Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Good copy and paste. Any thoughts of your own on the matter?

I think I stated it right at the top!
didn't read it?
there was also a couple others that I think go along with my thinking

vote doesn't matter...clash with the popular vote....rogue electors....that about covers it

I was just posting the pro's and con's...I have already stated my opinion....you just want to spout some *******...

besides what are you crying about...well not really crying just being an ass......to change it...takes 3/4 of the house and the senate to happen....what are the odds in that happening?

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I think I stated it right at the top!
didn't read it?
there was also a couple others that I think go along with my thinking

vote doesn't matter...clash with the popular vote....rogue electors....that about covers it

I was just posting the pro's and con's...I have already stated my opinion....you just want to spout some *******...

besides what are you crying about...well not really crying just being an ass......to change it...takes 3/4 of the house and the senate to happen....what are the odds in that happening?

No, I did read your opening. I was just trying to illustrate that literally NO ONE is going to read a cut and paste.

We value your opinion, we just want it to be from you without all of the cited work.
[QUOTE="subhub174014, post: 2035508, member: 60485 your dick in the door as you run in to watch fox news?[/Q

Not to bump your dialogue because it is pretty awesome. But when Sub mentioned Kavanaugh it reminded of seeing ole slick Willie Clinton on the news today. "That was 20 years ago." Like "are you guys kidding me that was so long ago." Then Hillary:

CNN)Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton hit back against criticism her husband, former President Bill Clinton, should have resigned in the wake of the Monica Lewinsky scandal, and insisted his affair was not an abuse of power and Lewinsky "was an adult."
In an interview with CBS on Sunday morning, Clinton defended her husband and said "absolutely not" in response to a question about whether he should have resigned after his affair with Lewinksy came to light more than 20 years ago. Such double standards! Can't wait until the 2020 avatar is available!
Judge tosses Stormy Daniels' defamation suit against Trump
To steal a Charlie Sheen phrase. WINNING!
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and how is that a false claim...it sure wasn't the democrats the did it!

you are right...you can still vote...just your vote means nothing...so is there any difference?
Yes, one is True, the other is misleading.

as for the same question...isn't trump doing his best to stifle the press...and look at the gal that laughed at sessions
What has Trump done to stifle the press? Has he passed laws taking away freedom of the press? Calling the kettle black (Fake News) isn't "stifling" the press. He simply wants them to report the truth without their feelings involved. as does most of the nation. Your "feelings" are getting in the way of you seeing that.

the two supreme court judges your man just appointed are both against changing anything to help the people who can't vote..vote….Kav wrote a big article on it...look at what McConnell said...we are shaping the supreme court the way we want it...…sounds pretty biased to me
And it would be more unbiased if the two had been Democrats? You do realize what ever president is in will try to sway the court in their favor, just like Obama did, and every president before.

the right has pretty much taken over every segment of gov now....you tell me where there is equality in this country

I think there is only 7 states where the voting districts are drawn up by an unbiased panel....but that still doesn't do anything for the electoral college

the freedoms and the bi-partisanship is slowly disappearing
There you go again, What freedoms have disappeared?

the right was bad enough...now throw trump in...more hate and discontent than ever.....although it was always really there...just most never said anything until trump opened that door
It only appears prevalent simply because the leftist media puts it in our face every day.

matter of fact Kav is a good example......any poll you want to look at showed the majority of the country did not want him...thought that office should be held to a higher standard...and yet what did the right do...shoved him in
Higher standard? ROFLMAO - Ignoring due process and condemning a man simply based on but-hurt feelings is not holding someone to higher standards. It's called a hissy-fit because the left didn't get their way.
Yes, one is True, the other is misleading.
No both the same.....you can vote...(maybe..in some states they do all they can to stop it) Look at Ind Pence's home state....they org a bunch of black voters prior to the election...he sent the state police in to destroy the papers saying it was all illegal!

Group accuses Mike Pence of voter suppression after state ...
“Based on the fact that they found (problems in) 10 forms out of tens of thousands . . . to launch a statewide investigation into a voter registration program is a political agenda. Varoga said the investigation and raid were done to cripple his group's voter registration effort and to create fear and confusion among black voters.

