Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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So what you are saying is you cannot provide a link
I'm saying I refuse to recreate/copy links that already exist in this forum. I refuse to respond to more of your dribblings ... you're political history is totally retarded at the very BEST!
We'll sit back, now, and watch Mueller work his magic on the Trump administration ... so far he's hitting homeruns ... 32 indictments, plea deals coming in weekly ... I suspect Trump will simply desire to slip out of the country rather than stand a chance at siting in a state or federal prison.
I posted a link, from the LA Times, that Obama met with P U T I N privately.

I used the LA Tiimes, which is an iincredibly biased source, so it would meet with your approval.

So you come back on here, after I posted a link the first time you posted your unverified, and already proven incrrect fantasies, and now you would like me to post it again?

How about CFR?


You are fake made up news.
I refuse to respond to more of your dribblings ... you're political history is totally retarded at the very BEST!
We'll sit back, now, and watch Mueller work his magic on the Trump administration ... so far he's hitting homeruns ... 32 indictments, plea deals coming in weekly ... I suspect Trump will simply desire to slip out of the country rather than stand a chance at siting in a state or federal prison.

Still no link.

You are fake, made up news/opinion.
the only democrat president to hold office between Reagan & GW Bush was Bill Clinton, and he certainly didn't raise the national debt by much
You've been schooled on this many times. Clinton most certainly did add significantly to the debt. Perhaps you should "start at post #1 in the Politics, Politics, Politics thread ... all the graphs etc are right there."

Federal debt at end of Carter's last budget (FY 1981) $0.994 Trillion
Federal debt at end of Reagan's last budget (FY 1989) $2.867 Trillion

Reagan added: $1.873 Trillion to the federal debt.

Federal debt at end of GHW Bush's last budget (FY 1993) $4.351 Trillion
Federal debt at end of Clinton's last budget (FY 2001) $5.769 Trillion

Clinton added: $1.418 Trillion to the federal debt

Clinton added 75% as much to the federal debt as Reagan did.

Here's a link to the OMB historical data supporting the above....note I grabbed a link from the Obummer white house archives...are you going to claim that is a biased source????

Federal debt at end of GHW Bush's last budget (FY 1993) $4.351 Trillion
Federal debt at end of Clinton's last budget (FY 2001) $5.769 Trillion

Clinton added: $1.418 Trillion to the federal debt

Clinton added 75% as much to the federal debt as Reagan did.

Of course, oh retarded one ... can you say INTEREST? He inherited deficit spending from GH Bush. So, the Republicans establish a debt and sour economy, then hand it to the Democrats. How much of that $1.4 trillion of national debt growth was interest on Republican debt?
I really doubt this guy would make it in the top 10!

Donald Trump's Boast About Being 'Your Favorite President' Goes Awry
Lee Moran,HuffPost Sat

Twitter users pounced on President Donald Trump early Saturday after he boasted about being “your favorite President.”

Trump attempted to dismiss a Friday report in the New York Times that his former personal lawyer Michael Cohen had before the 2016 election secretly taped him discussing a payment to former Playboy model Karen McDougal (with whom Trump is alleged to have had an affair) with the following tweet:

Donald J. Trump


Inconceivable that the government would break into a lawyer’s office (early in the morning) - almost unheard of. Even more inconceivable that a lawyer would tape a client - totally unheard of & perhaps illegal. The good news is that your favorite President did nothing wrong!

Trump misleadingly claimed it was “inconceivable that the government would break into a lawyer’s office,” when Cohen’s office was in fact raided by the FBI earlier this year as part of a probe into possible campaign finance violations.

Trump also claimed it was “even more inconceivable that a lawyer would tape a client” and suggested it was “totally unheard of” and “perhaps illegal.” “The good news is that your favorite President did nothing wrong!” he added.

It was Trump’s assertion that he was “your favorite president” that raised eyebrows online, however. Dozens of tweeters responded in much the same way, with many making a similar point about former President Barack Obama:

Harry @DocEgonSpengler

We know Obama did nothing wrong.

Jeff Tiedrich @itsJeffTiedrich

Kevin Patrick @vinkell

Thanks for supporting my favorite President.

Patty Harbison @PattyHarbison

Yes, I already knew that President Obama did nothing wrong.

Eric M Friedman @EricF911

Glad to hear @BarackObama is in the clear!

Boston the Detroit sports fan.

You are right about one thing. President @BarackObama did nothing wrong.

