trump running for re-election on the economy

I’m not a TRUMPY because I love trump. I’m a trumpy because I think 4 years of Hillary would’ve been disastrous and I believed his course of action was better and I believe to this day it was the right choice. I’m doubling down on trump if they put a sanders or a warren up against him. Socialism will be bad and further alienate the working class and top 10%. The dems need to go back to their roots if they want a shot at gaining the White House again.

well I am definitely not a trumpie…..and was not a Hillary lover....but I did think she was the lesser of 2 evils......and if she was so bad and would have been more of Obama...….why is Biden so popular...even among republicans when he will go back to pretty much what Obama did

In 2 states Biden way ahead of everyone to include trump....and in those states trump tied with warren and sanders
well guess maybe trump isn't to worried about re-election ...he still has Russia on his side and more than capable of taking care of things...…..Mueller stated that Russia was hacking into various systems as we speak......even Wray trumps appo9inted FBI head says the same thing,,,,,but the right doesn't seem to care......knowing that they are not real popular right now have a secret weapon again

GOP Blocks Election Security Bills -
1 day ago · “Senate Republicans blocked two election security bills and a cybersecurity measure on Wednesday in the wake of former special counsel Robert Mueller warning about meddling attempts during his public testimony before congressional lawmakers,” The Hill reports. “But Sen. Cindy Hyde-Smith (R-MS) blocked each of the bills.

The Senate Will Not Vote on Any Election Security Bills ...
May 16, 2019 · The Senate Will Not Vote on Any Election Security Bills, GOP Senator Says Mitch McConnell is to blame.

Funny the election in 2016 that you seemed SO concerned about - happened under Obama’s watch - he knew about it - and - DID NOTHING - apparently he was unconcerned it would seem.
well I am definitely not a trumpie…..and was not a Hillary lover....but I did think she was the lesser of 2 evils......and if she was so bad and would have been more of Obama...….why is Biden so popular...even among republicans when he will go back to pretty much what Obama did

In 2 states Biden way ahead of everyone to include trump....and in those states trump tied with warren and sanders

With all due respect with each passing day trump will have four more years. Part of it is that the democrats are offering nothing and have done nothing. They continue to offer free stuff with no solution on how to pay for it that makes any practical sense. The latest polls show immigration is a huge topic and just about everyone I talk to agrees that the democrats are not taking the right approach. I will say I associate with more conservatives than democrats to be fair. They’ve spent what time they have in the house doing nothing but trying to impeach trump. Americans are getting tired of the time being wasted on such moronic affairs. If your a democrat I hope for your sake he loses because if he gets the house they will push through everything he tried to do in 4 years in 2.
Funny the election in 2016 that you seemed SO concerned about - happened under Obama’s watch - he knew about it - and - DID NOTHING - apparently he was unconcerned it would seem.

well there Mr. Smooth tongue and short memory.....

Russian Election Meddling Is All On Mitch McConnell, Not ...
Russian Election Meddling Is All On Mitch McConnell, Not Barack Obama. 14k. SHARES. ... in a secret meeting with the Gang of 12 – a bipartisan group of House and Senate leaders – for a show of ...

Biden: McConnell stopped Obama from calling out Russians ...
Joe Biden said Tuesday that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell stopped the Obama administration from speaking out about Russian interference in the …

Obama and Congress Knew About Russian Hacking—And They …
Obama and Congress Knew About Russian Hacking—And They Did Nothing. ... McConnell knew the score. Paul Ryan knew. Other GOP Congressmen in the meetin
With all due respect with each passing day trump will have four more years. Part of it is that the democrats are offering nothing and have done nothing. They continue to offer free stuff with no solution on how to pay for it that makes any practical sense. The latest polls show immigration is a huge topic and just about everyone I talk to agrees that the democrats are not taking the right approach. I will say I associate with more conservatives than democrats to be fair. They’ve spent what time they have in the house doing nothing but trying to impeach trump. Americans are getting tired of the time being wasted on such moronic affairs. If your a democrat I hope for your sake he loses because if he gets the house they will push through everything he tried to do in 4 years in 2.

only if the dems shoot themselves in the foot.....why is it the economy booming and yet still trump not liked?

Bad sign for Trump 2020: Voters like the economy, but don ...
Nov 20, 2018 · Voters mostly dislike Trump even as they like how he's doing with the economy — which could mean trouble for his 2020 re-election campaign ... 74 percent, rated the economy as "very go
It’s funny watching the Dems dig themselves a big ole hole that’s getting SO deep they’ll never get out - and the REALLY funny part - is it seems - they have NOT a clue : }

speaking of not having a do know it is daylight outside don't you?
ot are you waiting for Fox News to tell you that also
No offense sub hub but some of your articles posted are coming from not sourced news outlets. I mean I can throw up infowars articles but it’s far right skewed. Let’s be truly honest here.

actually there are several that some might consider not credible....time...politicfact and several others...but all been doing news for a long time and now Fake?

.I just type in whatever I am looking for and try to post several different sources for that vey reason...this one biased...that one fake....they all can't be!

rarely do I post only one net find...usually at least 3
Sounds like you were lucky enough to have your girl take it so well. I’d venture to think she has either been with a black guy before or at least fantasized about it before you brought it up. Like Mac n fries said take the right approach, really put thought into the type of people you’ll invite into your life and how you want yo approach the process and what is acceptable and unacceptable to you both. Once they bbc goes in her things are going to change to some extent.
Sounds like fighting words good luck @Stlcouple0701, welcome to the never ending political debate club but debate fair and no hitting below the belt. ?
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You said “facts are a funny thing when they go against what you have been told and believe”

Your thought process you couldn’t have put any better in your own any rate follow the money, and start looking at who owns the media companies and then research their all will start to make sense...good luck!

won't deny that...look at who owns Fox News?...Rupert Murdoch....about as far right and etc as you can get

as for the others...if they post something not factual they are liable......and post a retraction or get sued.....ever see trump sue any of them!

BTW...just like trump hates them for reporting on's the news people that do most of the leg work into political corruption of no matter who.....they keep the politicians honest and that is hard to do....they are a necessary evil!
...look at who owns Fox News?...Rupert Murdoch....about as far right and etc as you can get
Speaking of Rupert Murdoch ... the Eagles did this song just for HIM ..... check it out!
"Dirty Laundry" .... there's some really hot bitches in this video, too, along with some awesome lead guitar playing:

Speaking of Rupert Murdoch ... the Eagles did this song just for HIM ..... check it out!
"Dirty Laundry" .... there's some really hot bitches in this video, too, along with some awesome lead guitar playing:

Just for you guys @MacNfries and @subhub174014 did you see this? All of a sudden I feel hungry for chicken...
U.S. Economic Growth Seen Stumbling as Trade Hits Companies
Jul 25, 2019 · Continued solid gains in jobs and wages prevented growth from sinking into the doldrums -- at least for now.‘‘The biggest factor weighing on growth is a rather sizable swing downward in ...

Trump’s big 2020 problem: The economy could be in ...
Jul 23, 2019 · More than a third of top economic forecasters now predict a U.S. recession in 2020, according to the latest Blue Chip forecast, and 44 percent of …

US economy slowed to 2.1% growth rate in second quarter ...
1 day ago · WASHINGTON (AP) — The U.S. economy slowed sharply in the April-June quarter even as consumers stepped up their spending. The gross domestic product, the economy's total output of goods and services, grew at a 2.1% annual rate last quarter, down from a 3.1% gain in the first quarter, the Commerce Department estimated Friday.