Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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The "Truth" always come home to roost! (& Haunt!)
Honestly, yes I have! One day in 2017 and one in 2018!
I'm confidently looking forward to many more in 2019 after he gets his justifiable up & comings!

even after he gets what's coming to him....the problem is what to do with all his supporters...….they show we have a serious problem in this country...maybe some kind of re-education program

since this latest discovery of him having 5 different meetings with p u t I n...and telling the interpreter that he wanted all the notes to be destroyed….most of them have kind of shut up about picking on trump.... their lord and master may have betrayed them?

but some of these die hard republicans really don't care...and the republican politicians just hold their hand out to Russia wanting another payment......2 kinds of republicans...rich crooks...and the poor fools
I really think when the dust settles Manafort will end up with treason charges...or close to it...he may change his mind on "singing" again and this time go into a little more detail.....trump may try to pardon him and ******* hits the fan!

I think that may be where the impeachment starts to get serious....even the republicans drawing Russian money will have to shut up

it could also be that trump is pretty smart and they just can't find anything tying him to any conversations...right now all we know about is circumstantial…..but it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see.....all of his lies about Russian ties.....5 private meetings.....everyone on his campaign staff to include a few of his relatives have all meet with the Russians....and trump knew nothing?...knowing and proving..????

but just like Manafort being so dumb as to give info to Mueller telling him just what he gave to Russia...most of what has hung them so far is their own records...even trump and the ******...his lawyer said trump knew.....one more to say that and.....
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HEY - Mr. Facts - nobody so far convicted of collusion - which I guess - is not even a crime supposedly.
Listen to the "parrot talking" ... easy to tell who you listen to ... Fox & Friends ... LOL!
Collusion leads to treason, blkdlaur. We have a president who has met privately with Russians on several occasions, taken up the notes of the meeting, taken sides with the Russians, relaxed restrictions on Russia, etc etc ... after telling EVERYONE he had never been to Russia or talked with MrPutin. I don't know about you, but if I smell *******, and I see brown stuff on my shoes, I'm pretty convinced, right there that its ******* without having to taste it or touch it ... know what I mean?
I really think when the dust settles Manafort will end up with treason charges...or close to it...he may change his mind on "singing" again and this time go into a little more detail.....trump may try to pardon him and ******* hits the fan!

I think that may be where the impeachment starts to get serious....even the republicans drawing Russian money will have to shut up

it could also be that trump is pretty smart and they just can't find anything tying him to any conversations...right now all we know about is circumstantial…..but it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see.....all of his lies about Russian ties.....5 private meetings.....everyone on his campaign staff to include a few of his relatives have all meet with the Russians....and trump knew nothing?...knowing and proving..????

but just like Manafort being so dumb as to give info to Mueller telling him just what he gave to Russia...most of what has hung them so far is their own records...even trump and the ******...his lawyer said trump knew.....one more to say that and.....

Just remember the old adage, "If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, quacks like a duck .....!"
Listen to the "parrot talking" ... easy to tell who you listen to ... Fox & Friends ... LOL!
Collusion leads to treason, blkdlaur. We have a president who has met privately with Russians on several occasions, taken up the notes of the meeting, taken sides with the Russians, relaxed restrictions on Russia, etc etc ... after telling EVERYONE he had never been to Russia or talked with MrPutin. I don't know about you, but if I smell *******, and I see brown stuff on my shoes, I'm pretty convinced, right there that its ******* without having to taste it or touch it ... know what I mean?

MacNfries, I gave up a long time ago trying to be reasonable with the unreasonable, so why waste precious time trying to push water uphill! To this I will add, if you think "treason" will be the only thing that will traumatize Trump, his cronies and the GOP, you ain't seen nothing yet! Ball & chain anklets, waist chains & cuffs with ill fitting orange suits are patiently waiting to adorn the entire Trump entourage of crooks, thieves & treasonous bastards!
Blkdlaur...when will you be available for de-trumpitization and de-programing and re-education...back into some kind of normal society?

now some others...like 2bi...probably a lifetime incarceration...take forever to try and save
and others like HH....just a shovel to the head
I have reason to believe that this Dr. could have had a Trump connection:

A very Sad day!
After 7 years of medical training & hard work, a very good friend of his has been fired after one minor indiscretion. He slept with one of his patients and can no longer work in the profession. What a waste of time, effort, training & money. Shows how one minor mistake can ruin one's career. Please pray for him and family.
He was a genuinely nice guy and a brilliant veterinarian.
I have reason to believe that this Dr. could have had a Trump connection:

A very Sad day!
After 7 years of medical training & hard work, a very good friend of his has been fired after one minor indiscretion. He slept with one of his patients and can no longer work in the profession. What a waste of time, effort, training & money. Shows how one minor mistake can ruin one's career. Please pray for him and family.
He was a genuinely nice guy and a brilliant veterinarian.

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