trump running for re-election on the economy

All pro TRUMP 2020 not a problem was your 4th....had a great time.....went out of state to a car show......AND got into it with another vet!.....had a veh. there all camo'd supposed to look military I guess...and was flying the pow-mia flag...but then also had some other flag flying....looked washed and faded or red and white stripes and a blue stripe in the I told him if he was going to fly the one...why couldn't he fly the right stars and bars....he gives me all this about how that is showing support for wounded and I told him bullshit.....that is not the flag they fought and were wounded or killed was getting kind of heated and had to show my VA ID...he calmed down some....finally said it was a standard flag for that...he already knew my opinion on the flag......told him they could add something new to the pow-mia flag instead of disgracing the regular flag

he said the police and firemen have a similar version.....that is bullshit! was your 4th....had a great time.....went out of state to a car show......AND got into it with another vet!.....had a veh. there all camo'd supposed to look military I guess...and was flying the pow-mia flag...but then also had some other flag flying....looked washed and faded or red and white stripes and a blue stripe in the I told him if he was going to fly the one...why couldn't he fly the right stars and bars....he gives me all this about how that is showing support for wounded and I told him bullshit.....that is not the flag they fought and were wounded or killed was getting kind of heated and had to show my VA ID...he calmed down some....finally said it was a standard flag for that...he already knew my opinion on the flag......told him they could add something new to the pow-mia flag instead of disgracing the regular flag

he said the police and firemen have a similar version.....that is bullshit!
I hate those red stripe blue stripe flags cops and fire fly
I will agree there......they will cut each other to pieces and hand it to trump...Biden just has to stay above it all....I still have no time for someone that can not promote them selves and feel that by cutting others down to their not a candidate!

Biden is the only one that can beat trump......the rest are just flapping in the wind

Harris inferring Joe Biden is a racist is completely ridiculous!!!!! Bringing up the busing issue in that debate was crap too.
I agree completely Biden is the most like-able and electable candidate - not sure how he’d stand up to Trump in a debate though after how Harris shook him up with that bullshit - Trump is way worse than Harris ever thought of being in a debate and is already going after Biden. Doesn’t look good for you guys the way your party is kinda cutting it’s own throat between candidates and issues.
Harris inferring Joe Biden is a racist is completely ridiculous!!!!! Bringing up the busing issue in that debate was crap too.
I agree completely Biden is the most like-able and electable candidate - not sure how he’d stand up to Trump in a debate though after how Harris shook him up with that bullshit - Trump is way worse than Harris ever thought of being in a debate and is already going after Biden. Doesn’t look good for you guys the way your party is kinda cutting it’s own throat between candidates and issues.

she seems to be getting a lot of mileage out of it...….in some places they are tied!
well he didn't do good in the debate...she kind of blindsided him and caught him off guard......and with only 30 seconds to respond....takes 20 seconds to figure out you just been stabbed

I agree.….and knew along time ago we had this in the bag......if they didn't start feeding on each other

harris has those court room skills and hard to match......but she stands for ???????
pretty sure harris would eat trump alive also...….but that doesn't mean she has what it takes.....Biden does!
Harris has proven herself cagey but Biden is way more like-able and electable. I agree Harris is sharp and could present problems in a debate for Trump for that reason and that she is black and a woman.
Harris has proven herself cagey but Biden is way more like-able and electable. I agree Harris is sharp and could present problems in a debate for Trump for that reason and that she is black and a woman.

I think after Hillary that is two things the dems are pushing for black...and a woman....they need to figure out if that is what they want or do they want to beat trump.....Biden WILL get a lot of anti-trump republicans......none of the others will
Trump’s Head Of Customs And Border Protection Has Resigned
12 days ago · The operation was set to begin in the dawn hours of Sunday, but was called off by Trump. Morgan must now contend with deteriorating conditions for minors in border facilities. The latest reports about conditions at CBP holding centers came from attorneys last week who visited a Clint, Texas facility. They described children caring for infants and toddlers, a lack of access to soap and …

DHS official defends conditions at Border Patrol stations
15 hours ago · WASHINGTON (AP) — Acting Homeland Security Secretary Kevin McAleenan on Sunday defended conditions at U.S. Border Patrol stations following reports of crowded and unsanitary conditions that have heightened debate about President Donald Trump’s immigration policy, a trademark issue for his reelection campaign.
we all know he likes to push towards a war with his big mouth.....and then shows his ass as he turns tail and runs

Trump warns Iran 'better be careful' on nuclear enrichment ...
2 hours ago · Trump warns Iran 'better be careful' on nuclear enrichment. US warning comes after Iran announces it will begin enriching uranium beyond a cap set in the 2015 nuclear deal.
funny how a little thing like FACTS seem to bother some people

Sir Kim Darroch: Who is the UK ambassador who labelled the ...
23 hours ago · Sir Kim Darroch has hit the headlines for his controversial comments on Donald's Trump administration.. The UK's ambassador to the US described the White House as …

Ambassador Kim Darroch's memo
Below is a passage from Sir Kim Darroch's memo to British senior politicians.
"...We don't really believe this administration is going to become substantially more normal; less dysfunctional; less unpredictable; less faction riven; less diplomatically clumsy and inept..."

Trump has a Brit fit after leak that ambassador called him 'inept'
The president is not amused. A day after a published leak of secret diplomatic cables revealed British Ambassador Kim Darroch ...


Kim Darroch: Trump says he will no longer deal with UK ambassador who labeled him 'inept'
President Donald Trump said Monday that the White House will no longer deal with British Ambassador to the US Kim Darroch ...
The left wing media propaganda minister has spoken.

Left wing media - Trump can do nothing right
Obama could no nothing wrong.
93% negative reporting on Trump - trouble is for Dems now only you believe it - very few else believe the MSM anymore - I think reporting for over 2 years that Trump was going down for “colluding with Russia” and that turning out to be FAKE NEWS - killed their credibility to the vast majority of reasonable Americans. There is no hope for your TDS - and the endless flow of left wing propaganda flowing from the MSM - which you eat up and spit back in here falls mostly on deaf ears.
Home Depot shoppers threaten boycott over Trump-supporting ...
7 hours ago · Home Depot shoppers have been threatening to boycott the store after its co-founder, Bernie Marcus, revealed in a recent interview that he’d be donating to President Trump’s re-election bid.

Home Depot shoppers are boycotting store over founder's ...
The Home Depot cofounder Bernie Marcus is an avowed supporter of US President Donald Trump, and that seems to be costing the home-improvement store at least some customers.
The left wing media propaganda minister has spoken.

Left wing media - Trump can do nothing right
Obama could no nothing wrong.
93% negative reporting on Trump - trouble is for Dems now only you believe it - very few else believe the MSM anymore - I think reporting for over 2 years that Trump was going down for “colluding with Russia” and that turning out to be FAKE NEWS - killed their credibility to the vast majority of reasonable Americans. There is no hope for your TDS - and the endless flow of left wing propaganda flowing from the MSM - which you eat up and spit back in here falls mostly on deaf ears.

you're ******* runith over
Coming from the diarrhea of the mouth left wing propaganda minister - I take that as HIGH praise - and - I thank you very much ;}