Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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I think NOT - but you keep hoping and praying - resigning is different than impeachment just for the record - o one consummed by the presentation of FACTS - I do however believe you are correct about Nixon - had he not resigned he prolly woulda been impeached.

I said it once - and I’ll say it again ye be the Master o Memes - albeit incorrect in your target o choice - and quite consumed by TDS!
A snowman in HELL has a better chance than Alt-Prez Trump getting his wall approved at this time.


In other news .... for the past 3-4 years REPUBLICANS here have been yelling about Democrat voter fraud .... never proved it existed.
Until this election ....


Its interesting that Republicans cut voting time, voting days, eliminated party-line voting, same day registration, college campus registration, and demanding that Voter IDs be implemented because some democrats ... hint, hint, hint were voting, then going around the corner, changing clothes, putting on hats, and voting again. Of course, no PROOF of that at all. It was simply to cut down on minority voting.
The one thing that Republicans refused to look at was absentee voting ... the easiest way to commit Voter Fraud. So, look WHO'S under suspicion of VOTER FRAUD in North Carolina .... the loud complainers .... like a fart "the first smeller is the very fellow" ... They're now considering REVOTING in the 9th district over this. Fucking Republicans .... liars, deniers, criers, cheaters .... I say gut the whole party and start over. The party is in a .... wait for it .... better be sitting down .... here it comes ... ready? ........ a DEATH SPIRAL! Ahhhhhh, now where have we heard that before, ReThuglicans?
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I said it once - and I’ll say it again ye be the Master o Memes - albeit incorrect in your target o choice - and quite consumed by TDS!

what? facts and truth bother you?...oh that's right you are live in a trumpie world where facts and truth doesn't matter.....and anyone against trump shouldn't be allowed to express opinions
strange for the last.?????? how many years people have expressed opiions against the sitting president but not allowed to with this one...why is that? His sensitivity level a little to high?...or just has to much to hide?
A snowman in HELL has a better chance than Alt-Prez Trump getting his wall approved at this time.

View attachment 2263991

In other news .... for the past 3-4 years REPUBLICANS here have been yelling about Democrat voter fraud .... never proved it existed.
Until this election ....


Its interesting that Republicans cut voting time, voting days, eliminated party-line voting, same day registration, college campus registration, and demanding that Voter IDs be implemented because some democrats ... hint, hint, hint were voting, then going around the corner, changing clothes, putting on hats, and voting again.
The one thing that Republicans refused to look at was absentee voting ... the easiest way to commit Voter Fraud. So, look WHO'S under suspicion of VOTER FRAUD in North Carolina .... the loud complainers .... like a fart "the first smeller is the very fellow" ... They're now considering REVOTING in the 9th district over this. Fucking Republicans .... liars, cheaters, deniers, criers .... I say gut the whole party and start over. The party is in a .... wait for it .... better be sitting down .... here it comes ... ready? ........ a DEATH SPIRAL! Ahhhhhh, now where have we heard that before, ReThuglicans?

see what they are doing in Wisc......since the republican gov lost...he is trying to make a bunch of changes to favor the right and strip the new Dem gov power.....sound familiar?
see what they are doing in Wisc......since the republican gov lost...he is trying to make a bunch of changes to favor the right and strip the new Dem gov power.....sound familiar?
They ALREADY did that in NC ... I've mentioned this several times. Because the Republican NC general assembly got away with it, Wisconsin Republicans are trying it too ... hell, the Republican gerrymandering is so bad here that 3 different state federal judges have told the Republicans to fix it ... Republicans have ignored them. In 3 different districts, it take 1,300 Democrat votes for every 1,000 Republican votes to win because of their gerrymandering techniques. The Judges need to start tossing these NC Republicans in jail one by one and holding them until the Republicans fix their "fixes" to never losing an election. Republicans have decided to hell with the constitution, with democracy, and with the voters voices. They fit right in with the Trump ... "Win At All Cost" fascist strategy. This is the sign of a desperate, lost party.
(from Aliens movie) ... we need to herd them all into one area and "nuke 'em from space, its the only way to be sure".

