Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Yeah I saw that....for someone who ran on a pro-choice republican platform...and has always made it an issue to support women's rights....think she may have just shot herself in the foot!

but he would have still squeaked in even had she voted no...that would have made it a tie and with pence the tie breaker
Yeah I saw that....for someone who ran on a pro-choice republican platform...and has always made it an issue to support women's rights....think she may have just shot herself in the foot!

but he would have still squeaked in even had she voted no...that would have made it a tie and with pence the tie breaker

Collins voted "Yes" and her constituents will be voting "No".
some are already talking impeachment..if things change come election time...…..be a first for a supreme court justice...but who knows things might cool down by then...…..but just put more divide in the country that's for sure!
we all know why trump wanted him...and be interesting if and when that comes up
as for the right...just wanting to flex their muscle...there were plenty to chose from that would not have been so controversial

the impeachment thing wouldn't really surprise me that much...there is such a hate between the parties anymore
the only thing that is going to change that is a major problem in the country...like a big recession or ????/ something to unite things again

there is a lot of people..me included......that think the economy bubble is going to pop next spring....how big a "pop"?
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Murkowski did hit the nail on the head with her comments......
this government so divided...people dislike and have no trust of the gov
the supreme court was the last piece of gov that was neutral and people respected
putting kav on there now changes that!
and this division is now for a generation
When you’re right your right !
What am I saying - hey - maybe your so far left you’re now right ; }

Seriously though I agree with ya here - the parties both suck big time and are totally full of ******* and at each other’s throat !!!

I thought Collins’ speech was really logical - well thought out - and showed she put a lot of time and work into her decision - even though the radical left progressives will hate her and vote against her - I believe moderate democrats - might - just might - support her.
Murkowski did hit the nail on the head with her comments......
this government so divided...people dislike and have no trust of the gov
the supreme court was the last piece of gov that was neutral and people respected
putting kav on there now changes that!
and this division is now for a generation

I watched Murkowski give her speech this evening and, like you, agree that she hit the nail on the head. The greatest, if not the saddest aspect of what went on with the Kav nomination and everything else around it, like him attacking the opposition, giving nasty answers to some Senators, or Orin Hatch's comment to the lady protester, telling her to "Grow up!", or Flake being confronted in the elevator, is that the world is watching, mostly with bewilderment and seldom with amusement. What's even sadde, these events are seen around the world and it appears that not many Americans seem to care what the F _ _ k the world thinks! This is exactly what the presidents of both The United States and Russia want if not, love it! I differ with Murkowski a little in that it is my belief that it will take many generations for the U.S. to regain its own stature both at home and internationally! I travel extensively internationally and I attest that never have I know Americans, especially its President, to be looked upon with such contemp.

I close with just one more response to your post, #2150, "there is a lot of people..me included......that think the economy bubble is going to pop next spring....how big a "pop"?

Ever hear of "The South Sea Bubble?" If you hadn't, Google it! The actions of Trump and the GOP have created a false economy with massive tax cuts for the very wealthy and corporations! The U.S. deficit is ballooning at an alarming rate! Trump continues to insult it's neighbours and trading partners! Canada is especially pissed off and angered. Trump not only lied to the Prime Minister of Canada, he insulted its entire population. He's belittling China in ways that increase tensions and is imposing tariffs on Chineese imports. Who do you think will pay for those tariffs, it's not the Chineese. Then, of course, he "falls in love" with WhoFlungDung of North Korea! Like Duh! Who needs friends like this?

All these actions are accumulative and the Day of The U.S. Bubble Bust will wrought havoc on the U.S. economy!
So enjoy the ride if you must but be aware the ride will be short lived! My estimate to be the 2nd/3rd quarter 2019.
When you’re right your right !
What am I saying - hey - maybe your so far left you’re now right ; }

Seriously though I agree with ya here - the parties both suck big time and are totally full of ******* and at each other’s throat !!!

