Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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It the USA, it seems that the standard of behaviour you expect of your judges is higher than that you ask of your leaders. Weird.
Also, how are you in a situation whereby an official, I.e. a judge, seems to hold a great deal of power in your country and isn't elected by the people? I mean, doesn't government set the law and the judges apply it? How is it right that half your country's population is terrified of an unelected official. Crazy.

Judges are supposed to INTERPRET the laws that are in place and like anything from a book...one can read it one way another read it completely different......the left leaning ones...mostly read things slanting toward a worker...and the right leaning ones toward the biz people...not supposed to be that way...you would think they would all agree on how the law reads...but they don't....the republicans here now are trying..and getting away with stacking the court with right leaning judges.....
the president nominates the judge and senate confirms the judge
yes laws are set by the gov and judges apply....but like anything there are several different opinions
don't know that we are terrified of them....but they should be held in somewhat high esteem and honorable...supposed to be......but the right has shoved a couple in that were far from that
Judges are supposed to INTERPRET the laws that are in place and like anything from a book...one can read it one way another read it completely different......the left leaning ones...mostly read things slanting toward a worker...and the right leaning ones toward the biz people...not supposed to be that way...you would think they would all agree on how the law reads...but they don't....the republicans here now are trying..and getting away with stacking the court with right leaning judges.....
the president nominates the judge and senate confirms the judge
yes laws are set by the gov and judges apply....but like anything there are several different opinions
don't know that we are terrified of them....but they should be held in somewhat high esteem and honorable...supposed to be......but the right has shoved a couple in that were far from that
Your judges have more power than they do in the UK then.
I'd suggest that the U.S. President has justifiably earned the Title:
Trump’s ‘historic’ trade deal doesn’t look so historic after all

Well, that was unnecessarily painful.
After spending a year and a half alienating our friends, punishing our farmers and manufacturers with devastating tariffs and counter-tariffs, and fracturing the hard-won alliance we had built to isolate and pressure China, we finally got a new trade deal — and a “new” trade strategy. Yet somehow, they look an awful lot like the old ones.

On Sunday evening, news broke that Canada agreed to the terms of a renegotiated North American Free Trade Agreement. Not merely renegotiated: rebranded! What was once the easily pronounceable “NAFTA” will hereafter be the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement, or “USMCA.”

Why the name change was needed is a little unclear. Our marketer in chief clearly loves rebranding things, and USMCA, while it doesn’t exactly roll off the tongue, does have the virtue of literally putting America first. Oddly, the posted text of the trade pact itself still repeatedly refers to itself as “NAFTA 2018.” I guess someone forgot to search-and-replace.
As to the substance, well, the best you can say is it could have been a whole lot worse. President Trump didn’t, as he threatened, blow up the system.

So, you know, whoop de doo.

There are some new protectionist measures, such as complicated new requirements for auto rules of origin, which could potentially backfire. That is, they may end up being so costly to adhere to that they’ll encourage manufacturers to move more of their operations and jobs outside of North America.

Other stuff, such as a “sunset” provision requiring members to regularly reaffirm their desire to continue the three-party deal, is probably also not an improvement. There are better ways to encourage ongoing modernization of the deal that would involve less policy uncertainty for businesses. But, again, this section is not as bad as many businesses and trade experts feared.

Trump also won some modest concessions in tiny industries he’s weirdly obsessed with, such as Canadian dairy. He has conveniently played down the concessions he made in exchange: In return for greater American access to the Canadian dairy, poultry and egg markets, we gave Canada greater access to U.S. markets for dairy, peanuts, processed peanut products, sugar and sugar-containing products.

But for the most part, despite Trump’s assertion that “it’s not NAFTA redone, it’s a brand-new deal,” the president mostly kept NAFTA intact.

What’s more, some of the more significant changes — relating to issues such as labor standards, environmental protections and e-commerce — appear to be cribbed from another trade deal that Trump has demonized: the Trans-Pacific Partnership.

If you (like me) supported TPP, this is either reassuring or supremely frustrating.

President Barack Obama negotiated TPP — a 12-party pact that included Canada and Mexico — as part of his own promise to “renegotiate NAFTA.” TPP was also Obama’s strategy for keeping China from writing “the rules of the road” on trade. China was deliberately excluded from the pact, which was designed to cement a coalition of countries that had been wounded by China’s misbehavior. Working together, these trade victims hoped to pressure China to reform.
One of Trump’s first orders of business as president, of course, was to pull out of TPP. He soon thereafter picked unnecessary trade fights with TPP countries we’d previously tried to make common cause with.

Now Trump seems to have realized his mistake. Despite how he characterizeshis “historic transaction,” the USMCA is mostly just a smooshing together of two trade deals that he derided as the worst trade deals ever made, as Dartmouth Tuck School of Business professor Emily Blanchard points out.

In fact, a bunch of NAFTA 2.0 language appears squarely aimed at returning to Obama’s alliance strategy for isolating China — which, to reiterate, only requires rebuilding because Trump destroyed it.

