trump running for re-election on the economy

For most Americans, real wages have barely budged for ...
Aug 07, 2018 · But in real, inflation-adjusted terms, the median has barely budged over that period: That $232 in 1979 had the same purchasing power as $840 in today’s dollars. Meanwhile, wage gains have gone largely to the highest earners.

In U.S., wage growth is being wiped out entirely by inflation
Jul 08, 2019 · The average U.S. “real wage,” a federal measure of pay that takes inflation into account, fell to $10.76 an hour last month, 2 cents down from where it was a year ago.

Why Aren't Wages Keeping Up? It's Not The Economy, It's ...
Oct 31, 2018 · Let’s just discuss the issues of wages: they are not keeping up with inflation. Consider the data below . While the GDP has risen (after inflation), real incomes have barely budged.
Pro-choice nation: Nearly 70 percent of Americans favor ...
Jan 04, 2017 · Pro-choice nation: Nearly 70 percent of Americans favor Roe v Wade. As a candidate, President-elect Donald Trump seemed to support overturning the ruling, saying in an interview with 60 Minutes that he would appoint pro-life justices to the bench who would possibly overturn the 1973 ruling, making it a state issue.
Thank you o propaganda minister - for that dose of biased reporting - it isn’t like we’re not already not bombarded with it. ;}
Thank you o propaganda minister - for that dose of biased reporting - it isn’t like we’re not already not bombarded with it. ;}

hey....just doing what I can to help the cause...…..cause he is such a jerk to put it mildly....for a guy running for re-election.....he is going against a lot of things the majority of the country is for....but...hey even Stalin had a short run
damn Blkdlaur I don't know how you put up with watching MSN and CNN...never watched MSN but I like Jake Tapper and fareed on sun morn on CNN...…..but now those damn commercials for something getting out of hand...….today

Please America needs your help....these poor mind fucked republicans are becoming for too many....and with the short supply of psychiatrist we need your help and with the small donation of just $900.00 dollars a day we can get these people the needed mind repairs they need.
Eventually you have to understand its your way of thinking thats crazy

odd? I was thinking the same about you......if I posted all the crazy ******* your party and pres has done you would see the light....must be the glasses you have on are "tainted"

we must have fought in 2 different armies.....I fought in the one that fought for freedom....while you seem to be happy with a man trying to take a lot of those away....freedom of the press would be a good one that comes to mind

now you seem to put party over country
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K - you think our way of thinking is crazy

While your candidates mostly are running on:

Having open borders - then providing free health care for illegal aliens - which means anyone in the world can walk in and get free health care - which we are paying for - that’s sure rational thought :|

Then there’s free health care for all

Free college for all

While we’re at it let’s forgive ALL college debt

******* babies born alive - late term abortion


Though no mention of how you’re gonna pay for all that!!!!!!

And we’re the CRAZY one’s ?????

You liberals are a RIOT - and - TOTALLY out of touch with the average American and reality - good luck in 2020 with that platform - suckers ;}
K - you think our way of thinking is crazy

While your candidates mostly are running on:

Having open borders - then providing free health care for illegal aliens - which means anyone in the world can walk in and get free health care - which we are paying for - that’s sure rational thought :|

Then there’s free health care for all

Free college for all

While we’re at it let’s forgive ALL college debt

******* babies born alive - late term abortion


And we’re the CRAZY one’s ?????

You liberals are a RIOT - and - TOTALLY out of touch with the average American and reality - good luck in 2020 with that platform - suckers ;}
They will promise whatever they think will get them votes
K - you think our way of thinking is crazy

While your candidates mostly are running on:

Having open borders - then providing free health care for illegal aliens - which means anyone in the world can walk in and get free health care - which we are paying for - that’s sure rational thought :|

Then there’s free health care for all

Free college for all

While we’re at it let’s forgive ALL college debt

******* babies born alive - late term abortion


Though no mention of how you’re gonna pay for all that!!!!!!

And we’re the CRAZY one’s ?????

You liberals are a RIOT - and - TOTALLY out of touch with the average American and reality - good luck in 2020 with that platform - suckers ;}

you got all that from one of Trump's speech writers didn't you......not an ounce of truth to any of it!
Not sure why this is in the news....hell trump insults everyone....except the trumpies and they just don't understand what he is getting at

Trump Tells American ‘Progressive Congresswomen’ to Leave ...
1 hour ago · Trump Tells ‘Progressive Congresswomen’ to Go Back Where They ‘Came From’ “That is a racist tweet,” said Congressman Ben Ray Lujan

Trump tweets racist attacks at progressive congresswomen ...
Jul 14, 2019 · President Donald Trump used racist language on Sunday to attack progressive Democratic congresswomen, falsely implying they weren't natural-born American citizens.
you got all that from one of Trump's speech writers didn't you......not an ounce of truth to any of it!

Now - and I can honestly say this - YOU are WRONG - all that was gleaned directly from the 4 hours of my life that I completely wasted watching the Democrat debates.
Now - and I can honestly say this - YOU are WRONG - all that was gleaned directly from the 4 hours of my life that I completely wasted watching the Democrat debates.

then you need to see a head are starting to talk like trump
and I am NEVER wrong...been mistaken a time or two but not wrong