Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Well Mac looks like they are at it again trying to do away with the ACA....and STILL no plan of their own
trump all excited it is gone...or so he thinks...hell bent on destroying anything Obama has done!

wouldn't surprise me if this Texas Judge wasn't a friend of Trumps doing this just so it could make it to the supreme court where trumps buddies can ******* it off
Well Mac looks like they are at it again trying to do away with the ACA....and STILL no plan of their own
trump all excited it is gone...or so he thinks...hell bent on destroying anything Obama has done!
It's not gone yet ... and I believe the voters are the wiser on the "end game" of the Republicans ... "no health plan & more tax cuts for the wealthy". Of course, IF the Democrats sit back as they often do, something could happen to the ACA; hopefully, the Supreme Court will realize the true intentions of the Republicans with health care and not change their earlier decisions. Besides, the entire GAME changes in January, and the total defeat of the Republican party in the 2020 election which Trump seems to like to dwell on these days.
wouldn't surprise me if this Texas Judge wasn't a friend of Trumps doing this just so it could make it to the supreme court where trumps buddies can ******* it off
Nothing would surprise me about Trump except if he voluntary resigned & fled to Russia ... now THAT would surprise me. :)
I notice the Trumpster is starting to repeat his old "campaign promise" about a better & less expensive health plan. After all the promises and lies he's told, I am totally amazed at the drones who still 'live by his every word'. No doubt, if Trump did go down on 5th Avenue and publicly ******* someone, the Trump drones would either try to ratify it or deny it. They're so stupid!
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I refer to stupid people who make stupid comments because of the stupid comments..therefore implying a lack of smarts...but stupid covers such a broad area...which means there is no limit to stupidity...a stupid person could be over loaded with it...or a not so bright person might just make stupid comments...implying he is stupid...but indeed he is not stupid but just plain ignorant....which opens up a whole new stupid..
people who disagree with my opinion may not be stupid...but when you make a stupid comment one of the above should apply...people tend to look down on people who lack intelligence in their statements....which opens up a whole new area...lack of intelligence...and that seems to apply to some here...not making them stupid...just they have bad luck in the thinking department....which opens up a whole new area...does someone who doesn't stop and think stupid....probably...but then that all goes back to stupid comments!
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Nope #3558

well now we open a whole new category.....based on a judgment call from stupid comments that people here make or maybe people he has met..we all meet people who make stupid comments and judge them accordingly...like the stupid people on here....are they really stupid...or are they ignorant....they can not be real smart when they make stupid comments...so a person needs to make a judgment call based on the stupid comments he has heard...or the statements they make....categorizing themselves in other people eyes...wouldn't you say that is more the fact than....

now I have heard people on here who are supposedly very smart...making stupid comments....thus making them really just an imbecile...which opens up a whole new category while an imbecile does make stupid comments also...the majority of the time when an imbecile shoots he is not being stupid just being an ass...and we have some of those here also

I myself have heard several on here make stupid comments...leaving me no other option than to judge them accordingly...and I assume others would do the same...after all stupid is as stupid does..... don't you think
so now we have actually at least three catagories….stupid...ignorant and imbecile ….so I would have to say...stupid being the nicer of the three...so actually if you think about it...it was a compliment

and stupid is in the eye of the beholder...isn't that true?
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I don’t think anybody in here is stupid - however when people call other people stupid because they have conflicting political points of view - I think that is an arrogant / ignorant response to something another person believes.
I don’t think anybody in here is stupid - however when people call other people stupid because they have conflicting political points of view - I think that is an arrogant / ignorant response to something another person believes.

what the hell kind of statement is that?

of course if they have "odd" political views they are...……."in the eye of the beholder"

would moronic be a better word?....like I said out of the above 3 categories...stupid is a compliment

Note: political views is one thing...stupid comments is another...see two above posts!
we have a few here that could fit into any one of the above categories

now myself...I'm arrogant..charming….good looking...well mannered...matter of fact out of all the people I know I can't think of a person I like better than myself....my only imperfection is conceit.....
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what the hell kind of statement is that?

of course if they have "odd" political views they are...……."in the eye of the beholder"

Note: political views is one thing...stupid comments is another...see two above posts!
we have a few here that could fit into one of the above categories

I think everyone is entitled to their political perspective - just because I don’t agree with yours doesn’t mean you are stupid - however - it seems that liberals feel entitled to call people stupid and seem to think their view of things is the only righteous one. You might think someone is stupid because they don’t agree with you but calling them stupid does not advance your case and seems quite juvenile.
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