Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Maybe - just maybe Dems losing their grip on controlling the media šŸ˜
Lol buttdload "duh, dems wosing their gwip on da media ... ". And back to our regularly schedule edition of "RepTards in News". Claiming he as only a "buttdload tourist", RepTard Insurrectionist Thomas (aka Angry Dumbass) Robertson was found guilty on all charges. This comes after idiot Proud Boy leader, Charles Donohue, rolled over like a stuck pig agreeing to testify against RepTards, his followers, TrumpTards, Insurrectionists, and most backward "pop-gun hill jacks" on the cusp of jail time. Priceless ... :devilish:


  • Another RepTard Down.jpg
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Lol buttdload "duh, dems wosing their gwip on da media ... ". And back to our regularly schedule edition of "RepTards in News". Claiming he as only a "buttdload tourist", RepTard Insurrectionist Thomas (aka Angry Dumbass) Robertson was found guilty on all charges. This comes after idiot Proud Boy leader, Charles Donohue, rolled over like a stuck pig agreeing to testify against RepTards, his followers, TrumpTards, Insurrectionists, and most backward "pop-gun hill jacks" on the cusp of jail time. Priceless ... :devilish:
LOL, it's been proven that the "insurrection" was a false-flag operation, and yet you still hang onto the narrative! You can't make this stuff up!

Elon Musk declined to join the Twitter BOD, which is a brilliant move, as it allows him to buy more shares and take over Twitter...
Lol, our wittol brainless Checkers strategist, TardisConfused" thinks he has the plan to "get 'er done ... jes like we say in Moose-Zoo when we mean bidness". Hillbilly Dope. :devilish:


  • Moose-Zoo TnC Plan.gif
    Moose-Zoo TnC Plan.gif
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Lol, our wittol brainless Checkers strategist, TardisConfused" thinks he has the plan to "get 'er done ... jes like we say in Moose-Zoo when we mean bidness". Hillbilly Dope. :devilish:
Video has come out showing police LETTING PEOPLE IN, and SHOWING THEM WHERE TO GO... Thus invalidating any and all claims of "insurrection"
LOL, it's been proven that the "insurrection" was a false-flag operation, and yet you still hang onto the narrative! You can't make this stuff up!

Here's our very own Hillbilly Network Correspondent, TardisConfused, using Newsmax and Thumbsucker Carlson as his quality sources of information. "duh, its a pwoven false-flag jes like 911 twas, the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre, and dis Ukraine thingy ... cuz there is a video on my cartoon channel that says so." lol ... "oh, and jes like he said, my King Twumpy is the most honest person awwive twwwoo." Have Mommy slowly read this to you, Asswipe. :devilish:

Tardo's Mommy reading "Once upon time ..." Here is the confirmed fact check of five of the most asinine knucklehead lies about January 6:

Lie: The rioters were completely unarmed

Trump and some of his allies continue to claim that all of the people at the Capitol on January 6 were unarmed.
In a December 21 statement, Trump called January 6 a "completely unarmed protest." Similarly, in a tweet on December 17, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia wrote, "One of the biggest holes in the lie about J6 being a planned insurrection is that all the people there were unarmed. Anyone with half a brain knows that gun owners only leave their firearms at home when they don't feel the need to carry a gun or are obeying the law."
Facts First: It's not even close to true that all of the people at the Capitol on January 6 were unarmed -- and the claim is still false even if it is specifically about guns. People who illegally entered Capitol grounds during the insurrection were armed with a wide variety of weapons, including guns, stun guns, knives, batons, baseball bats, axes and chemical sprays. The Department of Justice said in an official update last week that so far "over 75" people charged in connection to the attack "have been charged with entering a restricted area with a dangerous or deadly weapon."
We may never get a complete inventory of the concealed weapons the rioters possessed on January 6, since nearly all of the rioters were able to leave the Capitol without being detained and searched. But prosecutors have alleged that some of the people present at the Capitol were armed with guns, as were some other Trump supporters who traveled to Washington for January 6.
Mark Mazza of Indiana has been charged with crimes including possession of a firearm on Capitol grounds; he has pleaded not guilty. According to the Capitol Police, Mazza accidentally dropped his loaded revolver during a struggle with police on a Capitol terrace. He allegedly told investigators later that if he had visited House Speaker Nancy Pelosi that day, "you'd be here for another reason."
Guy Reffitt of Texas has been charged with crimes including illegally carrying a semi-automatic handgun on Capitol grounds; he has pleaded not guilty. Prosecutors allege Reffitt "specifically targeted at least two lawmakers -- the Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, and then-Senate Majority Leader, Mitch McConnell -- whom he sought to physically remove or displace from the Capitol building." And police allege Christopher Alberts of Maryland was arrested trying to flee Capitol grounds on January 6 with a loaded *******; he has pleaded not guilty.
Mark Ibrahim, who was an off-duty special agent for the ******* Enforcement Administration at the time of the riot, has been charged with crimes including carrying a firearm on Capitol grounds. Ibrahim, who has said he was later fired by the DEA (the DEA would confirm to CNN only that he no longer works there), was photographed that day displaying what appeared to be a handgun. He has pleaded not guilty.
In addition, Lonnie Coffman of Alabama, who pleaded guilty to weapons charges in November, admitted that he had carried two loaded pistols in Washington on January 6 and that a truck he had parked blocks from the Capitol contained additional loaded guns, Molotov cocktails and other weapons. Cleveland Meredith Jr., who pleaded guilty to threatening to ******* Pelosi and was sentenced to 28 months in prison, drove from Colorado to Washington with a rifle and handgun that were found in his trailer outside a Washington hotel. The FBI said Meredith had told agents he had tried to get to Washington on January 5 but ended up arriving late on January 6.

