Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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actually if you want to get right down to it....
Trump is responsible for that Journalist getting killed
he has made no bones about his feelings for the press to the point other world leaders booed him at a conference when he brought it up!
and everyone knows how he treats our allies.....and worships dictators
so a king having a journalist killed would not be a problem for trump!...and isn't.... he has already stated it was some rogue killer....
that got into secured embassy?...he must think the world is as dumb as he is

the right here might believe it..they buy anything he tells them.....but don't think the rest of the world will......how he handles this will make a big deal in the eyes of the rest of the world!

Yup - and Trump is responsible for ass pimples too - pick something - anything - I’m sure you can tie it to and blame ole President Trump for it !!!


Are you okay with people having conservative values? I’m not talking about alt-right, far right-wing, racist, sexist, etc fringes that exist. I’m talking about your straight-forward conservative minded individual. Someone that believes in a small federal government, powerful local governments, local community philanthropy, etc.

To me the biggest difference between current liberal and conservative politics revolves around the federal governments involvement. It seems that the liberal minded individuals want a large public safety net (free college, universal wage, free healthcare) and want to fund it through redistribution of wealth. Whereas conservatives want a local safety net created through local philanthropy.

Let me give you an example:

I donated an equal amount of money to local schools and hospitals last year that I paid in federal and state taxes. The donations I made paid for an entire in state student to attend the major university, the children’s hospital to hire a patient navigator to help the parents through their baby’s hospital stay and more locally I wiped out the student lunch debt for every baby in the school district and helped a local non-profit continue to offer summer education for the district (even though my ******* go to a private school). So as a conservative, I like that I know directly where those dollars went. I know how they impacted people’s lives and I know that none of the money was wasted. I can’t say the same about all of the taxes I paid.

I’m a conservative, I’m not a racist, sexist, facsist. What’s wrong with me and the millions like me?


Are you okay with people having conservative values? I’m not talking about alt-right, far right-wing, racist, sexist, etc fringes that exist. I’m talking about your straight-forward conservative minded individual. Someone that believes in a small federal government, powerful local governments, local community philanthropy, etc.

To me the biggest difference between current liberal and conservative politics revolves around the federal governments involvement. It seems that the liberal minded individuals want a large public safety net (free college, universal wage, free healthcare) and want to fund it through redistribution of wealth. Whereas conservatives want a local safety net created through local philanthropy.

Let me give you an example:

I donated an equal amount of money to local schools and hospitals last year that I paid in federal and state taxes. The donations I made paid for an entire in state student to attend the major university, the children’s hospital to hire a patient navigator to help the parents through their baby’s hospital stay and more locally I wiped out the student lunch debt for every baby in the school district and helped a local non-profit continue to offer summer education for the district (even though my ******* go to a private school). So as a conservative, I like that I know directly where those dollars went. I know how they impacted people’s lives and I know that none of the money was wasted. I can’t say the same about all of the taxes I paid.

I’m a conservative, I’m not a racist, sexist, facsist. What’s wrong with me and the millions like me?

Correction, wiped out every students school lunch debt, not baby.
Are you okay with people having conservative values? I’m not talking about alt-right, far right-wing, racist, sexist, etc fringes that exist. I’m talking about your straight-forward conservative minded individual. Someone that believes in a small federal government, powerful local governments, local community philanthropy, etc

Don't have any problem or issues at all with it...my problem with it is when they cut from the needy to pay for ??????...but then the right was supposed to be the party of fiscal responsibility...…...guess they showed us on that!

It seems that the liberal minded individuals want a large public safety net (free college, universal wage, free healthcare)

I think that has got out of control...way out.....we need the educated and yet we fix it so they can't afford to go and we get the educated from India and elsewhere.....and we paid for the colleges and schooling they have......problem there!

as for health care already stated my opinions on that...companies making over a certain amount IE CEO making over a million....should furnish health care for their employess…….other companies need to furnish health care but get some kind of compensation...take that from the money we STILL give wall street! ...or the money we give Wal Mart or a few others...that is pure bullshit paying wal mart to hire the uneducated at a low wage...and those same low wage earners we have to subsidize through food stamps and etc because they can't live off the wage they get...just a plain old American fucking!

as for the bigger/smaller government.... we wouldn't need if corporate America could be trusted....just like what Obama put in place to hold wall street accountable and trump removed...of course that was a law....but education would be a good one...and this crook he has in there now.....used to be we had the best education system in the world....but again corps going overseas and taking those taxes with them....the right pushing trickle down WHICH HAS NEVER worked...and our schools and etc have suffered because of it

What’s wrong with me and the millions like me?
nothing...problem is greed took over...and the money has gone elsewhere that used to go to those same programs...Like someone's bank account

I really don't have a problem with the basic republican policy/theory.....except greed took over biz took the money and instead of hiring or improving took the money and ?????????

