Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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you must suffer from hoof n mouth disease.....always have your foot in your mouth!

wrong again there mr self proclaimed expert on all things that matter

ever been in a position where you would need a lot of fire power...…..no of course not...you were on the debate team!
remember anything about the Las Vegas shooter?
of course not you are to busy with self promotion!

point is ...if you are in a tight spot and need a lot of fire power....and don't have time to reload.....you need several guns already loaded and at the ready...almost every shooter had more than one gun on him or nearby

and background checks?...been the issue every time there is a shooting...but nothing changes

stick with the vids...you don't have to think or speak and won't embarrass your self that way!

I didn't say he can't CARRY more than 1 or 2, I said he can't USE more than 1 or 2 - reading comprehension again.
he screwed up here lately and got away from the vids......he spoke......which is so easy to prove wrong

that's why they don't speak any more and just post the silly vids which most don't look at anyway
if they talk...they get caught in a lie!
We don't have to speak. The pathetic lying racists do it for us. The Rabbi today was awesome when the piece of ******* reporters tried to get him to say it is Trumps fault. What a disgraceful bunch.
he screwed up here lately and got away from the vids......he spoke......which is so easy to prove wrong

that's why they don't speak any more and just post the silly vids which most don't look at anyway
if they talk...they get caught in a lie!
Maybe you should listen and watch. What are you afraid of? Oh I know THE TRUTH of how despicable they are!
Since you feel so strongly that Trump is to blame for this mans hate then why not release Bowers back onto the streets?

are you saying your HERO doesn't promote hate and fear and division?
you are very closed minded and lack ability to think...he does not nor has not had a campaign rally where he didn't promote some kind of hate and etc...even when he says we need unity...then goes off on someone....since most of you trumpies lack the ability to think on your own...he pushed the hate and discontent...knowing you are buying it...so yes trump should be an accomplice in the killings!
someone sitting in a car while the other goes in and robs the bank..they both are guilty
someone kills some one and you are there with him...you are just as guilty
people pay to have some one killed all the time....just because trump didn't shell out money he used mindfucking...like he does with his supporters
We don't have to speak. The pathetic lying racists do it for us. The Rabbi today was awesome when the piece of ******* reporters tried to get him to say it is Trumps fault. What a disgraceful bunch.

see the news today...the rabbi with pence...was a phoney!
just like everything the right tries to say and do...they get caught in that lie!

Mike Pence Is Under Fire for Appearing with a Fake Rabbi ...
Oct 30, 2018 · The rabbi is a member of a group that's accused of cosplaying Judaism. Mike Pence Is Under Fire for Appearing with a Fake Rabbi to Commemorate the Pittsburgh Shooting Home

your train of thought just left without you
are you saying your HERO doesn't promote hate and fear and division?
you are very closed minded and lack ability to think...he does not nor has not had a campaign rally where he didn't promote some kind of hate and etc...even when he says we need unity...then goes off on someone....since most of you trumpies lack the ability to think on your own...he pushed the hate and discontent...knowing you are buying it...so yes trump should be an accomplice in the killings!
someone sitting in a car while the other goes in and robs the bank..they both are guilty
someone kills some one and you are there with him...you are just as guilty
people pay to have some one killed all the time....just because trump didn't shell out money he used mindfucking...like he does with his supporters
I honestly cannot imagine that you are really that stupid! EricHolder : "They go low we kick them", Maxine: "Let's make sure we show up wherever we have to show up. And if you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd. And you push back on them. And you tell them they're not welcome anymore, anywhere. We've got to get the children connected to their parents." Farrakhan: "If the Jews don't like Farrakhan they call me Hitler. Well that's a good name, Hitler was a great man." "Satanic Jews." Hillary: You can't be civil with them."
I honestly cannot imagine that you are really that stupid! EricHolder : "They go low we kick them", Maxine: "Let's make sure we show up wherever we have to show up. And if you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd. And you push back on them. And you tell them they're not welcome anymore, anywhere. We've got to get the children connected to their parents." Farrakhan: "If the Jews don't like Farrakhan they call me Hitler. Well that's a good name, Hitler was a great man." "Satanic Jews." Hillary: You can't be civil with them."

what?...Jimmy Carter wasn't there also?

stick with the vids...…..when you speak your stupidity shows
see post 2716!
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I honestly cannot imagine that you are really that stupid! EricHolder : "They go low we kick them", Maxine: "Let's make sure we show up wherever we have to show up. And if you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd. And you push back on them. And you tell them they're not welcome anymore, anywhere. We've got to get the children connected to their parents." Farrakhan: "If the Jews don't like Farrakhan they call me Hitler. Well that's a good name, Hitler was a great man." "Satanic Jews." Hillary: You can't be civil with them."

