Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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even after he gets what's coming to him....the problem is what to do with all his supporters...….they show we have a serious problem in this country...maybe some kind of re-education program

since this latest discovery of him having 5 different meetings with p u t I n...and telling the interpreter that he wanted all the notes to be destroyed….most of them have kind of shut up about picking on trump.... their lord and master may have betrayed them?

but some of these die hard republicans really don't care...and the republican politicians just hold their hand out to Russia wanting another payment......2 kinds of republicans...rich crooks...and the poor fools

Re-education programs for political opponents ??? You guys call the right Nazis - read what you post - you’re the one that sounds like a freaking Nazi !!!!!
Re-education programs for political opponents ??? You guys call the right Nazis - read what you post - you’re the one that sounds like a freaking Nazi !!!!!

Whaaaat?..it is the wonderfulness of myself that brings radiance and sunshine into your day

we are the party of giving...helping
whereas you are the party of SEX.....always fucking someone!

even old Abe has had enough of the republican party right now.....

Listen to the "parrot talking" ... easy to tell who you listen to ... Fox & Friends ... LOL!
Collusion leads to treason, blkdlaur. We have a president who has met privately with Russians on several occasions, taken up the notes of the meeting, taken sides with the Russians, relaxed restrictions on Russia, etc etc ... after telling EVERYONE he had never been to Russia or talked with MrPutin. I don't know about you, but if I smell *******, and I see brown stuff on my shoes, I'm pretty convinced, right there that its ******* without having to taste it or touch it ... know what I mean?

Nope - nothing has been proven - in this country - unless you’re a liberal - you’re innocent until proven quilty !!!!
Blkdlaur...when will you be available for de-trumpitization and de-programing and re-education...back into some kind of normal society?

now some others...like 2bi...probably a lifetime incarceration...take forever to try and save
and others like HH....just a shovel to the head

Yeah - and according to you and your liberal horde - we’re the Nazis - wake up and read what you post - if you post like a Nazi and speak like a Nazi - you’re prolly a Nazi !!!!
I think you missed his point blkdlaur ... there's nothing wrong with socialism to a moderate degree. In fact, its a bit necessary in a capitalistic society such as ours. Its the "dictatorship" that is the problem. Notice your alt-president has a fascination with N Korea and Russia, etc. Trump believes he's God & Ruler of the USA ... he forgets he works for the voters, not vice versa.

As far as socialism is concerned, it essentially boils down to the things that the citizens demand and the leaders must deliver lest they be deposed. These deliveries can only be done through taxation, hence socialism is when everyone puts capital in the pool for the benefit of all. I guess you have an issue to that part of it unless its benefiting you more than you are putting into it, huh?
Socialism in the USA:
Guaranteed public education, Public transportation, Fire & Police departments, Public libraries, Social Security, Medicare/Medicaid, Public hospitals, Public universities, Public parks, Public drinking fountains, Veterans Affairs Administration, US military ... practically anything that is "public" for sure.​
Maybe you were really referring to communism.


You are mostly correct there Mac, the problem is the left today are not looking for "Moderate Socialism". The so called "Democratic Socialism" is nothing short of full blown socialism. It is more about the control of the people than it is fairness for the masses. You do have one sentence that needs corrected,

socialism is when everyone is ****** to put capital in the pool for the benefit of less fortunate.

Not everyone can take advantage of social programs, so they do not apply to everyone. They also need to be kept in check because if your socialist programs can't over burden the capitalism or you run out of money.

Denmark's economy collapsed and Canada shut down their basic income program, - any guess why?
Not everyone can take advantage of social programs, so they do not apply to everyone. They also need to be kept in check because if your socialist programs can't over burden the capitalism or you run out of money.
Well, then, I'll correct your last sentence ... Not everyone can take advantage of social programs, so they do not apply to everyone.
But, everyone DOES take advantage of some social programs, TwoBi. Do a search on examples of socialism and you get a list much longer than what I posted (as examples) in my earlier post. My purpose, there, was just to get one to "thinking" of what all socialism includes before they condemn socialism to hell. All social programs are available as needed to everyone, its just that the wealthiest have no need for some programs like Medicaid. But, what IF a self-proclaimed billionaire, like Donald Trump, suddenly found himself penniless for whatever reason. Do you not think that he would use the social programs available to him? The 'costs' of these programs are somewhat offset by the fact that everyone pays into the tax system that supports them. The ACA had that intention ... everyone pays into the program, thus maintaining a revenue to help support it. Conservatives didn't want the health plan or any health plan for the people. But that's not how they presented it to the people to get their votes. Now the people know the conservatives were not sincere in their promise to provide a better health plan, and they'll pay for that in the next couple elections.
Also you say ... They also need to be kept in check because if your socialist programs can't over burden the capitalism or you run out of money. This is absolutely TRUE which is why we need a balanced budget amendment. But let me ask you this, which is worse, adding MORE socialistic programs or reducing the revenue necessary to pay for the current social programs? There's really no difference if there is no adjustments to the revenue-spending budget, which has been the problem ever since President Reagan sold the Republicans on "trickle down" tax cuts.
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