Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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New low for the left, but not surprised. The left no supports Mass-medication via cities water supply. RUN- don't walk #WalkAway
(will probably be added to the ACA)
Just another reason I live in the country and tap my own water.

Left and right. Same bird. Same weathers. Both sides are playing the same game. All scripted... They are playing both sides of the chessboard.
Robert Bowers ONLY OWNED 28 guns.

And yet he can only use 1 or 2 at a time - so the amount of guns really doesn't matter now does it?
This man obviously has issues, I doubt Trump is responsible for them. BUT, it is in your nature to blame others instead of placing blame where it belongs. Since you feel so strongly that Trump is to blame for this mans hate then why not release Bowers back onto the streets?
And yet he can only use 1 or 2 at a time - so the amount of guns really doesn't matter now does it?
This man obviously has issues, I doubt Trump is responsible for them. BUT, it is in your nature to blame others instead of placing blame where it belongs. Since you feel so strongly that Trump is to blame for this mans hate then why not release Bowers back onto the streets?
So you are cool with limiting gun ownership to 2 guns a person right? Since the amount of guns really doesn't matter, in you words.
So you are cool with limiting gun ownership to 2 guns a person right? Since the amount of guns really doesn't matter, in you words.

LOL, yeah - I see what you are aiming for, but no. We can only drive one car at a time. It can be used to *******, even mass *******, so should we be limited to owning only one car? Because the amount doesn't matter, being limited or not limited becomes irrelevant and not the point. But I think you know that you bring up a straw-man.

The amount doesn't matter , so why limit it? He is no less/no more crazy if he owns 50 guns or 1 gun. He does however need to be held accountable for his own actions. What he has or doesn't have isn't the point. However, Mac was trying to make the man sound more "evil" and "crazy" simply because he had multiple firearms. It might sound scary - but its irrelevant and not the point, but the news media will play you and tug on your fear.

I do however believe strongly that we should pass a test, just like getting a driver license. Mental check, proper gun safety, and in some cases a special rider for certain weapons, just like a CDL.
And yet he can only use 1 or 2 at a time - so the amount of guns really doesn't matter now does it?

you must suffer from hoof n mouth disease.....always have your foot in your mouth!

wrong again there mr self proclaimed expert on all things that matter

ever been in a position where you would need a lot of fire power...…..no of course not...you were on the debate team!
remember anything about the Las Vegas shooter?
of course not you are to busy with self promotion!

point is ...if you are in a tight spot and need a lot of fire power....and don't have time to reload.....you need several guns already loaded and at the ready...almost every shooter had more than one gun on him or nearby

and background checks?...been the issue every time there is a shooting...but nothing changes

stick with the vids...you don't have to think or speak and won't embarrass your self that way!
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Well thought out - yes we NEED to get guns out of the hands of the crazies ASAP !!!!
.... so you agree with stricter background checks, placing waiting periods on certain types of rifles & handguns, and you are disagreeing with the NRA who is saying "the only cure for a bad man with a gun is a good man with a gun" and calling to arm our many good citizens with concealed weapons ... right? If that's true, I totally agree with you. Something says "no" that it wasn't what you meant.
And yet he can only use 1 or 2 at a time - so the amount of guns really doesn't matter now does it?
Is that how you read my post? No wonder Daphne & subhub are on your case. Personally, I've had my fill of you conservative "deniers of truth" and the "obvious" ... I'd rather have a conversation with a slug.
This man obviously has issues, I doubt Trump is responsible for them. BUT, it is in your nature to blame others instead of placing blame where it belongs. Since you feel so strongly that Trump is to blame for this mans hate then why not release Bowers back onto the streets?
Ultimately, I feel that each person is responsible for their own actions or inactions. But as subhub has mentioned many times, many Trump drones are simply unable to "think for themselves". This Robert Bowers was one of these programed drones ... he'll have to pay for his actions, hopefully in a very painful way, but I believe the fact that the photos of all the people Trump has targeted in his rallies, that were hanging & pasted to Bower's walls at his residency had a lot to do with the killings. Just like Trumps instructions for his rally fans to strike & hit the liberals crashing his campaign speeches and his instructions to the Russians & WikiLeaks to leak the 30,000 so-called Hillary Clinton e-mails.
Trump is a dictator in the real form, dividing the people, suppressing those he doesn't like ... HE'S the one who had a copy of the 3RD Reich at his bedside according to his FIRST wife.
This is a busy, busy time of the year for me .... I have NO INTEREST in going back and forth with someone in denial. We both have better things to do, TwoBiFour.
Is that how you read my post? No wonder Daphne & subhub are on your case. Personally, I've had my fill of you conservative "deniers of truth" and the "obvious" ... I'd rather have a conversation with a slug.

Ultimately, I feel that each person is responsible for their own actions or inactions. But as subhub has mentioned many times, many Trump drones are simply unable to "think for themselves". This Robert Bowers was one of these programed drones ... he'll have to pay for his actions, hopefully in a very painful way, but I believe the fact that the photos of all the people Trump has targeted in his rallies, that were hanging & pasted to Bower's walls at his residency had a lot to do with the killings. Just like Trumps instructions for his rally fans to strike & hit the liberals crashing his campaign speeches and his instructions to the Russians & WikiLeaks to leak the 30,000 so-called Hillary Clinton e-mails.
Trump is a dictator in the real form, dividing the people, suppressing those he doesn't like ... HE'S the one who had a copy of the 3RD Reich at his bedside according to his FIRST wife.
This is a busy, busy time of the year for me .... I have NO INTEREST in going back and forth with someone in denial. We both have better things to do, TwoBiFour.

he screwed up here lately and got away from the vids......he spoke......which is so easy to prove wrong

that's why they don't speak any more and just post the silly vids which most don't look at anyway

if they talk...they get caught in a lie!
Is that how you read my post? No wonder Daphne & subhub are on your case. Personally, I've had my fill of you conservative "deniers of truth" and the "obvious" ... I'd rather have a conversation with a slug.

That is EXACTLY what you meant - why else would you even mention it - what does it matter? And what "Truth" am I denying? The guy shot people, it does not matter if he had 1 gun or 50 guns. Is it Trumps fault? not at all. Regardless of how you try to paint the picture, that man is responsible. So he had pictures of those Trump doesn't like, it is still THAT MANs choice. It's not a denial of truth, you simply want ot place blame on the man you so hate - anything to make him look bad. (or worse than he is I should say)

If you don't have time for me, then stop replying to me - not that hard. But something tells me your arrogance wont let that happen.
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