Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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The Kavanaugh vetting could have been put to bed a long time ago had Republicans AND Kavanaugh agreed to investigate the first ******* accusation.
The Kavanaugh vetting could have been put to bed a long time ago....had Diane Feinstein not withheld the letter accusing him of sexual misconduct from the committee for months. She didn't have to make it public either. Given Ford's wishes there would have been plenty of time for the FBI to do a confidential investigation. But obviously getting to the bottom of such allegations wasn't what was desired. What the democraps wanted was a hole card they could play at the last minute that would let them delay the process as long as possible, hoping they could push it past the mid terms and get control of the Senate. Publicly vilifying the man with an accusation that has zero proof other than one person's word who can't even remember when or where it happened is just icing on the cake for them.

As to your follow up post, your childish ad hominems aren't worth commenting on. Sadly though they seem to be all too common on here from one side of the political spectrum.
What the democraps wanted was a hole card they could play at the last minute that would let them delay the process as long as possible, hoping they could push it past the mid terms and get control of the Senate.
....Why, so the Republicans and Kavanaugh could construct another LIE or coverup, or contact potential witnesses? We've been there, and done that already ... the Republicans are a WIN AT ALL COST party now. Why do you think so many are NOT running in the mid-terms?
....Sort of reminds you of that 2 weeks before the 2016 general election and the thousands (???) of new Hillary e-mails that turned out not existing and resulted in the nation being given the biggest loser of a President in its history. ;)
....I found out yesterday, by the way, that victims of sexual assaults in Maryland have no limitation dates when they can bring their alligations to the courts. Maybe THAT is what Kavanaugh is really scared of ... actually having to go to court to defend himself. I mean, if the guy KNOWS he's innocent of charges I think he would readily have agreed to take that lie detector test, like Ford, would have agreed to the initial suggestion asked by several Democrats of allowing the FBI to do an investigation of the new charges, and he wouldn't have lost his cool during the hearing and started a Trump emotional rant at Democrats and .... hear it comes .... the CLINTONS! Boy, you ReThuglicans are EAT UP with the Clintons & Obama, so funny. Kavanaugh showed everyone that he's a FAR RIGHT judge, not impartial and cool headed as a SCOTUS should be. Sorry, but what happened in the hearings convinced me even more that the Republicans and Kavanaugh have something to hide. I believe the most of them realize that they're going to be voted OUT of office in the mid-terms and want to get an extreme right judge on the court before it happens.
....There shouldn't be a one-week limitation to vetting these new alligations ... this man's going to be on the court FOREVER. Its not like he's re-elected every 4 years or so. I'm just glad Sen. Flake had the BALLS to step up to the plate. Regardless of the outcome, I'm going to write him a nice letter of "thanks" for doing the right thing. pic_MacNfries-signature.jpg
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had Diane Feinstein not withheld the letter accusing him of sexual misconduct from the committee for months.

wrong again!...you have a dildo stuck in your ear?....it's been on three threads this is the discussion and covered.
She held it at the request of Ford
ford was ****** to come out after someone leaked the letter and the news showed up
strange on the day the letter comes out Grassley already knew and had 35 women signatures...odd isn't it?
but then maybe not to you
wrong again!...you have a dildo stuck in your ear?....it's been on three threads this is the discussion and covered.
She held it at the request of Ford
ford was ****** to come out after someone leaked the letter and the news showed up
strange on the day the letter comes out Grassley already knew and had 35 women signatures...odd isn't it?
but then maybe not to you
If you would bother to try to comprehend what I wrote....I clearly said Feinstain could have kept the letter in confidential session and the FBI could have had months to secretly investigate....all while complying with Ford's wishes. But it is obvious to anyone who bothers to engage more than a few neurons this wasn't about getting to the bottom of a serious allegation. This was about having a last minute "october surprise" to delay as long as possible and to stir up the useful idiots....Hey it worked!!!
Sort of reminds you of that 2 weeks before the 2016 general election and the thousands (???) of new Hillary e-mails that turned out not existing and resulted in the nation being given the biggest loser of a President in its history.
Not existing....what are you smoking? The FBI reopened the Illary email fiasco in Oct 2016 because they found thousands of additional emails that were pertinent to the case. They only found these at this late date because they were digging through the upstanding model Democrap Anthony Weiner's laptop full of ******* pornography.