Lie: The rioters were merely protesting a 'rigged' election

Trump called on his supporters to come to Washington on January 6 for a "wild" protest against President Joe Biden's victory, which Trump falsely claimed was fraudulent. During his rally speech on the morning of January 6, Trump pushed that election lie, directed supporters to march to the Capitol and urged them to "fight like hell."
After the insurrection, Trump continued to repeat the election lie for months -- and adapted it to minimize what had happened at the Capitol. In an October statement, he claimed that the "real insurrection" was the 2020 election and January 6 was simply a "day of protesting." (He also made similar claims later in the year.)
Facts First: Both parts of Trump's claim are obvious lies. The election wasn't rigged and wasn't fraudulent; Biden won fair and square; there was a tiny smattering of Republican voter fraud that was nowhere near widespread enough to have changed the outcome in any state, let alone to have reversed Biden's 306-232 victory in the Electoral College. And the insurrection of January 6 -- in which 140 police officers were assaulted and the peaceful transfer of power was violently interrupted -- involved thousands of alleged crimes; it was, very clearly, no mere protest.
"This was not a peaceful protest. Hundreds of people came to Washington, DC, to disrupt the peaceful transfer of power," Chief Judge Beryl Howell of the DC District Court said last January. Howell added in October: "The rioters attacking the US Capitol on January 6th, as part of a large mob, were not mere trespassers engaging in protected First Amendment protests; they were certainly not tourists. And I say that again and again because there still seems, in some areas, to be a debate about that issue."

Lie: The rioters were invited into the Capitol by police

A common refrain from January 6 rioters, and some of their Republican defenders, is that they were welcomed into the Capitol by police officers.
Trump said in a book interview in March that "the Capitol Police were ushering people in" and "the Capitol Police were very friendly. You know, they were hugging and kissing." The claim has been echoed by Trump supporters. For example, Trump-endorsed Republican Arizona gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake declared at a Trump rally in October that the people being held in jail over the Capitol attack "were invited in by Capitol Police."
Facts First: The claim that the rioters were invited into the Capitol is false. Again, about 140 police officers were assaulted while trying to stop the mob from breaching the Capitol. There were hours-long battles between police and rioters near some entrances. CNN obtained footage from police body-worn cameras showing how dozens of officers engaged in hand-to-hand combat with rioters in a desperate effort to keep them out of the building.

Rioters inside the Capitol after breaching barricades on Jan. 6, 2021.

Rioters inside the Capitol after breaching barricades on Jan. 6, 2021.

There are plenty of instances where rioters waltzed into the Capitol without a fight, but only after they had stormed past barricades and, in some cases, even stepped through broken windows. In some areas, police were so outnumbered by the mob that they retreated, stood aside or tried to politely engage with rioters to de-escalate the situation rather than fighting or making arrests, but that is clearly not the same as welcoming rioters into the building.

