Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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let's just cut to the chase here....you have been rambling on for 2 days now....saying you post facts...and yet when some one else posts..they are not credible...

Bottom line is...the majority of the country...AND the world thinks your man is a loser and in bed with put in.....and you seem to think all of those people are wrong?
and can not show a reason for anyone to believe he has any credibility at all
doesn't say much for your mindset wouldn't you think?
You asked me to post some links first. I did. Shall we all assume since you are unable to post links showing anything you have posted is credible, that you are indeed not credible? Because that is what every reasonable person who sees this is going to conclude. Based on your own posts.
You asked me to post some links first. I did. Shall we all assume since you are unable to post links showing anything you have posted is credible, that you are indeed not credible? Because that is what every reasonable person who sees this is going to conclude. Based on your own posts.

if I had a nickel for everytime you have posted that line...I could buy you a crying towel!

it's more about the argument than the man now isn't it.....I post a lot of links showing where your man is fucking the country and the world...but didn't change a thing...so argue on.....
You are fake, made up news. All you can do when you are proven wrong, is post more made up content.

Let me give you some advice. You can hate DJT, but you can hate him without turning yourself into something dishonest. People would respect you more.
Pot meet kettle.

Politicians lie. You can keep your same health plan. No more new taxes. ad infinitium...

I don't lie. I'm not sure you can say the same. Your choices are limited, either you don't understand, or you lie.

And before you ask me to point out, or provide a link to where you have seemingly lied, I have already done this, so just go back and review these multiple instances.

This said, I'm not calling you a liar, but your arguments are disingenuous at best, and it is remarkable to me, after your arguments and links are proven false, or proven to not be relevant to the topic, on repeated occasion, how you can hold on to them as truth, or seem to think they are answers to what you are responding to.

Everyone has special talent, and this talent of yours is truly amazing.

5 crucial facts about impeachment you need to know — and what it means for Trump

Impeachment can happen when a president is charged of "treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors," according to the US constitution.
  • The president can only be removed from office if convicted of the alleged offense.
  • The process usually begins when a member of the House brings forth articles of impeachment.
  • The House then votes on the charge, needing a majority to determine the ruling.
  • Since Republicans have majority in both the House and Senate, it's unlikely Trump will be impeached.
Removing a president from office is a two-step process. The first step is impeachment. That's when members of the House indict, or charge, an official with an impeachable offense. Impeachment does not remove the president from office. That only happens if a second step is taken and the president is convicted of the alleged crimes.
Jacob Neiheisel, an assistant professor at the University at Buffalo, SUNY answers five questions about how impeachment works.

1. What sort of crime can lead to impeachment?
The US Constitution states that the president can be removed from office after being both impeached and convicted for "Treason, Bribery, or other High Crimes and Misdemeanors."
Treason is notoriously difficult to prove. For example, Aaron Burr — a former vice president — was caught stockpiling supplies and gathering a ******* to take over some of the lands that would eventually be obtained through the Louisiana Purchase. And yet, he still wasn't convicted of treason.
To date, no president has been charged with bribery.

What exactly constitutes a "high crime" or "misdemeanor" has always been open to interpretation, but it is clear that partisan politics plays a role.

Scholars argue that Andrew Johnson, the first American president to be impeached, was targeted because of his "soft" approach to states of the former Confederacy during Reconstruction. The official reason was his violation of the Tenure of Office Act, which was later declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court.

Articles of impeachment were brought against Bill Clinton for perjury, or lying under oath, and obstruction of justice, but there is little doubt that there was also a Republican desire to weaken Clinton's presidency behind the charges.
Even Alexander Hamilton expected the process of impeachment to be overtly political. President Gerald Ford put the matter bluntly when he described an impeachable offense as "whatever a majority of the House of Representatives considers it to be at a given moment in history."

2. How does the process work?
The process usually begins when a member of the House brings forth articles of impeachment. Last year, five Democrats in the House did just that.
Next comes a vote on the articles of impeachment by the House Judiciary Committee. The Judiciary Committee can choose to investigate the matter — or opt out, as they did in the case of the Clinton impeachment. The committee can then recommend for or against impeachment. Either way, their recommendation isn't binding — meaning the House can impeach over their recommendation. The current chair of the committee, Virginia Republican Bob Goodlatte, is a strong supporter of the president, but he is set to retire in 2019.
Next comes a vote in the full House, with only a simple majority required.

