Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Now go back to the mods and complain you are being picked on

put some kind of "mentally challenged" or "IQ deficient" on your profile pic and we will understand your comments a lot better
now......sorry if I hurt your feelings...but told you a bunch of times when you post those crazy comments about it's all the left...I would respond...you never stop and think or even check anything when you make those comments and have always been wrong...so...you post them...I make fun of you with the facts
Tribalism on parade !!!
HEY - Mr. Facts - facts in here - seem to be in the eye of the beholder. Facts have a way of being bent or shaped depending on one’s point of view - we should ALL be cognizant of that.
Tribalism on parade !!!
HEY - Mr. Facts - facts in here - seem to be in the eye of the beholder. Facts have a way of being bent or shaped depending on one’s point of view - we should ALL be cognizant of that.
Ah contraire there mr try and be peacemaker...….when I post facts they are unbiased and factual.....ever know a libber to lie?
where as the opposite is true for republicans....ever know of one to tell the truth?

I rest my case!

besides if you insist on getting in this argument....it was about STUPID comments..blaming the left for this and that....which just are not true! and after the stupid comment when you show him the error of his ways....he gets......spastic?
[QUOTE="TwoBiFour, post: 2128560, member: 43197"Those are my opinions -]no where do I state them as facts.[/QUOTE]
Now THAT is a FACT .... now I think we're getting somewhere.
I'm sure a Democrat will win and they will have the tri-fecta once again. So prepare for stagnation of Jobs (my clients are), Stagnation of technological advancement (my clients are), higher health care cost, increase tax on the middle class, increase in poverty
If I recall, TwoBi, it was Obama who was handed a crashing economy from GW Bush, and lead the country out of the biggest recession since the 1920's Great Depression ... created in much part to the Republicans and their unbudgeted wars, tax cuts for the wealthy, and Medicare Pt D (all unbudgeted). What I saw from Obama was an unprecedented 74 months of job growth and an economy ... he handed Trump a growing economy, now in less than 4 years its predicted the Democrats will win back the presidency and ONCE AGAIN be handed a crashing economy from yet another Republican president.
It is the Republicans NOW who continue to stagnate the solar & wind power energies, relax the fuel efficiencies of gas driven vehicles & coal operated plants,by choosing, instead, to hold on to Big Oil which we should have weaned the country from in the 1990's ... but those multi-million dollar donations speak louder than commonsense. And healthcare ... lol ... again, Trump becomes President and the first thing he does is strip the advertising from the ACA and remove the requirement that people carry health insurance ... of course that's after the Republican House met 64 or more times in Congressional votes to ******* it and couldn't. The USA voters then hand the health care issue to our Republican Alt-President who had promised ... "we'll have a better, less expensive health care plan" ... and didn't even have one prepared to present to the people of the country. In fact, Trump & Republicans were willing to kick millions of currently covered people OFF of their Obamacare plans just to reinstate the pre-existing issue again. So, in the last 8-10 years, the Republicans have accomplished NOTHING for the people, a bunch have quit politics or gotten voted out of office and many others gone or going to jail. Oh wait, they did manage to steal one SCOTUS appointment from the Democrats..... so, be prepared in 2020 to see Medicare For All ... its probably coming. I would not want it that way, but it looks like that is the extreme to the other side. Also, the mid-term ass kicking Republicans took ... small to what's coming in the general 2020 election. People are FED UP to their necks with the do-nothing party of NOOOOOOO.
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If I recall, TwoBi, it was Obama who was handed a crashing economy from GW Bush, and lead the country out of the biggest recession since the 1920's Great Depression ... created in much part to the Republicans and their unbudgeted wars, tax cuts for the wealthy, and Medicare Pt D (all unbudgeted). What I saw from Obama was an unprecedented 74 months of job growth and an economy ... he handed Trump a growing economy, now in less than 4 years its predicted the Democrats will win back the presidency and ONCE AGAIN be handed a crashing economy from yet another Republican president.
It is the Republicans NOW who continue to stagnate the solar & wind power energies, relax the fuel efficiencies of gas driven vehicles & coal operated plants,by choosing, instead, to hold on to Big Oil which we should have weaned the country from in the 1990's ... but those multi-million dollar donations speak louder than commonsense. And healthcare ... lol ... again, Trump becomes President and the first thing he does is strip the advertising from the ACA and remove the requirement that people carry health insurance ... of course that's after the Republican House met 64 or more times in Congressional votes to ******* it and couldn't. The USA voters then hand the health care issue to our Republican Alt-President who had promised ... "we'll have a better, less expensive health care plan" ... and didn't even have one prepared to present to the people of the country. In fact, Trump & Republicans were willing to kick millions of currently covered people OFF of their Obamacare plans just to reinstate the pre-existing issue again. So, in the last 8-10 years, the Republicans have accomplished NOTHING for the people, a bunch have quit politics or gotten voted out of office and many others gone or going to jail. Oh wait, they did manage to steal one SCOTUS appointment from the Democrats..... so, be prepared in 2020 to see Medicare For All ... its probably coming. I would not want it that way, but it looks like that is the extreme to the other side. Also, the mid-term ass kicking Republicans took ... small to what's coming in the general 2020 election. People are FED UP to their necks with the do-nothing party of NOOOOOOO.