Lie: The jailed rioters are nonviolent political prisoners

One of the most prevalent counternarratives about January 6 is that a large number of nonviolent people who were present at the Capitol are being unfairly prosecuted by liberal zealots at the Justice Department, and that these nonviolent people have now become "political prisoners" while awaiting trial in jail. Such claims have emerged as a rallying cry among a small but vocal cohort of Trump loyalists in the House Republican conference.

Facts First: This "political prisoners" narrative is false. The vast majority of the 700-plus people charged in the Capitol riot to date were released shortly after their arrests. Only a few dozen were ordered by judges to remain in jail before trial, and most of those defendants were charged with attacking police or conspiring with far-right militia groups.

A few rioters have claimed in court that they are the victims of politically motivated prosecution because they support Trump. Federal judges, including those appointed by Trump, have rejected these arguments.

Lie: January 6 was a false flag attack

Before the Capitol was even cleared of rioters on January 6, some prominent Trump supporters started to try to deflect blame -- claiming that left-wing Antifa, a loose collection of self-described anti-fascists, was actually behind the violence.
Such "false flag" theories -- that the violence was secretly orchestrated by Trump's opponents in an attempt to make Trump look bad -- never went away. And the theories have expanded to include claims that the violence was orchestrated by the Black Lives Matter movement or even by an arm of the federal government itself, the FBI.
Fox News host Tucker Carlson has promoted false flag theories, focusing on the FBI, both in his own remarks and in his revisionist documentary series on a Fox streaming service in November. Carlson has claimed on his show that government documents showed that "FBI operatives were organizing the attack on the Capitol on January 6." Former Army Capt. Emily Rainey said in the documentary (and in a trailer Carlson tweeted out): "It is my opinion that false flags have happened in this country, one of which may have been January 6."
And Trump himself has given oxygen to the theories, claiming in a December interview with ring-wing commentator Candace Owens, "You have BLM and you had Antifa people, I have very little doubt about that, and they were antagonizing and they were agitating."
Facts First: The insurrection at the Capitol was not a false flag. Just as it looked on January 6, a mob of diehard Trump supporters stormed the building. They did so after Trump urged supporters to come to Washington and then, as we noted above, made a speech urging them to "fight like hell" and to march to the Capitol. The rioters' allegiance to Trump has been exhaustively documented in court proceedings and in their social media posts and media interviews.
Though there are thousands of pages of court documents stemming from criminal cases against January 6 rioters, no Capitol riot defendant as of the end of 2021 had any confirmed involvement in Antifa or Black Lives Matter groups. (One defendant who filmed the riot had expressed support for Black Lives Matter but was disavowed in 2020 by BLM activists, some of whom suspected he was a provocateur connected to the political right.) By contrast, hundreds of Capitol riot defendants were confirmed to be Trump supporters -- and some were members of far-right extremist groups. Members of the Oath Keepers and the Proud Boys have been charged with conspiracy regarding January 6; some have pleaded guilty.
Carlson wrongly described the court documents he inaccurately claimed were a smoking gun about FBI operatives organizing the attack; you can read more about that claim here. While it is entirely possible that some of the Capitol rioters were secretly serving as informants for the FBI -- The New York Times reported in October that a member of the Proud Boys who had entered the Capitol on January 6 was an FBI informant -- the presence of a few FBI informants among the estimated 2,000-plus people who illegally breached the Capitol would not make the entire mob assault an FBI-orchestrated "false flag" operation.
Republican Rep. Liz Cheney of Wyoming, vice chair of the House select committee investigating the insurrection, said on Fox News in November that there is no truth to claims that January 6 was a false flag perpetrated by "deep state" liberals trying to set up Trump supporters.
"It's the same kind of thing that you hear from people who say that 9/11 was an inside job, for example. It's un-American to be spreading those kinds of lies, and they are lies," Cheney said.
Here's our very own Hillbilly Network Correspondent, TardisConfused, using Newsmax and Thumbsucker Carlson as his quality sources of information. "duh, its a pwoven false-flag jes like 911 twas, the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre, and dis Ukraine thingy ... cuz there is a video on my cartoon channel that says so." lol ... "oh, and jes like he said, my King Twumpy is the most honest person awwive twwwoo." Have Mommy slowly read this to you, Asswipe. :devilish:

Tardo's Mommy reading "Once upon time ..." Here is the confirmed fact check of five of the most asinine knucklehead lies about January 6:

Lie: The rioters were completely unarmed

Trump and some of his allies continue to claim that all of the people at the Capitol on January 6 were unarmed.
In a December 21 statement, Trump called January 6 a "completely unarmed protest." Similarly, in a tweet on December 17, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia wrote, "One of the biggest holes in the lie about J6 being a planned insurrection is that all the people there were unarmed. Anyone with half a brain knows that gun owners only leave their firearms at home when they don't feel the need to carry a gun or are obeying the law."
Facts First: It's not even close to true that all of the people at the Capitol on January 6 were unarmed -- and the claim is still false even if it is specifically about guns. People who illegally entered Capitol grounds during the insurrection were armed with a wide variety of weapons, including guns, stun guns, knives, batons, baseball bats, axes and chemical sprays. The Department of Justice said in an official update last week that so far "over 75" people charged in connection to the attack "have been charged with entering a restricted area with a dangerous or deadly weapon."
We may never get a complete inventory of the concealed weapons the rioters possessed on January 6, since nearly all of the rioters were able to leave the Capitol without being detained and searched. But prosecutors have alleged that some of the people present at the Capitol were armed with guns, as were some other Trump supporters who traveled to Washington for January 6.
Mark Mazza of Indiana has been charged with crimes including possession of a firearm on Capitol grounds; he has pleaded not guilty. According to the Capitol Police, Mazza accidentally dropped his loaded revolver during a struggle with police on a Capitol terrace. He allegedly told investigators later that if he had visited House Speaker Nancy Pelosi that day, "you'd be here for another reason."
Guy Reffitt of Texas has been charged with crimes including illegally carrying a semi-automatic handgun on Capitol grounds; he has pleaded not guilty. Prosecutors allege Reffitt "specifically targeted at least two lawmakers -- the Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, and then-Senate Majority Leader, Mitch McConnell -- whom he sought to physically remove or displace from the Capitol building." And police allege Christopher Alberts of Maryland was arrested trying to flee Capitol grounds on January 6 with a loaded *******; he has pleaded not guilty.
Mark Ibrahim, who was an off-duty special agent for the ******* Enforcement Administration at the time of the riot, has been charged with crimes including carrying a firearm on Capitol grounds. Ibrahim, who has said he was later fired by the DEA (the DEA would confirm to CNN only that he no longer works there), was photographed that day displaying what appeared to be a handgun. He has pleaded not guilty.
In addition, Lonnie Coffman of Alabama, who pleaded guilty to weapons charges in November, admitted that he had carried two loaded pistols in Washington on January 6 and that a truck he had parked blocks from the Capitol contained additional loaded guns, Molotov cocktails and other weapons. Cleveland Meredith Jr., who pleaded guilty to threatening to ******* Pelosi and was sentenced to 28 months in prison, drove from Colorado to Washington with a rifle and handgun that were found in his trailer outside a Washington hotel. The FBI said Meredith had told agents he had tried to get to Washington on January 5 but ended up arriving late on January 6.

Lie: The rioters were merely protesting a 'rigged' election

Trump called on his supporters to come to Washington on January 6 for a "wild" protest against President Joe Biden's victory, which Trump falsely claimed was fraudulent. During his rally speech on the morning of January 6, Trump pushed that election lie, directed supporters to march to the Capitol and urged them to "fight like hell."
After the insurrection, Trump continued to repeat the election lie for months -- and adapted it to minimize what had happened at the Capitol. In an October statement, he claimed that the "real insurrection" was the 2020 election and January 6 was simply a "day of protesting." (He also made similar claims later in the year.)
Facts First: Both parts of Trump's claim are obvious lies. The election wasn't rigged and wasn't fraudulent; Biden won fair and square; there was a tiny smattering of Republican voter fraud that was nowhere near widespread enough to have changed the outcome in any state, let alone to have reversed Biden's 306-232 victory in the Electoral College. And the insurrection of January 6 -- in which 140 police officers were assaulted and the peaceful transfer of power was violently interrupted -- involved thousands of alleged crimes; it was, very clearly, no mere protest.
"This was not a peaceful protest. Hundreds of people came to Washington, DC, to disrupt the peaceful transfer of power," Chief Judge Beryl Howell of the DC District Court said last January. Howell added in October: "The rioters attacking the US Capitol on January 6th, as part of a large mob, were not mere trespassers engaging in protected First Amendment protests; they were certainly not tourists. And I say that again and again because there still seems, in some areas, to be a debate about that issue."