Mike Pence Used State Police To Suppress Voter ...
Oct 15, 2016 · The accusations follow a raid by the state police on the Indiana Voter Registration Project offices on Oct. 4, a week before the state’s voter registration deadline, following claims of strange registration applications. Police seized computers, cell phones …

Pence has a history with ‘voter fraud’ | Newsday
As Indiana governor, the now-vice president cheered a crackdown on a voter registration drive. Vice President Mike Pence is now chair of President Donald Trump's commission on voter fraud. Last year, as governor of Indiana, Pence cheered the actions of State Police and the secretary of state's office as they shut down a voter-registration drive under the guise of protecting the integrity of the voting process.

so yes you can vote....MAYBE...but no guarantee your vote will count with all the gerrymandering by the right

What has Trump done to stifle the press?

refuses to answer questions from stations he doesn't like...that's just one!..humiliating female reporters and refusing their questions...not allowing certain news sources into white house briefing...on and on

He simply wants them to report the truth without their feelings involved. as does most of the nation
Wrong! he won't answer questions on any subject he doesn't like...…..yes the nation wants to know the truth...but will not get it from him!
Stormy daniels is a good example...and I won't even go into the Mueller investigation

Donald Trump: All the false claims 45th President has made ...
Watch video · President Donald Trump cemented his reputation for fabrication on the campaign trail, but ascending to the highest office in the land has not kept him from making false claims. The 45th President has offered his own "alternative facts" at least five times since being inaugurated.

All False statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact
Donald Trump fact-checks; Pants-On-Fire rulings; By our rulings; By subject; By person; View recent articles; Support independent fact-checking. In a world of …

so saying he just wants the truth reported...….is as far from facts as you can get!

And it would be more unbiased if the two had been Democrats? You do realize what ever president is in will try to sway the court in their favor, just like Obama did, and every president before.

true to some extent....although Obama tried to appoint one I felt was about as unbiased as you can get....
which brings up another point about they right pushing their agenda……..they wouldn't even bring him up for a vote before and election....look at Kavenaugh...1 month prior to an election so no chance the left can stop it!
you are either being blind to what's going on ...or intentionally stupid because the right is doing what you like!

Judge Kavanaugh is the Wrong Judge for the Supreme Court
Pushing through President Trump’s latest nominee in such a rush that the Senate is unable to fully vet the nominee risks further weakening the public’s perception of the Supreme Court. Judge Kavanaugh served in important roles in the George W. Bush administration, as a lawyer in the White House Counsel’s Office, and as staff secretary.

Gorsuch is already pushing the Supreme Court right on ...
When Judge Neil M. Gorsuch went before the Senate in March as President Trump's first nominee to the Supreme Court, he sought to assure senators he would be independent and above the political fray.

again more pushing for the rights agenda.....

There you go again, What freedoms have disappeared?

Freedom of Speech in Trump’s America? - The Hilltop
Trump uses his authority as president to passively communicate his opinion to company executives in order to fix the opinions and actions of their employees. Trump has supported the firing and unemployment of individuals who have used their right to freedom of speech against himself and

Donald Trump's Threat to Press Freedom: Why It Matters
Donald Trump's Threat to Press Freedom: Why It Matters By Mirren Gidda and Zach Schonfeld On 11/12/16 at 11:02 AM Supporters of Republican U.S. presidential nominee Donald Trump scream and gesture at members of the media in a press area at a campaign rally in Cincinnati, Ohio, October 13.

Trump and the Republicans Are Redefining “Religious ...
“Everything we hold as being real constitutional freedoms and protections is under assault right now,” Larry Decker, executive director of the Secular Coalition For America, said in an interview. In addition to legitimizing discrimination under the guise of religious freedom, Trump is further enhancing the privilege of Christianity in America.

It only appears prevalent simply because the leftist media puts it in our face every day.

only reporting the news...same as with every president in history...they are all under the microscope and always have been
it's just now trump has made this thing about fake news.....

Trump Told Supporters Not To Trust What They See Or Read ...
Trump Told Supporters Not To Trust What They See Or Read, And People Are Wondering If George Orwell Wrote His Speech “What you are seeing and what you are reading is not what’s happening” —President Trump (not George Orwell).