For instance, the NAFTA-replacement deal includes “protections against misappropriation of trade secrets, including by state-owned enterprises,” one of China’s major trade sins. Likewise, there’s also language designed to disincentivize NAFTA 2.0 signatories from making free-trade deals with “non-market” countries, widely understood to be targeting China. Some have speculated that Trump may press for similar language in negotiations with other countries, such as Japan.

In other words, Trump has wrought a lot of destruction in service of landing us in roughly the same position we would have been in had we simply stayed in TPP and pursued more amicable negotiations with Mexico and Canada on other outstanding issues.

Some of these harms — such as the steel and aluminum tariffs and retaliatory measures that, despite Sunday’s announcement, remain on the books — may yet be reversible. But the damage to our reputation as a reliable trading partner and ally may be irreparable. To Trump, that may be a feature, not a bug.

So a panel of judges decides law? Or just its application?

Congress makes the law, the SCOTUS decide if the law is just and within our constitution.

Personally, I think the SCOTUS should not have political affiliation, but that's next to impossible I guess. I would like to see them independent and non biased to the President. They should be elected by the people and vetted by congress, not appointed by the President. Obviously the President will choose people that favor his view points.
It can't be over turned by just him - that is left propaganda. The entire panel has to over turn it. Kav gives them a majority so it is possible, but not probable.

Talk about "Double Jeopardy"!
You say, and I quote: "it can't be overturned by just him - that is left propaganda. The entire panel has to over to over turn it. Kav gives them a majority so it is possible, but not probable."
So what is it? The "entire panel" or "Kav and his majority", albeit, the conservative majority of "one"!

Talk about "Double Jeopardy"!
You say, and I quote: "it can't be overturned by just him - that is left propaganda. The entire panel has to over to over turn it. Kav gives them a majority so it is possible, but not probable."
So what is it? The "entire panel" or "Kav and his majority", albeit, the conservative majority of "one"!

Proving once again reading comprehension is not a strong point of the left - What part didn't you understand and how is it Double Jeopardy - assuming you know what Double Jeopardy means (HINT: it has nothing to do with Alex Trebek).

Kav himself, can not over turn any law, it takes the Majority of the SCOTUS vote. The propaganda is the leftist media and people like yourself who "believe" he can and continue to spread the lies that he, himself, will.
The idea of a left or right leaning judge, who can interpret and apply the law in line with his own views is quite scary.
The idea of a left or right leaning judge, who can interpret and apply the law in line with his own views is quite scary.
none of them have any power by them selves....but the majority of the panel is starting to lean right...so if that were to come up in front of them ...they could change it....and there are people that once he gets in will take it to court so that it does end up there

also that is why they try to keep it a odd number...the last one that was "middle of the road" just retired....so kav could really sway things
My view is that all the horseshite going on now with Kavanaugh is simply the left pulling out all the stops to defend Roe v Wade - simple as that

as usual you know nothing about what you are talking about...that is ONE...but there are several!
trumps get out of jail free card
voting rights
believe that foreign gov should be able to dump however much money they want in super pacs
twice he has gone against several other judges to rule AGAINST labor
and like Jeff flake said this morning...there is NOT a partisan bone in his body as was evident in the hearing...how could he be expected to rule on anything fairly

why do you think the white house only gave the committee 7% of his writings from the Bush white house.....he is radical conservative!

there are a lot more.....but all way above your second grade understanding!
O - that’s right - sorry - only you know what you’re talking about - at least in your own mind - please forgive me for having an opinion contrary to yours - all omniscient liberal mememeister extraordinaire ; }
Proving once again reading comprehension is not a strong point of the left - What part didn't you understand and how is it Double Jeopardy - assuming you know what Double Jeopardy means (HINT: it has nothing to do with Alex Trebek).

Kav himself, can not over turn any law, it takes the Majority of the SCOTUS vote. The propaganda is the leftist media and people like yourself who "believe" he can and continue to spread the lies that he, himself, will.

Repeat after me: A-B-C-D .... Oh! You know your alphabet! So let's go to the next level! Here's what you (or someone else for you) wrote:
"it can't be over turned by just him - that is left propaganda. "The entire panel has to over turn it."
"Kav gives them a majority so it is possible, but not probable.
My reference to double jeopardy is that "it can't be over turned by him/the entire panel/and Kav gives them the majority!"
So which is it?
Repeat after me: A-B-C-D .... Oh! You know your alphabet! So let's go to the next level! Here's what you (or someone else for you) wrote:
"it can't be over turned by just him - that is left propaganda. "The entire panel has to over turn it."
"Kav gives them a majority so it is possible, but not probable.
My reference to double jeopardy is that "it can't be over turned by him/the entire panel/and Kav gives them the majority!"
So which is it?

For the last time - Kav himself CAN NOT over turn Roe vs Wade, The ENTIRE SCOTUS must vote and WIN by MAJORITY to over turn it. If Kav gets in, the SCOTUS would lean more to the right, so an over turn is possible, but not probable, meaning it probably wouldn't pass even if it came up again. Regardless of what you might think, it is very difficult to overturn what previous SCOTUS's have voted on. And they can only vote on things brought to them by the people. They can't just decide one day to flip a vote.

Double Jeopardy is completely irrelevant, I suggest you learn what it means.
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