Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Biden leaves the door open to adding seats to the Supreme ...

Oct 16, 2020 · Joe Biden refused to rule out the idea of increasing the number of justices on the Supreme Court. Biden said his position would depend on how Republicans handle the confirmation of Judge Amy Coney...
Best people hand picked By Trump. Religious bigot to get that radical christian vote. Organizer and promoter of white supremacy who's had more than one internet sight or blog closed for excessive hate. A old fool duped by Russian agents into buying a doctored hard drive and they video him doing it also sold. To top that he gets taped with his hand down his pants. A peddler of false information. They did their jobs Mr President but they got caught doing them. We believe even though all of their deeds benefited you and you call them all good friends, you have no connection. My question is does Steve have to give you half of the millions he got from the build the wall fund for a pardon, or will that be from the kindness of your heart.Best people.jpg
Uh, welcome to the last four years? The KKK, "unite the right", the Proud Boys, Boogaloo Bois, etc, have all been coming out in support of (and supported by) Trump this entire time. There is more to all of this than Donald Trump. The hate is the result of unwanted change in America. I don't agree at all with Antifa, BLM, The KKK and from what I have learned The Boogaloo Bois, As far as the Proud Boys go, I am sure I don't agree with some of what they stand for either, maybe more than I realize. I personally have never had any contact with any such group.

The SPLC has been reporting on a surge in hate groups for the last few years. Hate Groups of even Hate Crimes, are not illegal.

Conservatives have had to dogwhistle their racism since the 1970s or so ("inner city crime", "crack heads", "gang bangers", "welfare queens" etc), but Trump kind of blew the lid off that. People literally just march saying "Jews will not replace us" now. I don't imagine you will read anything I post but, the truth is just that the truth.
Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) Tweeted:
Played this video at today’s rally in Allentown, Pennsylvania—a must watch!
People are so close minded, Joe Biden is the perfect example of almost 50 years of a career politician that has done hardly anything for the American people, what has our American tax dollars paid for in exchange for his 47 years of service ? Other then to replace Trump who we elected into office because most of us hate Hillary Clinton, and we could clearly see that our Government, full of lifers and millionaires paid for by us, needed something different. Now you democrats, because you hate Trump want to pedal back into a government of red tape and wealth without any real representation for the people of our country. If you think that the Democrat Party is going to give Americans free health care, free college and all other promises they are running on, let's talk again in 4 more years.
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People are so close minded, Joe Biden is the perfect example of almost 50 years of a career politician that has done hardly anything for the American people, what has our American tax dollars paid for in exchange for his 47 years of service ? Other then to replace Trump who we elected into office because most of us hate Hillary Clinton, and we could clearly see that our Government, full of lifers and millionaires paid for by us, needed something different. Now you democrats, because you hate Trump want to pedal back into a government of red tape and wealth without any real representation for the people of our country. If you thing that the Democrat Party is going to give Americans free health care, free college and all other promises they are running on, let's talk again in 4 more years.
Yeah let's talk in another 4 years...Does not matter who's in the ole White house...but I'm guessing if Mr. You're Fired Wins, we cant expect about the same as his first 4 years...and remember I don't like people who Slice...Trump golfing.jpg
People are so close minded,
Pot calling the frik'n kettle black, aren't you? Look, Biden has gotten re-elected each and every time he's run, so obviously a lot of Democrats happy with his performance. Go count the number of times Biden has been RE-elected, bozo breath.
Compare him to Trump ... the biggest loser that's ever sat in the Oval Office.
How many times has Congress subpoenaed Biden and anyone working under him? Compare that to Trump's entire administration.
Trump's lived his entire life taking advantage of others, lying, misleading, committing fraud, embezzlement, etc. How can you even compare anything that Biden MIGHT HAVE DONE to all the things Trump has done?

If you think that the Democrat Party is going to give Americans free health care, free college and all other promises they are running on, let's talk again in 4 more years.
We'll be waiting on you, Stanley ... one thing we know, he'll come a lot closer to accomplishing HIS than Trump has of accomplishing HIS.
Hell, Trump's already dragged the national debt over $26 TRILLION ... and deficit spending over a Trillion a year ... just the opposite of what he promised you Trumptards.
Now we find out that Trump & the Republicans had NO PLAN to control & defeat the corona virus. And, the deaths from the virus are expected to top a half million by the 1st of January ... don't you people feel the least bit dooped and portrayed? How many times has he now been caught in his LIES to you folks and you just keep believing and voting on the idiot? What does that say about YOU?
What's wrong with you people? He doesn't give a ******* about you; he values passing a fart more than he cares about you folks. STUBID!
If Trump & Republicans actually PLANNED a Presidential strategy they couldn't have fucked up the country any worse than they have. Why can't you people go into some line of work you know something about ... just as long as it isn't in GOVERNMENT!
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