When Trump tells Americans "Don't believe what you see and ...
Jul 27, 2018 · You can only upload files of type 3GP, 3GPP, MP4, MOV, AVI, MPG, MPEG or RM. You can only upload photos smaller than 5 MB. You can only upload videos smaller than 600 MB.

WATCH: Donald Trump Says ‘What You’re Seeing and What You ...
Otherwise, don’t believe what your eyes and ears are telling you. Just believe what Trump says is true. This nothing but autocracy in it’s highest form. — Sherrie Kaw (@89wunderlust) July 24, 2018. Just like religion. Don't believe what you see and hear and experience. Have faith …

Higher standard? ROFLMAO - Ignoring due process and condemning a man simply based on but-hurt feelings is not holding someone to higher standards. It's called a hissy-fit because the left didn't get their way.

yes a higher standard...….but the right sure stopped that didn't they...just to get their man in

senate only given 7% of Kav writings on different subjects
charges brought and the right went out of their way to stop any investigation.....if he was so clean and innocent why not let it be investigated
the news did a better job of investigation him than the investigation trump ordered...like kav's views on Pacs…..and letting foreign governments to invest unlimited funds in to them...that's just one that should have come out before hand

you are just letting your bias show and your support of your man is closing your eyes to the facts!
No both the same.....you can vote...(maybe..in some states they do all they can to stop it) Look at Ind Pence's home state....they org a bunch of black voters prior to the election...he sent the state police in to destroy the papers saying it was all illegal!

Group accuses Mike Pence of voter suppression after state ...
“Based on the fact that they found (problems in) 10 forms out of tens of thousands . . . to launch a statewide investigation into a voter registration program is a political agenda. Varoga said the investigation and raid were done to cripple his group's voter registration effort and to create fear and confusion among black voters.

Mike Pence Used State Police To Suppress Voter ...
Oct 15, 2016 · The accusations follow a raid by the state police on the Indiana Voter Registration Project offices on Oct. 4, a week before the state’s voter registration deadline, following claims of strange registration applications. Police seized computers, cell phones …

Pence has a history with ‘voter fraud’ | Newsday
As Indiana governor, the now-vice president cheered a crackdown on a voter registration drive. Vice President Mike Pence is now chair of President Donald Trump's commission on voter fraud. Last year, as governor of Indiana, Pence cheered the actions of State Police and the secretary of state's office as they shut down a voter-registration drive under the guise of protecting the integrity of the voting process.

so yes you can vote....MAYBE...but no guarantee your vote will count with all the gerrymandering by the right

refuses to answer questions from stations he doesn't like...that's just one!..humiliating female reporters and refusing their questions...not allowing certain news sources into white house briefing...on and on

Wrong! he won't answer questions on any subject he doesn't like...…..yes the nation wants to know the truth...but will not get it from him!
Stormy daniels is a good example...and I won't even go into the Mueller investigation

Donald Trump: All the false claims 45th President has made ...
Watch video · President Donald Trump cemented his reputation for fabrication on the campaign trail, but ascending to the highest office in the land has not kept him from making false claims. The 45th President has offered his own "alternative facts" at least five times since being inaugurated.

All False statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact
Donald Trump fact-checks; Pants-On-Fire rulings; By our rulings; By subject; By person; View recent articles; Support independent fact-checking. In a world of …

so saying he just wants the truth reported...….is as far from facts as you can get!

true to some extent....although Obama tried to appoint one I felt was about as unbiased as you can get....
which brings up another point about they right pushing their agenda……..they wouldn't even bring him up for a vote before and election....look at Kavenaugh...1 month prior to an election so no chance the left can stop it!
you are either being blind to what's going on ...or intentionally stupid because the right is doing what you like!

Judge Kavanaugh is the Wrong Judge for the Supreme Court
Pushing through President Trump’s latest nominee in such a rush that the Senate is unable to fully vet the nominee risks further weakening the public’s perception of the Supreme Court. Judge Kavanaugh served in important roles in the George W. Bush administration, as a lawyer in the White House Counsel’s Office, and as staff secretary.

Gorsuch is already pushing the Supreme Court right on ...
When Judge Neil M. Gorsuch went before the Senate in March as President Trump's first nominee to the Supreme Court, he sought to assure senators he would be independent and above the political fray.

again more pushing for the rights agenda.....

