Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Oh I forgot you liberals are perfect. No pedophiles, no liars, no perverts, no sexual predators, not one liberal democrat who hasn't said anything offensive, no liberal who incites violence. What a world it is as a liberal. Funny thing I want absolutely nothing to do with that make believe world!
Oh I forgot you liberals are perfect. No pedophiles, no liars, no perverts, no sexual predators, not one liberal democrat who hasn't said anything offensive .... What a world it is as a liberal. Funny thing I want absolutely nothing to do with that make believe world!
You're just telling on yourself, Latina4BBC. You seem to put a lot of focus on those topics. If you want to "open up" on that discussion, by all means, enlighten us!
Oh I forgot you liberals are perfect. No pedophiles, no liars, no perverts, no sexual predators, not one liberal democrat who hasn't said anything offensive, no liberal who incites violence. What a world it is as a liberal. Funny thing I want absolutely nothing to do with that make believe world!

how true....the right has them all in their party!
we are just normal people looking for a living wage and an honest government......something the right can not do
I believe Latina4BBC's mom maybe should have been giving Latina's dad a blowjob the night she was conceived. ;)
Deflect Deflect Deflect. So you two agree white men should die a miserable death and be castrated while woman watch? Yes or No? Should she be fired? Yes or No? Did Bill Clinton fuck an intern in the white house and have affairs by abusing his power? Yes or No? Did Hillary call her husband's accusers bimbos'? Yes or No? Did CNN give Hillary questions to the debate? Yes or No? Did NBC hold back on the Weinstein story but was quick to air the interview of another bimbo who can't confirm anything? Yes or No? Did Ted Kennedy get away with manslaughter? Yes or No? Did Obama allow immigrant children to be taken away with men that were not vetted as their parents? Yes or No? Did Joe Biden say that the FBI does not "come to conclusions period? Yes or No? Should these lying accusers be charged with a crime? Yes or No? We could go on and on!
how true....the right has them all in their party!
we are just normal people looking for a living wage and an honest government......something the right can not do
You're looking for a fucking handout at the expense of the hard working people in this country. Unless you incapacitated, mentally ill, or have some disability, the sky is the limit in this great country. You say you want an honest government....Dude you are way more stupid than I thought. Your Liberal Democrat party are by far the most dishonest, hateful, lying party I have ever seen in my lifetime. And since you have such a short term memory like most liberals, I voted for Obama in 2008. But for some reason you'll come up with some bullshit like " you felt guilty" or some other bullshit. I might have voted for a democrat this past election if it was ANYONE other than that skank Hillary. That's the difference between you and I. I have an open mind. Your mind is stuck just your computer.
@subhub174014 and @Latina4BBC make good points, my perspective is known as to which side I'd sway towards, but @Latina4BBC you might want to work on your rhetoric as your pointed ad hominem attacks won't persuade anyone. Instead, looking at what is going on with what is happening with Kavanaugh. I have no idea how that will turn, but what impressed me was how a Republican Senator "Jeff Flake" reached out to a Democratic Senator "Chris Coons" and they effectively brokered albeit a temporary solution in the spirit of bipartisanship as they both felt it was dividing your great nation. Maybe just maybe the both of you could do the same on this thread?