"Ike" had it right...….if those corps can't spend the money here on workers or local needs....tax the fuck out of them!
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Lets not forget they just attacked her for wearing a "white Hat" in Africa claiming it symbolizes the White Colonialist ROFLMAO!! Or maybe she just likes the hat and it goes with her outfit. :dance:
To the democrats, all white people are "entitled" and basically evil. All white men must be castrated a killed and then the Democratic politicians, who are mostly white by the way (it is hilarious to watch the white politicians talk about how evil white people are like they think black people are stupid), can claim victory in the name of racial justice. When did Democrats get this stupid?
Don't have any problem or issues at all with it...my problem with it is when they cut from the needy to pay for ??????...but then the right was supposed to be the party of fiscal responsibility...…...guess they showed us on that!

I think that has got out of control...way out.....we need the educated and yet we fix it so they can't afford to go and we get the educated from India and elsewhere.....and we paid for the colleges and schooling they have......problem there!

as for health care already stated my opinions on that...companies making over a certain amount IE CEO making over a million....should furnish health care for their employess…….other companies need to furnish health care but get some kind of compensation...take that from the money we STILL give wall street! ...or the money we give Wal Mart or a few others...that is pure bullshit paying wal mart to hire the uneducated at a low wage...and those same low wage earners we have to subsidize through food stamps and etc because they can't live off the wage they get...just a plain old American fucking!

nothing...problem is greed took over...and the money has gone elsewhere that used to go to those same programs...Like someone's bank account

You stated in a previous post, "I think that has got out of control...way out.....we need the educated and yet we fix it so they can't afford to go and we get the educated from India and elsewhere.....and we paid for the colleges and schooling they have......problem there!"

Your writing reminds me of a statement made by Miss South Carolina, who said:

"I personally believe that U.S. Americans are unable to do so because, uh, some, uh, people out there in our nation don't have maps and, uh, I believe that our education like such as in South Africa and, uh, the Iraq, everywhere like such as, and, I believe that they should, our education over here in the U.S. should help the U.S., uh, or, uh, should help South Africa and should help the Iraq and the Asian countries, so we will be able to build up our future. For our children."

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To the democrats, all white people are "entitled" and basically evil. All white men must be castrated a killed and then the Democratic politicians, who are mostly white by the way (it is hilarious to watch the white politicians talk about how evil white people are like they think black people are stupid), can claim victory in the name of racial justice. When did Democrats get this stupid?

do you have any idea what the fuck you are talking about...or just felt the need to type something?
Your writing reminds me of a statement made by Miss South Carolina, who said:

"I personally believe that U.S. Americans are unable to do so because, uh, some, uh, people out there in our nation don't have maps and, uh, I believe that our education like such as in South Africa and, uh, the Iraq, everywhere like such as, and, I believe that they should, our education over here in the U.S. should help the U.S., uh, or, uh, should help South Africa and should help the Iraq and the Asian countries, so we will be able to build up our future. For our children."

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you just wrote that...sounds like more of your insane bullshit!

you must have went to the same school as blklump
you just wrote that...sounds like more of your insane bullshit!

you must have went to the same school as blklump
I sher did "went" to that thar school! And I aint sayin I aint proud of it. Now granny is callin me to supper and I sher don't wanna miss her Possum stew so I gotta go now. What school did you went to Zeek? Maybe the school of colloquial grammar?
I won't ever be able to see your reality because I don't have access to LSD that is that strong.
Talk to your leader! He's a close friend with the worse of the worse so LSD, or whatever other illusionary substance you'd like, shouldn't be a problem for you to get. He even fell in love with some guy in North Korea who murdered members of his own family. Should I also mention ..... no I won't ..... no sense expecting the willing to be blind to see!
Enjoy your LSD, or whatever.
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