Freedom of Speech in Trump’s America? - The Hilltop
Trump uses his authority as president to passively communicate his opinion to company executives in order to fix the opinions and actions of their employees. Trump has supported the firing and unemployment of individuals who have used their right to freedom of speech against himself and

Donald Trump's Threat to Press Freedom: Why It Matters
Donald Trump's Threat to Press Freedom: Why It Matters By Mirren Gidda and Zach Schonfeld On 11/12/16 at 11:02 AM Supporters of Republican U.S. presidential nominee Donald Trump scream and gesture at members of the media in a press area at a campaign rally in Cincinnati, Ohio, October 13.

Trump and the Republicans Are Redefining “Religious ...
“Everything we hold as being real constitutional freedoms and protections is under assault right now,” Larry Decker, executive director of the Secular Coalition For America, said in an interview. In addition to legitimizing discrimination under the guise of religious freedom, Trump is further enhancing the privilege of Christianity in America.

only reporting the news...same as with every president in history...they are all under the microscope and always have been
it's just now trump has made this thing about fake news.....

Trump Told Supporters Not To Trust What They See Or Read ...
Trump Told Supporters Not To Trust What They See Or Read, And People Are Wondering If George Orwell Wrote His Speech “What you are seeing and what you are reading is not what’s happening” —President Trump (not George Orwell).

When Trump tells Americans "Don't believe what you see and ...
Jul 27, 2018 · You can only upload files of type 3GP, 3GPP, MP4, MOV, AVI, MPG, MPEG or RM. You can only upload photos smaller than 5 MB. You can only upload videos smaller than 600 MB.

WATCH: Donald Trump Says ‘What You’re Seeing and What You ...
Otherwise, don’t believe what your eyes and ears are telling you. Just believe what Trump says is true. This nothing but autocracy in it’s highest form. — Sherrie Kaw (@89wunderlust) July 24, 2018. Just like religion. Don't believe what you see and hear and experience. Have faith …

yes a higher standard...….but the right sure stopped that didn't they...just to get their man in

senate only given 7% of Kav writings on different subjects
charges brought and the right went out of their way to stop any investigation.....if he was so clean and innocent why not let it be investigated
the news did a better job of investigation him than the investigation trump ordered...like kav's views on Pacs…..and letting foreign governments to invest unlimited funds in to them...that's just one that should have come out before hand

you are just letting your bias show and your support of your man is closing your eyes to the facts!

Buzzfeed, Huff Post, secondnexus??? LOL your links are laughable at best - again you parrot what you are feed - try to think for yourself and use facts instead of feelings, or at least try to use your own opinions on the matter, just posting biased links don't prove anything other than your faith in hyper-boil.

Trump has made absolutely no move to silence the press - refusing to answer questions is not a move to silence the press LOL, good grief. If anyone is trying to get rid of freedom of speech it's the left, how many times have the left tried to ban words because they are offensive. How many times has the left disrupted people like Ben Shaperio and Steven Crowder or other right wing speakers, shut down their presentation simply because they don't meet the left wing narrative. How many times have you and others tried to bully me into submission because I don't parrot the left.
Buzzfeed, Huff Post, secondnexus??? LOL your links are laughable at best - again you parrot what you are feed - try to think for yourself and use facts instead of feelings, or at least try to use your own opinions on the matter, just posting biased links don't prove anything other than your faith in hyper-boil.

Trump has made absolutely no move to silence the press - refusing to answer questions is not a move to silence the press LOL, good grief. If anyone is trying to get rid of freedom of speech it's the left, how many times have the left tried to ban words because they are offensive. How many times has the left disrupted people like Ben Shaperio and Steven Crowder or other right wing speakers, shut down their presentation simply because they don't meet the left wing narrative. How many times have you and others tried to bully me into submission because I don't parrot the left.

I know...they don't say what you want to hear....and just like your hero...they are fake news...do a search!...that was just the first 3 to pop up...there were plenty more......but then you really aren't interested are you.....trump tells you what to think and what is right and wrong...more of that don't believe what you see and read...listen to me bullshit!

goes right along with that *******...what the right says is right......but when we post FACTS...it is fake news
Buzzfeed, Huff Post, secondnexus??? LOL your links are laughable at best - again you parrot what you are feed - try to think for yourself and use facts instead of feelings, or at least try to use your own opinions on the matter, just posting biased links don't prove anything other than your faith in hyper-boil.

