trump running for re-election on the economy

Respected - even more so now - since kiss ass Obama is gone - Trump means business - I LIKE that. USA first - not last - GOOD premise there : }

Well if it's US 1st why he go against his own administration to side with Russia?
Mission Impossible......

how to teach trump to be presidential

Well if its America first, why did this dump crooked ass President side with Russia over his on administration? ?


You guys never tire of whining

Better we fling nukes at each other?????

I get Trump - liberals just fester with TDS :|


You guys never tire of whining

Better we fling nukes at each other?????

I get Trump - liberals just fester with TDS :|

told you there is no h in winning.....and winning is what America will do when we get rid of Count Draculump!

as for the Nukes......he has got us pretty close to war as it is....then he turns tail and runs....which is it...war monger...or coward (Capt. Bonespurs)…..all that just makes the country look weak!
although he should never have shot off his mouth and got us that both just says LOSER!
I'm not for illegal immigration either but those that come here for whatever reason...mostly asylum....are entitled to a fair treatment before either getting in or being sent home

but the right has never been a party that cares for it's citizens or minorities....
Getting back on topic for this thread.....

June job growth at 225k, well ahead of expectations

Unemployment at 50 year low

Wage growth at 3.1%, well head of the ~2.0% inflation rate.

The stock market is actually pulling back some today because of expectations that the Fed will not cut rates due to the economy doing so well.

TRUMP 2020!

Actually, the first presidential election I voted in, I voted Republican; haven't since. And I most definitely wouldn't vote Republican now; they are way, way out of like with the voters. I'd rather have my testicles removed with no novocain.
Way way out - sounds like all the Democrat candidates except Biden and your own are eating him alive - if they cook ole Uncle Joe’s goose you guys are done. All the other candidates are waaaaaaaaaay too far left for the average American. Open borders and free health care for illegal aliens just pisses the average American off to NO end!!!!!
Getting back on topic for this thread.....

June job growth at 225k, well ahead of expectations

Unemployment at 50 year low

Wage growth at 3.1%, well head of the ~2.0% inflation rate.

The stock market is actually pulling back some today because of expectations that the Fed will not cut rates due to the economy doing so well.

TRUMP 2020!

you on topic? odd!

you and I both know numbers are what the trump admin wants them to be...….why is others say job numbers lower than expectations....spreading more of that trump propaganda again?
Way way out - sounds like all the Democrat candidates except Biden and your own are eating him alive - if they cook ole Uncle Joe’s goose you guys are done. All the other candidates are waaaaaaaaaay too far left for the average American. Open borders and free health care for illegal aliens just pisses the average American off to NO end!!!!!

I will agree there......they will cut each other to pieces and hand it to trump...Biden just has to stay above it all....I still have no time for someone that can not promote them selves and feel that by cutting others down to their not a candidate!

Biden is the only one that can beat trump......the rest are just flapping in the wind