I thought Collins’ speech was really logical - well thought out - and showed she put a lot of time and work into her decision - even though the radical left progressives will hate her and vote against her - I believe moderate democrats - might - just might - support her.

guess you didn't read yahoo this afternoon!

there was/is a go fund me site for people to donate that are against Collins....it crashed with so many hits right after she announced her decision

Collins even took the time to read all the call-ins to the FBI...so she has a good idea that something is not right....but caved against her own beliefs to vote yes
I admired her for trying to save ACA....but a lot of women ...whom she has supposedly represented since she took office...are not happy with her now
I watched Murkowski give her speech this evening and, like you, agree that she hit the nail on the head. The greatest, if not the saddest aspect of what went on with the Kav nomination and everything else around it, like him attacking the opposition, giving nasty answers to some Senators, or Orin Hatch's comment to the lady protester, telling her to "Grow up!", or Flake being confronted in the elevator, is that the world is watching, mostly with bewilderment and seldom with amusement. What's even sadde, these events are seen around the world and it appears that not many Americans seem to care what the F _ _ k the world thinks! This is exactly what the presidents of both The United States and Russia want if not, love it! I differ with Murkowski a little in that it is my belief that it will take many generations for the U.S. to regain its own stature both at home and internationally! I travel extensively internationally and I attest that never have I know Americans, especially its President, to be looked upon with such contemp.

I close with just one more response to your post, #2150, "there is a lot of people..me included......that think the economy bubble is going to pop next spring....how big a "pop"?

Ever hear of "The South Sea Bubble?" If you hadn't, Google it! The actions of Trump and the GOP have created a false economy with massive tax cuts for the very wealthy and corporations! The U.S. deficit is ballooning at an alarming rate! Trump continues to insult it's neighbours and trading partners! Canada is especially pissed off and angered. Trump not only lied to the Prime Minister of Canada, he insulted its entire population. He's belittling China in ways that increase tensions and is imposing tariffs on Chineese imports. Who do you think will pay for those tariffs, it's not the Chineese. Then, of course, he "falls in love" with WhoFlungDung of North Korea! Like Duh! Who needs friends like this?

All these actions are accumulative and the Day of The U.S. Bubble Bust will wrought havoc on the U.S. economy!
So enjoy the ride if you must but be aware the ride will be short lived! My estimate to be the 2nd/3rd quarter 2019.

I read an article that was from a bunch of economists...and they are saying with trump cutting the gov income...and all his other cuts and spending...if something doesn't change...by the summer of next year we will start to see problems...already seeing it in the housing industry.....they are slowing down on the building...people can't make the payments!
most of the middle class right now is surviving on their credit card....trump took out all the stops on the banks so they can just keep lending....until people just can't pay it back!
damn...still can't believe it..I would have bet the farm Murkowski and Collins were a no vote...positive on Murkowski...she has had a similar thing in her past.....Collins whole career has been what is best for women
FUCK YES! You and every piece of ******* liberal deserve this. Cant wait to see see what the liberal scum has up their sleeve next to try to stop this non stop train. Lowest unemployment since 1969. Get a clue libs. Realize the liberal ideology is dead as it should be. Im am watching that dumb ass Don Lemon right now. The garbage coming out of his mouth. Get the fuck over it. You lose again. GET USED TO IT.
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FUCK YES! You and every piece of ******* liberal deserve this. Cant wait to see see what the liberal scum has up there sleeve next to try to stop this non stop train. Lowest unemployment since 1969. Get a clue libs. Realize the liberal ideology is dead as it should be. Im am watching that dumb ass Don Lemon right now. The garbage coming out of his mouth. Get the fuck over it. You lose again. GET USED TO IT.
Turn on CNN and listen to this bullshit. Why wont they give the records to Grassey. Hiding something maybe
With Kavanaugh vote, McConnell and Republicans strike a blow at the U.S. Constitution
Chris Edelson,MarketWatch

This reflects the belief that checks and balances within the government are designed to, in James Madison’s words, prevent “the accumulation of all powers [in one branch].” While congressional Republicans have often proven to be not up to the task of reining in Trump’s authoritarian instincts, some have offered at least rhetorical criticism of the president’s excesses. That provided at least a thin basis for hope that Republican members of Congress might rise to the occasion at some point. Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court confirmation hearings raise a chilling prospect: Republicans in Congress may not simply be passive observers of Trump’s authoritarian instincts. Instead, many may be actively embracing authoritarian tactics, by which I mean tactics opposed to constitutional democracy, the rule of law, and the principle that government powers are limited. ...
Read more
Real Unemployment Rate With Calculations
Does the Government Lie About Unemployment?