Trump has made absolutely no move to silence the press - refusing to answer questions is not a move to silence the press LOL, good grief. If anyone is trying to get rid of freedom of speech it's the left, how many times have the left tried to ban words because they are offensive. How many times has the left disrupted people like Ben Shaperio and Steven Crowder or other right wing speakers, shut down their presentation simply because they don't meet the left wing narrative. How many times have you and others tried to bully me into submission because I don't parrot the left.

actually if you want to get right down to it....
Trump is responsible for that Journalist getting killed
he has made no bones about his feelings for the press to the point other world leaders booed him at a conference when he brought it up!
and everyone knows how he treats our allies.....and worships dictators
so a king having a journalist killed would not be a problem for trump!...and isn't.... he has already stated it was some rogue killer....
that got into secured embassy?...he must think the world is as dumb as he is

the right here might believe it..they buy anything he tells them.....but don't think the rest of the world will......how he handles this will make a big deal in the eyes of the rest of the world!
Buzzfeed, Huff Post, secondnexus??? LOL your links are laughable at best - again you parrot what you are feed - try to think for yourself and use facts instead of feelings, or at least try to use your own opinions on the matter, just posting biased links don't prove anything other than your faith in hyper-boil.

Trump has made absolutely no move to silence the press - refusing to answer questions is not a move to silence the press LOL, good grief. If anyone is trying to get rid of freedom of speech it's the left, how many times have the left tried to ban words because they are offensive. How many times has the left disrupted people like Ben Shaperio and Steven Crowder or other right wing speakers, shut down their presentation simply because they don't meet the left wing narrative. How many times have you and others tried to bully me into submission because I don't parrot the left.

now you are talking out your ass...because your mind knows better!
as for a parrot....wouldn't that be you covering for your man?
again don't believe what you read and see believe what I tell you!....and you do!
Trump Says Freedom of the Press Must Go Because He’s ‘Not ...
Friday in Texas, Trump revealed his utter disdain for the First Amendment’s freedom of the press, proclaiming that he’s “gonna open up our libel laws so when they write purposely negative ...

Andrew Sullivan On Trump: "What Kind Of Man Is This ...
The parallels are uncanny, and only the most rabid of Trump supporters cannot see what is happening to their country. This is the second phase of tyranny, after the more benign settling-in: the purge.

America Takes the Next Step Toward Tyranny – New York ...
Then the tyrant must gradually do away with all of them, if he’s going to rule, until he has left neither friend nor enemy of any worth whatsoever.” This is the second phase of tyranny, after ...

10 Reasons The U.S. Is No Longer The Land Of The Free ...
Jan 15, 2012 · If a president can take away your freedom or your life on his own authority, all rights become little more than a discretionary grant subject to executive will. The framers lived under autocratic rule and understood this danger better than we do.

Videos of freedoms trump is gradually doing away with
Defend constitutional freedoms under attack by Trump
U.S. President Donald Trump, left, looks over while listening to Russian President Vladimir Putin, right, speak during their joint news conference at the Presidential Palace in Helsinki, Finland ...

What do you think happened to America to bring about a ...
Now, to address the question of what happened to AMERICA to bring about a president like Trump: Well first of all, the above. Secondly, corruption in Washington. Lobbying is a system of legalized corruption that has left layer upon layer of legislation favouring big-business.
And the right doesn't promote hate and discontent?
and promote violence...…...

U.S.Republicans Are Adopting the Proud Boys
Kelly Weill,The Daily Beast 9 hours ago

  • e68ff5aea5eee8dc64219b6ffb89d49e
Nine members of the far-right Proud Boys group and three protesters are facing riot and assault charges after a street brawl between them Friday night in New York. The fight wasn’t a random clash, though: The Proud Boys were in Manhattan thanks to an invite from the Metropolitan Republican Club. In a speech at the club, which was vandalized before the event, Proud Boys leader Gavin McInnes waved a sword at anti-fascist protesters and celebrated the assassination of a socialist Japanese politician. ...
Read more

just more of following the trump lead....
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