Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

The Repukeians need to be punished for this. They did this right in the middle of an historic election where 60 million Americans have voted already. The Repukeians didn’t give a damn to know what the electorate wanted on this. I say go for DC statehood. That would be an automatic two additional Democratic Senators plus official voting representation in the House.
The Repukeians need to be punished for this. They did this right in the middle of an historic election where 60 million Americans have voted already. The Repukeians didn’t give a damn to know what the electorate wanted on this. I say go for DC statehood. That would be an automatic two additional Democratic Senators plus official voting representation in the House.

Followed the letter of the law enjoy
So basically, MrPutin said Hunter made some money but nothing was criminal. 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣
He just backed up Joe Biden's position. Trump must be really jealous now.

And look, @StanleyCush1 gave it a thumbs up (unless he changed it quickly). Proving my previous point that Trumptards don't/can't read well. Someone explain to the guy that this is not good news if you support Trump.
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I liked the site that she supplied. I read a great deal of it. Joe Biden is dirty without question, you can attempt to defend him all that your heart desires. The law seldom applies to those in government at least nowhere to the extent in does for us lowlife sheep. Your insults are childish, you may think there is something special about yourself, there isn't.
No Joe Biden certainly will not accomplish anything to change this country in a positive way.
And I say to each and every Trumptard that confuses "predictions" as FACTS ... that's YOUR OPINION and your opinion is not worth any more than my own opinion. Now, if you wish to get down to some "facts" that you feel you have, lets get to chatting, here. Let's talk about all the campaign promises Trump has kept. Use all the b2w ink you need. Or maybe the bribe to Hunter Biden that you think is a fact.
You see, we ALL, even you, know Trump is a big LIAR ... been lying all his life, but we noticed him when he started with the Obama "birther" lie and hung onto it for over six years. So we know Trump's prong to lying, exaggerating, re-directing, and conspiracy when it comes to people who challenge his OPINIONS ... latest ... covid-19 virus.
Why don't you tell us WHY you feel so strongly about supporting Trump when he lies and conspires on a daily basis. Don't you EVER get tired of it?
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Biden is dirty without question, you can attempt to defend him all that your heart desires.
Why should we attempt to defend Biden when the charges you make are fabrications you can't PROVE? Show us the documentation which proves that Joe Biden is dirty. That would be called "facts". Or are you simply spouting off what you're hearing on Fox News, a truly known, reliable political news source ... NOT!
If you think that the Democrat Party is going to give Americans free health care, free college and all other promises they are running on, let's talk again in 4 more years.
What we KNOW is that the Nat'l Debt and the Spending Deficit have ballooned to astronomical proportions under Trump, and under every Republican President from Ronald Reagan forward. Of course you'll argue and deny, but its on record. Also, you take the national debt of Republicans UP TO OBAMA, and consider if it never happened, there probably would be NO Nat'l Debt right now. Of course Republicans invented this slick term "tax cuts pay for themselves"..... and have lived that fallacy even to THIS DAY. Name one time when the tax cuts actually paid for themselves .... Trickle Down didn't work for Reagan, the initiator of modern term deficit spending, and its not worked for Republicans since him.
So, "ta - ta" .... now we have a National debt rapidly approaching GDP. Are YOU going to stick around and help pay that debt off, Stanley? Can't see that happening if every time there is a Republican president, that President starts giving out "top heavy" tax cuts to rob revenue. Why not explain how THAT WORKS, sir!
Based upon the track record of Republicans and their "Trickle Down" strategy of running our economy, when the national economy eventually crashes, and social security & medicare go away, can you look your ******* in the eyes and said "sorry I pushed ReThuglican fallacies upon the US and helping in losing your SS & MC."
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Eight Days to go and Biden has canceled all public appearances, some kind of new way to campaign for president. I honestly do not understand all of these fake polls and supposedly votes counted numbers.

BBCSceptre all your graphs and numbers are as useless as the 2016 polls were. It's okay though enjoy the last 8 days because Trump is going to be reelected. After the election all the disappointed leftists can go out into the streets crying and screaming just like 2016 all over again. The media can lose their minds stinking minds also.​

2016 national polls were correct.
Hillary won the national vote.
They were not tracking the electoral college swing state votes because the assumption was Wisconsin and Michigan would remain blue states and with Hillary. Pennsylvania is always a swing state. That less than 1% in those states delivered the election. He's done by 5-8 full percentage points in those states. That's more than enough to make up for the MoE.

If you think polling data is not thoroughly breaking it down to the state (we do it to the damn near the block in each precinct), and work it to a low enough acceptable MoE, you're not only as dumb as you've proven yourself to be- you completely ignore the conservative but very accurate calls on the 2018 races. You were probably looking for caravans of people coming to the border, and missed that Nancy Pelosi is the Speaker of the House.

Republicans have been losing from the day Trump was sworn in. It appears that 3 year trend will continue (started with special elections and a couple of gubernatorial races in 2017).

You'll be standing around with your finger still in your nose complaining about voter fraud I'm sure.
I liked the site that she supplied. I read a great deal of it. Joe Biden is dirty without question, you can attempt to defend him all that your heart desires. The law seldom applies to those in government at least nowhere to the extent in does for us lowlife sheep. Your insults are childish, you may think there is something special about yourself, there isn't.
  1. You loving the Russian 'news' site is not a surprise. Try reading it. That's the point. You are soft minded and easily duped. Perfect target for the Russians, and Trumpers.
  2. Joe Biden is dirty without question? That's exactly the problem. There has never been a question or answer about Joe's integrity. Until now. I wonder why? I really don't.
  3. "Us" lowlife sheep? Speak for yourself. You seem to have accepted your lot in life.
  4. My insults are awesome. They seem to fly over your head. Your blind allegiance to the disgraced, incompetent, inept, lying criminal in the White House is actually 'special'.