The real unemployment rate (U-6) is a broader definition of unemployment than the official unemployment rate (U-3). In September 2018, it was 7.5 percent.
The U-3 is the rate most often reported in the media. In the U-3 rate, the Bureau of Labor Statistics only counts people without jobs who are in the labor *******. To remain in the labor *******, they must have looked for a job in the last four weeks.

The U-6, or real unemployment rate, includes the underemployed, the marginally attached, and discouraged workers. For that reason, it is almost double the U-3 report.
Underemployed people are part-time workers who would prefer full-time jobs. The BLS counts them as employed and in the labor *******.
The marginally attached are those who have looked for work in the last year but not the previous four weeks. They are not included in the labor ******* participation rate.
Among the marginally attached are the discouraged workers. They have given up looking for work altogether. They could have gone back to school, gotten pregnant, or become disabled. They may or may not return to the labor *******, depending on their circumstances. Once they haven't looked for a job in 12 months, they're no longer counted as marginally attached.

The BLS issues both the U-3 and the U-6 in each month's jobs report. Surprisingly, there isn't as much media attention paid to the real unemployment rate.

But even former Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen said it paints a clearer picture of actual U.S. unemployment.
Real Unemployment Rate Formula Using Current Statistics
In September 2018, the real unemployment rate (U-6) was 7.5 percent. It's almost double the widely reported unemployment rate (U-3) of 3.9 percent.

Here's how to calculate both.
Step 1. Calculate the official unemployment rate (U-3).
U-3 = 5.964 million unemployed workers / 161.926 million in the labor ******* = 3.7 percent.

Step 2. Add in marginally attached workers. There were 1.577 million people who were marginally attached to the labor *******. Add this to both the number of unemployed and the labor *******.
U-5 = (5.964 million + 1.577 million) / (161.926 million + 1.577 million) = 7.541 million / 163.503 million = 4.6 percent.
Step 3. Add in part-time workers. There were 4.642 million people who were working part-time but would prefer full-time work. Add them to the unemployed with marginal workers. They're already in the labor *******.
U-6 = (7.541 million + 4.642 million) / (163.503 million) = 12.183 million / 163. mil503lion = 7.5 percent. (Source: "Table A-15," Bureau of Labor Statistics.)

Compare the Real Unemployment Rate
To put things in perspective, here's the official unemployment rate compared to the real rate since 1994. That’s the first year the BLS collected data on U-6. The rates given are for January of each year. To see unemployment since 1929, go to Unemployment Rate by Year.
Throughout the years, the official rate is a little more than half the real rate.

That remains true no matter how well the economy is doing. Even in 2000, when the official rate below the natural unemployment rate of 4.5 percent, the real rate was almost double, at 7.1 percent. In 2010, when the unemployment rate was its highest at 9.8 percent, the real rate was still almost double, at 16.7 percent.

Year (as of January) U3 (Official) U6 (Real) U3/U6 Comments
1994 6.6%11.8%56%The first year BLS reported U6
1995 5.6%10.2%55%
1996 5.6%9.8%57%
1997 5.3%9.4%56%
1998 4.6%8.4%55%
1999 4.3%7.7%56%
2000 4.0% (Record Low)7.1%56%Stock market crashed in March
2001 4.2%7.3%58%
2002 5.7%9.5%60%U3 closest to U6
2003 5.8%10.0%58%
2004 5.7%9.9%58%
2005 5.3%9.3%57%
2006 4.7%8.4%56%
2007 4.6%8.4%55%
2008 5.0%9.2%54%
2009 7.8%14.2%55%High of 10.2% in Oct
2011 9.1%16.2%56%
2012 8.3%15.2%55%
2013 8.0%14.5%55%
2014 6.6%12.7%52%
2015 5.7% 11.3% 50%
2016 4.9% 9.9%49%Both return to pre-recession levels
2017 4.8% 9.4%51%
2018 4.4% 8.2%50%

The point is to make sure you compare apples to apples. If you say the government is lying during a recession, then you've got to make the same argument when times are good. (Source: “Table A-1. Historical Household Data,” Bureau of Labor Statistics.)

The Real Unemployment Rate Was Never as Bad as During the Depression
The unemployment rate during the Great Depression was 25 percent. Unemployment rates were calculated differently back then, but this was likely similar to the real rate today. Did the real unemployment rate during the Great Recession ever reach that level? Despite what many people say, a simple calculation shows this is not true.

