Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Actually you are wrong and couldn't be more so. No freedom is unlimited. But I get it. You severe ignorance keeps you from understanding that.

And give up on the straw man thing. I addressed a statement that you made. It is unfortunate that you are finding it difficult to defend so you pivot to the straw man defense. But again, I get it, what with your limited intelligence and all.

he is good at diverting the topic when he is losing an argument
it's called 2bi's art of mindfucking!
it feeds his ego helping him think he doesn't lose an argument
he is a legend in his own mind!

If he loses to many arguments he will go back to posting vids.....that way it is not his own words and you can't argue with him
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he is good at diverting the topic when he is losing an argument
it's called 2bi's art of mindfucking!
it feeds his ego helping him think he doesn't lose an argument
he is a legend in his own mind!

If he loses to many arguments he will go back to posting vids.....that way it is not his own words and you can't argue with him

OK smart man, lets continue the argument. But by YOU OWN WORDS - what does it have to do with the topic?

My point: The amount of guns one owns will not change the amount of killings.

Your argument in rebuttable - go!

And whats with the big bold type? are you getting angry, or do you just like drawing attention to yourself?
OK smart man, lets continue the argument. But by YOU OWN WORDS - what does it have to do with the topic?

My point: The amount of guns one owns will not change the amount of killings.

Your argument in rebuttable - go!

And whats with the big bold type? are you getting angry, or do you just like drawing attention to yourself?
guns has nothing to do with this argument...although I agree with you on that...and said that!
although that is a little "twist" on your first statement...but then you will now bring up reading skills ...like always...when it is actually your diversion skills at work!

I am agreeing with him on your art of changing the subject when losing an argument
the reason for the bold...I wanted to make sure you saw and could read... and understand what was being said as your attention span is very short

your art of changing the subject when cornered would apply to any thread!
your art of changing the subject when cornered would apply to any thread!

and where did I change the subject? - either post a link to my post where I change subjects or I will take that as admission you are full if BS.

I simply stated that it is a straw-man argument and no point in going further. Why continue back and forth?
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well latin4bbc...I know you seem to be confused about your sex...boy?.....girl?.....It?
but I sure hope you don't get confused on your being born here gives you citizenship...because your man is working on taking that away!
well latin4bbc...I know you seem to be confused about your sex...boy?.....girl?.....It?
but I sure hope you don't get confused on your being born here gives you citizenship...because your man is working on taking that away!

no he's not - although I don't agree with the order, he's not planing on taking citizenship away. Just no longer making it automatic going foreword.
But I still say, your born here, you can stay here. However, something should be done about anchor babies. What you post above is nothing but fear mongering.

what more vids...….afraid of putting your foot in your mouth some more?
as you should be!

The vid simply backs up my claim that you are spouting fear and misinformation. You sure do seem to be afraid of these vids, Almost like the truth is hunting you. LOL - these are much better than mindless, no context, misleading memes. The videos are at least hard to dispute!
The vid simply backs up my claim that you are spouting fear and misinformation. You sure do seem to be afraid of these vids, Almost like the truth is hunting you. LOL - these are much better than mindless, no context, misleading memes. The videos are at least hard to dispute!
wrong there peanut brain!...the vid no more backs up your claim than my newspaper article!
not afraid of the vids...I don't look at them...and have no intention of ever looking at them.....maybe somebody does...but most aren't interested and figure you just lack the knowledge to form complete sentences in a coherent fashion that means something...without putting your foot in your mouth

you could post a full length movie on how the right will lose their ass in the upcoming election...and I wouldn't watch it....if I want to watch something I will turn on the TV
we are going to spend up towards 150 million dollars and send more troops to the boarder than we used to fight ISIS...just to show a bunch of rednecks he is protecting the boarder

but I guess to 2bi and latina4bbc and a few others it is all justified

damn I hope the Dems win control in Nov!
we are going to spend up towards 150 million dollars and send more troops to the boarder than we used to fight ISIS...just to show a bunch of rednecks he is protecting the boarder

but I guess to 2bi and latina4bbc and a few others it is all justified

damn I hope the Dems win control in Nov!

We will just send the caravan to your house ;)
Ah, the old "automobiles can be used to ******* just like a gun" chestnut. Do you understand the fundamental difference between a gun and an automobile?
Why is being limited or not limited irrelevant? Because amount doesn't matter? Then limiting shouldn't matter. Because as you stated, being limited is irrelevant and amount doesn't matter.

And not a straw man. I was just discussing part of your statement.
statistically MORE people die every year from car accidents and or ******* driving incidents than from gun shot wounds but they don't ban or limit cars/alcohol.
More people die of cancer every year but they don't outlaw cigarettes/tobacco?
outlaw tobacco and alcohol completely first and we will make a step to save innocent lives..................just sayin.

Like this?
that is a horrible picture. that is a real ar-15 and a real .45 in the hands of little children. who ever took that pic has issues and needs their head examined. that is not responsible gun ownership and that's how accidents happen. wished I didn't see that.
we are going to spend up towards 150 million dollars and send more troops to the boarder than we used to fight ISIS...just to show a bunch of rednecks he is protecting the
we are going to spend up towards 150 million dollars and send more troops to the boarder than we used to fight ISIS...just to show a bunch of rednecks he is protecting the boarder

Damn right it’s justified. Its called protecting our country, the constitution, and our bi partisan laws. Remember it was The Democrat Harry Reid who said “no sane country would support birth right citizenship “

but I guess to 2bi and latina4bbc and a few others it is all justified

damn I hope the Dems win control in Nov!

but I guess to 2bi and latina4bbc and a few others it is all justified

damn I hope the Dems win control in Nov!
Just like you don’t hear Hillary say her racist comments “ They all look alike” you for some reason forget how Reid, Obama, both Clintons said immigration is a huge problem. But now we have a President with balls to tackle the problem and he’s a racist.
hmmmm Hillary said Robert Byrd was "her mentor"..................lol a card carrying Klansman and recruiter for the KKK
statistically MORE people die every year from car accidents and or ******* driving incidents than from gun shot wounds but they don't ban or limit cars/alcohol.
More people die of cancer every year but they don't outlaw cigarettes/tobacco?
outlaw tobacco and alcohol completely first and we will make a step to save innocent lives..................just sayin.

well then "just sayin"
lets have similar laws on guns the same as cars and etc...….you want a drivers lic or want to drive just how many laws do you have to follow?..yet in most states you want a gun you just go buy it!
don't get me wrong...I am a gun owner and have several...but here you want a gun you can and I have bought them at flea markets before....no laws restrictions nothing!
just sayin!gun8.jpg
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