Lie: The rioters were invited into the Capitol by police

A common refrain from January 6 rioters, and some of their Republican defenders, is that they were welcomed into the Capitol by police officers.
Trump said in a book interview in March that "the Capitol Police were ushering people in" and "the Capitol Police were very friendly. You know, they were hugging and kissing." The claim has been echoed by Trump supporters. For example, Trump-endorsed Republican Arizona gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake declared at a Trump rally in October that the people being held in jail over the Capitol attack "were invited in by Capitol Police."
Facts First: The claim that the rioters were invited into the Capitol is false. Again, about 140 police officers were assaulted while trying to stop the mob from breaching the Capitol. There were hours-long battles between police and rioters near some entrances. CNN obtained footage from police body-worn cameras showing how dozens of officers engaged in hand-to-hand combat with rioters in a desperate effort to keep them out of the building.

Rioters inside the Capitol after breaching barricades on Jan. 6, 2021.

Rioters inside the Capitol after breaching barricades on Jan. 6, 2021.

There are plenty of instances where rioters waltzed into the Capitol without a fight, but only after they had stormed past barricades and, in some cases, even stepped through broken windows. In some areas, police were so outnumbered by the mob that they retreated, stood aside or tried to politely engage with rioters to de-escalate the situation rather than fighting or making arrests, but that is clearly not the same as welcoming rioters into the building.

Lie: The jailed rioters are nonviolent political prisoners

One of the most prevalent counternarratives about January 6 is that a large number of nonviolent people who were present at the Capitol are being unfairly prosecuted by liberal zealots at the Justice Department, and that these nonviolent people have now become "political prisoners" while awaiting trial in jail. Such claims have emerged as a rallying cry among a small but vocal cohort of Trump loyalists in the House Republican conference.

Facts First: This "political prisoners" narrative is false. The vast majority of the 700-plus people charged in the Capitol riot to date were released shortly after their arrests. Only a few dozen were ordered by judges to remain in jail before trial, and most of those defendants were charged with attacking police or conspiring with far-right militia groups.

A few rioters have claimed in court that they are the victims of politically motivated prosecution because they support Trump. Federal judges, including those appointed by Trump, have rejected these arguments.

Lie: January 6 was a false flag attack

Before the Capitol was even cleared of rioters on January 6, some prominent Trump supporters started to try to deflect blame -- claiming that left-wing Antifa, a loose collection of self-described anti-fascists, was actually behind the violence.
Such "false flag" theories -- that the violence was secretly orchestrated by Trump's opponents in an attempt to make Trump look bad -- never went away. And the theories have expanded to include claims that the violence was orchestrated by the Black Lives Matter movement or even by an arm of the federal government itself, the FBI.
Fox News host Tucker Carlson has promoted false flag theories, focusing on the FBI, both in his own remarks and in his revisionist documentary series on a Fox streaming service in November. Carlson has claimed on his show that government documents showed that "FBI operatives were organizing the attack on the Capitol on January 6." Former Army Capt. Emily Rainey said in the documentary (and in a trailer Carlson tweeted out): "It is my opinion that false flags have happened in this country, one of which may have been January 6."
And Trump himself has given oxygen to the theories, claiming in a December interview with ring-wing commentator Candace Owens, "You have BLM and you had Antifa people, I have very little doubt about that, and they were antagonizing and they were agitating."
Facts First: The insurrection at the Capitol was not a false flag. Just as it looked on January 6, a mob of diehard Trump supporters stormed the building. They did so after Trump urged supporters to come to Washington and then, as we noted above, made a speech urging them to "fight like hell" and to march to the Capitol. The rioters' allegiance to Trump has been exhaustively documented in court proceedings and in their social media posts and media interviews.
Though there are thousands of pages of court documents stemming from criminal cases against January 6 rioters, no Capitol riot defendant as of the end of 2021 had any confirmed involvement in Antifa or Black Lives Matter groups. (One defendant who filmed the riot had expressed support for Black Lives Matter but was disavowed in 2020 by BLM activists, some of whom suspected he was a provocateur connected to the political right.) By contrast, hundreds of Capitol riot defendants were confirmed to be Trump supporters -- and some were members of far-right extremist groups. Members of the Oath Keepers and the Proud Boys have been charged with conspiracy regarding January 6; some have pleaded guilty.
Carlson wrongly described the court documents he inaccurately claimed were a smoking gun about FBI operatives organizing the attack; you can read more about that claim here. While it is entirely possible that some of the Capitol rioters were secretly serving as informants for the FBI -- The New York Times reported in October that a member of the Proud Boys who had entered the Capitol on January 6 was an FBI informant -- the presence of a few FBI informants among the estimated 2,000-plus people who illegally breached the Capitol would not make the entire mob assault an FBI-orchestrated "false flag" operation.
Republican Rep. Liz Cheney of Wyoming, vice chair of the House select committee investigating the insurrection, said on Fox News in November that there is no truth to claims that January 6 was a false flag perpetrated by "deep state" liberals trying to set up Trump supporters.
"It's the same kind of thing that you hear from people who say that 9/11 was an inside job, for example. It's un-American to be spreading those kinds of lies, and they are lies," Cheney said.
You actually believe this stuff??

