Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

I will have you know out of all the opinions I know...I value mine the for yours...…..they are just what has been given to you....sheep just do as they are told

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Ha :LOL:!!! Clyburn just said Anderson Cooper was being kind to elevate Trump to the 4th grade, and that it was more like kindergarten for mocking Kamala’s name. And you know what? Clyburn is right! These ignorant motherfuckers in here give props to a grown man who mock’s his opponent’s name like he’s on a kindergarten playground or something? KaMAla! KaMAla! This is who the fuck these Trumptard morons think should be president??? I guess so since he’s a fucking moron just like them!!!
Ha :LOL:!!! Clyburn just said Anderson Cooper was being kind to elevate Trump to the 4th grade, and that it was more like kindergarten for mocking Kamala’s name. And you know what? Clyburn is right! These ignorant motherfuckers in here give props to a grown man who mock’s his opponent’s name like he’s on a kindergarten playground or something? KaMAla! KaMAla! This is who the fuck these Trumptard morons think should be president??? I guess so since he’s a fucking moron just like them!!!
what is funny....these fucking dipshit republicans like to make fun of Biden and Harris...…...It is not about those 2...….it is about removing the trump corruption and theft and putting people in who can restore the country....unite people again....sad part is....the economy is going to take a serious dump here SOON....and those fucking idiots will say it is the dems fault....hell look at allfor and the last recession started by Bush....and yet you ask allfor and a couple others it was Obama....someof these republicans do not have a lick of I said the more you KNOW about politics the lass likely you are to vote republican
what is funny....these fucking dipshit republicans like to make fun of Biden and Harris...…...It is not about those 2...….it is about removing the trump corruption and theft and putting people in who can restore the country....unite people again....sad part is....the economy is going to take a serious dump here SOON....and those fucking idiots will say it is the dems fault....hell look at allfor and the last recession started by Bush....and yet you ask allfor and a couple others it was Obama....someof these republicans do not have a lick of I said the more you KNOW about politics the lass likely you are to vote republican

I feel like the economy is going to take a hit too. It’s overdue. That’s why I pulled into safe financial harbors several months ago. And there I shall remain until I feel safe to come out again. I don’t think we will really be on a solid trajectory again until next summer. In the meantime, nobody is going to buy any bullSHYit about it being Biden’s fault. Obama-Biden gave Trump-Pence a strong economy. Then true to form . . . THEY fucked it up. It will take a Democratic administration to fix it. AGAIN!!!
I feel like the economy is going to take a hit too. It’s overdue. That’s why I pulled into safe financial harbors several months ago. And there I shall remain until I feel safe to come out again. I don’t think we will really be on a solid trajectory again until next summer. In the meantime, nobody is going to buy any bullSHYit about it being Biden’s fault. Obama-Biden gave Trump-Pence a strong economy. Then true to form . . . THEY fucked it up. It will take a Democratic administration to fix it. AGAIN!!!
what trump refuses to admit......the economy was in the process of taking a dump BEFORE the virus...…..the virus did put a lot of people in trouble...but the right still wants to limit goes to the country and give to those that do not need it

then you have the stock market doing many of that is with overseas companies and etc...….as for the country a large percentage out of work...forever lost there job...small biz closed.....cut taxes for high income with no way of making up for that lost revenue....and so much more...….

but what those stupid fucking republicans can not understand...…….it is that bottom percentage of people that make the economy hire local they work and spend local...if they are well paid...the more they make the more they spend improving the economy...the more they make the more taxes the gov takes in to help with restructure and etc.....