trump running for re-election on the economy

no doubt...tariffs encourage people to buy American or pay more money for a ******* product......and stll the majority of our steele comes from Canada...mexico...and what we recycle

China made 49.2 percent of the world’s steel last year, up from 49 percent in 2016. Steel output grew by 6.2 percent in India, 4.1 percent in the European Union and 3.7 percent in South Korea. Production rose 4.8 percent to 116 million tons in North America, most of which was made in the United States.
used to see stamps from all over now almost all usa
In the minority in the country too - I betcha :}

how can that be when he has never been more than 40% in the polls...lowest of any president
he didn't even win the popular vote WITH Russia's help

he is probably 2 points higher than a hemorrhoid….

and that's appropriate since they are both a pain in the ass!
we are in the minority around here....mostly trumpies
You mean mostly TeaBaggers who are all backing Trump now. Of course they aren't the Tea Party anymore ... that's their old, dirty name. They call themselves the Americans for Prosperity and Freedom Works, but they still are the TeaBag party in every way. You'd think they'd be AGAINST big spending and big government; at least they were when Obama was President. NOW, it doesn't matter and they say nothing about Trump's spending and big government, or lack of an infrastructure plan that Trump chastised Hillary Clinton over. These days its over racial identity and the racial identity crisis, and the Republican party is now confused ... where do they go NOW ... stay with Trump or call him out? The Koch Brothers, who helped fund the TeaBaggers, is calling it QUITSVILLE with Trump and willing to back other Republicans AND/OR Democrats in some districts now.
Trumps running his cabinet with "temps' these days ... nice to know. Of course the permanent employees he hires seem to stay a few months then either QUIT or get INDICTED and go to prison. A sanitation worker could very well become head of the EPA; all it takes is Fox News Sean Hannity to suggest it.
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Economy is rocking GO Trump

Americans love the economy — but most still don't like Trump
Jan 11, 2018 · Americans love the economy — but most still don't like Trump. Voters believe Trump is not honest by a 63 to 34 percent margin, while they think by a 59 percent to 39 percent margin that he does not have good leadership skills, the poll says. In addition, respondents by a 59 percent to 38 percent margin believe he does not care about the average American.
Rasmussen and NBC latest polls has his approval rating at 48 and 50% and trending up - not sure which numbers for which poll but those are the latest numbers :}