trump running for re-election on the economy

Trump did a press conference and behind him the presential seal was corrupted, I thought you might have had a hand in it as it stated that the president is a puppet? Trump was pranked.

no it sounds like a true statement....don't suppose that there are others not thrilled with him do you?
When Trump learns about himself being pranked there will be hell to pay. I know that would make you happy. That was why I shared it. :)

He has been humiliated more than once already...….when the pats won the superbowl last year trump got a pat helmet presented to him....but a few years prior when the pats won and Obama was pres..he got a helmet also......signed by the whole team.....most refused to sign the one for trump so he got just a plain helmet!
He has been humiliated more than once already...….when the pats won the superbowl last year trump got a pat helmet presented to him....but a few years prior when the pats won and Obama was pres..he got a helmet also......signed by the whole team.....most refused to sign the one for trump so he got just a plain helmet!
Well Trump will get respect unlike the late Rodney Dangerfield when he gets re-elected either by the American people or through MrPutin. But given how the Dems are this time he can tell his programming hacker comrades to take a break this time and to ******* some vodka and to play some chess instead as Trump can't lose.
As much as you and a couple others keep saying the same thing over and over, it seems like you're trying to convince YOURSELVES, STIFF.
Should Trump's second term manifest into reality I would think you, @subhub174014, and a few others will be more irritated @MacNfries similiar to the fashion 3 years ago where all I did was to merely suggest that not only that Trump would survive his first year as POTUS, as well as his second year as POTUS, as well as his third year as POTUS, as well as his fourth year as POTUS, but also to get re-elected you and several others greatly criticized me. If at that time a certain poll had an option for Trump's re-election without impeachment I would have anonymously clicked it and that would be it. However if such an option existed it would have robbed me the unexpected batteries of debates I had with you @MacNfries and @subhub174014 as well as others that would prefer to remain nameless. Too bad back then you didn't give me 1,000:1 or 10,000:1 vegas-odds with Trump's re-election, I would have cleaned up next year in that long term wager! ?
well guess maybe trump isn't to worried about re-election ...he still has Russia on his side and more than capable of taking care of things...…..Mueller stated that Russia was hacking into various systems as we speak......even Wray trumps appo9inted FBI head says the same thing,,,,,but the right doesn't seem to care......knowing that they are not real popular right now have a secret weapon again

GOP Blocks Election Security Bills -
1 day ago · “Senate Republicans blocked two election security bills and a cybersecurity measure on Wednesday in the wake of former special counsel Robert Mueller warning about meddling attempts during his public testimony before congressional lawmakers,” The Hill reports. “But Sen. Cindy Hyde-Smith (R-MS) blocked each of the bills.

The Senate Will Not Vote on Any Election Security Bills ...
May 16, 2019 · The Senate Will Not Vote on Any Election Security Bills, GOP Senator Says Mitch McConnell is to blame.
oh *******....I forgot...most trumptards can't or won't read anything against what ******* for brains tells them

facts are a funny thing when they go against what you have been told and believe
if he were to get re-elected it would just show the world we have more un-informed people than most countries

You said “facts are a funny thing when they go against what you have been told and believe”

Your thought process you couldn’t have put any better in your own any rate follow the money, and start looking at who owns the media companies and then research their all will start to make sense...good luck!
Should Trump's second term manifest into reality I would think you, @subhub174014, and a few others will be more irritated @MacNfries similiar to the fashion 3 years ago where all I did was to merely suggest that not only that Trump would survive his first year as POTUS, as well as his second year as POTUS, as well as his third year as POTUS, as well as his fourth year as POTUS, but also to get re-elected you and several others greatly criticized me. If at that time a certain poll had an option for Trump's re-election without impeachment I would have anonymously clicked it and that would be it. However if such an option existed it would have robbed me the unexpected batteries of debates I had with you @MacNfries and @subhub174014 as well as others that would prefer to remain nameless. Too bad back then you didn't give me 1,000:1 or 10,000:1 vegas-odds with Trump's re-election, I would have cleaned up next year in that long term wager! ?

IF.....IF.....If by any chance he might get would just increase the odds of his impeachment....some dems complaining now running out of time as it takes over a year
also as time goes on we are finding out more and more just how corrupt this guy truly is
IF.....IF.....If by any chance he might get would just increase the odds of his impeachment....some dems complaining now running out of time as it takes over a year
also as time goes on we are finding out more and more just how corrupt this guy truly is

The biggest threat we face as a country though is the lack of honest reporting and journalism in media and the fact that political sides now control it and turn people into sheep. It’s the one thing long ago that separate us from most countries. I hope someday it changes.
Sounds like you were lucky enough to have your girl take it so well. I’d venture to think she has either been with a black guy before or at least fantasized about it before you brought it up. Like Mac n fries said take the right approach, really put thought into the type of people you’ll invite into your life and how you want yo approach the process and what is acceptable and unacceptable to you both. Once they bbc goes in her things are going to change to some extent.
The biggest threat we face as a country though is the lack of honest reporting and journalism in media and the fact that political sides now control it and turn people into sheep. It’s the one thing long ago that separate us from most countries. I hope someday it changes.

well a lot of that is just trumps version because people are reporting on things he doesn't want out....any president no matter who or party has always been under the microscope...always has.....well prior to Kennedy bad things against a pres were just not reported on....but since it has been a grab to see who can get the news first.....and sometimes it is not accurate....not being partial here...but I think Fox is the only one that puts out flat lies and knowingly so.....I'm told MSNBC is pretty much a left leaner...and CNN..but they are also getting the trumps version of fake news...but for the most part...don't think they are intentionally leaning....just wanting to be first on a subject

why can't Russia effectively do anything with Frances elections?...….they have a truth in advertising type law......and it applies to politicians better tell the truth or......