If the House votes to impeach, the case is referred to the Senate for trial. The trial runs much like a criminal case, and witnesses can be called on either side. A supermajority, or two-thirds, of the Senate then has to vote to convict and remove the president from office.
Although two presidents, Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton, have been impeached by the House, both avoided a conviction in the Senate and a resulting removal from office.
A common misconception is that the Supreme Court plays a major role in the proceedings. The chief justice does preside over impeachment trials in the Senate, but that is the court's only role.

3. Republicans have a majority in the House and the Senate. Does that essentially make Trump bulletproof?
More or less.

Although it is possible that Republican members of Congress could join with Democrats in calling for Trump's removal, as we saw happen in the run-up to Nixon's resignation over the Watergate scandal, today's polarized political environment makes such an occurrence unlikely absent clear and convincing evidence of major wrongdoing.

While Nixon's impeachment was likely inevitable, with Democratic majorities in both houses of Congress in 1974, today substantial Republican defections from Trump would be essential to any movement toward impeachment.

Currently, there are 236 Republican House members. That means 22 Republicans would have to join with all of the Democrats in the House to impeach Trump. However, the 2018 midterm election could change this math if the Democrats pick up seats.
The articles of impeachment against Trump might look remarkably similar to those levied against Nixon and Clinton. The articles of impeachment drawn up by Democrats in November 2017 accuse the president of obstruction of justice related to the firing of FBI director James Comey, undermining the independence of the federal judiciary, accepting emoluments from a foreign government and other charges. Any attempt to accuse him of treason is extremely unlikely, in my opinion.

4. If the president is removed, who takes over? What would happen if the vice president was also implicated in the president's crime?
If President Trump was removed from office, Vice President Mike Pence would be immediately sworn in. In the unlikely event that both the president and the vice president are impeached by the House and convicted by the Senate, Speaker of the House Paul Ryan would become president.

5. Can officers other than the president be impeached?
Absolutely. In fact, 15 federal judges have been impeached, although only eight have been removed from the bench. The most recent example was in 2010 when federal Judge G. Thomas Porteous was found guilty on multiple articles of impeachment by the US Senate. Porteous was found to have accepted bribes from lawyers with dealings before his court.
1994 4,643,307
In the record books ... spin it the way you wish ...
Nat'l Debt Under Clinton........Budget Deficits/Surplus'
1994 4,643,307 ..............................$ 203 Billion (-)* Bush tax increases pushed through by Clinton
1995 4,920,586 ..............................$ 164 Billion (-)
1996 5,181,465.............................$.107 Billion (-)
1997 5,369,206 ...............................$ 22 Billion (-)
1998 5,478,189**............................$ 69 Billion (+)
1999 5,605,523**............................$126 Billion (+)
2000 5,628,700**. ......................... $236 Billion (+)
2001 5,769,881**........................... $128 Billion (+)
.........................** surpluses automatically deposited into government backed securities, not used to pay down the Nat'l Debt
Go back to Reagan ... that's where deficit spending started as he doubled the Nat'l Debt'; Republicans haven't stopped pushing their "trickle down" fallacy. GW Bush proved it with his unbudgeted spending on wars & Medicare Pt-D, and his ridiculous tax cuts turning the surpluses into deficits the following year and practically crashing the US economy by 2008.
...........................................of your opinion.GIF_GrouchoMarx.gif
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In the record books ... spin it the way you wish ...
Nat'l Debt Under Clinton........Budget Deficits/Surplus'
1994 4,643,307 ..............................$ 203 Billion (-)* Bush tax increases pushed through by Clinton
1995 4,920,586 ..............................$ 164 Billion (-)
1996 5,181,465.............................$.107 Billion (-)
1997 5,369,206 ...............................$ 22 Billion (-)
1998 5,478,189**............................$ 69 Billion (+)
1999 5,605,523**............................$126 Billion (+)
2000 5,628,700**. ......................... $236 Billion (+)
2001 5,769,881**........................... $128 Billion (+)
.........................** surpluses automatically deposited into government backed securities, not used to pay down the Nat'l Debt
What an enlightening post. We have a national debt number that increases each and every year and my saying it does so is somehow considered "spin" through your rose colored liberal glasses. It must make democrat politician's hearts warm to know there's no lack of useful idiots to vote for them.

We know we go back to Reagan ... that's where deficit spending materialized
Not this horseshit again. You tried to claim that a year ago and got schooled on it. I really shouldn't have to educate you yet again, but sorry....deficit spending was alive and well LONG before Reagan. Hell, there was deficit spending before Reagan was born. As I told you back in post 9907 of politics, Carter had to have the debt ceiling raised SEVEN times in his four years of screwing up the country thanks to his deficit spending....and the democraps had the trifecta during the entire four years of the Carter Misery Index Presidency.
What an enlightening post. We have a national debt number that increases each and every year and my saying it does so is somehow considered "spin" through your rose colored liberal glasses. It must make democrat politician's hearts warm to know there's no lack of useful idiots to vote for them.

