Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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And - I say unto thee - “Blessed are the peacemakers for their’s is the kingdom of Heaven”.

Unbiased and factual - hmmmmmm
“Ever known a libber to lie “ - Hell yes !!!
Horseshite flows liberally from both parties - always has - always will

Stupid comments go both ways and are open to interpretation - I respect how strident you are for your opinion and party but there ARE other points of view and unfortunately for you not everyone will see things your way.

I am a peacemaker...I'm a libber remember!
and we don't lie.... we may make promises we can't keep...but we don't lie!
I will agree with the horse *******...…..but it is a way of life from the right.....it just seems to come naturally to them....been doing it since Dukakis and mastered the art form now

stupid comments are one thing....but saying something to be nowhere near factual is completely stupid...especially when the facts are so readily available
I don't give my opinion very often......I post current events...which I have cut way down on because Yahoo has so many adds get tired of it so quit yahoo.....I mostly comment on other peoples comments...usually using my search engine!

what? not see things my way?....impossible for anyone with logic not to...now you would be a good example....I would bet your Da was a Dem!
Maybe it has to do with being deprived of council and having a felony conviction after serving this country for over 30 years. Threatening his ******* prolly pissed him off some too - it’s in the hands of the Federal judge now tasked with the sentencing and he’s none to pleased with Mueller’s antics.

Wrong......he talked to them on several occasions andeach time they gave him the opportunity to correct his lie...he didn't....he was invited to talk to the FBI for a meeting...so he knew what he was doing when he went....if he thought he had a problem he could have taken council...he didn't....he didn't change his story until they showed him his lie...….and on top of all that.....he served what 40 years for this country...and how many times did he take an oath...to protect this country and etc..I'm sure everytime he got new rank....another oath..and each new job with the gov...another oath.....he broke his oath to protect the country if nothing else!
BUT bottom line...the last meeting he WAS informed it was a meeting with the FBI...and still tried to lie..didn't change his story iuntil he found out they had him!

as for his *******....I'm sure once he found out they had him AND his *******....he talked a lot to try and help his *******.....but to me the ******* does desrve prison time.....he worked with Russia a lot putting out a lot of that false information...the king of Russian bots!
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