Flake is looking out for his political career and he doesn't like Trump. Our "great nation" dividing started with Obama. And when you have politicians like Maxine Waters inciting violence against people who don't have the same beliefs as they do, that's not divisive? People who wear the beautiful MAGA hats have them ripped off of their head by assholes who don't have the same beliefs. Divisive? I would never rip the hat off of a persons head if Hillary won with the logo "fuck up america again" This is truly a sad time for our country. It all boils down to the liberals who were so confident criminal Hillary was going to win and the only way they know how to react is through hate, lies, and bullying. Instead they should take a look at themselves and use that hate energy to figure out what it is that they're doing wrong. They have no agenda or vision. Their MO is to try to make the others look worse than they are. I have to say, at this point, it is impossible. Scum of the earth. They were so sure.
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Constructive debate is better than fighting though. If a Republican can do so with a Democrat I'd hope that spirit of reaching a common denominator could be found here. You can look back at my perspectives and historically you will see I side with Trump and Republicans a lot, but to me unity is better than ongoing divisiveness. After all isn't there a better sense of peace after Coons and Flake reached that common ground? Just observation from an outsider and just looking at creating some peace on the thread inspired from a spectacular event I rarely see in politics. :D:angel:
Constructive debate is better than fighting though. If a Republican can do so with a Democrat I'd hope that spirit of reaching a common denominator could be found here. You can look back at my perspectives and historically you will see I side with Trump and Republicans a lot, but to me unity is better than ongoing divisiveness. After all isn't there a better sense of peace after Coons and Flake reached that common ground? Just observation from an outsider and just looking at creating some peace on the thread from a spectacular event I rarely see in politics. :D:angel:
I appreciate your insight and agree. I would much rather our politicians have adult intelligent dialogue but it is impossible with the likes of Chuckie, groper Booker, max hate Maxine, and the other suspects or I should say self acclaimed victims because their party lost an election. I think Mitch McConnell hit the nail on the head with his speech. Until recently I have never considered myself a republican or democrat. I always voted for who I thought was best for our country not who was best for me. But now after the way liberals have reacted to the Trump victory and the way Democratic politicians conduct themselves, I doubt I will ever consider voting for a Democrat again in my life. They really disgust me. Believe it or not until recently I was a person who did not judge and was accepting of most anybody. These people don't believe in equality, they don't believe in the constitution, and they hate this country. I don't have any room for people like that in my life. They have shown their true colors and they are very ugly colors.
Oh I forgot you liberals are perfect. No pedophiles, no liars, no perverts, no sexual predators, not one liberal democrat who hasn't said anything offensive, no liberal who incites violence. What a world it is as a liberal. Funny thing I want absolutely nothing to do with that make believe world!

Ooppssss! You forgot some other important FACTS!
Neither do the poor ole Democrats have a President who had help from a Russian Government and its President to win an election, calls Putin a friend, Dictators and Extremists "good people" or admit they "FELL IN LOVE" with one of the cruelest dictators in the world, a dictator who had members of his own family murdered! OK! Let's not mention a misogynist, tax evader, liar, just to name a few, less than trust worthy, traits!
Shouldn't Americans Wake Up! Like now maybe! Please!
Flake is looking out for his political career and he doesn't like Trump.
his areer is over he just isn't smart enough to figure it out yet....not running again because he is from a right leaning state and going against the right....and he doesn't do that much for the left...he will fizzle soon!

Our "great nation" dividing started with Obama
really....seems he brought more people out to vote than ever before!....but they didn't vote for the right so I guess from your viewpoint that is dividing the nation right?

And when you have politicians like Maxine Waters inciting violence against people who don't have the same beliefs as they do, that's not divisive?

and just who ...during his speeches has made the statement punch him in the face I will pay the legal bills....and the second amendment lovers will take care of Clinton...on and on...you only see what you want to see and then twist that!

People who wear the beautiful MAGA hats have them ripped off of their head by assholes who don't have the same beliefs. Divisive?

nothing wrong with that...matter of fact it could be like shooting the apple off the guys head...if you miss...no great loss...those people are not considered intelligent anyway....that pretty much what you wanted to hear?....no you people with your right leaning policies just run over people with a car...forget that?...how convenient….

I would never rip the hat off of a persons head if Hillary won with the logo "fuck up america again"
you saw one thing on the news somewhere Charlotte maybe? and now that's everyone?...you are twisted

This is truly a sad time for our country.
you are right we are going back 100 years in most things....especially civil rights....."there were some mighty fine people on both sides"....who does more to divide?

the only way they know how to react is through hate, lies, and bullying

I think that pretty much sums up your man's campaign from the start....making fun of gold star families...making fun of the handicapped...******* coming out of her everywhere....that has been his way of doing things from the start...he won because people thought it was funny....odd how humiliating people can be funny...but to people like you I guess it is....and all over looked!

