trump running for re-election on the economy

Why Aren't Wages Keeping Up? It's Not The Economy, It's ...
Oct 31, 2018 · Point 1: Wages Are Not Keeping up. Let’s just discuss the issues of wages: they are not keeping up with inflation. Consider the data below. While the GDP has risen (after inflation), real ...

In U.S., wage growth is being wiped out entirely by inflation
Aug 23, 2019 · The Atlanta Federal Reserve’s wage tracker, which does not take inflation into account, is showing 3.2 percent wage growth over the past year, and White House officials promise that further ... is all about him and his

Donald Trump admits INFLATION makes the rich, richer
Inflation is a great, great friend to those of us at a certain level of real estate. It's been great over the years. I’ve loved inflation but I don't like it for the country. But as an individual, inflation has …, you know, it's made me very rich.” ~ Donald Trump . Inflation: How the Rich REALLY Get Richer

Trump Has an Agenda... and It's All About Inflation
Jun 20, 2018 · Trump’s policies are boosting inflation, stimulating asset values, depreciating debt and increasing growth prospects. Trump’s policies are boosting inflation, stimulating asset values, depreciating debt, increasing growth prospects and decreasing Democrat chances at …

Inflation Is Coming Thanks to Trump's Tariffs - Bloomberg
Jul 26, 2018 · Tariffs that began as a modest gesture to President Donald Trump’s political base are slowly spiraling up to be significant impediments to global commerce. So …

Trump tariff, trade war with Canada, China hits inflation ...
President Donald Trump's tariffs on steel, aluminum, Chinese products, and more are raising some prices for consumers and causing uncertainty for US businesses. The economic pain could also get ...

U.S. Inflation Tops Projections, Complicates Fed Rate Cut ...
Jul 11, 2019 · A key measure of U.S. consumer prices rose more than forecast in June, potentially complicating the Federal Reserve’s assessment of inflation as policy makers weigh an interest-rate
Lefties can’t be positive - it’s all gloom and doom - negativity is their forte - and of course attack - what else do they REALLY have

Why facts don’t matter to Trump’s supporters - The ...

Aug 04, 2016 · When critics challenge false assertions — say, Trump’s claim that thousands of Muslims cheered in New Jersey when the twin towers fell on Sept. 11, 2001 — their refutations can threaten people, rather than convince them. Graves noted that if people feel attacked, they resist the facts all the more.
Why facts don’t matter to Trump’s supporters - The ...

Aug 04, 2016 · When critics challenge false assertions — say, Trump’s claim that thousands of Muslims cheered in New Jersey when the twin towers fell on Sept. 11, 2001 — their refutations can threaten people, rather than convince them. Graves noted that if people feel attacked, they resist the facts all the more.

Facts matter - propaganda does NOT : }
Carter is a really good guy but was a shitty President - worst in my lifetime up until Obama - why should anybody believe anything he says now.

Mueller clearly stated - no American was guilty of conspiring with Russia - couldn’t have been more clear - everybody else has moved on to he’s a racist - time you did too.
Carter is a really good guy but was a shitty President - worst in my lifetime up until Obama - why should anybody believe anything he says now.

Mueller clearly stated - no American was guilty of conspiring with Russia - couldn’t have been more clear - everybody else has moved on to he’s a racist - time you did too.

Mueller Warns of Russian Sabotage and Rejects Trump’s ...

Jul 24, 2019 · Robert S. Mueller III laid out damning insights about President Trump, calling his responses to investigators untruthful and acknowledging that he could later be charged with a crime.
New York Times - gimme a break - they are the mom of Fake News and totally in the tank for the left - wouldn’t believe anything they print - they’re the ones that said the Russia story is over and we need to shift to he’s a racist.
New York Times - gimme a break - they are the mom of Fake News and totally in the tank for the left - wouldn’t believe anything they print - they’re the ones that said the Russia story is over and we need to shift to he’s a racist.

Trump put his own interests ahead of the security of the nation. And by insisting there was no Russian attack, he helped Putin pull off this caper and made it more difficult for President Barack Obama to enlist Republicans in a united front against Moscow’s attack.

This whole racist agenda is crazy, the whole Mueller investigation cost us tax dollars in the Millions, for what? What is the point, how anyone feels in their own mind is up to them, we can't change that. All this movement to call everything racist is stupid and even though the sheep like antifa aren't smart enough to understand that they are being led by the corruption, in the real Racist, from their beginning, Democratic party, the whole movement is a smoke screen to divert people from real issues, to tighten control on the weak minded real unintelligent base, in which they have bought and held under a vale of ignorance and confusion since the civil war. Donald Trump has not show that he is a racist in any way. He said that if people in the United States don't like it here, then go somewhere else, not go back to where you came from.
Carter is a really good guy but was a shitty President - worst in my lifetime up until Obama - why should anybody believe anything he says now.

Mueller clearly stated - no American was guilty of conspiring with Russia - couldn’t have been more clear - everybody else has moved on to he’s a racist - time you did too.

Mueller report: collusion findings are devastating for ... · Jul 17, 2019

Mueller Warns of Russian Sabotage and Rejects Trump’s ...

Jul 24, 2019 · Robert S. Mueller III laid out damning insights about President Trump, calling his responses to investigators untruthful and acknowledging that he could later be charged with a crime.

Mueller Reminds the Nation That Trump Betrayed the USA ... · May 31, 2019
just a small part

This means that while Putin was waging information warfare on the United States, one of the campaigns was reaching out and saying, Hey, we want to play ball with you. No doubt, that was another sign of encouragement for Moscow. (And don’t forget that from October 2015 until June 2016, Trump was secretly negotiating to develop a tower project in Moscow that could reap him hundreds of millions of dollars—talks that included communicating with the office of Putin’s top aide. At the same time, Trump was telling American voters he had nothing to do with Russia.)

Trump put his own interests ahead of the security of the nation. And by insisting there was no Russian attack, he helped Putin pull off this caper and made it more difficult for President Barack Obama to enlist Republicans in a united front against Moscow’s attack. With Russia falsely claiming it had nothing to do with the hacks and dumps, Trump and his team were repeating and amplifying Putin’s disinformation. They were aiding and abetting the Kremlin. And after Trump won the election, he continued this pattern, failing to acknowledge the Russian attack and notoriously saying he accepted Putin’s denials. (One result of this was that Trump
has done nothing to prioritize actions to prevent future attacks on US elections.)
