Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Yeah - twas all RUSSIA - RUSSIA - RUSSIA
undt me - I do not cry for Trump - I support our President - what you gonna do when you find out all this collusion crap is lefty horseshite ??? Hope your head doesn’t explode!!! I’d miss your meme propaganda parade :{

saw a thing yesterday on it...….what will make it hard on YOUR man is....he said he would have the family run the biz...he knew full well when he got the nominee that there are certain things you can not do.....so he took the job and used it to profit himself....and on several occasions put himself over country!
he got the republican platform changed to favor russia
he fought against both sides of congress NOT to put anymore sanctions on Rusia
the private meetings with Russia where he gave away classified info...even though a Pres can de-classify anything he wants...we now know why he did...to curry more favor with russia
trying to get the rest of the world to bring russia back into the G7 and going against our allies to do so
it goes on and on

Nope your man is going down....should be already without any info from Mueller there is already more than enough...just on the papers they got from Cohans office alone is more than enough.....more than there was for Nixon....Trump has had his Sat night massacre only in slow motion
more than enough on obstruction to impeach...not counting all the other

Trump Impeachment Odds Now at 60 Percent. An Irish betting house says odds are 4/6 Trump will be ousted.
Here Are the Current Betting Odds on Trump Being Impeached

Donald Trump's Impeachment Odds Are Up: Betting Sites ...
Watch video · After Donald Trump Jr's Russia emails, betting site PaddyPower has upped their odds of President Donald Trump's impeachment.

Opinion | Trump’s Corruption: The Definitive List - The ...
Oct 28, 2018 · In one three-month period last year, the Secret Service spent about $63,000 at Mar-a-Lago and more than $137,000 on golf carts at Trump’s Florida and New Jersey clubs.

Voters said please check Trump's corruption ... - usatoday.com
Nov 27, 2018 · The law won’t stop Donald Trump. And a historic rejection at the polls just served to embolden him. He must be checked by the only option left to …

and the best one!...which showed at the polls during midterms

The Republican Party is now Trump's Corruption Party. Here ...
Aug 30, 2018 · Trump and Republicans have a massive corruption problem. Democrats must run on bold political reforms that really will drain the swamp. Here are 3.

the Senate is lucky in that they had very few seats up during the midterms....but not so next election and if they continue to cover for him.....think there might be a big swing there next election also

At a Washington Post event in October 2018, Newt Gingrich said he thought Trump doesn’t have “any fear” the Democrats will “investigate” him if they take the House of Representatives in the midterm elections. Gingrich also claimed Trump was only raising that fear among his base for votes. When asked what Trump would do if the Democrats subpoenaed his tax returns, “They’ll be trapped into appealing to the Supreme Court, and we’ll see whether or not the Kavanaugh fight was worth it,” Gingrich said.
not looking real good for Don Jr either!

Cohen's Account Of Russia Talks Raises Questions About Trump Jr. 2017 Testimony
This week's guilty plea by Donald Trump's ex-attorney Michael Cohen has raised questions about Donald Trump Jr.'s testimony to Congress regarding his family's real estate negotiations with powerful Russians.


Trump Jr. told the Senate Judiciary Committee in September 2017 that he was only “peripherally aware” of negotiations that Cohen has admitted to carrying on through June 2016.
Cohen said in his guilty plea that he had briefed Trump’s family members about his talks, although the court documents don’t specify who.
Trump Jr. also told Senate investigators that he wasn’t aware that Cohen had reached out to the press secretary for Vladimir Putin as part of his talks with Moscow about a putative new Trump Tower project there.
Cohen had previously told Congress that although he emailed Putin’s spokesman, Dmitry Peskov, he hadn’t heard back, and the discussions with people in Moscow concluded by January 2016.
Cohen then acknowledged in his guilty plea that, in fact, Peskov had responded to him and he and others had continued negotiations about the project until after Trump had become the presumptive GOP nominee.
Trump Jr.’s answers allude to a number of prospective projects; he was asked by Senate investigators about news reports about a Trump Tower Moscow negotiation that took place in 2015 and 2016, which he acknowledged but did not detail.
Looking “lightly”

An attorney for Trump Jr. didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment on this story.
Earlier this year, when other potential discrepancies arose between what Cohen was saying and what Trump Jr. told Congress, attorney Alan Futerfas stood by Trump Jr.’s testimony.
“Donald Trump Jr. has been professional and responsible throughout the Mueller and congressional investigations,” he said in the summer. “We are very confident of the accuracy and reliability of the information that has been provided by Mr. Trump Jr., and on his behalf.”
Separately, an attorney for President Trump, Rudy Giuliani, said on Thursday that no laws have been broken and that the information that underpins Cohen’s plea actually came from the Trump Organization — confirming that it has been supporting the ongoing investigations.
“Michael Cohen is a liar,” Giuliani said. “It’s no surprise that Cohen lied to Congress. He’s a proven liar who is doing everything he can to get out of a long-term prison sentence for serious crimes of bank and tax fraud that had nothing to do with the Trump Organization.”
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Lefties seem to be quite delusional these days - not necessarily a bad thing !

not delusional......just have hope for America and law and order

our forefathers warned us against people like him....and no matter how many he fires.....justice will prevail….for a lot of us that means jail time..

Nixon was impeached for far less...the Rosenburgs were executed for about the same thing...catering to the enemy!
not delusional......just have hope for America and law and order

our forefathers warned us against people like him....and no matter how many he fires.....justice will prevail….for a lot of us that means jail time..

Nixon was impeached for far less...the Rosenburgs were executed for about the same thing...catering to the enemy!

Nixon resigned - twas’t impeached Mr. Facts !
Nixon resigned - twas’t impeached Mr. Facts !

left in shame one step ahead of the law...….your man is not that smart....he will keep calling them all liars...knowing he has those blind sheep that will believe and do whatever...probably even stir up violence...not a first for him
but anyway you want to look at it....he is going down!
left in shame one step ahead of the law...….your man is not that smart....he will keep calling them all liars...knowing he has those blind sheep that will believe and do whatever...probably even stir up violence...not a first for him
but anyway you want to look at it....he is going down!

I think NOT - but you keep hoping and praying - resigning is different than impeachment just for the record - o one consummed by the presentation of FACTS - I do however believe you are correct about Nixon - had he not resigned he prolly woulda been impeached.
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