Even after irrefutable evidence of it being a false-flag operation has been made public!

This is my ******* Mac...He has over 50k likes on an Interracial Porn Blog Site...Can I get an Amen! ;)šŸ„³

View attachment 4979519
Praise Be! The Lord has truly blessed your ******* Mac with likes on an interracial porn blog. Your *******'s like cup runneth over and dribbles onto the soil, much as his mini-gun does, casting his seed upon the soil per Mark 4:26.

LOL, it's been proven that the "insurrection" was a false-flag operation, and yet you still hang onto the narrative! You can't make this stuff up!

proven where....alot of your friends now serving time.....you might want to get your "proof' to their lawyers

do you ever make a rational statement?
I was beginning to believe none of you guys would bring up the border again; TX, AZ, and CA all reporting surging numbers of Ukrainians coming across-Tijuana alone now over 1000/day. When are you Cons going to push for conspiracy charges against whoever aided them crossing the Atlantic?

That just illustrates how EASY Debacle Joe has made it for TERRORISTS to infiltrate our border from anyfuckingwhere. Theyā€™ve already caught 34 known terrorists at the border - how many got through ????!!
Here's our very own Hillbilly Network Correspondent, TardisConfused, using Newsmax and Thumbsucker Carlson as his quality sources of information. "duh, its a pwoven false-flag jes like 911 twas, the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre, and dis Ukraine thingy ... cuz there is a video on my cartoon channel that says so." lol ... "oh, and jes like he said, my King Twumpy is the most honest person awwive twwwoo." Have Mommy slowly read this to you, Asswipe. :devilish:

Tardo's Mommy reading "Once upon time ..." Here is the confirmed fact check of five of the most asinine knucklehead lies about January 6:

Lie: The rioters were completely unarmed

Trump and some of his allies continue to claim that all of the people at the Capitol on January 6 were unarmed.
In a December 21 statement, Trump called January 6 a "completely unarmed protest." Similarly, in a tweet on December 17, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia wrote, "One of the biggest holes in the lie about J6 being a planned insurrection is that all the people there were unarmed. Anyone with half a brain knows that gun owners only leave their firearms at home when they don't feel the need to carry a gun or are obeying the law."
Facts First: It's not even close to true that all of the people at the Capitol on January 6 were unarmed -- and the claim is still false even if it is specifically about guns. People who illegally entered Capitol grounds during the insurrection were armed with a wide variety of weapons, including guns, stun guns, knives, batons, baseball bats, axes and chemical sprays. The Department of Justice said in an official update last week that so far "over 75" people charged in connection to the attack "have been charged with entering a restricted area with a dangerous or deadly weapon."
We may never get a complete inventory of the concealed weapons the rioters possessed on January 6, since nearly all of the rioters were able to leave the Capitol without being detained and searched. But prosecutors have alleged that some of the people present at the Capitol were armed with guns, as were some other Trump supporters who traveled to Washington for January 6.
Mark Mazza of Indiana has been charged with crimes including possession of a firearm on Capitol grounds; he has pleaded not guilty. According to the Capitol Police, Mazza accidentally dropped his loaded revolver during a struggle with police on a Capitol terrace. He allegedly told investigators later that if he had visited House Speaker Nancy Pelosi that day, "you'd be here for another reason."
Guy Reffitt of Texas has been charged with crimes including illegally carrying a semi-automatic handgun on Capitol grounds; he has pleaded not guilty. Prosecutors allege Reffitt "specifically targeted at least two lawmakers -- the Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, and then-Senate Majority Leader, Mitch McConnell -- whom he sought to physically remove or displace from the Capitol building." And police allege Christopher Alberts of Maryland was arrested trying to flee Capitol grounds on January 6 with a loaded *******; he has pleaded not guilty.
Mark Ibrahim, who was an off-duty special agent for the ******* Enforcement Administration at the time of the riot, has been charged with crimes including carrying a firearm on Capitol grounds. Ibrahim, who has said he was later fired by the DEA (the DEA would confirm to CNN only that he no longer works there), was photographed that day displaying what appeared to be a handgun. He has pleaded not guilty.
In addition, Lonnie Coffman of Alabama, who pleaded guilty to weapons charges in November, admitted that he had carried two loaded pistols in Washington on January 6 and that a truck he had parked blocks from the Capitol contained additional loaded guns, Molotov cocktails and other weapons. Cleveland Meredith Jr., who pleaded guilty to threatening to ******* Pelosi and was sentenced to 28 months in prison, drove from Colorado to Washington with a rifle and handgun that were found in his trailer outside a Washington hotel. The FBI said Meredith had told agents he had tried to get to Washington on January 5 but ended up arriving late on January 6.

