trump running for re-election on the economy

Well, this topic seems to be a private party between < subhub < and > allforth <. In my opinion, policy is of no concern in this forum. Incidentally, this lousy president has a lot of hotties in his internal staff to enjoy bbc! Am I right in assuming that I am not alone on this planet with my attitude? - lol - :devil:
Well, this topic seems to be a private party between < subhub < and > allforth <. In my opinion, policy is of no concern in this forum. Incidentally, this lousy president has a lot of hotties in his internal staff to enjoy bbc! Am I right in assuming that I am not alone on this planet with my attitude? - lol - :devil:

well not a private party...just us carrying on the conversation for a little while.....welcome to the battleground
Yes, Sir! I accept the bout and join the private party! To start with: This president is a shame for the USA and it is my unshaken conviction that - in spite of many distorted perspectives - the economy is not as good as in the media reported! China is a big threat and becomes stronger and stronger. If the awakened dragon would throw the horded US-bills a/o US-bonds on the money market, the US economy would collapse and the US dollar 'kaputt'!
Yes, Sir! I accept the bout and join the private party! To start with: This president is a shame for the USA and it is my unshaken conviction that - in spite of many distorted perspectives - the economy is not as good as in the media reported! China is a big threat and becomes stronger and stronger. If the awakened dragon would throw the horded US-bills a/o US-bonds on the money market, the US economy would collapse and the US dollar 'kaputt'!

hey some one that knows whats going on......the economy is nowhere what trump claims...people are not seeing it.... china taking all that money we give them to use on weaponry against us..and not to mention the technology they steal everyday....just a matter of time before this economy takes a major dump!
The economy is booming and every day when i think it will slow it grows even more Go Trump if you want to beat China dont buy there ******* shame those how do.
Hey, are you blindfolded or just a Trump follower without knowing or realize that China has its hands on 90% of the so-called 'rare metals' like the very rare terbium which is basically needed for the production of high-tech devices according to a research by the Institute of Global Security. History shows, that the Chinese are smart enough to play this card. Of course, they uninhibeted steal western know-how like the Japs did after WWII. They only pretend to be liable and co-operative. But, the very minute you reach them your hand, you have to count your fingernails afterwards! ?

We mine here to easier to process in china less regulations

wrong again there oh right wing supporter......we don't mine any metals or very little anymore....we buy most of it from other countries......where do we get our metal you might ask...…..seriously we recycle cars!
and etc

and as for the less regulations...are those such a good deal?
just had lunch at a place called the "fish shack"...big sign on the door.....please do not complain about the taste of our water...and a notice from the city.....this water meets government standards!

we MIGHT have been over regulated...but some of it was for our own good!
No doubt it’s President Trump’s fault for your shitty tasting water - although - I believe municipalities are the ones controlling water quality - at least they do in my town and issue reports on it periodically.
wrong again there oh right wing supporter......we don't mine any metals or very little anymore....we buy most of it from other countries......where do we get our metal you might ask...…..seriously we recycle cars!
and etc

and as for the less regulations...are those such a good deal?
just had lunch at a place called the "fish shack"...big sign on the door.....please do not complain about the taste of our water...and a notice from the city.....this water meets government standards!

we MIGHT have been over regulated...but some of it was for our own good!
i buy alot of steel more and more is stamped usa on it we have been producing alot more domestic since tariffs THEY BOOST DEMAND FOR OUR STUFF
No doubt it’s President Trump’s fault for your shitty tasting water - although - I believe municipalities are the ones controlling water quality - at least they do in my town and issue reports on it periodically.

yes they do....but most are not going to do any more than they are ****** to do!

raise the standards back up to where we can ******* normal water again
i buy alot of steel more and more is stamped usa on it we have been producing alot more domestic since tariffs THEY BOOST DEMAND FOR OUR STUFF

no doubt...tariffs encourage people to buy American or pay more money for a ******* product......and stll the majority of our steele comes from Canada...mexico...and what we recycle

China made 49.2 percent of the world’s steel last year, up from 49 percent in 2016. Steel output grew by 6.2 percent in India, 4.1 percent in the European Union and 3.7 percent in South Korea. Production rose 4.8 percent to 116 million tons in North America, most of which was made in the United States.