if we had something similar here most politicians couldn't run....they would be ****** to run on their laurels instead of lies about the competition

know of anyone from either party that would vote for something like that?
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well a lot of that is just trumps version because people are reporting on things he doesn't want out....any president no matter who or party has always been under the microscope...always has.....well prior to Kennedy bad things against a pres were just not reported on....but since it has been a grab to see who can get the news first.....and sometimes it is not accurate....not being partial here...but I think Fox is the only one that puts out flat lies and knowingly so.....I'm told MSNBC is pretty much a left leaner...and CNN..but they are also getting the trumps version of fake news...but for the most part...don't think they are intentionally leaning....just wanting to be first on a subject

why can't Russia effectively do anything with Frances elections?...….they have a truth in advertising type law......and it applies to politicians better tell the truth or......

if we had something similar here most politicians couldn't run....they would be ****** to run on their laurels instead of lies about the competition

MSNBC and CNN tell lies my the very least they don’t tell the whole truth which is worse because it’s manipulative. I’ll give the crisis at the border a go. There is 10x more people crossing it illegally thus more detentions. The left says conditions are despicable and people are dying. ONLY the TRUTH in reality is deaths are down under Trumps watch compared to Obama AND there is 10x more crossing it today than 4 years ago. Secondly when the caravans were crossing and getting gassed it showed moms running with toddlers in tow with plumes of smoke behind it...FOX showed the perpetrators hurling rocks and Molotov cocktails at the BP thus resulting in the gas. But CNN spun the story as they now do 95% of the time. Which goes back to my original statements.
MSNBC and CNN tell lies my the very least they don’t tell the whole truth which is worse because it’s manipulative. I’ll give the crisis at the border a go. There is 10x more people crossing it illegally thus more detentions. The left says conditions are despicable and people are dying. ONLY the TRUTH in reality is deaths are down under Trumps watch compared to Obama AND there is 10x more crossing it today than 4 years ago. Secondly when the caravans were crossing and getting gassed it showed moms running with toddlers in tow with plumes of smoke behind it...FOX showed the perpetrators hurling rocks and Molotov cocktails at the BP thus resulting in the gas. But CNN spun the story as they now do 95% of the time. Which goes back to my original statements.

I have never watched or listened to I have no for CNN....I like jake tapper and Fareed Zakari?...the guy the covers world politics and the effects what does what to other countries...they are both on for the rest....don't think they lie as much as they have selective reporting....and I won't argue that...I watch a lot of CBS..well listen mostly in the morning and when price is right comes on I switch to CNN...I'm a libber but they still get on my nerves sometimes.

now you are getting selective in your reporting...there are 10x more people trying to come in...most are seeking asylum....something we have always given.....and by trumps own admission he is trying to make it rough on those that come so they will quit coming...….the stuff he is doing...are things we fought wars against....but people here will not say anything..because they don't want other country will say anything...we are the US....look under trump at the amount of people in povery and what we are doing about that!..nothing except taking more away to cover those tax breaks for the 10%

by your own admission you are reporting on what Fox tells you...and they have been banned as a news source in a couple countries and not allowed on as a news source and only opinion in some others...but here money talks and can get what they want and feed it to those that want to believe

a little logic would apply here...….we all know trump has a team of lawyers looking out for him...he has sued several.....don't you think if CNN had lied about anything he wouldn't have sued them.....he hasn't......same for some of these others he claims are fake new
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I have never watched or listened to I have no for CNN....I like jake tapper and Fareed Zakari?...the guy the covers world politics and the effects what does what to other countries...they are both on for the rest....don't think they lie as much as they have selective reporting....and I won't argue that...I watch a lot of CBS..well listen mostly in the morning and when price is right comes on I switch to CNN...I'm a libber but they still get on my nerves sometimes.

now you are getting selective in your reporting...there are 10x more people trying to come in...most are seeking asylum....something we have always given.....and by trumps own admission he is trying to make it rough on those that come so they will quit coming...….the stuff he is doing...are things we fought wars against....but people here will not say anything..because they don't want other country will say anything...we are the US....look under trump at the amount of people in povery and what we are doing about that!..nothing except taking more away to cover those tax breaks for the 10%

by your own admission you are reporting on what Fox tells you...and they have been banned as a news source in a couple countries and not allowed on as a news source and only opinion in some others...but here money talks and can get what they want and feed it to those that want to believe

a little logic would apply here...….we all know trump has a team of lawyers looking out for him...he has sued several.....don't you think if CNN had lied about anything he wouldn't have sued them.....he hasn't......same for some of these others he claims are fake new

I’m not a TRUMPY because I love trump. I’m a trumpy because I think 4 years of Hillary would’ve been disastrous and I believed his course of action was better and I believe to this day it was the right choice. I’m doubling down on trump if they put a sanders or a warren up against him. Socialism will be bad and further alienate the working class and top 10%. The dems need to go back to their roots if they want a shot at gaining the White House again.
one of the things I noticed yesterday when asked about Jr.....Mueller could not comment at this time....why?...must be more going on by someone else///I think once trump is out of office he is open for charges and can not pardon anyone we might see Trump...trump Jr....Hannity and several others in trouble