Lie: The rioters were merely protesting a 'rigged' election

Trump called on his supporters to come to Washington on January 6 for a "wild" protest against President Joe Biden's victory, which Trump falsely claimed was fraudulent. During his rally speech on the morning of January 6, Trump pushed that election lie, directed supporters to march to the Capitol and urged them to "fight like hell."
After the insurrection, Trump continued to repeat the election lie for months -- and adapted it to minimize what had happened at the Capitol. In an October statement, he claimed that the "real insurrection" was the 2020 election and January 6 was simply a "day of protesting." (He also made similar claims later in the year.)
Facts First: Both parts of Trump's claim are obvious lies. The election wasn't rigged and wasn't fraudulent; Biden won fair and square; there was a tiny smattering of Republican voter fraud that was nowhere near widespread enough to have changed the outcome in any state, let alone to have reversed Biden's 306-232 victory in the Electoral College. And the insurrection of January 6 -- in which 140 police officers were assaulted and the peaceful transfer of power was violently interrupted -- involved thousands of alleged crimes; it was, very clearly, no mere protest.
"This was not a peaceful protest. Hundreds of people came to Washington, DC, to disrupt the peaceful transfer of power," Chief Judge Beryl Howell of the DC District Court said last January. Howell added in October: "The rioters attacking the US Capitol on January 6th, as part of a large mob, were not mere trespassers engaging in protected First Amendment protests; they were certainly not tourists. And I say that again and again because there still seems, in some areas, to be a debate about that issue."

Lie: The rioters were invited into the Capitol by police

A common refrain from January 6 rioters, and some of their Republican defenders, is that they were welcomed into the Capitol by police officers.
Trump said in a book interview in March that "the Capitol Police were ushering people in" and "the Capitol Police were very friendly. You know, they were hugging and kissing." The claim has been echoed by Trump supporters. For example, Trump-endorsed Republican Arizona gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake declared at a Trump rally in October that the people being held in jail over the Capitol attack "were invited in by Capitol Police."
Facts First: The claim that the rioters were invited into the Capitol is false. Again, about 140 police officers were assaulted while trying to stop the mob from breaching the Capitol. There were hours-long battles between police and rioters near some entrances. CNN obtained footage from police body-worn cameras showing how dozens of officers engaged in hand-to-hand combat with rioters in a desperate effort to keep them out of the building.

Rioters inside the Capitol after breaching barricades on Jan. 6, 2021.

Rioters inside the Capitol after breaching barricades on Jan. 6, 2021.

There are plenty of instances where rioters waltzed into the Capitol without a fight, but only after they had stormed past barricades and, in some cases, even stepped through broken windows. In some areas, police were so outnumbered by the mob that they retreated, stood aside or tried to politely engage with rioters to de-escalate the situation rather than fighting or making arrests, but that is clearly not the same as welcoming rioters into the building.

