Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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They provide me with the means to live my life the way I see fit. They provide security for our borders as well as a strong national security. That's all I expect from a government. I can provide for me and my family, I don't stand around with my hand out wanting the government to take care of me. Remember this? "Ask not what your country can do for you..." For the liberal its always abut what they can gain. - Your a taker.

oh sure... the right caters to the wallet of the ones that don't need it...as for the boarders...there have been both parties in the white house...has anything changed?...as for the military...Obama pretty well summed that up.... we don't need the cavalry anymore...we need technology...the next war probably will not involve any troops!
you keep saying that Hillary lost get over it...yes she did....and I think she would have made a far better president than the one you support
but for me and a lot of others.....not supporting him has nothing to do with Hillary!

first I am a vet... I would never support capt bones spurs a draft dodger to lead this country

second 3 marriages and played around on everyone of them.....no fucking morales!

third openly admitted to using his wealth to grab and ******* women....again lack of morales

fourth walking into the Miss teen USA dressing room while some were naked....miss USA maybe...they might expect something and are a little older and can handle it...but Miss Teen USA is just flat being a fucking pervert!

Fifth his ridicule of gold star families and war veterans ...this from a man who ran from the military

sixth the way he ran his campaign and made fun of so many...like a baby hood bully!

then you can get into the overstocking the swamp and he is still doing that and the Russian thing...the lies corruption...money over country

so no Hillary plays very little in my hatred for him...I just have a few more morale's than you do apparently!
tell me....just what has the right done for you?
take all the time you need I know it is a tough question...might take a week or so....use your search engine if you need to
then will show you everything the left has done for the country/and you!

TwoBi did a good job of summing it up. Be nice if the Democrats got outta the way of securing our border. People should work for what they want - I always have - not expect the government to provide for them. Socialism has NEVER worked - and that’s the way the left seems to be going !!!
you keep saying that Hillary lost get over it...yes she did....and I think she would have made a far better president than the one you support
but for me and a lot of others.....not supporting him has nothing to do with Hillary!

first I am a vet... I would never support capt bones spurs a draft dodger to lead this country

second 3 marriages and played around on everyone of them.....no fucking morales!

third openly admitted to using his wealth to grab and ******* women....again lack of morales

fourth walking into the Miss teen USA dressing room while some were naked....miss USA maybe...they might expect something and are a little older and can handle it...but Miss Teen USA is just flat being a fucking pervert!

Fifth his ridicule of gold star families and war veterans ...this from a man who ran from the military

sixth the way he ran his campaign and made fun of so many...like a baby hood bully!

then you can get into the overstocking the swamp and he is still doing that and the Russian thing...the lies corruption...money over country

so no Hillary plays very little in my hatred for him...I just have a few more morale's than you do apparently!

Don’t support him based on his morals - I agree with most of what you pointed out and don’t like that ******* either ! I liked Bill Clinton a lot - he was a damn good president - didn’t like what the Republicans tried to do to him either based on cigar dippings - which I thought was kinda kewl - wonder to this day who got to enjoy those cigars!!! Anyways I like the country being run by a business man and believe that if the left would get out of his way this country could greatly improve.
TwoBi did a good job of summing it up. Be nice if the Democrats got outta the way of securing our border. People should work for what they want - I always have - not expect the government to provide for them. Socialism has NEVER worked - and that’s the way the left seems to be going !!!

what don't have opinions of your own have to use someone else"s?

Democrats not in the way of supporting the boarder....there have been repub's in there also that didn't see the need...it wasn't an issue until trump the chimp made it one.... matter of fact it has been shown the wall will do very little good! so it will be a waste of money...just tunnel right under it or climb it like they have been doing...how about just increasing boarder security and giving a few more people jobs?...…and they have drones now that can cover a lot of territory...just takes a few people to work them.....
I have worked all my life and don't expect anything.....and have no need I retired a year ago and doing just fine!
but your pal bush almost destroyed the country....with recession...lay-offs...plant closing and foreclosures...sometimes people need help...
and what about those people at Wal mart and etc....we pay them to hire the less educated...big bucks actually...and who is the richest people in the country...all in one family....but anyway these people working for wal mart and others do not make enough to live on so we have to subsidize their pay...we are getting fucked both ways....******* wal mart and others to pay a living wage......like they did way back when to where people could live off their wages we would need a lot less of the social programs!
and when Obama did his bailout he gave a certain amount to wal street.....everyone else has paid the money back...but not wal street matter of fact we ARE STILL giving them the funds...the right is not going to stop that....and all they do is give the money out in bonus's
and the right calls them selves conservative!
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Don’t support him based on his morals - I agree with most of what you pointed out and don’t like that ******* either ! I liked Bill Clinton a lot - he was a damn good president - didn’t like what the Republicans tried to do to him either based on cigar dippings - which I thought was kinda kewl - wonder to this day who got to enjoy those cigars!!! Anyways I like the country being run by a business man and believe that if the left would get out of his way this country could greatly improve.

