Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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that was funny..and tried to correct and screwed it up

and what do you want to bet he didn't pay for them

Pennies are no longer in use in where I'm from but I have kept several hundred just for the sake of keeping them.
In response to your question, I'm not prepared to put just one of them at risk to bet that he did/didn't pay for them!
I got better things to bet my pennies on, like "he's Waterloo is looming much closer!"

Have you seen Rudy Giuliani's comments about Trump's campaign "MAYBE DID COLLUDE WITH RUSSIA?
Another big crack in their DENIAL WALL OF ABSOLUTE BULLSHIT!
Giuliani's reputation is now as worthless as Trump's! ZILCH!

WhoreMasters Un-Anonymous Society!
P.S. The seed never falls far from the tree! Like ******* ... Like *******! Both completely without a moral conscience!
HEY - Mr. Facts - nobody so far convicted of collusion - which I guess - is not even a crime supposedly. All convictions so far were for crimes either before or after the election and mostly process crimes.

Hitler was never taken to court for his crimes either, but almost everyone accepts the fact that he was, and is, as guilty as hell!! (Other than a handful of Nazi wannabe's!)
HEY - Mr. Facts - nobody so far convicted of collusion - which I guess - is not even a crime supposedly. All convictions so far were for crimes either before or after the election and mostly process crimes.
Deny...Deny....DENY....Mmmmm where in this sandlot should I put my head this time?
Pennies are no longer in use in where I'm from but I have kept several hundred just for the sake of keeping them.
In response to your question, I'm not prepared to put just one of them at risk to bet that he did/didn't pay for them!
I got better things to bet my pennies on, like "he's Waterloo is looming much closer!"

Have you seen Rudy Giuliani's comments about Trump's campaign "MAYBE DID COLLUDE WITH RUSSIA?
Another big crack in their DENIAL WALL OF ABSOLUTE BULLSHIT!
Giuliani's reputation is now as worthless as Trump's! ZILCH!

yes if he is so far willing to admit that...he knows another shoe is about to drop
Hitler was never taken to court for his crimes either, but almost everyone accepts the fact that he was, and is, as guilty as hell!! (Other than a handful of Nazi wannabe's!)
I think this one will see court of some kind....way to much going in with all the lawsuits he has on different things...really doubt he ever serves time though
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