Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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what the hell after those big tax breaks he gave the wealthy earlier.....with no way of compensating for the loss of income (unless he just keeps taking from social programs)...and add another 5 billion for the wall...….we will need those china banks!

Don't negate the fact that Trump himself, as well as his immediate family, has benefited millions of dollars due to the tax breaks he and his GOP lackies put in place!
Don't negate the fact that Trump himself, as well as his immediate family, has benefited millions of dollars due to the tax breaks he and his GOP lackies put in place!

and the right so eager to please this guy and all he has done for them....they are willing to remove some of the sanctions on Russia already!
several from the right have sided with the Dems...post poned the vote...gives McConnell time to strong arm them into voting for it

I suppose you know about the inauguration that Ivanka was in charge of …..took in 106 million for the event...can only account for 60 million...that's not counting the price of a room in trumps hotel during the event!...the whole family is corrupt...and the right just lets it go on
How 300 Hamburgers Became ‘1000 Hamberders’
(Almost every time he tweets he adds to the mountain of evidence proving just how idiotic he really is!)
(Like how much more proof is needed?!)(My comments!)

As Melania Trump already knows, just because President Trump loves you doesn’t mean he can spell your name.

Hamburgers just found that out the hard way.
Trump hosted the Clemson football team at the White House on Tuesday, and he welcomed the players with a overflowing order of fast food. But when he tweeted about the experience — proudly declaring that he had paid for the meal himself — Trump misspelled “hamburgers.” Badly.

“Because of the Shutdown I served them massive amounts of Fast Food (I paid), over 1000 hamberders etc.,” he wrote. (The number may also be wrong: Speaking to reporters, he said that he had ordered only 300 burgers.)

How 300 Hamburgers Became ‘1000 Hamberders’
(Almost every time he tweets he adds to the mountain of evidence proving just how idiotic he really is!)
(Like how much more proof is needed?!)(My comments!)

As Melania Trump already knows, just because President Trump loves you doesn’t mean he can spell your name.

Hamburgers just found that out the hard way.
Trump hosted the Clemson football team at the White House on Tuesday, and he welcomed the players with a overflowing order of fast food. But when he tweeted about the experience — proudly declaring that he had paid for the meal himself — Trump misspelled “hamburgers.” Badly.

“Because of the Shutdown I served them massive amounts of Fast Food (I paid), over 1000 hamberders etc.,” he wrote. (The number may also be wrong: Speaking to reporters, he said that he had ordered only 300 burgers.)


that was funny..and tried to correct and screwed it up

and what do you want to bet he didn't pay for them
I don't understand how and why people can't see it and are so stupid and gullible.

This shut down.....he could care less and his own advisors saying it is doing more damage to the economy that expected...and yet does he care?

Lets see if P u t I n had the chance to do what he could to destroy this country what all would he do?

create hate and discontent turn people against one another...……..Trump has done that

Create fake news so no one wants to believe anything they are told....trump has done that

Plant discourse with law enforcement to the point we don't trust the FBI...…..trump has done that

Jail Hillary P u t I n 's one great hate because she made fun of his rigged elections....trump is trying to do that

belittle our national security system to the point we don't believe or trust them...…...trump has done that

hurt our free trade...trumps trade war seems to be helping Russia more than anyone...…….trump has done that

destroy our economy......I really think he is working on that

stir up discourse among our allies...….trump has done that

turn a blind eye to the Baltic states...….trump is doing that

give Syria to the Russians so they have a foot hold in the middle East

dismantle NATO......trump is threatening that

and still the right think he is a god of some kind

to all that...we are losing jobs overseas at a higher rate than ever before
and within the next few years there will be no such thing as an American car

and this guy is making America great again?
looks more like he is doing p u t I n 's dirty work for him
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Funny when Mit Romney said Russia was the biggest thing we had to worry about - Obama mocked him during the 2012 campaign - and liberals delighted in that mocking - now it’s

:frantic: RUSSIA - RUSSIA - RUSSIA :frantic:
WAH - WAH - WAH !!!
Funny when Mit Romney said Russia was the biggest thing we had to worry about - Obama mocked him during the 2012 campaign - and liberals delighted in that mocking - now it’s

:frantic: RUSSIA - RUSSIA - RUSSIA :frantic:
WAH - WAH - WAH !!!

well there Vladamir Blkdlaur......you had all that time away...and come back confused?
well guess no real suprise

you are confusing 2 separate issues....Romney did say Russia was our greatest threat...Obama did not mock that...but when Mitt said our troop level and weapons and etc was at the lowest in years...Obama mocked him...….If I remember right it went something like we don't use Horses or swords anymore....it is with technology!
off all this time and still can't keep up
but you go ahead and defend your man....his days are numbered!

and what would you care anyway.....you republicans like Russia

and let me guess you went to the same school as 2bi to learn the 3R's.....both seem confused by the truth
although with you stepping up at least that's one to admit his loyalty to the czar!

