Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Yeah let's talk in another 4 years...Does not matter who's in the ole White house...but I'm guessing if Mr. You're Fired Wins, we cant expect about the same as his first 4 years...and remember I don't like people who Slice...
Look at that FAT PIECE OF ******* ... what a waste of human flesh. God, what a waste of a human being.
Folk's ask yourself in all honesty has the United States across the board for the majority of it's citizen's since let's just pick an president, President Kennedy, gotten better in whole as a Nation that is independently self sustaining in it's finances, health, employment, manufacturing, home ownership, education, security, and etc. and if so, why is the United States trillions in debt, many citizens unemployed, many of it's citizens not healthy, many of it's citizens Homeless, many of it's citizens in debt, many of it's citizens victim's of violent crime, and etc...The issues the Country faces are way beyond a President...Think about in the hell did the United States with every blessing imaginable become a country locked down; being walled in get to where it is...and it's just not the United States, it's everywhere...however the majority of countries across the world have looked at the United States as an example, really?
We'll be waiting on you, Stanley ... one thing we know, he'll come a lot closer to accomplishing HIS than Trump has of accomplishing HIS.
Hell, Trump's already dragged the national debt over $26 TRILLION ... and deficit spending over a Trillion a year ... just the opposite of what he promised you Trumptards.
Now we find out that Trump & the Republicans had NO PLAN to control & defeat the corona virus. And, the deaths from the virus are expected to top a half million by the 1st of January ... don't you people feel the least bit dooped and portrayed? How many times has he now been caught in his LIES to you folks and you just keep believing and voting on the idiot? What does that say about YOU?
What's wrong with you people? He doesn't give a ******* about you; he values passing a fart more than he cares about you folks. STUBID!
If Trump & Republicans actually PLANNED a Presidential strategy they couldn't have fucked up the country any worse than they have. Why can't you people go into some line of work you know something about ... just as long as it isn't in GOVERNMENT!
You just have to make it personal now don't you? You may very well get me to say a few things I wouldn't normally say but nowhere near of the attitude you and your fellow Democrats continue to express. No Joe Biden certainly will not accomplish anything to change this country in a positive way.
Eight Days to go and Biden has canceled all public appearances, some kind of new way to campaign for president. I honestly do not understand all of these fake polls and supposedly votes counted numbers.

BBCSceptre all your graphs and numbers are as useless as the 2016 polls were. It's okay though enjoy the last 8 days because Trump is going to be reelected. After the election all the disappointed leftists can go out into the streets crying and screaming just like 2016 all over again. The media can lose their minds stinking minds also.​

Eight Days to go and Biden has canceled all public appearances, some kind of new way to campaign for president. I honestly do not understand all of these fake polls and supposedly votes counted numbers.

BBCSceptre all your graphs and numbers are as useless as the 2016 polls were. It's okay though enjoy the last 8 days because Trump is going to be reelected. After the election all the disappointed leftists can go out into the streets crying and screaming just like 2016 all over again. The media can lose their minds stinking minds also.

Learn the difference between



People are so close minded, Joe Biden is the perfect example of almost 50 years of a career politician that has done hardly anything for the American people, what has our American tax dollars paid for in exchange for his 47 years of service ? Other then to replace Trump who we elected into office because most of us hate Hillary Clinton, and we could clearly see that our Government, full of lifers and millionaires paid for by us, needed something different. Now you democrats, because you hate Trump want to pedal back into a government of red tape and wealth without any real representation for the people of our country. If you think that the Democrat Party is going to give Americans free health care, free college and all other promises they are running on, let's talk again in 4 more years.

In his 47 years of service, Joe Biden sponsored or co sponsored 4,445 pieces of legislation. Sponsorship does not demonstrate just showing up and voting. I do consider the source of my information and don't think you can dismiss this site as "fake news". It is an extremely WEAK argument to mention real representation and not weigh issues presented before the people's representatives as opposed to executive orders, which are executive position papers and enraged the Republican party way back in the last administration.
So basically, MrPutin said Hunter made some money but nothing was criminal. 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣
He just backed up Joe Biden's position. Trump must be really jealous now.

And look, @StanleyCush1 gave it a thumbs up (unless he changed it quickly). Proving my previous point that Trumptards don't/can't read well. Someone explain to the guy that this is not good news if you support Trump.