Jamie S. @Twinmom0

Guess what, you’re not my favorite president. Guess what else? #MuellerIsComing

The Bus To Crookes @thebustocrookes

My favorite President did nothing wrong!

(but my favorite President certainly isn’t you)

Obama topped a survey of “best presidents” released by the Pew Research Center in July. He also ranked top of a “most admired men” list compiled by YouGov in April.
Trump faced a similar online backlash in January, after he bragged about being a “very stable genius” and “like, really smart.”
  • This article originally appeared on HuffPost.
I'm saying I refuse to recreate/copy links that already exist in this forum. I refuse to respond to more of your dribblings ... you're political history is totally retarded at the very BEST!
We'll sit back, now, and watch Mueller work his magic on the Trump administration ... so far he's hitting homeruns ... 32 indictments, plea deals coming in weekly ... I suspect Trump will simply desire to slip out of the country rather than stand a chance at siting in a state or federal prison.

No links exist in this form that show Reagan didnt compormise on the budget with Democrats.

Here is your quote:

"I'm saying I refuse to recreate/copy links that already exist in this forum."

But everyone on here can clearly see you just asked me to recreate/copy an existing link regarding Obama meeting with P U T I N privately

The difference between you and I? I actually recreated this link you requested, and it actaully proves my point. You are unable to recreate a link, becuase no such link exists.

The other differences between you and I? I don't lie. I'm not a hypocrite. I'm not blinded by partisan ideology in the face of evidence to the contrary. I'm not too lazy to re-post a link tat already exists in this thread. Finally, I am not FAKE NEWS.
No logic problem A comprehension problem. And it's not my comprehension problem. We are talking about Russian policies, and results of Russian policies.

YOU switched it to a Topic you can not defend either....you weren't doing any good at the other one...now try to say trump is following Reagans lead...your statement!
Every link I have posted is factual proof of my posts.


How about MacNFriies? He doesn't want to recreate a link that has already been posted. When there is no link posted. But asks me to recreate links already posted. Which I do. And when we all see that P U T I N and Obama actually did meet privately, he gets angry and disappears.

Fake News. Just like you.
Just like when Obama had a meeting with P U T I N, without even an interpreter present. Were you this concerned then? Better question, were you even aware?

we already covered that...and it shows that Obama was a smarter man and able to communicate...where are your man needed an enterpiter...besides I did look it up and there were aids present!

and no noone was concerned...we knew he wasn't a spy for the russians

at the time it was in the news..right after a what was once a G8 summit...but the country trusted him to look out for American interests...unlike your man
Link showing 1) IQ of each President, 2) Correct spelling of interpreter, 3) Definition of enterpiter , 4) besides I did look it up and there were aids present! Link showing this, in light of the fact I just posted 2 links showing the meeting was in private

Fake New Subhub174014
You've been schooled on this many times. Clinton most certainly did add significantly to the debt. Perhaps you should "start at post #1 in the Politics, Politics, Politics thread ... all the graphs etc are right there."

Federal debt at end of Carter's last budget (FY 1981) $0.994 Trillion
Federal debt at end of Reagan's last budget (FY 1989) $2.867 Trillion

Reagan added: $1.873 Trillion to the federal debt.

Federal debt at end of GHW Bush's last budget (FY 1993) $4.351 Trillion
Federal debt at end of Clinton's last budget (FY 2001) $5.769 Trillion

Clinton added: $1.418 Trillion to the federal debt

Clinton added 75% as much to the federal debt as Reagan did.

Here's a link to the OMB historical data supporting the above....note I grabbed a link from the Obummer white house archives...are you going to claim that is a biased source????


Wrong again there MR. Footnmouth

The Budget and Deficit Under Clinton

that's if the congressional budget office figures meet your standards.....even if they don't most people go by them
Of course, oh retarded one ... can you say INTEREST? He inherited deficit spending from GH Bush. So, the Republicans establish a debt and sour economy, then hand it to the Democrats. How much of that $1.4 trillion of national debt growth was interest on Republican debt?
Ahh yes, good old Mac...trying to move the goalpost when he gets proven wrong. You brought up the topic of debt with your claim that Clinton didn't add much to the debt. When proven wrong with documented evidence straight from a Democrat controlled white house source....suddenly adding $s to the debt is excusable because you want to switch the topic to interest on the debt.

Presume based on this, you will gladly ignore the portion of the current deficit under Trump that is due to the interest on the $20 trillion in debt he inherited from Obummer correct????
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