Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Link showing 1) IQ of each President, 2) Correct spelling of interpreter, 3) Definition of enterpiter , 4) besides I did look it up and there were aids present! Link showing this, in light of the fact I just posted 2 links showing the meeting was in private

Fake New Subhub174014

want to go back and show you some of yours...you have a few!
Ahh yes, good old Mac...trying to move the goalpost when he gets proven wrong. You brought up the topic of debt with your claim that Clinton didn't add much to the debt. When proven wrong with documented evidence straight from a Democrat controlled white house source....suddenly adding $s to the debt is excusable because you want to switch the topic to interest on the debt.

Presume based on this, you will gladly ignore the portion of the current deficit under Trump that is due to the interest on the $20 trillion in debt he inherited from Obummer correct????

I can't believe you are getting into this argument when you are 0-fer on this board!
Ahh yes, good old Mac...trying to move the goalpost when he gets proven wrong. You brought up the topic of debt with your claim that Clinton didn't add much to the debt. When proven wrong with documented evidence straight from a Democrat controlled white house source....suddenly adding $s to the debt is excusable because you want to switch the topic to interest on the debt.

Presume based on this, you will gladly ignore the portion of the current deficit under Trump that is due to the interest on the $20 trillion in debt he inherited from Obummer correct????

MacNFires is Fake News.

Don't confuse him with two issues. Concentrate on he maintains P U T I N never met privately with Obama, and each tme in this thread he has said this, I have posted links showing him to be uninformed at best, dishonest at worst.

Since my links from the Council on Foreign Relations CBS and LA Times. I want to see him continue to post lies in the face of insurmountable evidence to the contrary.

Let him keep digging.
Did you read the first sentence of your link? It's a good link. But it makes my argument more than it makes your argument. Not sure you are aware of this.

yes I did...keep reading!

Q: During the Clinton administration was the federal budget balanced? Was the federal deficit erased?

A: Yes to both questions, whether you count Social Security or not.


This chart, based on historical figures from the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office, shows the total deficit or surplus for each fiscal year from 1990 through 2006. Keep in mind that fiscal years begin Oct. 1, so the first year that can be counted as a Clinton year is fiscal 1994. The appropriations bills for fiscal years 1990 through 1993 were signed by Bill Clinton’s predecessor, George H.W. Bush. Fiscal 2002 is the first for which President George W. Bush signed the appropriations bills, and the first to show the effect of his tax cuts.

just in case you are to lazy and want to shoot off some more
Because not once on here did I say the budget wasn't balacned. I clearly said Clinton''s comprmise with Newt got the budget balanced.

I can keep posting links showing this.

Fake News sub hub cannot post one link showing the opposite.

This being a pattern, I have made up the nick name, Fake News Sub Hub.

res ipsa loquitur
in my haste to type I screw up a word once in a while as do others on here!
but I get the jist of what you are saying and same for you......twist things all you want the facts are still what they are
MacFries, then there are those who prefer to believe and rely on "alternative facts, and anything else be damned!
You are correct. I'm sure MacNfries will be right along to post a link, just one link, disproving anything I have posted, or any of the links I have posted. You know? The links that show he is incorrect, and/or dishonest.

The strange thing is he can't seem to do this. And neither can anyone else. I wonder why that is? Especially since I keep getting told there is all this proof. Should be easy to find with a quick Google search? No?
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