I know all too well what the Republicans have (or have not) done in the past 40 years - I lived it. I can agree on some level most of what you have said here. There are multiple reasons why we are in the situation that we are and the democrats are no saints in that department. Bottom line Mac, I believe you work hard, reap what you sow, and keep what you earn. The Democrats on the other hand believe that the American worker is their slave, they take advantage of those that work hard, enable those that don't not to start, Take what the hard worker earns so they can dole it out as they see fit. Sorry, but I will never agree to that mentality. Most of the companies in my city have announce big layoffs coming - primary reason is they don't know what the democrats will do come January so they are bracing for the worst. I will most likely let 2 people go early next year. It is like this EVERY TIME the democrats take over. Believe what you want to believe, stay blind in your little cubical, but I'm living it. You see Mac, I don't hold any love for either side, but I am for free enterprise, Competition, freedom to live my life without government intervention, you know - most of what Democrats are against.

Maybe you will learn something

And this is just real funny, I like the part around 1:56 and around 4:20 you and Sub are the guys that say "pure pressure"

And in case you want to get me something for Christmas!
well blkdlaur...it would seem Flynn trying to make some issue of the interview AFTER they let him off scott free....not sure what he is trying to gain there or why
BUT he had several interviews with the FBI...and each time they gave him a chance to change his story and didn't....he didn't change his story and cooperate until he found out they already had it in print his conversation with Russia...he was in an interview with the feds when they asked him one final time....he knew where he was (FBI interview) so there was no deception

although still wonder what he is trying to prove here
stagnate the solar & wind power energies, relax the fuel efficiencies of gas driven vehicles & coal operated plants,by choosing, instead, to hold on to Big Oil which we should have weaned the country from in the 1990's

You will get no argument from me there Mac, Alternative energies is part of what I do. I'm all for it. The Technology is there, however the storage of that "On-Demand" tech is not. Battery storage is lagging way behind. I'll give one clue as to who owns most if not all the battery tech. It starts with B and ends with P and rhymes with "Boil". With out a viable battery for storage, Wind, Solar and Hydro will always take a back seat to coal and Oil.

Same for the electric car. Most people can't afford to pay $30K for a Electric car only to buy a new $4k to $6K battery every 4 to 6 years. This argument is actually used to push the driver-less car and non-ownership of vehicles - Provided by, of course, our illustrious government. I have 25 years experience in battery tech and it really hasn't changed much since then. It's sad. (just a fun fact - batteries for electric scooters in china last more than twice as long as the ones in the USA)

A couple of good documentaries to watch,

And "Islands of the Future" on Netflix.

Now I will get to the bureaucracy of it all. You are correct that the Republicans will turn their nose to alternative fuels - they are paid to. But what you don't realize is the left only gives you lip service to buy your vote. They have no more interest in Alternative fuels that the Republicans do. It simply a speaking point for them. I've chased several grants and the Alternative fuels will almost always take a back seat to any other agenda the left has, sorry Mac, but they are all talk. I know what you are thinking - But Obama gave billions to green energy! Yes he did -



Squandered? or perhaps buy outs?

Point is Mac, if either side was serious about finding alternative fuels, we would have them now. We need ot change the mind set of the people, not the government.

Another fun fact, Fords wife almost divorced him after he agreed to stop manufacturing the electric version of the Model T. Even Mr Ford liked it better - but oil paid him to stop making it. It's not really hard to see who is in charge.
Mmmmmm 106 million dollars raised for the inauguration.....rooms priced at 175 thousand a night...…….61 million dollars accounted for......Ivanka in charge of it all.....fuck the whole family is going down!

I partially agree with that. I'd say it's about 50-50, poor being poor because of their mindset vs poor because of society. As technology progresses we will see more and more unemployed. McDonald's today are planning to replace their employees with Kiosk. It would be nice to get to a point where everything is automated, no one had to work, and people could just enjoy life. But that is a long way off. If basic needs are taken care of, people can focus more on what they want in Life. We have to be careful though, Think about where the money comes from, mostly big business. We need to make sure we do not become slaves to the mega-corps and we need to ask the question -Can it or will the money run out? You do understand that the top 1% would gain even more control.