Not only did those emails exist, but Weiner's laptop had classified emails on it from Hillary's server....guess Weiner occasionally read illegally obtained classified emails when he needed a break from his illegal porn


.I found out yesterday, by the way, that victims of sexual assaults in Maryland have no limitation dates when they can bring their alligations to the courts. Maybe THAT is what Kavanaugh is really scared of ... actually having to go to court to defend himself.
I think about the last thing Kavanaugh is worried about is prosecution for these "alligations" (sic). This case wouldn't stand a snowball's chance in hell (if there was such a thing as hell). The only evidence is a sworn statement by the victim who can't remember when or where it happened. There's conflicting statements on record about how many people were there. The three people she's recently named as having been there all deny any memory of it. Even her female friend she claims was there has stated under penalty of perjury "Simply put, Ms. Keyser does not know Mr. Kavanaugh and she has no recollection of ever being at a party or gathering where he was present, with, or without, Dr. Ford."

Successful prosecution for this would require proof beyond a reasonable doubt. We're just about as far from that as is fundamentally possible.

There is a modicum of legal jeopardy in this case. If Kavanaugh wanted to pursue it, he has the potential for a defamation case against Ford and others. He's got a particularly good case against the fifth accuser, Jeff Catalan. Catalan tried to make an anonymous claim against Kavanaugh involving an assault. Then when his identity became known, he suddenly recanted the whole story. Catalan's ass might wind up in jail over it since he violated multiple sections of US code in making false statements to the Senate committee.
If you would bother to try to comprehend what I wrote....I clearly said Feinstain could have kept the letter in confidential session and the FBI could have had months to secretly investigate....all while complying with Ford's wishes. But it is obvious to anyone who bothers to engage more than a few neurons this wasn't about getting to the bottom of a serious allegation. This was about having a last minute "october surprise" to delay as long as possible and to stir up the useful idiots....Hey it worked!!!
she was following what Ford wanted....until it got leaked and the news showed up at her house.....question is...how did Grassley get a copy?...he had those signature all just waiting for it to come out!
Michael Che Nails Exactly Why Brett Kavanaugh Shouldn't Be On The Supreme Court
Ed Mazza,HuffPost

Michael Che of “Saturday Night Live” wants to know why Judge Brett Kavanaugh is still under consideration for the Supreme Court.
During testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee last week, Kavanaugh raised his voice and appeared to tear up as he attempted to fend off allegations of sexual assault and heavy drinking.
“I just want to remind everybody that all this yelling and crying happened at this dude’s job interview,” Che said during the “Weekend Update” segment. “Typically, when you’re asked about a sexual assault and your drinking problem at a job interview, you don’t get the damn job.”
He added:
“I don’t know if Mr. Kavanaugh actually has a history of assault or if he actually has a drinking problem, but I do know that he might. And you shouldn’t be on the Supreme Court if you might. You shouldn’t be on the ‘People’s Court’ if you might.”​
Later in the segment, Che wondered aloud why the GOP was so insistent on pushing Kavanaugh through.
Why does it have to be him?” Che asked. ”You can’t just pick another dude from your Illuminati lizard meetings? Are Republicans so pro-life that you don’t even have a Plan B for this?”
well HH one of your many shortcomings...well the first being your obnoxious personality…..the one I'm referring is you lack of ability to grasp facts....so let me point out a few...so you don't slip into that blklump mentality!

Fienstien held it because Ford did not want to come out publicly! Ford was ****** out! Her letter was leaked! Ok you might think it was Fienstien, but how did Grassley and others know about it before hand, Odd that the letter is announced and Grassley has signed statements from 35 women all saying kavenaugh is great. Bullshit it got hacked by the right, put out and the news was at her door before she had any kind of a chance on it

why is it that ford was/is willing for an investigation and Kavenaugh not? something to hide?

and yes abortion does play into it, but it goes a lot further than that, e also believes a sitting pres can not be charged with a crime!
he also believes foreign gov should be allowed to put however much money in super pacs...making the sky the limit

and again he is another hard line conservative...just like McConnell announced they were trying to form the supreme court to their liking!
what does that mean, well how about voting rights especially for those that are not going to vote for the right!

