet Cengiz “Oz”- RepTards really digging into the bottom of the “quack” bucket.
* Palin - she has good relationship with Russia and can see Moscow from her back porch.
* Romney – not perfect, already lost once, but likely the best of the lil boys.

Congressional Cronies:
* Cawthorn – "duh, orgies and an addictive white substance parties ..." another flying flake coming up on charges.
* McCarthy – all-time flip flop puppet always servicing Trump desires.
* Greene - complete QAnon basket-case.
* Bobert – dumb as stone “duh, Micky badddd too …”
* Jordon – JorDumb just an ignorant fickle, hide-n-seek artist and TrumpTard oral servant.
* Gaetz – another dope, but does have college ******* on the ole resume.
* Pompeo – duh, US should not be multicultural, a colossal village idiot.
* Cotton – I am just as "Trumb" and I despise expertise, book-learning and fact-knowing people.

Just Dumb Candidates:
* Trump, D - enough said.
* Trump, DJ - dumber and slimier than Daddo.
* Trump, E - way dumber that DJ.
* Trump, I - probably the smartest of the TrumpTurds, but can’t help any cause.
* Pence - back to a know nothing, see nothing, do nothing, fly-eaten drizzling doormat.
* Gingrich - and a package of figs for every Tard in the land.

Limping Longshots:

* Lindell – idiot posterTard, but pillow fights on all key government issues.
* Schwarzenegger - Zues back to the rescue, have to change the rules though.
* Carlson - Tucker Suckers rejoice … for exactly one minute.
* Pusstin – probably need to be leading the GQP from a dark hiding place tho.

Wow, when you look at these gems you just want to stand up and say "Aye" ... oh, hell, say "Aye Aye"! Dopes. :devilish:


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Ya just ALWAYS gotta bring it back to Trump

YOU are sooooooooooooo LAME

It’s your man in there fucking up the works !!!!

In ALL the manners I expounded on.


Without circling back to Trump 🤨
Poor baby, buttdload ... "wifout circling back to my closet hero Trumpty." Well, good news for you as we've ordered up three more years of TrumpTard crap just for you! lol ... Whining and sniffling Dope. :devilish:


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Come on Dems - defend the GREAT DEBACLER - what’s an estimated 31 million between “friends”.

If Hunter and Jim were Eric and Don Jr. we’d NEVER hear the end of it !!!!!!!!!!!
Defend it? With you? Your knowledge of anything in this thread are paper-thin at the most.
We could do that with a "Dick & Jane" level of effort and you still wouldn't be able to respond with anything other than insults.
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