They just don't get it.
LOL, yeah - I see what you are aiming for, but no. We can only drive one car at a time. It can be used to *******, even mass *******, so should we be limited to owning only one car? Because the amount doesn't matter, being limited or not limited becomes irrelevant and not the point. But I think you know that you bring up a straw-man.

The amount doesn't matter , so why limit it? He is no less/no more crazy if he owns 50 guns or 1 gun. He does however need to be held accountable for his own actions. What he has or doesn't have isn't the point. However, Mac was trying to make the man sound more "evil" and "crazy" simply because he had multiple firearms. It might sound scary - but its irrelevant and not the point, but the news media will play you and tug on your fear.

I do however believe strongly that we should pass a test, just like getting a driver license. Mental check, proper gun safety, and in some cases a special rider for certain weapons, just like a CDL.
Ah, the old "automobiles can be used to ******* just like a gun" chestnut. Do you understand the fundamental difference between a gun and an automobile?
Why is being limited or not limited irrelevant? Because amount doesn't matter? Then limiting shouldn't matter. Because as you stated, being limited is irrelevant and amount doesn't matter.

And not a straw man. I was just discussing part of your statement.
Brainwash them young


Like this?
Ah, the old "automobiles can be used to ******* just like a gun" chestnut. Do you understand the fundamental difference between a gun and an automobile?
Why is being limited or not limited irrelevant? Because amount doesn't matter? Then limiting shouldn't matter. Because as you stated, being limited is irrelevant and amount doesn't matter.

And not a straw man. I was just discussing part of your statement.

Because limiting the amount has little to nothing to do with fact that this man shot people. Since it only takes one gun, he would have shoot them even if he was limited to 2 guns or not limited at all. What you really mean to say is "Why not limit them to 0 guns." that is what you mean to say.
The amount has nothing to do with the man shooting others, it is irrelevant to the crime committed - however limiting does directly affect our freedoms.

Like this?
Nice try but not quite, one is indoctrination of anyone's chi ldren that they can expose. The other is indoctrination of ones own chi ldren.
See the difference? I doubt you do. For the record, I don't agree with either image, but people have the right to raise their chi ldren the way they want to - unless of course you want to limit that too.
.... so you agree with stricter background checks, placing waiting periods on certain types of rifles & handguns, and you are disagreeing with the NRA who is saying "the only cure for a bad man with a gun is a good man with a gun" and calling to arm our many good citizens with concealed weapons ... right? If that's true, I totally agree with you. Something says "no" that it wasn't what you meant.

Twas what I meant - exactly !
Because limiting the amount has little to nothing to do with fact that this man shot people. Since it only takes one gun, he would have shoot them even if he was limited to 2 guns or not limited at all. What you really mean to say is "Why not limit them to 0 guns." that is what you mean to say.
The amount has nothing to do with the man shooting others, it is irrelevant to the crime committed - however limiting does directly affect our freedoms.

Nice try but not quite, one is indoctrination of anyone's chi ldren that they can expose. The other is indoctrination of ones own chi ldren.
See the difference? I doubt you do. For the record, I don't agree with either image, but people have the right to raise their chi ldren the way they want to - unless of course you want to limit that too.

fuck...hate to agree with you since you already know what I think of you
but limiting the guns does nothing...like I said look at the Las Vegas shooter...had to make 3 trips to get them all up to his room..but still has nothing to do with him being crazy......if I remember right one gun shop called in to report him buying so much...and nothing came of it
Ny has one of the strictest gun laws of anyone..and still violence....they just buy them elsewhere and bring them in.....Kansas does a pretty good job on background checks AND the three day waiting period...which seems to help...and if NJ had it maybe therer would not be so many go to NY
here very little in the way of background checks or anything even allowed the open carry...and we are in the top 5 in gun violence...you buy a gun here the gun shop makes a call...takes less than 2 minutes..you have your gun and out the door
restricting any of them will change nothing!
here you can buy guns at flea markets...I have before...nothing said about anything!