"It's the only way to be sure" ...
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They ALREADY did that in NC ... I've mentioned this several times. Because the Republican NC general assembly got away with it, Wisconsin Republicans are trying it too ... hell, the Republican gerrymandering is so bad here that 3 different state federal judges have told the Republicans to fix it ... Republicans have ignored them. In 3 different districts, it take 1,300 Democrat votes for every 1,000 Republican votes to win because of their gerrymandering techniques. The Judges need to start tossing these NC Republicans in jail one by one and holding them until the Republicans fix their "fixes" to never losing an election. Republicans have decided to hell with the constitution, with democracy, and with the voters voices. They fit right in with the Trump ... "Win At All Cost" fascist strategy. This is the sign of a desperate, lost party.
(from Aliens movie) ... we need to herd them all into one area and nuke 'em from space, "its the only way to be sure".

"It's the only way to be sure" ...
View attachment 2264614

I knew you already had it....seems wisc trying the same *******
They ALREADY did that in NC ... I've mentioned this several times. Because the Republican NC general assembly got away with it, Wisconsin Republicans are trying it too ... hell, the Republican gerrymandering is so bad here that 3 different state federal judges have told the Republicans to fix it ... Republicans have ignored them. In 3 different districts, it take 1,300 Democrat votes for every 1,000 Republican votes to win because of their gerrymandering techniques. The Judges need to start tossing these NC Republicans in jail one by one and holding them until the Republicans fix their "fixes" to never losing an election. Republicans have decided to hell with the constitution, with democracy, and with the voters voices. They fit right in with the Trump ... "Win At All Cost" fascist strategy. This is the sign of a desperate, lost party.
(from Aliens movie) ... we need to herd them all into one area and "nuke 'em from space, its the only way to be sure".

"It's the only way to be sure" ...
View attachment 2264614

I agree totally! It's not the cost of winning that concerns the GOP, they've already looked after that, it's winning regardless of cost! Honesty, integrity, voters rights be damned!
P.S. The cherry on top of their political mantra, "Blame the dishonest Dems!" Sooo sad!!
A snowman in HELL has a better chance than Alt-Prez Trump getting his wall approved at this time.

View attachment 2263991

In other news .... for the past 3-4 years REPUBLICANS here have been yelling about Democrat voter fraud .... never proved it existed.
Until this election ....


Its interesting that Republicans cut voting time, voting days, eliminated party-line voting, same day registration, college campus registration, and demanding that Voter IDs be implemented because some democrats ... hint, hint, hint were voting, then going around the corner, changing clothes, putting on hats, and voting again. Of course, no PROOF of that at all. It was simply to cut down on minority voting.
The one thing that Republicans refused to look at was absentee voting ... the easiest way to commit Voter Fraud. So, look WHO'S under suspicion of VOTER FRAUD in North Carolina .... the loud complainers .... like a fart "the first smeller is the very fellow" ... They're now considering REVOTING in the 9th district over this. Fucking Republicans .... liars, deniers, criers, cheaters .... I say gut the whole party and start over. The party is in a .... wait for it .... better be sitting down .... here it comes ... ready? ........ a DEATH SPIRAL! Ahhhhhh, now where have we heard that before, ReThuglicans?

I believe both parties are full of a lot of shite - why little gets done any more - however I also believe the left is more weighty in that department and definitely the more whiny of the two.
what? facts and truth bother you?...oh that's right you are live in a trumpie world where facts and truth doesn't matter.....and anyone against trump shouldn't be allowed to express opinions
strange for the last.?????? how many years people have expressed opiions against the sitting president but not allowed to with this one...why is that? His sensitivity level a little to high?...or just has to much to hide?

I see no facts or truth - simply looney bin liberal propaganda which trends to amuses me greatly !
I believe both parties are full of a lot of shite - why little gets done any more - however I also believe the left is more weighty in that department and definitely the more whiny of the two.

tell me....just what has the right done for you?
take all the time you need I know it is a tough question...might take a week or so....use your search engine if you need to
then will show you everything the left has done for the country/and you!
tell me....just what has the right done for you?

They provide me with the means to live my life the way I see fit. They provide security for our borders as well as a strong national security. That's all I expect from a government. I can provide for me and my family, I don't stand around with my hand out wanting the government to take care of me. Remember this? "Ask not what your country can do for you..." For the liberal its always abut what they can gain. - Your a taker.
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