Not this horseshit again. You tried to claim that a year ago and got schooled on it. I really shouldn't have to educate you yet again, but sorry....deficit spending was alive and well LONG before Reagan. Hell, there was deficit spending before Reagan was born. As I told you back in post 9907 of politics, Carter had to have the debt ceiling raised SEVEN times in his four years of screwing up the country thanks to his deficit spending....and the democraps had the trifecta during the entire four years of the Carter Misery Index Presidency.

who you trying to bullshit....Reagan is the one who took it to new heights and derailed the country..forever with it!
Very Fake News MacNFries. Obama never met with P U T I N privately, correct?

The problem is, even when you now might have a point, no one will listen since you've been caught red handed making things up so many times.

Try that on your boss at work this morning, see how that works out for you.
My original post was never intended to bring out the worse in people, unfortunately what was intended, and what has come to pass, are at opposite ends of the spectrum! It is evident that some of us are so transfixed in our own version of "what we would like the facts to be" that "truth" is merely an obstruction to that belief. That is sad and self-destructive. Eventually most will believe the truth, whatever those truths may convey, and unfortunately, some will never comprehend that an "alternative fact" by it's own definition, is an un-truth, ie, a lie via another name. Lighten up folks, life is too short to be bitter, plus there's far too much of it out there now, plus everyone would be far better off without it. In fact, bitterness is self-destructive, in such circumstance you become your own worse enemy! Lighten-up!!!
Ohh Dear 2bi4. Really you use an Youtube loud mouth that thinks its funny to use sexual ******* as a joke.

Are your morals that low?
My original post was never intended to bring out the worse in people, unfortunately what was intended, and what has come to pass, are at opposite ends of the spectrum! It is evident that some of us are so transfixed in our own version of "what we would like the facts to be" that "truth" is merely an obstruction to that belief. That is sad and self-destructive. Eventually most will believe the truth, whatever those truths may convey, and unfortunately, some will never comprehend that an "alternative fact" by it's own definition, is an un-truth, ie, a lie via another name. Lighten up folks, life is too short to be bitter, plus there's far too much of it out there now, plus everyone would be far better off without it. In fact, bitterness is self-destructive, in such circumstance you become your own worse enemy! Lighten-up!!!

Your original post is opinion. Which you have every right to. Unfortunately when other people posted their opinions, citing other's wishful thinking which was posted as fact, and pointing this out with documentation, they did not like this.

As an aside, you started off your post with a quote. I'm not sure that quote exists, and I'm wondering if you are referring to Durant. But his exact quote is different. It is, ""A great civilization is not conquered from without until it has destroyed itself from within. ... When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time."

If this is not the quote you intended, I'm curious who and what you quoted?

But make no mistake, others are welcome to their opinions as well. And their opinions are exactly that. Opinions. Just as your original post is.

An example of your original post being opinion is your contention that America's leaders, "snuggle up to those dictators around the world who would like to see your country denigrated."

How do I know this is your opinion, and not fact? Because several links were provided showing the American administration's words are not matching up with policy. And the policy in many areas is harsher towards those "dictators", than it has been in recent history.

So while we can debate opinion, there is not much wiggle room with fact.

It also needs to be pointed out that while I recognize your right to your opinion, this is recognizing that I respect other people's right to an opinion.
When someone's opinio is different than your opinion, and the respnse is that they are uninformed, this is an example of intolerance, and lack of respct for someonelese's rights and civil liberties.

Due to this, I'll close with a "fact", not opinion.

Civil liberty applies to every one equally in America, not just to those that we might happen to agree with. Opinions are opinions, and every American citizen has a right to an opinion, even when they differ from our own opinion. Posting an opinion doesn't make it a fact. Posting an opinion, and then linking documentation which adds credibility to that opinion, does make that opinion more valid than just a posted opinion, without any documentation of accuracy.

So please feel free to keep posting opinion. As I will post my opinion. But when I am questioned, I'll provide supporting documentation adding credibility to my opinion. Not just post long diatribes, devoid of any documentation. Because this is how I see the real world operating A world in which a score is kept, either in terms of dollars, or wins and losses. Because in the world most of us operate in, an opinion that is actually factual is worth more than merely an opinion. And it is measured each and every day on a fairly simple to understand scorecard.
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