It goes on and on......this is a spoiled little rich kid that did pretty much what he wanted in school and got away withy it...wormed his way into the right wing politics and has kissed ass to get all the way to the top!

you don't find it odd that one of the republican senators a FEMALE went to college with him....recalls his drinking and his reputation...she stated it publicly and yet is still going to support him!?
The right wants that supreme court in their pocket and will spare nothing to get it done!
with everything there is against him......I still think he will make it...after all trump wants him because of his position on sitting pres and trump tells the FBI what to look for and for how long...….you don't think he might censure anything BEFORE it goes public do you?...of course not...like he wouldn't fire Comey or anyone else he could involved in the investigagtion
and one more thing...we all know this pres does not like to lose at anything....nor be told what to do....and yet he is being all cheerful and accommodating on this...…...almost like he knows the outcome already!
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FBI probe is the next battle in war over Kavanaugh
By Doina Chiacu and John Walcott,Reuters

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democratic U.S. senators expressed concern on Sunday over reports the White House was working with Republicans to narrow the scope of an FBI investigation into sexual assault allegations against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.
President Donald Trump bowed to pressure from moderate members of his Republican Party on Friday and ordered the probe after Christine Blasey Ford, a university professor, detailed her allegations at a Senate hearing that Kavanaugh assaulted her in 1982, when the two were in high school.
The stunning reversal capped two weeks of allegations, followed by furious denials, that roiled prospects for Trump's nominee, a conservative federal appeals court judge once expected to easily become the second Trump nominee to win a lifetime appointment to the top U.S. court.

typical of the right and trump the chump...…..you will only get to know what he wants you to know!...isn't that how Hitler worked?
she was following what Ford wanted....until it got leaked and the news showed up at her house.....question is...how did Grassley get a copy?...he had those signature all just waiting for it to come out!
Ford didn't ask they not investigate. She merely asked this be kept confidential. Try to comprehend....as I said twice now there was plenty of time for a quiet behind the scenes confidential FBI investigation. But the democraps didn't want that. They needed fodder for a last minute circus.

Another fine example....paraphrasing the saying about the horse:

You can lead the subwoofer to knowledge, but you can't make him think.
Ford didn't ask they not investigate. She merely asked this be kept confidential. Try to comprehend....as I said twice now there was plenty of time for a quiet behind the scenes confidential FBI investigation. But the democraps didn't want that. They needed fodder for a last minute circus.

Another fine example....paraphrasing the saying about the horse:

You can lead the subwoofer to knowledge, but you can't make him think.
you sure can be dense sometimes....well come to think of it I have not known a time when you weren't!
she did not want to be another Anita Hill....that means she did not want her name brought up!.....staying with me so far?
AFTER someone leaked her letter and the press showed up at her home and office, she was ****** to come forward, and during the hearing she said she was willing to have it investigated......still following there oh dense one?
the circus didn't start until Grassley opened the hearing and kept interrupting ….and the real circus was by Graham!
is that all to hard to understand in your warped right wing dense head?

pay attention now...if need be I can repeat it for you...not sure how many times it will take with some one of your limited understanding and total lack of grasp of a situation

not hard to understand why Kansas has so many financial problems following the trickle down...and their lack of education and etc and they vote for more trickle down.....tells you everything you need to know about someone from Kansas and their way of thinking


