trump running for re-election on the economy

Trump's running on the assumptions he can divide the country, suppress minority voting, and getting more help from Russia.
Here in NC, the NC Supreme Court is "again" reviewing the radical Republican gerrymandering that took place in 2014, 2016, and 2018. The Republican General Assembly have been told 3 times by judges to FIX the gerrymandering that has enabled them, the past two elections, to win or keep state seats even though the Democrats received more votes than the Republicans. This time information has been brought forward that shows the Republicans hid & misrepresented important information in their last court confrontation. "ReThuglicans, can't vote 'em out, can't ******* 'em."

The recent SCOTUS decision was to let the states decide Mac...the problem with what your saying is the blue states do the same thing..
The biggest problem in politics is neither side cares about the middle class, the left cares more about the people hopping the border and the right cares more about the top 10%. The reason why I lean right at the end of the day is because my life won’t go to ******* under republican leadership but has the chance to do a 180 if sanders is elected.
The biggest problem in politics is neither side cares about the middle class, the left cares more about the people hopping the border and the right cares more about the top 10%. The reason why I lean right at the end of the day is because my life won’t go to ******* under republican leadership but has the chance to do a 180 if sanders is elected.

you might want to rethink your logic a little there
you cant agree with Sanders

oh hell no.....he will never make it as the nominee......but last time he didn't make it...he would not ask his supporters to support Hillary...and they just didn't vote....he could throw a wrench in this years also

out of the whole bunch he has to be the one with the most "gimmes"....and people just are not going to support that....the people on the end of the gimme might...but that's it
I always thought she paid him to bow out

not hardly...….you know he lost and never said a word nor complain about anything...why is that?

He got caught hacking the DNC computers getting lists of all the big money donors off Hillarys pages....said it thought it was for everyone to use....even though he had to go into Hillary's section to get it...….some time after that it came up he was offering Hillary's precinct captains more money to come work for him AND a bonus if they brought the list of Hillary supporters......he is a shifty fuck......far worse than what you say about warren!
not hardly...….you know he lost and never said a word nor complain about anything...why is that?

He got caught hacking the DNC computers getting lists of all the big money donors off Hillarys pages....said it thought it was for everyone to use....even though he had to go into Hillary's section to get it...….some time after that it came up he was offering Hillary's precinct captains more money to come work for him AND a bonus if they brought the list of Hillary supporters......he is a shifty fuck......far worse than what you say about warren!

Truth be told. I don’t agree with trump on everything but it is a breathe of fresh air to see someone bullet point their agenda in a campaign, get elected, and stay on point with that. Not get elected and either flip flop or ignore what they got elected for. Is he perfect? he a narcissist? PROBABLY self absorbed? MOST DEFINITELY...BUT at the end of the day, he says what he means and does what he says...if it overall benefits America then I could care less how many pussies he’s grabbed or how many of his businesses have failed. I don’t care about his personal traits of him or any other candidate. I care about what they are going to fix and change if elected. Trump has been the least disappointment if compared to the last several we’ve had. Is there someone that could do better? PROBABLY. The question I’ve asked myself when I watch these debates is are any of these candidates platforms better than what Trump is doing? I can’t honestly say yes to that.
a breathe of fresh air

there are a lot of questions as to how he got there....and seems to be working on that again to stay there...more like a breath of ass gas!

stay on point with that.

the only thing he is on point about is his lies and cover up...he has been on point trying to destroy anything Obama be damned...even to the point of risking war!

Not get elected and either flip flop or ignore what they got elected for

what campaign promise has he kept?...drain the swamp?....he overfilled it!......bring jobs back? jobs going overseas at a higher rate than before!......Build a wall with Mexico paying for it?.....we are paying for it!...… care? ...where is it? so far he has just made it far worse! goes on and on

BUT at the end of the day, he says what he means and does what he says...

the only thing he has said what he means is his still acting like he is on TV and firing people.....the same people that look out for the country as a whole...but also have found out about he didn't want out!....we now have no one with experience in any key job...….all just trump appointed yes like any dictator he can punish his enemies....that's why he has a fascination for dictators...he wants to be one

...if it overall benefits America then I could care less how many pussies he’s grabbed or how many of his businesses have failed.

just what has he done that benefits America?
as for grabbing pussies...just show how low the republican Morales and standards have sunk
used to be the pres was always held to a higher standard......that's out the window with this one...his standards are rock bottom!
there are a lot of questions as to how he got there....and seems to be working on that again to stay there...more like a breath of ass gas!

the only thing he is on point about is his lies and cover up...he has been on point trying to destroy anything Obama be damned...even to the point of risking war!

what campaign promise has he kept?...drain the swamp?....he overfilled it!......bring jobs back? jobs going overseas at a higher rate than before!......Build a wall with Mexico paying for it?.....we are paying for it!...… care? ...where is it? so far he has just made it far worse! goes on and on

the only thing he has said what he means is his still acting like he is on TV and firing people.....the same people that look out for the country as a whole...but also have found out about he didn't want out!....we now have no one with experience in any key job...….all just trump appointed yes like any dictator he can punish his enemies....that's why he has a fascination for dictators...he wants to be one

just what has he done that benefits America?
as for grabbing pussies...just show how low the republican Morales and standards have sunk
used to be the pres was always held to a higher standard......that's out the window with this one...his standards are rock bottom!