Instead they should take a look at themselves and use that hate energy to figure out what it is that they're doing wrong.

the hate comes from his treatment of others.....being a Russian plant! on and on...all of which just goes over your head!...but then stupid is as stupid does...and you trumpies follow that!

you certainly don't lack for imagination...just way short on facts...….you take what your man does and turn it to suit your own purpose

you are a good example of why some animals eat their young!
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I certainly don't understand Trump's belief that they have kav in the bag

according to MY count...they are short
they already lost one vote with the guy going to his daughters wedding.....that puts the vote even
Manchin..being a Dem in a red state has no balls and always votes the critical votes with the right...that sways it back to the right
the other Dem in the red state has already stated she can't get re-elected and is going to vote her feelings...that puts it back to the Dems
the gal from Alaska stated a couple of weeks ago if she voted for this guy she would never be re-elcted...has been quiet since....so I think that is another no for kav!
Collins putting up a good front...but ran as a Pro-choice republican...and is taking a lot of heat from home.....I don't see her supporting Kav
and that puts them 2 short to make it!
Flake running as an anti-trump republican is going nowhere...and going against a conservative judge would definitely end any hopes of getting the nod from any republican...so he will vote yes
throw in the ABA against kav……..the 400 church groups against kav……..a lot of his former school mates on record with their statements...a lot of people didn't think he acted like a judge in his anger in the hearing.....another supreme court judge saying no for Kav...and the list goes on

just don't think he has it!
but trump and mcconell seem sure....????
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just one question...….did your parents have any children that lived...or were they all born brain dead?

subhub174014, while appreciating your penchant to simplify your responses, in this case I'd like to apply a medically accepted term as an explanation. I'd suggest they entered this world as a Breached Birth, or as those in the medical field would explain it (and I Quote): A breech birth is when a baby is born bottom first instead of head first!
I certainly don't understand Trump's belief that they have kav in the bag

according to MY count...they are short
they already lost one vote with the guy going to his daughters wedding.....that puts the vote even
Manchin..being a Dem in a red state has no balls and always votes the critical votes with the right...that sways it back to the right
the other Dem in the red state has already stated she can't get re-elected and is going to vote her feelings...that puts it back to the Dems
the gal from Alaska stated a couple of weeks ago if she voted for this guy she would never be re-elcted...has been quiet since....so I think that is another no for kav!
Collins putting up a good front...but ran as a Pro-life republican...and is taking a lot of heat from home.....I don't see her supporting Kav
and that puts them 2 short to make it!
Flake running as an anti-trump republican is going nowhere...and going against a conservative judge would definitely end any hopes of getting the nod from any republican...so he will vote yes
throw in the ABA against kav……..the 400 church groups against kav……..a lot of his former school mates on record with their statements...a lot of people didn't think he acted like a judge in his anger in the hearing.....another supreme court judge saying no for Kav...and the list goes on

just don't think he has it!
but trump and mcconell seem sure....????

There are a whole lot of people hoping you're 100% correct!
There are a whole lot of people hoping you're 100% correct!

well throw in the republican senator that went to school with kav and knows the drinking and sexual statements to be true...and has said so publicly...but hasn't said nothing since.....just don't think they have it in the bag...YET!
that's why they have this little pre-vote today...that gives them a few days to turn up the heat on the dissidents...….and will the heat work?
There are a whole lot of people hoping your 100% incorrect too - so far - so good
I said a couple of weeks ago I thought he would make it...…..but......Collins has already said she would vote yes to move it forward....but may not stick with that vote......she gets a lot of bi-partisian votes at home because of her women issues and a few others...I still think she will be a no vote in the end.....so that would put it on Pence to put him in!

the other "shaky" vote is the Dem from Ala....he voted no....but taking a lot of heat at home...so he could also put him over the top....was hoping manchin would show some balls...but Va a red state....and ALL of those politicians will sell their soul to keep the job!
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