I think a basic income will definitely separate those that want to achieve from those that simply want to cost, it will be easy to spot them. As the video says, giving people cash instead of handouts will allow people to spend it on what they need - but - how many will spend it on what they want and still be living in the streets begging for more? Again I think that will be about 50-50 also. It's something that will need to be discussed and rectified in some way. I'm not for giving handouts - So I would like to see some type of accountability. 3 strikes your out type of thing. It's a slippery slope for sure. At what point will the states start to dictate to the people what they can eat, what they can do, when they have to be in bed etc.

I do agree that a basic income would be far cheaper than all these social programs and red tape that we have. The government would save millions without all these different agencies - Ironically putting more out of work. It would also put an end to a lot of the NGO's as well who make millions off the poor, I suggest watching "Poverty Inc" on Netflix. I think a system like this could work if done properly. I know there are people out there who could really achieve high goals only if they had the means to get there. Instead they spend 60 hrs of their day working in a factory just to cover daycare and pay bills. When people have cash and buying power they tend to respect the things they get a bit more vs when things are simply given to them. A sense of ownership is a powerful thing. Wife and I were just talking about that the other day. We both feel that our mind set changed a lot when we went from renting to buying our first home years ago.

I've been reading a lot about the UBI for a few years now, it's not without it's drawbacks, but an interesting concept for sure.
Ah contraire there mr try and be peacemaker...….when I post facts they are unbiased and factual.....ever know a libber to lie?
where as the opposite is true for republicans....ever know of one to tell the truth

I rest my case!

besides if you insist on getting in this argument....it was about STUPID comments..blaming the left for this and that....which just are not true! and after the stupid comment when you show him the error of his ways....he gets......spastic?

And - I say unto thee - “Blessed are the peacemakers for their’s is the kingdom of Heaven”.

Unbiased and factual - hmmmmmm
“Ever known a libber to lie “ - Hell yes !!!
Horseshite flows liberally from both parties - always has - always will

Stupid comments go both ways and are open to interpretation - I respect how strident you are for your opinion and party but there ARE other points of view and unfortunately for you not everyone will see things your way.
well blkdlaur...it would seem Flynn trying to make some issue of the interview AFTER they let him off scott free....not sure what he is trying to gain there or why
BUT he had several interviews with the FBI...and each time they gave him a chance to change his story and didn't....he didn't change his story and cooperate until he found out they already had it in print his conversation with Russia...he was in an interview with the feds when they asked him one final time....he knew where he was (FBI interview) so there was no deception

although still wonder what he is trying to prove here

Maybe it has to do with being deprived of council and having a felony conviction after serving this country for over 30 years. Threatening his ******* prolly pissed him off some too - it’s in the hands of the Federal judge now tasked with the sentencing and he’s none to pleased with Mueller’s antics.
I partially agree with that. I'd say it's about 50-50, poor being poor because of their mindset vs poor because of society. As technology progresses we will see more and more unemployed. McDonald's today are planning to replace their employees with Kiosk. It would be nice to get to a point where everything is automated, no one had to work, and people could just enjoy life. But that is a long way off. If basic needs are taken care of, people can focus more on what they want in Life. We have to be careful though, Think about where the money comes from, mostly big business. We need to make sure we do not become slaves to the mega-corps and we need to ask the question -Can it or will the money run out? You do understand that the top 1% would gain even more control.

I think a basic income will definitely separate those that want to achieve from those that simply want to cost, it will be easy to spot them. As the video says, giving people cash instead of handouts will allow people to spend it on what they need - but - how many will spend it on what they want and still be living in the streets begging for more? Again I think that will be about 50-50 also. It's something that will need to be discussed and rectified in some way. I'm not for giving handouts - So I would like to see some type of accountability. 3 strikes your out type of thing. It's a slippery slope for sure. At what point will the states start to dictate to the people what they can eat, what they can do, when they have to be in bed etc.

I do agree that a basic income would be far cheaper than all these social programs and red tape that we have. The government would save millions without all these different agencies - Ironically putting more out of work. It would also put an end to a lot of the NGO's as well who make millions off the poor, I suggest watching "Poverty Inc" on Netflix. I think a system like this could work if done properly. I know there are people out there who could really achieve high goals only if they had the means to get there. Instead they spend 60 hrs of their day working in a factory just to cover daycare and pay bills. When people have cash and buying power they tend to respect the things they get a bit more vs when things are simply given to them. A sense of ownership is a powerful thing. Wife and I were just talking about that the other day. We both feel that our mind set changed a lot when we went from renting to buying our first home years ago.

I've been reading a lot about the UBI for a few years now, it's not without it's drawbacks, but an interesting concept for sure.
I'll take a look at that thanks
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