need restrictions on who can sell....where you can sell...far better background checks....and maybe even throw in the waiting period like Kansas does....I know people are entitled to sell a gun they don't want anymore....but all they have to do and should be required to do is call a number and say I'm selling my gun...to whom you are selling it to...let the feds do their thing if there is an issue they can act on it from there
I agree with the 5 states now that have banned the assault weapons....they serve no purpose except to *******....you can't easily use them to hunt...and there is nothing in the second amendment that says you need one to protect your self!
most of the killings have been with assault type weapons...banning them still would not stop the crazy person from shooting people but would slow down the amount of people he can ******* at once...and help the police some

now again...just like the other thread....what does this have to do the subject of this thread?
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Because limiting the amount has little to nothing to do with fact that this man shot people. Since it only takes one gun, he would have shoot them even if he was limited to 2 guns or not limited at all. What you really mean to say is "Why not limit them to 0 guns." that is what you mean to say.
The amount has nothing to do with the man shooting others, it is irrelevant to the crime committed - however limiting does directly affect our freedoms.

Nice try but not quite, one is indoctrination of anyone's chi ldren that they can expose. The other is indoctrination of ones own chi ldren.
See the difference? I doubt you do. For the record, I don't agree with either image, but people have the right to raise their chi ldren the way they want to - unless of course you want to limit that too.
So you have proof that that book is read to children other than their parent? Let's see it.

No I don't mean 0 guns. Did I say that? Nope. I didn't. And actually limiting does not limit your freedom in any way. But nice try. Unless of course you can point to the part of the constitution where it says limitless firearms.
So you have proof that that book is read to children other than their parent? Let's see it.
Didn't say it was - but since it is "out there" it could be used by schools, day cares to push agendas.

No I don't mean 0 guns. Did I say that? Nope. I didn't. And actually limiting does not limit your freedom in any way. But nice try. Unless of course you can point to the part of the constitution where it says limitless firearms.

I'm not going to entertain your straw man argument any further. Being told what you can and can not do / own / or achieve is indeed limiting our freedoms, but I understand why your programed mind thinks otherwise.
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Didn't say it was - but since it is "out there" it could be used by schools, day cares to push agendas.

I'm not going to entertain your straw man argument any further. Being told what you can and can not do / own / or achieve is indeed limiting our freedoms, but I understand why your programed mind thinks otherwise.
Actually you are wrong and couldn't be more so. No freedom is unlimited. But I get it. You severe ignorance keeps you from understanding that.

And give up on the straw man thing. I addressed a statement that you made. It is unfortunate that you are finding it difficult to defend so you pivot to the straw man defense. But again, I get it, what with your limited intelligence and all.
Actually you are wrong and couldn't be more so. No freedom is unlimited. But I get it. You severe ignorance keeps you from understanding that.

And give up on the straw man thing. I addressed a statement that you made. It is unfortunate that you are finding it difficult to defend so you pivot to the straw man defense. But again, I get it, what with your limited intelligence and all.

LOL right.

It's not difficult to defend - you simply reject any and all reason.

There is no proof, or even a slight of evidence that limiting guns is going to do anything for mass shootings or individual shootings so creating laws based on your "feelings" isn't going to make a difference - it's called a false sense of security. What about gun collectors? simply because a limit doesn't or wouldn't affect you doesn't make it a viable solution. Claiming that a man has "over 20 guns" is no different than someone claiming "I know Karate!" It is nothing but a ploy to make someone or something sound scary. You are claiming limiting guns will have an affect on shootings, unless you limit them to 0, it won't.

Your only defense for continuing the argument is based on the fact I stated "he can only use 1 or 2 at a time, so the amount doesn't matter" Which is a very True statement. Limiting how many I want to own is limiting my choice and freedoms. You present no other evidence that limiting gun ownership will stop or curb shootings - THAT makes this a straw-man argument.
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