trump running for re-election on the economy

well....nothing new going overseas at the highest rate ever...…….just more of the same from the guy going to bring jobs back...….I would settle for him just leaving the ones here that are already here!

Apple shifts Mac Pro production away from US to China ...
15 hours ago · AUSTIN -- Apple is reportedly shifting production for its new Mac Pro computer from the United States to China. The company's latest Mac Pro computer will …
guess that means trump now has the ability to start a war......just shows the world the senate backs the village idiot

Senate fails to limit Trump war powers amid Iran tensions
1 day ago · WASHINGTON (AP) — Political unease over the White House’s tough talk against Iran is reviving questions about President Donald Trump’s ability to order military strikes without approval from Congress. The Senate fell short Friday, in a 50-40 vote, on an amendment to a sweeping Defense bill ...

Senate Rejects Curb on Trump’s Authority to Strike Iran ...
Jun 28, 2019 · The Senate shot down a measure that would have required President Trump to seek Congress’s approval before launching an offensive military strike on Iran. ... war-making powers at a …
So typical of Dem’s - cause the problem - do nothing to alleviate it - then blame the other side. Trump saw this coming - tried to address it - and they told him there was NO crisis!!!!
Now all they do is whine about it - still do nothing to solve the real problem and beat Trump up about it. GEEZ !!!!!!
So typical of Dem’s - cause the problem - do nothing to alleviate it - then blame the other side. Trump saw this coming - tried to address it - and they told him there was NO crisis!!!!
Now all they do is whine about it - still do nothing to solve the real problem and beat Trump up about it. GEEZ !!!!!!

now you sound just like your fearless leader...Atilla the did the Dems create this problem...….it wasn't an issue until he made it one....matter of fact if you look back...there was no issue...most happy with the situation we had....but out of the blue he decides to end the dreamer program.....cut the funds to central America where the problem is to begin with.....separate family's….give them no food or decent living conditions....and it is a Dem's fault
what is the heat there?

TRUMP SAW NOTHING COMING<<<<<<<<HE CREATED It....trying to make a trade for his wall.(monument to himself)
now you sound just like your fearless leader...Atilla the did the Dems create this problem...….it wasn't an issue until he made it one....matter of fact if you look back...there was no issue...most happy with the situation we had....but out of the blue he decides to end the dreamer program.....cut the funds to central America where the problem is to begin with.....separate family's….give them no food or decent living conditions....and it is a Dem's fault
what is the heat there?

TRUMP SAW NOTHING COMING<<<<<<<<HE CREATED It....trying to make a trade for his wall.(monument to himself)

Amazing how people can see things so
Afuckinmazin :|