his morales was the topic long before he was even the nominee...that's where the wiki leaks came in....everytime trump put his foot in his mouth about something.....his "pals" would give him some wiki leaks info to draw away from it.
yes Clinton turned the country around and got things going in the right direction for a change...his only screw up was Nafta…..but that was started by Reagan then Bush and had Bi-Partisan support so he signed it...and because he was the signee...he took the heat
as for the cigar...bullshit...at the time the right was trying to burn him over that Gingrich and Ken Star were both having affairs behind their wives backs....talk about double standards......I understand ha smoked the cigar in some meeting later on that day

being run by a biz man?.....just how many biz can he bankrupt?...everything he has touched has turned to *******...dad gave him a million to start with he went broke less than a year later...and dad gave him another 10 million or so...he is so bad he can not get a loan from an American bank!
he owes a bank in Germany over 30 million.....and another big bunch to a bank in China...… if it wasn't for Russia feeding him now he wouldn't have anything!

Not much of a biz man to me!

I didn't like him as a candidate....even less as the nominee...even less now if that is possible
Good biz man?

Donald Trump's businesses owe $1.8bn to more than 150 ...
Watch video · One of the banks Mr Trump owes money to is Wells Fargo & Co., which is the trustee or administrator of $282 million of loans to the businessman and his companies.

Donald Trump Owes At Least $250 Million to Banks ...
Mar 20, 2016 · Republican presidential candidate owes at least $250 million to banks for various real estate projects, according to his personal finance disclosure forms.

How Much Money Does Donald Trump Owe China? - RedState
The Washington Examiner is reporting that Trump owes money – a lot of money – to some sources that aren’t exactly in line with his campaign rhetoric.

A Guide to Donald Trump’s Huge Debts—and the Conflicts ...
Below is a list of all the financial players that Trump owes money to and how much Trump directly has borrowed from each one. This roster is based on publicly available loan documents.

How much money does The Trump Organization owe Russia and ...
Voters need to know how much Trump and his businesses owe Chinese banks as well as Russian oligarchs.

NYT report: Trump owes money to Bank of China, Goldman Sachs
The New York Times published on Saturday a detailed analysis of Donald Trump's business dealings and found that his real estate holdings are racked in debt and he owes money to some organizations ..

Donald Trump owes Deutsche Bank big bucks | Business ...
Donald Trump owes Deutsche Bank big bucks. Donald Trump owes hundreds of millions to Deutsche Bank in connection with past real estate deals.

Just a few......now tell me just how good he is at running a biz?!
This guy has NO REDEEMING qualities! NONE
he was laughed at both times he tried to run before...the first time his campaign went less than a week...the second time he complained people weren't taking him serious and quit after a week....and now all of a sudden he is going to save America...from what?

Obama saved this country from near disaster...and got very little credit for doing so....the reason people pissed at Obama?!

the rest of the country came back to life....but they never saw their own personal wealth grow......good old American greed!
Maybe he just doesn't know the meaning of propaganda, afterall, Trump will tell them what to think & believe.

Most just listened to all the bad press on Clinton and voted accordingly...others listened to the snakeoil pitch and bought it
The republicans I can understand...they support their man...no matter his morales or qualifications
but all the others?...especially the religious right...they are so eager to get a judge in that will over turn roe vs wade...they will put a pervert in?
what don't have opinions of your own have to use someone else"s?