Republicans hired a prosecutor to question Christine Blasey Ford. But the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee kept interrupting her and everyone else.
Wary of having a group of mostly older men interrogating Christine Blasey Ford, Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee opted to hire Rachel Mitchell, a sex-crimes prosecutor, to question the woman who has accused the Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of attempting to ******* her in high school.
But the GOP plan had one hiccup: It still meant that one member, Chairman Chuck Grassley, would speak. Through the first few hours of the hearing Thursday, the Iowa Republican has been a prominent, and often jarring, presence. Grassley struck a combative tone in his opening statement, promptly tangled with ranking Democrat Dianne Feinstein, and has interrupted to comment on the proceedings.
Grassley kicked the hearing off with a feisty set of remarks. He began with an apology to both Kavanaugh and Ford for the treatment they and their families have received. “I intend hopefully for today’s hearing to be safe, comfortable, and dignified for both of our witnesses,” he said. “I hope my colleagues will join me in this effort of a show of civility.”
Grassley then proceeded to criticize Feinstein for not making Ford’s account public sooner (“The ranking member didn’t ask Judge Kavanaugh about the allegations when she met with him privately in August”); Democrats for not speaking to Kavanaugh after the allegations first became public (“Democratic staff was invited to participate and could have asked any questions they wanted to, but they declined. Which leads me, then, to wonder, if true, why wouldn’t you want to talk to the accused?”); Democrats for their behavior in a previous hearing on Kavanaugh (“This will be a stark contrast to the grandstanding and chaos that we saw from the other side during the previous four days in this hearing process”); and Ford, for her reluctance to testify (“My staff made repeated requests to interview Dr. Ford during the past 11 days, even volunteering to fly to California to take her testimony, but her attorneys refused to present her allegations to Congress. I nevertheless honored her request for a public hearing so Dr. Ford today has the opportunity to present her allegations under oath”).
Then the floor came to Feinstein, who addressed Ford directly and tartly chastised Grassley.
“Good morning, Dr. Ford,” she said. “Thank you for coming forward and being willing to share your story with us. I know this wasn’t easy for you. But before you get to your testimony, and the chairman chose not to do this, I think it’s important to make sure you’re properly introduced.”
Grassley immediately interrupted Feinstein, as perhaps she expected he might. “By the way, I was going to introduce her, but if you want to introduce her, I would be glad,” he said. “I didn’t forget to do that, because I would do that just as she was about to speak.”
That clash between 85-year-olds set the tone for the hearing to come. Something that someone said—whether it was a Democratic member, Ford herself, or Mitchell—would get Grassley’s goat, and he’d insist on jumping in. And when he did, he came across as crotchety and cranky, just what Mitchell’s insertion was meant to prevent.
One of the problems was procedural. According to the rules of the hearing, each side gets five minutes, in turns, to question the witness. Democratic senators are doing that themselves, while each Republican is yielding to Mitchell. Mitchell, a seasoned prosecutor, is used to working without such strict limits, and has proceeded with careful, incremental questions. As Mitchell worked through her first round, Grassley had to interrupt her and cut her off to keep to time.
At another moment, Grassley cut in when Ford said she’d concluded that asking to be questioned in California was “unrealistic;” he said his staff would have been willing to question her where she lives. (Ford said she gets anxious about flying.)
As the committee prepared to take its first break, Grassley testily replied to Democratic Senator Dick Durbin, who’d just concluded his questioning.
“I can’t let what Durbin, Senator Durbin said [stand],” he said. “Between July 30 and September 13, there were 45 days this committee could have been investigating this situation, and her privacy would have been protected. So something happened here in between on your side that the whole country—not the whole country should have known about it, no, not know about. We should have investigated it.”
Grassley intended to criticize Democrats for not bringing the allegations forward, but his point undercut itself: His statement that the matter warranted investigation seems at odds with his haste in scheduling a vote on Kavanaugh’s nomination.
As a matter of the chairman’s privilege to speak, Grassley is well within his rights. But as a matter of appearance, he is not acquitting himself especially well. Grassley seems peevish, cranky, and stentorian, and keeps finding himself correcting or interrupting women. Such images were exactly what Republicans hoped to avoid in the hearing.
Yet the nature of Grassley’s interruptions is perhaps telling. Consistently, he has cut in to defend the process by which he has shepherded the nomination through the Judiciary Committee. If the goal of Thursday’s hearing is to vindicate Kavanaugh, the initial conventional wisdom is that the Ford session was a failure. Ford came across as credible, sincere, and earnest; Mitchell, if she was trying to do so, didn’t land a blow; and Democrats played up Ford’s sympathy, with Feinstein memorably declaring, “This is not a trial of Dr. Ford. It’s a job interview for Judge Kavanaugh.” Fox News’s Chris Wallace declared it a “disaster,” and people close to Trump reportedly agreed.
Source: https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2018/09/chuck-grassleys-demeanor-kavanaugh-ford-hearing/571531/
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