Lie: The jailed rioters are nonviolent political prisoners

One of the most prevalent counternarratives about January 6 is that a large number of nonviolent people who were present at the Capitol are being unfairly prosecuted by liberal zealots at the Justice Department, and that these nonviolent people have now become "political prisoners" while awaiting trial in jail. Such claims have emerged as a rallying cry among a small but vocal cohort of Trump loyalists in the House Republican conference.

Facts First: This "political prisoners" narrative is false. The vast majority of the 700-plus people charged in the Capitol riot to date were released shortly after their arrests. Only a few dozen were ordered by judges to remain in jail before trial, and most of those defendants were charged with attacking police or conspiring with far-right militia groups.

A few rioters have claimed in court that they are the victims of politically motivated prosecution because they support Trump. Federal judges, including those appointed by Trump, have rejected these arguments.

Lie: January 6 was a false flag attack

Before the Capitol was even cleared of rioters on January 6, some prominent Trump supporters started to try to deflect blame -- claiming that left-wing Antifa, a loose collection of self-described anti-fascists, was actually behind the violence.
Such "false flag" theories -- that the violence was secretly orchestrated by Trump's opponents in an attempt to make Trump look bad -- never went away. And the theories have expanded to include claims that the violence was orchestrated by the Black Lives Matter movement or even by an arm of the federal government itself, the FBI.
Fox News host Tucker Carlson has promoted false flag theories, focusing on the FBI, both in his own remarks and in his revisionist documentary series on a Fox streaming service in November. Carlson has claimed on his show that government documents showed that "FBI operatives were organizing the attack on the Capitol on January 6." Former Army Capt. Emily Rainey said in the documentary (and in a trailer Carlson tweeted out): "It is my opinion that false flags have happened in this country, one of which may have been January 6."
And Trump himself has given oxygen to the theories, claiming in a December interview with ring-wing commentator Candace Owens, "You have BLM and you had Antifa people, I have very little doubt about that, and they were antagonizing and they were agitating."
Facts First: The insurrection at the Capitol was not a false flag. Just as it looked on January 6, a mob of diehard Trump supporters stormed the building. They did so after Trump urged supporters to come to Washington and then, as we noted above, made a speech urging them to "fight like hell" and to march to the Capitol. The rioters' allegiance to Trump has been exhaustively documented in court proceedings and in their social media posts and media interviews.
Though there are thousands of pages of court documents stemming from criminal cases against January 6 rioters, no Capitol riot defendant as of the end of 2021 had any confirmed involvement in Antifa or Black Lives Matter groups. (One defendant who filmed the riot had expressed support for Black Lives Matter but was disavowed in 2020 by BLM activists, some of whom suspected he was a provocateur connected to the political right.) By contrast, hundreds of Capitol riot defendants were confirmed to be Trump supporters -- and some were members of far-right extremist groups. Members of the Oath Keepers and the Proud Boys have been charged with conspiracy regarding January 6; some have pleaded guilty.
Carlson wrongly described the court documents he inaccurately claimed were a smoking gun about FBI operatives organizing the attack; you can read more about that claim here. While it is entirely possible that some of the Capitol rioters were secretly serving as informants for the FBI -- The New York Times reported in October that a member of the Proud Boys who had entered the Capitol on January 6 was an FBI informant -- the presence of a few FBI informants among the estimated 2,000-plus people who illegally breached the Capitol would not make the entire mob assault an FBI-orchestrated "false flag" operation.
Republican Rep. Liz Cheney of Wyoming, vice chair of the House select committee investigating the insurrection, said on Fox News in November that there is no truth to claims that January 6 was a false flag perpetrated by "deep state" liberals trying to set up Trump supporters.
"It's the same kind of thing that you hear from people who say that 9/11 was an inside job, for example. It's un-American to be spreading those kinds of lies, and they are lies," Cheney said.

And yet the ONLY person shot was an unarmed lil bit of a woman by a cowardly cop - some ā€œinsurrectionā€ there by supposedly armed insurrectionists - whatta load of HOOEY !!!!!
What else Dems got ta talk about while Debacle Joe lays the good ole USA to waste.

They sure donā€™t wanna talk about ALL the millions of dollars taken in by Hunter and Jim Biden and split up with the ā€œBig Guyā€ - now DO they ?????!!
The fact is that Trump didn't act anywhere near "out there" like Biden does, didn't cause the trouble that Biden has, and they were clambering about the 25th amendment, why aren't they doing that now? Their inserted potus clearly qualifies for the 25th amendment.
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