In October 2009, the official unemployment rate (U-3) reached its height of 10.2 percent. There were 15.7 million unemployed among 153.98 million in the labor *******. Add to that the 2.4 million marginally attached, including 808,000 discouraged workers, and you get a U-5 rate of 11.6 percent. Then add in the 9.3 million part-time workers who preferred full-time, and you get the U-6 rate of 17.5 percent. That gives a better sense of 2009 unemployment.
Therefore, even if you stretch the definition of unemployed to include marginally attached and part-time workers, unemployment was never as bad as during the height of the Great Depression. But, unemployment wasn't that high throughout the entire Depression, which lasted for 10 years. If you wanted to make the case, you could say the real unemployment at the height of the Great Recession was as high as unemployment during parts of the Great Depression.

it's funny during his run for the president...he kept stating how all those numbers we not the real picture.....but funny how he likes those numbers now that he is in!
And having a job IS NOT making a living
I'm interested in learning more. Do you have some links, or any factual basis regarding this installation of a dictatorship?

I'll wait. Otherwise, I'll just have to assume more hyperbole.
You are the typical going through life in blind ignorance person that helps foster the destruction that is goin on in this country and in this world. You think your being smart by deflecting and demanding the evidence and proof, all the while it is all around you. Good luck with that.
went against everything she has ever stood for......for what?

Minutes after Sen. Susan Collins announced her support for Brett Kavanaugh, the site to fund her opponent was so overwhelmed that it crashed
Julie Bort,Business Insider

  • A website collecting money to fund a rival to Republican Sen. Susan Collins of Maine crashed on Friday shortly after she announced she would vote to confirm Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court.
  • The site was created to raise money for whoever decides to challenge Collins for her Senate seat in 2020.
Minutes after Republican Sen. Susan Collins of Maine announced her decision to vote to confirm Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court, a site raising money for Collins' eventual opponent in her 2020 reelection bid crashed.
Collins was one of the undecided votes in the judge's controversial nomination. In an effort to convince Collins that there would be consequences if she voted to support him, a group of people from Maine launched a crowdfunding campaign on a site called Crowdpac.
The campaign asked people to pledge money to back the person who will challenge Collins in 2020 if she voted to confirm Kavanaugh. If she doesn't vote for Kavanaugh, the pledges would be void.

The site was so overwhelmed with people rushing to donate to the campaign that its internet connection couldn't take the traffic, pushing it offline, Crowdpac confirmed to Business Insider.
As of September 12, when The Washington Post reported on the fundraising effort, it had raised more than $1 million from 37,000 pledges. Some had questioned whether the campaign violated federal bribery statutes, which prohibit giving or offering anything of value to government officials in exchange for any acts or votes.
A Twitter user named Marty Loughlin said that he donated to the campaign right before the site crashed on Friday and that it had raised $2 million in pledges.
The site was back up later Friday and said it had raised nearly $2.2 million from more than 75,000 pledges.

Another page that vows to support Collins' eventual Democratic challenger was up and accepting donations on Friday afternoon, though it wasn't clear how many donations it had racked up.
A representative for Collins told The Post last month that the senator wouldn't be swayed by any fundraising tactic.
"Senator Collins will make up her mind based on the merits of the nomination," the representative said. "Threats or other attempts to bully her will not play a factor in her decision making whatsoever."
Here's Crowdpac CEO Gisel Kordestani's statement on why the site went down:

"Today's actions motivated more people to donate than we have ever seen before — and they turned to Crowdpac to make their voices heard. Leading up to Senator Collins' announcement that she will be voting 'yes' on Judge Kavanaugh, the Crowdpac campaign to fund her challenger surpassed $2 million in pledges from over 70,000 Mainers and Americans across the country.

"During Collins' floor speech, our site received 90 times the average amount of traffic we see hourly. This incredible and immediate response to Collins' decision overwhelmed our servers, and our team is worked as quickly as possible to get Crowdpac.com back up and running."

FUCK YES! You and every piece of ******* liberal deserve this. Cant wait to see see what the liberal scum has up their sleeve next to try to stop this non stop train. Lowest unemployment since 1969. Get a clue libs. Realize the liberal ideology is dead as it should be. Im am watching that dumb ass Don Lemon right now. The garbage coming out of his mouth. Get the fuck over it. You lose again. GET USED TO IT.
restores my faith in impeachment!

well that and your stupidity....that is a constant
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