I just hope when all of you guys jump on the plane for the motherland....Russia will let you return air ******* 1
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well there Vladamir Blkdlaur......you had all that time away...and come back confused?
well guess no real suprise

you are confusing 2 separate issues....Romney did say Russia was our greatest threat...Obama did not mock that...but when Mitt said our troop level and weapons and etc was at the lowest in years...Obama mocked him...….If I remember right it went something like we don't use Horses or swords anymore....it is with technology!
off all this time and still can't keep up
but you go ahead and defend your man....his days are numbered!

and what would you care anyway.....you republicans like Russia

and let me guess you went to the same school as 2bi to learn the 3R's.....both seem confused by the truth
although with you stepping up at least that's one to admit his loyalty to the czar!

I just hope when all of you guys jump on the plane for the motherland....Russia will let you return air ******* 1

btw when you do buy your Russian wardrobe......make sure the use the kremlin catalogue and not the trump one......all of trump's stuff is made in China
well there Vladamir Blkdlaur......you had all that time away...and come back confused?
well guess no real suprise

you are confusing 2 separate issues....Romney did say Russia was our greatest threat...Obama did not mock that...but when Mitt said our troop level and weapons and etc was at the lowest in years...Obama mocked him...….If I remember right it went something like we don't use Horses or swords anymore....it is with technology!
off all this time and still can't keep up
but you go ahead and defend your man....his days are numbered!

and what would you care anyway.....you republicans like Russia

and let me guess you went to the same school as 2bi to learn the 3R's.....both seem confused by the truth
although with you stepping up at least that's one to admit his loyalty to the czar!

I just hope when all of you guys jump on the plane for the motherland....Russia will let you return air ******* 1

Your party has more in common with Russia - going socialist more and more everyday.
Your party has more in common with Russia - going socialist more and more everyday.
I think you missed his point blkdlaur ... there's nothing wrong with socialism to a moderate degree. In fact, its a bit necessary in a capitalistic society such as ours. Its the "dictatorship" that is the problem. Notice your alt-president has a fascination with N Korea and Russia, etc. Trump believes he's God & Ruler of the USA ... he forgets he works for the voters, not vice versa.

As far as socialism is concerned, it essentially boils down to the things that the citizens demand and the leaders must deliver lest they be deposed. These deliveries can only be done through taxation, hence socialism is when everyone puts capital in the pool for the benefit of all. I guess you have an issue to that part of it unless its benefiting you more than you are putting into it, huh?
Socialism in the USA:
Guaranteed public education, Public transportation, Fire & Police departments, Public libraries, Social Security, Medicare/Medicaid, Public hospitals, Public universities, Public parks, Public drinking fountains, Veterans Affairs Administration, US military ... practically anything that is "public" for sure.​
Maybe you were really referring to communism.

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Your party has more in common with Russia - going socialist more and more everyday.
well there Vlad....our party knows who the enemy is and does not cater to them......you guys have what 6 different senators and a president that have all taken money from them to get in office....so I'm sure you don't mind them taking over the country.....McConnell and Cruz have both taken big bucks from them...under the name of real estate dealers....which is why McConnell trying to strong arm some of your party to lift some sanctions on Russia....but not all in your party are for it

the majority of your party has only allegiance to the dollar...country be damned....by the time you actually see what is going on it will be to late!

and these stupid republicans who still support this guy....just can't figure it out yet.....Trumps Tarriffs help Russia more and more everyday and will eventually ******* the US...….China now buying soybeans from Russia instead of US because of tariffs......Mexico trying to cut a deal with Portugal and a couple other countries on corn.....our Autos all going over seas...because of his steel tariffs....wanting to now pull out of NATO...turning against our allies....won't be long before the rest of the world sees they don't need the US for anything

we just gave the farmers how many millions because of the tariffs.....trump just trying to buy their support until the rest of the world has made arrangements to get their stuff elsewhere....after they have already made other arrangements he will lift the tariffs.....but by then other countrys already hve other people they buy from

just how blind can you people be?

everything your man does...favors Russia not the US!

your party is for sale and could care less how it hurts the country in the future...they will have fat pocketbooks...fuck america
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