Democrats not in the way of supporting the boarder....there have been repub's in there also that didn't see the need...it wasn't an issue until trump the chimp made it one.... matter of fact it has been shown the wall will do very little good! so it will be a waste of money...just tunnel right under it or climb it like they have been doing...how about just increasing boarder security and giving a few more people jobs?...…and they have drones now that can cover a lot of territory...just takes a few people to work them.....
I have worked all my life and don't expect anything.....and have no need I retired a year ago and doing just fine!
but your pal bush almost destroyed the country....with recession...lay-offs...plant closing and foreclosures...sometimes people need help...
and what about those people at Wal mart and etc....we pay them to hire the less educated...big bucks actually...and who is the richest people in the country...all in one family....but anyway these people working for wal mart and others do not make enough to live on so we have to subsidize their pay...we are getting fucked both ways....******* wal mart and others to pay a living wage......like they did way back when to where people could live off their wages we would need a lot less of the social programs!
and when Obama did his bailout he gave a certain amount to wal street.....everyone else has paid the money back...but not wal street matter of fact we ARE STILL giving them the funds...the right is not going to stop that....and all they do is give the money out in bonus's
and the right calls them selves conservative!

Yeah politics really SUX on both sides - but the left seems to be moving steadily to socialism - so - an Independent - like myself that doesn’t think it’s the way to go - tends to move to the right - simple as that.
Yeah politics really SUX on both sides - but the left seems to be moving steadily to socialism - so - an Independent - like myself that doesn’t think it’s the way to go - tends to move to the right - simple as that.

Mmmmm socialism huh....do you suppose we could leave all these disasters and etc to capitalism?
I'm sure all these biz people will just jump in and help pay for the damage...that's just one!
There is rampant corruption on both sides!!!

that's just a cop out...your man has stocked the swamp with more alligators looking after themselves and whom ever gives them the most money...look at his latest appointment...was a lobbyist for coal....I'm sure he is going to have americans interest at heart...and who is paying him how much over what we are paying him...that's just his latest appointee
NO ONE has ever been as corrupt as this man!

you are just looking for an excuse to keep supporting your man!

there hasn't been this many indictments....sentences and jail time...since Reagan was in office
There is rampant corruption on both sides!!!
You take the extremes to both parties you have Marxism vs Fascism. We can basically thank Newt Gingrich for the extremes of politics now. Also, the no-negotiation position of the Sarah Palin Tea-party didn't manage to do anything but screw up a fairly normal mainstream process of politics.
You take the extremes to both parties you have Marxism vs Fascism. We can basically thank Newt Gingrich for the extremes of politics now. Also, the no-negotiation position of the Sarah Palin Tea-party didn't manage to do anything but screw up a fairly normal mainstream process of politics.

that would be two of the most responsible people for the mess we have now...throw in Rush Limbaugh and a few others that just add fuel to the fire
that's just a cop out...your man has stocked the swamp with more alligators looking after themselves and whom ever gives them the most money...look at his latest appointment...was a lobbyist for coal....I'm sure he is going to have americans interest at heart...and who is paying him how much over what we are paying him...that's just his latest appointee
NO ONE has ever been as corrupt as this man!

you are just looking for an excuse to keep supporting your man!

there hasn't been this many indictments....sentences and jail time...since Reagan was in office
Yeah and all the indictments are total horseshite based on perjury traps and for things done prior to Trump running and after the election - NO collusion to be found - so your beloved Mueller is trying to create it by coercing testimony by extortion - breaking the witnesses financially and threatening long prison terms unless he gets what he wants!!!
Yeah and all the indictments are total horseshite based on perjury traps and for things done prior to Trump running and after the election - NO collusion to be found - so your beloved Mueller is trying to create it by coercing testimony by extortion - breaking the witnesses financially and threatening long prison terms unless he gets what he wants!!!

here we go again...listening to and believing the snakeoil salesman.....do you really think a judge is just going to listen to mueller?
they all have high priced lawyers and STILL going to jail......a little reasoning would apply here instead of just your loyalty to a pervert and a loser!

Mueller already knows most of the answers...how do you think he knew Manafort was lying?
Cohan's office was full of documents!...They have emails from stone to different people....they know Jr used his cell phone to call a private number right after the Russian meeting...you think Mueller doesn't know who that number is registered to....they hauled boxes and boxes and computers out of Manaforts house THAT is what is sending him to jail...they haven't even started on him and Russia YET!

and they have 2 witnesses that trump jr told them 2 years ago that money was not a problem for them...they got all they wanted from Russia....and you think Mueller does not have the authority to get trumps tax filings?
you can not be that dumb!
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