ok so I am bitter or just hate the guy...whatever...I DO...I don't like how he got there and for me that is a big issue...russia has always been our enemy and they have done nothing world wide except to show they still should be
and I am always for the middle class......and I see nothing there...and I think he is weakening our security just to cover his ass and prosecute his enemies....his pussy grabbing...whatever..not a real issue for me......although like I said we used to hold the pres to a higher standard....they all have been under a microscope always have been.....but this guy doesn't want you looking...what does he have to hide?....the more he tries to hide things just makes people that much more determined to find out what he is hiding...
ok so I am bitter or just hate the guy...whatever...I DO...I don't like how he got there and for me that is a big issue...russia has always been our enemy and they have done nothing world wide except to show they still should be
and I am always for the middle class......and I see nothing there...and I think he is weakening our security just to cover his ass and prosecute his enemies....his pussy grabbing...whatever..not a real issue for me......although like I said we used to hold the pres to a higher standard....they all have been under a microscope always have been.....but this guy doesn't want you looking...what does he have to hide?....the more he tries to hide things just makes people that much more determined to find out what he is hiding...

Seriously this Russia thing was a huge hoax and non issue...all the people prosecuted were for crimes completely unrelated. It’s like getting pulled over for a bad tail light and having a mobile prohibited chemical lab...huge difference. Secondly the leftist media is so biased and untruthful which is why their ratings are tanking and people are leaving. I get it you hate trump...I’m saying let’s talk about who has a better plan. Obviously his plan is better than Obama, the deficit hasn’t changed much but the economy is booming with record unemployment.
Seriously this Russia thing was a huge hoax and non issue...all the people prosecuted were for crimes completely unrelated. It’s like getting pulled over for a bad tail light and having a mobile prohibited chemical lab...huge difference. Secondly the leftist media is so biased and untruthful which is why their ratings are tanking and people are leaving. I get it you hate trump...I’m saying let’s talk about who has a better plan. Obviously his plan is better than Obama, the deficit hasn’t changed much but the economy is booming with record unemployment.

how can it be....that's your trump mind talking...when another gov (dutch) call and say we have two americans dealing with known Russian spies....get to checking and find out trumps campaign is full of them...….you wouldn't take a look....the more you look the more you find...yes they are being prosecuted for unrelated crimes.....but if you listened to mueller several times...especially when it came to Don Jr.....he could not comment...which would lead me to think there is still more investigating going on....and because trump holds that office they are not going to bring it up yet until they have it I don't think they are done yet...just my thoughts....or else why wouldn't mueller comment on Jr's talks?

only people on the right are saying the ratings are tanking...I hear the same for Fox.....most of that is the republican propaganda machine...and the Russian bots we already know they are hard at work on the 2020 election.....and they know they need to...trump won't make it on his own

you want to talk about a better plan....he has NEVER had one...even for his military least the dems are proposing some...not a lot of good ones but they are proposing them.....remember his health is going to be soo he says it will be after next election...and after that? how long as the right promised a health care plan to begin with

his plan better than Obama......look at how many got health insurance under Obama....and where they stand now

the deficit hasn't changed...….even with all Obamas spending trying to save the economy....he didn't raise it like trump has done and he hasn't even got started yet....he didn't bankrupt 8 companies for has gone up what

Budget Deficits Are Only Getting Bigger under Trump. According to OMB, the federal budget deficit will reach $1 trillion in 2019, roughly $101 billion more than previously projected. That also means deficits will top $1 trillion a year earlier than under previous projections from the Congressional Budget Office.

is the economy booming...….he was handed a growing economy...true he hasn't fucked it up yet.....but does the middle class se any of it in their of fact economy is starting a downward trend right now...that's why he is lowering the interest rate to get people to spend more.…(money they don't have)

the only real friend I think he has is His taylor….he manages to keep buying those pot bellied suits!
pretty sure a link?
I can provide several where the right does it

I think the last time I checked it was somewhere around 22 red 13 blue and the rest a mix In the state House and senate legislatures. So it clearly favors the right but SCOTUS is leaving it up to the states. So yes states with one leaning side of the isle will control the district lines. But both liberals and conservatives abuse that power.
I think the last time I checked it was somewhere around 22 red 13 blue and the rest a mix In the state House and senate legislatures. So it clearly favors the right but SCOTUS is leaving it up to the states. So yes states with one leaning side of the isle will control the district lines. But both liberals and conservatives abuse that power.

I think you are over looking all the gerrymandering going on ….vote suppression...and etc....all to keep the right in power
I think you are over looking all the gerrymandering going on ….vote suppression...and etc....all to keep the right in power

I don’t have an issue discussing topics but do just sit around and berate a person is accomplishing nothing. The left wants to attack trump on a personal note instead of talking about his policies and what could be done different. Ironically I think most people care more about that than him as a person and that’s why he will get re-elected.